Coverage Report - org.apache.maven.shared.model.fileset.mappers.GlobPatternMapper
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 package org.apache.maven.shared.model.fileset.mappers;
  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
  * distributed with this work for additional information
  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
  * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  * under the License.
  * Implementation of FileNameMapper that does simple wildcard pattern
  * replacements.
  * <p>This does simple translations like *.foo -> *.bar where the
  * prefix to .foo will be left unchanged. It only handles a single *
  * character, use regular expressions for more complicated
  * situations.</p>
  * <p>This is one of the more useful Mappers, it is used by javac for
  * example.</p>
  * @version $Id$
 36  0
 public class GlobPatternMapper
     implements FileNameMapper
      * Part of &quot;from&quot; pattern before the *.
 42  0
     protected String fromPrefix = null;
      * Part of &quot;from&quot; pattern after the *.
 47  0
     protected String fromPostfix = null;
      * Length of the prefix (&quot;from&quot; pattern).
     protected int prefixLength;
      * Length of the postfix (&quot;from&quot; pattern).
     protected int postfixLength;
      * Part of &quot;to&quot; pattern before the *.
 62  0
     protected String toPrefix = null;
      * Part of &quot;to&quot; pattern after the *.
 67  0
     protected String toPostfix = null;
 69  0
     private boolean handleDirSep = false;
 71  0
     private boolean caseSensitive = true;
      * Attribute specifing whether to ignore the difference
      * between / and \ (the two common directory characters).
      * @param handleDirSep a boolean, default is false.
     public void setHandleDirSep( boolean handleDirSep )
 80  0
         this.handleDirSep = handleDirSep;
 81  0
      * Attribute specifing whether to ignore the case difference
      * in the names.
      * @param caseSensitive a boolean, default is false.
     public void setCaseSensitive( boolean caseSensitive )
 91  0
         this.caseSensitive = caseSensitive;
 92  0
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     public void setFrom( String from )
 97  0
         int index = from.lastIndexOf( "*" );
 98  0
         if ( index == -1 )
 100  0
             fromPrefix = from;
 101  0
             fromPostfix = "";
 105  0
             fromPrefix = from.substring( 0, index );
 106  0
             fromPostfix = from.substring( index + 1 );
 108  0
         prefixLength = fromPrefix.length();
 109  0
         postfixLength = fromPostfix.length();
 110  0
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     public void setTo( String to )
 115  0
         int index = to.lastIndexOf( "*" );
 116  0
         if ( index == -1 )
 118  0
             toPrefix = to;
 119  0
             toPostfix = "";
 123  0
             toPrefix = to.substring( 0, index );
 124  0
             toPostfix = to.substring( index + 1 );
 126  0
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     public String mapFileName( String sourceFileName )
 131  0
         if ( fromPrefix == null || !modifyName( sourceFileName ).startsWith( modifyName( fromPrefix ) )
             || !modifyName( sourceFileName ).endsWith( modifyName( fromPostfix ) ) )
 134  0
             return null;
 136  0
         return new String( toPrefix + extractVariablePart( sourceFileName ) + toPostfix );
      * Returns the part of the given string that matches the * in the
      * &quot;from&quot; pattern.
      * @param name the source file name
      * @return the variable part of the name
     protected String extractVariablePart( String name )
 147  0
         return name.substring( prefixLength, name.length() - postfixLength );
      * modify string based on dir char mapping and case sensitivity
      * @param name the name to convert
      * @return the converted name
     private String modifyName( String name )
 157  0
         if ( !caseSensitive )
 159  0
             name = name.toLowerCase();
 161  0
         if ( handleDirSep )
 163  0
             if ( name.indexOf( '\\' ) != -1 )
 165  0
                 name = name.replace( '\\', '/' );
 168  0
         return name;