Coverage Report - org.apache.maven.surefire.junitcore.JUnitCoreParameters
Classes in this File Line Coverage Branch Coverage Complexity
 package org.apache.maven.surefire.junitcore;
  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
  * distributed with this work for additional information
  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
  * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  * under the License.
 import java.util.ArrayList;
 import java.util.Collection;
 import java.util.Properties;
 import org.apache.maven.surefire.booter.ProviderParameterNames;
  * @author Kristian Rosenvold
 class JUnitCoreParameters
     private final String parallel;
     private final Boolean perCoreThreadCount;
     private final int threadCount;
     private final int threadCountSuites;
     private final int threadCountClasses;
     private final int threadCountMethods;
     private final int parallelTestsTimeoutInSeconds;
     private final int parallelTestsTimeoutForcedInSeconds;
     private final Boolean useUnlimitedThreads;
     public static final String PARALLEL_KEY = ProviderParameterNames.PARALLEL_PROP;
     public static final String PERCORETHREADCOUNT_KEY = "perCoreThreadCount";
     public static final String THREADCOUNT_KEY = ProviderParameterNames.THREADCOUNT_PROP;
     public static final String THREADCOUNTSUITES_KEY = ProviderParameterNames.THREADCOUNTSUITES_PROP;
     public static final String THREADCOUNTCLASSES_KEY = ProviderParameterNames.THREADCOUNTCLASSES_PROP;
     public static final String THREADCOUNTMETHODS_KEY = ProviderParameterNames.THREADCOUNTMETHODS_PROP;
     public static final String USEUNLIMITEDTHREADS_KEY = "useUnlimitedThreads";
     public static final String PARALLEL_TIMEOUT_KEY = ProviderParameterNames.PARALLEL_TIMEOUT_PROP;
     public static final String PARALLEL_TIMEOUTFORCED_KEY = ProviderParameterNames.PARALLEL_TIMEOUTFORCED_PROP;
     public JUnitCoreParameters( Properties properties )
 69  119
 70  119
         parallel = properties.getProperty( PARALLEL_KEY, "none" ).toLowerCase();
 71  119
         perCoreThreadCount = Boolean.valueOf( properties.getProperty( PERCORETHREADCOUNT_KEY, "true" ) );
 72  119
         threadCount = Integer.valueOf( properties.getProperty( THREADCOUNT_KEY, "0" ) );
 73  119
         threadCountMethods = Integer.valueOf( properties.getProperty( THREADCOUNTMETHODS_KEY, "0" ) );
 74  119
         threadCountClasses = Integer.valueOf( properties.getProperty( THREADCOUNTCLASSES_KEY, "0" ) );
 75  119
         threadCountSuites = Integer.valueOf( properties.getProperty( THREADCOUNTSUITES_KEY, "0" ) );
 76  119
         useUnlimitedThreads = Boolean.valueOf( properties.getProperty( USEUNLIMITEDTHREADS_KEY, "false" ) );
 77  119
         parallelTestsTimeoutInSeconds = Integer.valueOf( properties.getProperty( PARALLEL_TIMEOUT_KEY, "0" ) );
 78  119
         parallelTestsTimeoutForcedInSeconds = Integer.valueOf( properties.getProperty( PARALLEL_TIMEOUTFORCED_KEY, "0" ) );
 79  119
     private static Collection<String> lowerCase( String... elements )
 83  804
         ArrayList<String> lowerCase = new ArrayList<String>();
 84  3728
         for ( String element : elements )
 86  2924
             lowerCase.add( element.toLowerCase() );
 88  804
         return lowerCase;
     private boolean isAllParallel()
 93  968
         return "all".equals( parallel );
     public boolean isParallelMethod()
 98  301
         return isAllParallel()
                 || lowerCase( "both", "methods", "suitesAndMethods", "classesAndMethods" ).contains( parallel );
     public boolean isParallelClasses()
 104  311
         return isAllParallel()
                 || lowerCase( "both", "classes", "suitesAndClasses", "classesAndMethods" ).contains( parallel );
     public boolean isParallelSuites()
 110  356
         return isAllParallel() || lowerCase( "suites", "suitesAndClasses", "suitesAndMethods" ).contains( parallel );
      * @deprecated Instead use the expression ( {@link #isParallelMethod()} && {@link #isParallelClasses()} ).
     public boolean isParallelBoth()
 119  0
         return isParallelMethod() && isParallelClasses();
     public Boolean isPerCoreThreadCount()
 124  180
         return perCoreThreadCount;
     public int getThreadCount()
 129  152
         return threadCount;
     public int getThreadCountMethods()
 134  96
         return threadCountMethods;
     public int getThreadCountClasses()
 139  108
         return threadCountClasses;
     public int getThreadCountSuites()
 144  132
         return threadCountSuites;
     public Boolean isUseUnlimitedThreads()
 149  179
         return useUnlimitedThreads;
     public int getParallelTestsTimeoutInSeconds()
 154  0
         return parallelTestsTimeoutInSeconds;
     public int getParallelTestsTimeoutForcedInSeconds()
 159  0
         return parallelTestsTimeoutForcedInSeconds;
     public boolean isNoThreading()
 164  4
         return !isAnyParallelitySelected();
     public boolean isAnyParallelitySelected()
 169  100
         return isParallelSuites() || isParallelClasses() || isParallelMethod();
     public String toString()
 175  1
         return "parallel='" + parallel + '\'' + ", perCoreThreadCount=" + perCoreThreadCount + ", threadCount="
             + threadCount + ", useUnlimitedThreads=" + useUnlimitedThreads + ", threadCountSuites=" + threadCountSuites
                 + ", threadCountClasses=" + threadCountClasses + ", threadCountMethods=" + threadCountMethods;