Coverage Report - org.apache.maven.surefire.booter.ForkingRunListener
Classes in this File Line Coverage Branch Coverage Complexity
 package org.apache.maven.surefire.booter;
  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
  * distributed with this work for additional information
  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
  * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  * under the License.
 import java.util.Enumeration;
 import java.util.Properties;
 import org.apache.maven.surefire.util.internal.ByteBuffer;
 import org.apache.maven.surefire.util.internal.StringUtils;
  * Encodes the full output of the test run to the stdout stream.
  * <p/>
  * This class and the ForkClient contain the full definition of the
  * "wire-level" protocol used by the forked process. The protocol
  * is *not* part of any public api and may change without further
  * notice.
  * <p/>
  * This class is threadsafe.
  * <p/>
  * The synchronization in the underlying PrintStream (target instance)
  * is used to preserve thread safety of the output stream. To perform
  * multiple writes/prints for a single request, they must
  * synchronize on "target" variable in this class.
  * @author Kristian Rosenvold
 public class ForkingRunListener
     implements RunListener, ConsoleLogger, ConsoleOutputReceiver
     public static final byte BOOTERCODE_TESTSET_STARTING = (byte) '1';
     public static final byte BOOTERCODE_TESTSET_COMPLETED = (byte) '2';
     public static final byte BOOTERCODE_STDOUT = (byte) '3';
     public static final byte BOOTERCODE_STDERR = (byte) '4';
     public static final byte BOOTERCODE_TEST_STARTING = (byte) '5';
     public static final byte BOOTERCODE_TEST_SUCCEEDED = (byte) '6';
     public static final byte BOOTERCODE_TEST_ERROR = (byte) '7';
     public static final byte BOOTERCODE_TEST_FAILED = (byte) '8';
     public static final byte BOOTERCODE_TEST_SKIPPED = (byte) '9';
     public static final byte BOOTERCODE_TEST_ASSUMPTIONFAILURE = (byte) 'G';
     public static final byte BOOTERCODE_CONSOLE = (byte) 'H';
     public static final byte BOOTERCODE_SYSPROPS = (byte) 'I';
     public static final byte BOOTERCODE_NEXT_TEST = (byte) 'N';
     public static final byte BOOTERCODE_ERROR = (byte) 'X';
     public static final byte BOOTERCODE_BYE = (byte) 'Z';
     private final PrintStream target;
     private final Integer testSetChannelId;
     private final boolean trimStackTraces;
     private final byte[] stdOutHeader;
     private final byte[] stdErrHeader;
     public ForkingRunListener( PrintStream target, int testSetChannelId, boolean trimStackTraces )
 96  1
 97  1 = target;
 98  1
         this.testSetChannelId = testSetChannelId;
 99  1
         this.trimStackTraces = trimStackTraces;
 100  1
         stdOutHeader = createHeader( BOOTERCODE_STDOUT, testSetChannelId );
 101  1
         stdErrHeader = createHeader( BOOTERCODE_STDERR, testSetChannelId );
 102  1
 103  1
     public void testSetStarting( ReportEntry report )
 107  0
         target.print( toString( BOOTERCODE_TESTSET_STARTING, report, testSetChannelId ) );
 108  0
     public void testSetCompleted( ReportEntry report )
 112  0
         target.print( toString( BOOTERCODE_TESTSET_COMPLETED, report, testSetChannelId ) );
 113  0
     public void testStarting( ReportEntry report )
 117  0
         target.print( toString( BOOTERCODE_TEST_STARTING, report, testSetChannelId ) );
 118  0
     public void testSucceeded( ReportEntry report )
 122  0
         target.print( toString( BOOTERCODE_TEST_SUCCEEDED, report, testSetChannelId ) );
 123  0
     public void testAssumptionFailure( ReportEntry report )
 127  0
         target.print( toString( BOOTERCODE_TEST_ASSUMPTIONFAILURE, report, testSetChannelId ) );
 128  0
     public void testError( ReportEntry report )
 132  0
         target.print( toString( BOOTERCODE_TEST_ERROR, report, testSetChannelId ) );
 133  0
     public void testFailed( ReportEntry report )
 137  0
         target.print( toString( BOOTERCODE_TEST_FAILED, report, testSetChannelId ) );
 138  0
     public void testSkipped( ReportEntry report )
 142  0
         target.print( toString( BOOTERCODE_TEST_SKIPPED, report, testSetChannelId ) );
 143  0
     void sendProps()
 147  1
         Properties systemProperties = System.getProperties();
 149  1
         if ( systemProperties != null )
 151  1
             Enumeration propertyKeys = systemProperties.propertyNames();
 153  57
             while ( propertyKeys.hasMoreElements() )
 155  56
                 String key = (String) propertyKeys.nextElement();
 157  56
                 String value = systemProperties.getProperty( key );
 159  56
                 if ( value == null )
 161  0
                     value = "null";
 163  56
                 target.print( toPropertyString( key, value ) );
 164  56
 166  1
     public void writeTestOutput( byte[] buf, int off, int len, boolean stdout )
 170  0
         byte[] header = stdout ? stdOutHeader : stdErrHeader;
 171  0
         byte[] content =
             new byte[buf.length * 6 + 1]; // Unicode escapes can be up to 6 times length of regular char. Yuck.
 173  0
         int i = StringUtils.escapeJavaStyleString( content, 0, buf, off, len );
 174  0
         content[i++] = (byte) '\n';
 176  0
         synchronized ( target ) // See notes about synhronization/thread safety in class javadoc
 178  0
             target.write( header, 0, header.length );
 179  0
             target.write( content, 0, i );
 180  0
 181  0
     public static byte[] createHeader( byte booterCode, int testSetChannel )
 185  2
         byte[] header = new byte[7];
 186  2
         header[0] = booterCode;
 187  2
         header[1] = (byte) ',';
 188  2
         header[6] = (byte) ',';
 190  2
         int i = testSetChannel;
 191  2
         int charPos = 6;
 192  2
         int radix = 1 << 4;
 193  2
         int mask = radix - 1;
 196  2
             header[--charPos] = (byte) digits[i & mask];
 197  2
             i >>>= 4;
 199  2
         while ( i != 0 );
 201  8
         while ( charPos > 2 )
 203  6
             header[--charPos] = (byte) '0';
 205  2
         return header;
 208  1
     private final static char[] digits =
         { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l',
             'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z' };
     public void info( String message )
 215  2
         byte[] buf = message.getBytes();
 216  2
         ByteBuffer byteBuffer = new ByteBuffer( 7 + buf.length * 6 ); // 7 => Allow 3 digit testSetChannelId
 217  2
         byteBuffer.append( BOOTERCODE_CONSOLE );
 218  2
 219  2
         byteBuffer.append( testSetChannelId );
 220  2
 221  2
         final int i =
             StringUtils.escapeJavaStyleString( byteBuffer.getData(), byteBuffer.getlength(), buf, 0, buf.length );
 223  2
         byteBuffer.advance( i );
 224  2
         byteBuffer.append( '\n' );
 225  2
         synchronized ( target )
 227  2
             target.write( byteBuffer.getData(), 0, byteBuffer.getlength() );
 228  2
 229  2
 230  2
     private String toPropertyString( String key, String value )
 234  56
         StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer();
 236  56
         append( stringBuffer, BOOTERCODE_SYSPROPS );comma( stringBuffer );
 237  56
         append( stringBuffer, Integer.toHexString( testSetChannelId ) );comma( stringBuffer );
 239  56
         StringUtils.escapeJavaStyleString( stringBuffer, key );
 240  56
         append( stringBuffer, "," );
 241  56
         StringUtils.escapeJavaStyleString( stringBuffer, value );
 242  56
         stringBuffer.append( "\n" );
 243  56
         return stringBuffer.toString();
     private String toString( byte operationCode, ReportEntry reportEntry, Integer testSetChannelId )
 248  0
         StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer();
 249  0
         append( stringBuffer, operationCode ); comma( stringBuffer );
 250  0
         append( stringBuffer, Integer.toHexString( testSetChannelId ) );comma( stringBuffer );
 252  0
         nullableEncoding( stringBuffer, reportEntry.getSourceName() );
 253  0
         comma( stringBuffer );
 254  0
         nullableEncoding( stringBuffer, reportEntry.getName() );
 255  0
         comma( stringBuffer );
 256  0
         nullableEncoding( stringBuffer, reportEntry.getGroup() );
 257  0
         comma( stringBuffer );
 258  0
         nullableEncoding( stringBuffer, reportEntry.getMessage() );
 259  0
         comma( stringBuffer );
 260  0
         nullableEncoding( stringBuffer, reportEntry.getElapsed() );
 261  0
         encode( stringBuffer, reportEntry.getStackTraceWriter() );
 262  0
         stringBuffer.append( "\n" );
 263  0
         return stringBuffer.toString();
     private static void comma( StringBuffer stringBuffer )
 268  112
         stringBuffer.append( "," );
 269  112
     private ForkingRunListener append( StringBuffer stringBuffer, String message )
 273  112
         stringBuffer.append( encode( message ) );
 274  112
         return this;
     private ForkingRunListener append( StringBuffer stringBuffer, byte b )
 279  56
         stringBuffer.append( (char) b );
 280  56
         return this;
     private void nullableEncoding( StringBuffer stringBuffer, Integer source )
 285  0
         if ( source == null )
 287  0
             stringBuffer.append( "null" );
 291  0
             stringBuffer.append( source.toString() );
 293  0
     private String encode( String source )
 297  112
         return source;
     private static void nullableEncoding( StringBuffer stringBuffer, String source )
 303  0
         if ( source == null || source.length() == 0 )
 305  0
             stringBuffer.append( "null" );
 309  0
             StringUtils.escapeJavaStyleString( stringBuffer, source );
 311  0
     private void encode( StringBuffer stringBuffer, StackTraceWriter stackTraceWriter )
 315  0
         encode( stringBuffer, stackTraceWriter, trimStackTraces );
 316  0
     public static void encode( StringBuffer stringBuffer, StackTraceWriter stackTraceWriter, boolean trimStackTraces )
 320  0
         if ( stackTraceWriter != null )
 322  0
             comma( stringBuffer );
             //noinspection ThrowableResultOfMethodCallIgnored
 324  0
             final SafeThrowable throwable = stackTraceWriter.getThrowable();
 325  0
             if ( throwable != null )
 327  0
                 String message = throwable.getLocalizedMessage();
 328  0
                 nullableEncoding( stringBuffer, message );
 330  0
             comma( stringBuffer );
 331  0
             nullableEncoding( stringBuffer, stackTraceWriter.smartTrimmedStackTrace() );
 332  0
             comma( stringBuffer );
 333  0
             nullableEncoding( stringBuffer, trimStackTraces
                 ? stackTraceWriter.writeTrimmedTraceToString()
                 : stackTraceWriter.writeTraceToString() );
 337  0