Coverage Report - org.apache.maven.shared.model.fileset.util.FileSetManager
Classes in this File Line Coverage Branch Coverage Complexity
 package org.apache.maven.shared.model.fileset.util;
  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
  * distributed with this work for additional information
  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
  * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  * under the License.
 import org.apache.maven.plugin.logging.Log;
 import org.apache.maven.shared.model.fileset.FileSet;
 import org.apache.maven.shared.model.fileset.mappers.FileNameMapper;
 import org.apache.maven.shared.model.fileset.mappers.MapperException;
 import org.apache.maven.shared.model.fileset.mappers.MapperUtil;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.logging.Logger;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.util.DirectoryScanner;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.util.FileUtils;
 import java.util.ArrayList;
 import java.util.Arrays;
 import java.util.Collection;
 import java.util.Collections;
 import java.util.HashSet;
 import java.util.Iterator;
 import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
 import java.util.LinkedList;
 import java.util.List;
 import java.util.Map;
 import java.util.Set;
  * Provides operations for use with FileSet instances, such as retrieving the included/excluded files, deleting all
  * matching entries, etc.
  * @author jdcasey
  * @version $Id$
 public class FileSetManager
 59  1
     private static final String[] EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY = new String[0];
     private final boolean verbose;
     private MessageHolder messages;
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     // Constructors
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
      * Create a new manager instance with the supplied log instance and flag for whether to output verbose messages.
      * @param log The mojo log instance
      * @param verbose Whether to output verbose messages
     public FileSetManager( Log log, boolean verbose )
 76  0
 77  0
         if ( verbose )
 79  0
             this.messages = new DefaultMessageHolder( MessageLevels.LEVEL_DEBUG, MessageLevels.LEVEL_INFO,
                                                       new MojoLogSink( log ) );
 84  0
             this.messages = new DefaultMessageHolder( MessageLevels.LEVEL_INFO, MessageLevels.LEVEL_INFO,
                                                       new MojoLogSink( log ) );
 88  0
         this.verbose = verbose;
 89  0
      * Create a new manager instance with the supplied log instance. Verbose flag is set to false.
      * @param log The mojo log instance
     public FileSetManager( Log log )
 97  0
 98  0
         this.messages = new DefaultMessageHolder( MessageLevels.LEVEL_INFO, MessageLevels.LEVEL_INFO,
                                                   new MojoLogSink( log ) );
 100  0
         this.verbose = false;
 101  0
      * Create a new manager instance with the supplied log instance and flag for whether to output verbose messages.
      * @param log The mojo log instance
      * @param verbose Whether to output verbose messages
     public FileSetManager( Logger log, boolean verbose )
 110  0
 111  0
         if ( verbose )
 113  0
             this.messages = new DefaultMessageHolder( MessageLevels.LEVEL_DEBUG, MessageLevels.LEVEL_INFO,
                                                       new PlexusLoggerSink( log ) );
 118  0
             this.messages = new DefaultMessageHolder( MessageLevels.LEVEL_INFO, MessageLevels.LEVEL_INFO,
                                                       new PlexusLoggerSink( log ) );
 122  0
         this.verbose = verbose;
 123  0
      * Create a new manager instance with the supplied log instance. Verbose flag is set to false.
      * @param log The mojo log instance
     public FileSetManager( Logger log )
 131  0
 132  0
         this.messages = new DefaultMessageHolder( MessageLevels.LEVEL_INFO, MessageLevels.LEVEL_INFO,
                                                   new PlexusLoggerSink( log ) );
 134  0
         this.verbose = false;
 135  0
      * Create a new manager instance with an empty messages. Verbose flag is set to false.
     public FileSetManager()
 141  10
 142  10
         this.verbose = false;
 143  10
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     // Public methods
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
      * @param fileSet
      * @return the included files as map
      * @throws MapperException if any
      * @see #getIncludedFiles(FileSet)
     public Map mapIncludedFiles( FileSet fileSet )
         throws MapperException
 159  0
         String[] sourcePaths = getIncludedFiles( fileSet );
 160  0
         Map mappedPaths = new LinkedHashMap();
 162  0
         FileNameMapper fileMapper = MapperUtil.getFileNameMapper( fileSet.getMapper() );
 164  0
         for ( int i = 0; i < sourcePaths.length; i++ )
 166  0
             String sourcePath = sourcePaths[i];
             String destPath;
 169  0
             if ( fileMapper != null )
 171  0
                 destPath = fileMapper.mapFileName( sourcePath );
 175  0
                 destPath = sourcePath;
 178  0
             mappedPaths.put( sourcePath, destPath );
 181  0
         return mappedPaths;
      * Get all the filenames which have been included by the rules in this fileset.
      * @param fileSet
      *            The fileset defining rules for inclusion/exclusion, and base directory.
      * @return the array of matching filenames, relative to the basedir of the file-set.
     public String[] getIncludedFiles( FileSet fileSet )
 193  2
         DirectoryScanner scanner = scan( fileSet );
 195  2
         if ( scanner != null )
 197  2
             return scanner.getIncludedFiles();
 200  0
         return EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY;
      * Get all the directory names which have been included by the rules in this fileset.
      * @param fileSet
      *            The fileset defining rules for inclusion/exclusion, and base directory.
      * @return the array of matching dirnames, relative to the basedir of the file-set.
     public String[] getIncludedDirectories( FileSet fileSet )
 212  0
         DirectoryScanner scanner = scan( fileSet );
 214  0
         if ( scanner != null )
 216  0
             return scanner.getIncludedDirectories();
 219  0
         return EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY;
      * Get all the filenames which have been excluded by the rules in this fileset.
      * @param fileSet
      *            The fileset defining rules for inclusion/exclusion, and base directory.
      * @return the array of non-matching filenames, relative to the basedir of the file-set.
     public String[] getExcludedFiles( FileSet fileSet )
 231  0
         DirectoryScanner scanner = scan( fileSet );
 233  0
         if ( scanner != null )
 235  0
             return scanner.getExcludedFiles();
 238  0
         return EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY;
      * Get all the directory names which have been excluded by the rules in this fileset.
      * @param fileSet
      *            The fileset defining rules for inclusion/exclusion, and base directory.
      * @return the array of non-matching dirnames, relative to the basedir of the file-set.
     public String[] getExcludedDirectories( FileSet fileSet )
 250  0
         DirectoryScanner scanner = scan( fileSet );
 252  0
         if ( scanner != null )
 254  0
             return scanner.getExcludedDirectories();
 257  0
         return EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY;
      * Delete the matching files and directories for the given file-set definition.
      * @param fileSet The file-set matching rules, along with search base directory
      * @throws IOException If a matching file cannot be deleted
     public void delete( FileSet fileSet )
         throws IOException
 269  8
         delete( fileSet, true );
 270  8
      * Delete the matching files and directories for the given file-set definition.
      * @param fileSet The file-set matching rules, along with search base directory.
      * @param throwsError Throw IOException when errors have occurred by deleting files or directories.
      * @throws IOException If a matching file cannot be deleted and <code>throwsError=true</code>, otherwise
      * print warning messages.
     public void delete( FileSet fileSet, boolean throwsError )
         throws IOException
 283  8
         Set deletablePaths = findDeletablePaths( fileSet );
 285  8
         if ( messages != null && messages.isDebugEnabled() )
 287  0
                 .addDebugMessage( "Found deletable paths: " + String.valueOf( deletablePaths ).replace( ',', '\n' ) ).flush();
 291  8
         List warnMessages = new LinkedList();
 293  8
         for ( Iterator it = deletablePaths.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
 295  20
             String path = (String);
 297  20
             File file = new File( fileSet.getDirectory(), path );
 299  20
             if ( file.exists() )
 301  15
                 if ( file.isDirectory() )
 303  4
                     if ( fileSet.isFollowSymlinks() || !isSymlink( file ) )
 305  4
                         if ( verbose && messages != null )
 307  0
                             messages.addInfoMessage( "Deleting directory: " + file ).flush();
 310  4
                         removeDir( file, fileSet.isFollowSymlinks(), throwsError, warnMessages );
                     { // delete a symlink to a directory without follow
 314  0
                         if ( verbose && messages != null )
 316  0
                             messages.addInfoMessage( "Deleting symlink to directory: " + file ).flush();
 319  0
                         if ( !file.delete() )
 321  0
                             String message = "Unable to delete symlink " + file.getAbsolutePath();
 322  0
                             if ( throwsError )
 324  0
                                 throw new IOException( message );
 327  0
                             if ( !warnMessages.contains( message ) )
 329  0
                                 warnMessages.add( message );
 331  0
 336  11
                     if ( verbose && messages != null )
 338  0
                         messages.addInfoMessage( "Deleting file: " + file ).flush();
 341  11
                     if ( !delete( file ) )
 343  0
                         String message = "Failed to delete file " + file.getAbsolutePath() + ". Reason is unknown.";
 344  0
                         if ( throwsError )
 346  0
                             throw new IOException( message );
 349  0
                         warnMessages.add( message );
 353  20
 355  8
         if ( messages != null && messages.isWarningEnabled() && !throwsError && ( warnMessages.size() > 0 ) )
 357  0
             for ( Iterator it = warnMessages.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
 359  0
                 String msg = (String);
 361  0
                 messages.addWarningMessage( msg ).flush();
 362  0
 364  8
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     // Private methods
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     private boolean isSymlink( File file )
         throws IOException
 373  4
         File fileInCanonicalParent = null;
 374  4
         File parentDir = file.getParentFile();
 375  4
         if ( parentDir == null )
 377  0
             fileInCanonicalParent = file;
 381  4
             fileInCanonicalParent = new File( parentDir.getCanonicalPath(), file.getName() );
 383  4
         if ( messages != null && messages.isDebugEnabled() )
 385  0
                                       "Checking for symlink:\nFile's canonical path: "
                                           + fileInCanonicalParent.getCanonicalPath()
                                           + "\nFile's absolute path with canonical parent: "
                                           + fileInCanonicalParent.getPath() ).flush();
 391  4
         return !fileInCanonicalParent.getCanonicalFile().equals( fileInCanonicalParent.getAbsoluteFile() );
     private Set findDeletablePaths( FileSet fileSet )
 396  8
         Set includes = findDeletableDirectories( fileSet );
 397  8
         includes.addAll( findDeletableFiles( fileSet, includes ) );
 399  8
         return includes;
     private Set findDeletableDirectories( FileSet fileSet )
 404  8
         if ( verbose && messages != null )
 406  0
             messages.addInfoMessage( "Scanning for deletable directories." ).flush();
 409  8
         DirectoryScanner scanner = scan( fileSet );
 411  8
         if ( scanner == null )
 413  0
             return Collections.EMPTY_SET;
 416  8
         Set includes = new HashSet( Arrays.asList( scanner.getIncludedDirectories() ) );
 417  8
         Collection excludes = new ArrayList( Arrays.asList( scanner.getExcludedDirectories() ) );
 418  8
         Collection linksForDeletion = new ArrayList();
 420  8
         if ( !fileSet.isFollowSymlinks() )
 422  5
             if ( verbose && messages != null )
 424  0
                     .addInfoMessage( "Adding symbolic link dirs which were previously excluded to the list being deleted." ).flush();
             // we need to see which entries were only excluded because they're symlinks...
 429  5
             scanner.setFollowSymlinks( true );
 430  5
 432  5
             if ( messages != null && messages.isDebugEnabled() )
 434  0
                 messages.addDebugMessage( "Originally marked for delete: " + includes ).flush();
 435  0
                 messages.addDebugMessage( "Marked for preserve (with followSymlinks == false): " + excludes ).flush();
 438  5
             List includedDirsAndSymlinks = Arrays.asList( scanner.getIncludedDirectories() );
 440  5
             linksForDeletion.addAll( excludes );
 441  5
             linksForDeletion.retainAll( includedDirsAndSymlinks );
 443  5
             if ( messages != null && messages.isDebugEnabled() )
 445  0
                 messages.addDebugMessage( "Symlinks marked for deletion (originally mismarked): " + linksForDeletion ).flush();
 448  5
             excludes.removeAll( includedDirsAndSymlinks );
 451  8
         excludeParentDirectoriesOfExcludedPaths( excludes, includes );
 453  8
         includes.addAll( linksForDeletion );
 455  8
         return includes;
     private Set findDeletableFiles( FileSet fileSet, Set deletableDirectories )
 460  8
         if ( verbose && messages != null )
 462  0
             messages.addInfoMessage( "Re-scanning for deletable files." ).flush();
 465  8
         DirectoryScanner scanner = scan( fileSet );
 467  8
         if ( scanner == null )
 469  0
             return deletableDirectories;
 472  8
         Set includes = deletableDirectories;
 473  8
         includes.addAll( Arrays.asList( scanner.getIncludedFiles() ) );
 474  8
         Collection excludes = new ArrayList( Arrays.asList( scanner.getExcludedFiles() ) );
 475  8
         Collection linksForDeletion = new ArrayList();
 477  8
         if ( !fileSet.isFollowSymlinks() )
 479  5
             if ( verbose && messages != null )
 481  0
                     .addInfoMessage( "Adding symbolic link files which were previously excluded to the list being deleted." ).flush();
             // we need to see which entries were only excluded because they're symlinks...
 486  5
             scanner.setFollowSymlinks( true );
 487  5
 489  5
             if ( messages != null && messages.isDebugEnabled() )
 491  0
                 messages.addDebugMessage( "Originally marked for delete: " + includes ).flush();
 492  0
                 messages.addDebugMessage( "Marked for preserve (with followSymlinks == false): " + excludes ).flush();
 495  5
             List includedFilesAndSymlinks = Arrays.asList( scanner.getIncludedFiles() );
 497  5
             linksForDeletion.addAll( excludes );
 498  5
             linksForDeletion.retainAll( includedFilesAndSymlinks );
 500  5
             if ( messages != null && messages.isDebugEnabled() )
 502  0
                 messages.addDebugMessage( "Symlinks marked for deletion (originally mismarked): " + linksForDeletion ).flush();
 505  5
             excludes.removeAll( includedFilesAndSymlinks );
 508  8
         excludeParentDirectoriesOfExcludedPaths( excludes, includes );
 510  8
         includes.addAll( linksForDeletion );
 512  8
         return includes;
      * Removes all parent directories of the already excluded files/directories from the given set of deletable
      * directories. I.e. if "subdir/excluded.txt" should not be deleted, "subdir" should be excluded from deletion, too.
      * @param excludedPaths The relative paths of the files/directories which are excluded from deletion, must not be
      *            <code>null</code>.
      * @param deletablePaths The relative paths to files/directories which are scheduled for deletion, must not be
      *            <code>null</code>.
     private void excludeParentDirectoriesOfExcludedPaths( Collection excludedPaths, Set deletablePaths )
 526  16
         for ( Iterator it = excludedPaths.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
 528  8
             String path = (String);
 530  8
             String parentPath = new File( path ).getParent();
 532  8
             while ( parentPath != null )
 534  0
                 if ( messages != null && messages.isDebugEnabled() )
 536  0
                     messages.addDebugMessage( "Verifying path " + parentPath
                         + " is not present; contains file which is excluded." ).flush();
 540  0
                 boolean removed = deletablePaths.remove( parentPath );
 542  0
                 if ( removed && messages != null && messages.isDebugEnabled() )
 544  0
                     messages.addDebugMessage( "Path " + parentPath + " was removed from delete list." ).flush();
 547  0
                 parentPath = new File( parentPath ).getParent();
 548  0
 549  8
 551  16
         if ( !excludedPaths.isEmpty() )
 553  8
             if ( messages != null && messages.isDebugEnabled() )
 555  0
                 messages.addDebugMessage( "Verifying path " + "."
                     + " is not present; contains file which is excluded." ).flush();
 559  8
             boolean removed = deletablePaths.remove( "" );
 561  8
             if ( removed && messages != null && messages.isDebugEnabled() )
 563  0
                 messages.addDebugMessage( "Path " + "." + " was removed from delete list." ).flush();
 566  16
      * Delete a directory
      * @param dir the directory to delete
      * @param followSymlinks whether to follow symbolic links, or simply delete the link
      * @param throwsError Throw IOException when errors have occurred by deleting files or directories.
      * @param warnMessages A list of warning messages used when <code>throwsError=false</code>.
      * @throws IOException If a matching file cannot be deleted and <code>throwsError=true</code>.
     private void removeDir( File dir, boolean followSymlinks, boolean throwsError, List warnMessages )
         throws IOException
 580  4
         String[] list = dir.list();
 581  4
         if ( list == null )
 583  0
             list = new String[0];
 586  9
         for ( int i = 0; i < list.length; i++ )
 588  5
             String s = list[i];
 589  5
             File f = new File( dir, s );
 590  5
             if ( f.isDirectory() && ( followSymlinks || !isSymlink( f ) ) )
 592  0
                 removeDir( f, followSymlinks, throwsError, warnMessages );
 596  5
                 if ( !delete( f ) )
 598  0
                     String message = "Unable to delete file " + f.getAbsolutePath();
 599  0
                     if ( throwsError )
 601  0
                         throw new IOException( message );
 604  0
                     if ( !warnMessages.contains( message ) )
 606  0
                         warnMessages.add( message );
 612  4
         if ( !delete( dir ) )
 614  0
             String message = "Unable to delete directory " + dir.getAbsolutePath();
 615  0
             if ( throwsError )
 617  0
                 throw new IOException( message );
 620  0
             if ( !warnMessages.contains( message ) )
 622  0
                 warnMessages.add( message );
 625  4
      * Delete a file
      * @param f a file
     private boolean delete( File f )
 636  20
             FileUtils.forceDelete( f );
 638  0
         catch ( IOException e )
 640  0
             return false;
 641  20
 643  20
         return true;
     private DirectoryScanner scan( FileSet fileSet )
 648  18
         File basedir = new File( fileSet.getDirectory() );
 649  18
         if ( !basedir.exists() || !basedir.isDirectory() )
 651  0
             return null;
 654  18
         DirectoryScanner scanner = new DirectoryScanner();
 656  18
         String[] includesArray = fileSet.getIncludesArray();
 657  18
         String[] excludesArray = fileSet.getExcludesArray();
 659  18
         if ( includesArray.length > 0 )
 661  8
             scanner.setIncludes( includesArray );
 664  18
         if ( excludesArray.length > 0 )
 666  10
             scanner.setExcludes( excludesArray );
 669  18
         if ( fileSet.isUseDefaultExcludes() )
 671  0
 674  18
         scanner.setBasedir( basedir );
 675  18
         scanner.setFollowSymlinks( fileSet.isFollowSymlinks() );
 677  18
 679  18
         return scanner;