Coverage Report - org.apache.maven.wagon.providers.ssh.jsch.ScpWagon
Classes in this File Line Coverage Branch Coverage Complexity
0 %
0 %
 package org.apache.maven.wagon.providers.ssh.jsch;
  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
  * distributed with this work for additional information
  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
  * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  * under the License.
 import com.jcraft.jsch.ChannelExec;
 import com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException;
 import org.apache.maven.wagon.CommandExecutionException;
 import org.apache.maven.wagon.InputData;
 import org.apache.maven.wagon.OutputData;
 import org.apache.maven.wagon.ResourceDoesNotExistException;
 import org.apache.maven.wagon.TransferFailedException;
 import org.apache.maven.wagon.providers.ssh.ScpHelper;
 import org.apache.maven.wagon.repository.RepositoryPermissions;
 import org.apache.maven.wagon.resource.Resource;
  * SCP protocol wagon.
  * <p/>
  * Note that this implementation is <i>not</i> thread-safe, and multiple channels can not be used on the session at
  * the same time.
  * <p/>
  * See <a href="">
  * for information on how the SCP protocol works.
  * @version $Id: 1174063 2011-09-22 11:22:43Z olamy $
  * @todo [BP] add compression flag
  * @plexus.component role="org.apache.maven.wagon.Wagon"
  * role-hint="scp"
  * instantiation-strategy="per-lookup"
 55  0
 public class ScpWagon
     extends AbstractJschWagon
     private static final char COPY_START_CHAR = 'C';
     private static final char ACK_SEPARATOR = ' ';
     private static final String END_OF_FILES_MSG = "E\n";
     private static final int LINE_BUFFER_SIZE = 8192;
     private static final byte LF = '\n';
     private ChannelExec channel;
     private InputStream channelInputStream;
     private OutputStream channelOutputStream;
     private void setFileGroup( RepositoryPermissions permissions, String basedir, Resource resource )
         throws CommandExecutionException
 77  0
         if ( permissions != null && permissions.getGroup() != null )
             //executeCommand( "chgrp -f " + permissions.getGroup() + " " + getPath( basedir, resource.getName() ) );
 80  0
             executeCommand( "chgrp -f " + permissions.getGroup() + " \"" + getPath( basedir, resource.getName() ) + "\"" );
 82  0
     protected void cleanupPutTransfer( Resource resource )
 86  0
         if ( channel != null )
 88  0
 89  0
             channel = null;
 91  0
     protected void finishPutTransfer( Resource resource, InputStream input, OutputStream output )
         throws TransferFailedException
 98  0
             sendEom( output );
 100  0
             checkAck( channelInputStream );
             // This came from SCPClient in Ganymede SSH2. It is sent after all files.
 103  0
             output.write( END_OF_FILES_MSG.getBytes() );
 104  0
 106  0
         catch ( IOException e )
 108  0
             handleIOException( resource, e );
 109  0
 111  0
         String basedir = getRepository().getBasedir();
 114  0
             setFileGroup( getRepository().getPermissions(), basedir, resource );
 116  0
         catch ( CommandExecutionException e )
 118  0
             fireTransferError( resource, e, TransferEvent.REQUEST_PUT );
 120  0
             throw new TransferFailedException( e.getMessage(), e );
 121  0
 122  0
     private void checkAck( InputStream in )
         throws IOException
 127  0
         int code =;
 128  0
         if ( code == -1 )
 130  0
             throw new IOException( "Unexpected end of data" );
 132  0
         else if ( code == 1 )
 134  0
             String line = readLine( in );
 136  0
             throw new IOException( "SCP terminated with error: '" + line + "'" );
 138  0
         else if ( code == 2 )
 140  0
             throw new IOException( "SCP terminated with error (code: " + code + ")" );
 142  0
         else if ( code != 0 )
 144  0
             throw new IOException( "SCP terminated with unknown error code" );
 146  0
     protected void finishGetTransfer( Resource resource, InputStream input, OutputStream output )
         throws TransferFailedException
 153  0
             checkAck( input );
 155  0
             sendEom( channelOutputStream );
 157  0
         catch ( IOException e )
 159  0
             handleGetException( resource, e );
 160  0
 161  0
     protected void cleanupGetTransfer( Resource resource )
 165  0
         if ( channel != null )
 167  0
 169  0
     protected void getTransfer( Resource resource, OutputStream output, InputStream input, boolean closeInput,
                                 int maxSize )
         throws TransferFailedException
 175  0
         super.getTransfer( resource, output, input, closeInput, (int) resource.getContentLength() );
 176  0
     protected String readLine( InputStream in )
         throws IOException
 181  0
         StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
         while ( true )
 185  0
             if ( sb.length() > LINE_BUFFER_SIZE )
 187  0
                 throw new IOException( "Remote server sent a too long line" );
 190  0
             int c =;
 192  0
             if ( c < 0 )
 194  0
                 throw new IOException( "Remote connection terminated unexpectedly." );
 197  0
             if ( c == LF )
 199  0
 202  0
             sb.append( (char) c );
 203  0
 204  0
         return sb.toString();
     protected static void sendEom( OutputStream out )
         throws IOException
 210  0
         out.write( 0 );
 212  0
 213  0
     public void fillInputData( InputData inputData )
         throws TransferFailedException, ResourceDoesNotExistException
 218  0
         Resource resource = inputData.getResource();
 220  0
         String path = getPath( getRepository().getBasedir(), resource.getName() );
         //String cmd = "scp -p -f " + path;
 222  0
         String cmd = "scp -p -f \"" + path + "\"";
 224  0
         fireTransferDebug( "Executing command: " + cmd );
 228  0
             channel = (ChannelExec) session.openChannel( EXEC_CHANNEL );
 230  0
             channel.setCommand( cmd );
             // get I/O streams for remote scp
 233  0
             channelOutputStream = channel.getOutputStream();
 235  0
             InputStream in = channel.getInputStream();
 236  0
             inputData.setInputStream( in );
 238  0
 240  0
             sendEom( channelOutputStream );
 242  0
             int exitCode =;
 244  0
             if ( exitCode == 'T' )
 246  0
                 String line = readLine( in );
 248  0
                 String[] times = line.split( " " );
 250  0
                 resource.setLastModified( Long.valueOf( times[0] ).longValue() * 1000 );
 252  0
                 sendEom( channelOutputStream );
 254  0
                 exitCode =;
 257  0
             String line = readLine( in );
 259  0
             if ( exitCode != COPY_START_CHAR )
 261  0
                 if ( exitCode == 1 && ( line.indexOf( "No such file or directory" ) != -1
                     || line.indexOf( "no such file or directory" ) != 1 ) )
 264  0
                     throw new ResourceDoesNotExistException( line );
 268  0
                     throw new IOException( "Exit code: " + exitCode + " - " + line );
 272  0
             if ( line == null )
 274  0
                 throw new EOFException( "Unexpected end of data" );
 277  0
             String perms = line.substring( 0, 4 );
 278  0
             fireTransferDebug( "Remote file permissions: " + perms );
 280  0
             if ( line.charAt( 4 ) != ACK_SEPARATOR && line.charAt( 5 ) != ACK_SEPARATOR )
 282  0
                 throw new IOException( "Invalid transfer header: " + line );
 285  0
             int index = line.indexOf( ACK_SEPARATOR, 5 );
 286  0
             if ( index < 0 )
 288  0
                 throw new IOException( "Invalid transfer header: " + line );
 291  0
             int filesize = Integer.valueOf( line.substring( 5, index ) ).intValue();
 292  0
             fireTransferDebug( "Remote file size: " + filesize );
 294  0
             resource.setContentLength( filesize );
 296  0
             String filename = line.substring( index + 1 );
 297  0
             fireTransferDebug( "Remote filename: " + filename );
 299  0
             sendEom( channelOutputStream );
 301  0
         catch ( JSchException e )
 303  0
             handleGetException( resource, e );
 305  0
         catch ( IOException e )
 307  0
             handleGetException( resource, e );
 308  0
 309  0
     public void fillOutputData( OutputData outputData )
         throws TransferFailedException
 314  0
         Resource resource = outputData.getResource();
 316  0
         String basedir = getRepository().getBasedir();
 318  0
         String path = getPath( basedir, resource.getName() );
 320  0
         String dir = ScpHelper.getResourceDirectory( resource.getName() );
 324  0
             sshTool.createRemoteDirectories( getPath( basedir, dir ), getRepository().getPermissions() );
 326  0
         catch ( CommandExecutionException e )
 328  0
             fireTransferError( resource, e, TransferEvent.REQUEST_PUT );
 330  0
             throw new TransferFailedException( e.getMessage(), e );
 331  0
 333  0
         String octalMode = getOctalMode( getRepository().getPermissions() );
         // exec 'scp -p -t rfile' remotely
 336  0
         String command = "scp";
 337  0
         if ( octalMode != null )
 339  0
             command += " -p";
 341  0
         command += " -t \"" + path + "\"";
 343  0
         fireTransferDebug( "Executing command: " + command );
 345  0
         String resourceName = resource.getName();
 347  0
         OutputStream out = null;
 350  0
             channel = (ChannelExec) session.openChannel( EXEC_CHANNEL );
 352  0
             channel.setCommand( command );
             // get I/O streams for remote scp
 355  0
             out = channel.getOutputStream();
 356  0
             outputData.setOutputStream( out );
 358  0
             channelInputStream = channel.getInputStream();
 360  0
 362  0
             checkAck( channelInputStream );
             // send "C0644 filesize filename", where filename should not include '/'
 365  0
             long filesize = resource.getContentLength();
 367  0
             String mode = octalMode == null ? "0644" : octalMode;
 368  0
             command = "C" + mode + " " + filesize + " ";
 370  0
             if ( resourceName.lastIndexOf( ScpHelper.PATH_SEPARATOR ) > 0 )
 372  0
                 command += resourceName.substring( resourceName.lastIndexOf( ScpHelper.PATH_SEPARATOR ) + 1 );
 376  0
                 command += resourceName;
 379  0
             command += "\n";
 381  0
             out.write( command.getBytes() );
 383  0
 385  0
             checkAck( channelInputStream );
 387  0
         catch ( JSchException e )
 389  0
             fireTransferError( resource, e, TransferEvent.REQUEST_PUT );
 391  0
             String msg = "Error occurred while deploying '" + resourceName + "' to remote repository: "
                 + getRepository().getUrl() + ": " + e.getMessage();
 394  0
             throw new TransferFailedException( msg, e );
 396  0
         catch ( IOException e )
 398  0
             handleIOException( resource, e );
 399  0
 400  0
     private void handleIOException( Resource resource, IOException e )
         throws TransferFailedException
 405  0
         if ( e.getMessage().indexOf( "set mode: Operation not permitted" ) >= 0 )
 407  0
             fireTransferDebug( e.getMessage() );
 411  0
             fireTransferError( resource, e, TransferEvent.REQUEST_PUT );
 413  0
             String msg = "Error occurred while deploying '" + resource.getName() + "' to remote repository: "
                 + getRepository().getUrl() + ": " + e.getMessage();
 416  0
             throw new TransferFailedException( msg, e );
 418  0
     public String getOctalMode( RepositoryPermissions permissions )
 422  0
         String mode = null;
 423  0
         if ( permissions != null && permissions.getFileMode() != null )
 425  0
             if ( permissions.getFileMode().matches( "[0-9]{3,4}" ) )
 427  0
                 mode = permissions.getFileMode();
 429  0
                 if ( mode.length() == 3 )
 431  0
                     mode = "0" + mode;
                 // TODO: calculate?
                 // TODO: as warning
 438  0
                 fireSessionDebug( "Not using non-octal permissions: " + permissions.getFileMode() );
 441  0
         return mode;