Coverage Report - org.apache.maven.model.ReportPlugin
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  * $Id$
 package org.apache.maven.model;
  //- Imported classes and packages -/
 import java.util.Date;
  *         The <code>&lt;plugin&gt;</code> element contains
  * informations required for a report plugin.
  * @version $Revision$ $Date$
 23  0
 public class ReportPlugin implements {
      //- Class/Member Variables -/
      * The group ID of the reporting plugin in the repository.
 33  0
     private String groupId = "org.apache.maven.plugins";
      * The artifact ID of the reporting plugin in the repository.
     private String artifactId;
      * The version of the reporting plugin to be used.
     private String version;
      * Whether the configuration in this plugin should be made
      * available to projects
      *             that inherit from this one.
     private String inherited;
      * The configuration of the reporting plugin.
     private Object configuration;
      * Field reportSets.
     private java.util.List reportSets;
      //- Methods -/
      * Method addReportSet.
      * @param reportSet
     public void addReportSet( ReportSet reportSet )
 74  0
         if ( !(reportSet instanceof ReportSet) )
 76  0
             throw new ClassCastException( "ReportPlugin.addReportSets(reportSet) parameter must be instanceof " + ReportSet.class.getName() );
 78  0
         getReportSets().add( reportSet );
 79  0
     } //-- void addReportSet( ReportSet ) 
      * Get the artifact ID of the reporting plugin in the
      * repository.
      * @return String
     public String getArtifactId()
 89  0
         return this.artifactId;
     } //-- String getArtifactId() 
      * Get the configuration of the reporting plugin.
      * @return Object
     public Object getConfiguration()
 99  0
         return this.configuration;
     } //-- Object getConfiguration() 
      * Get the group ID of the reporting plugin in the repository.
      * @return String
     public String getGroupId()
 109  0
         return this.groupId;
     } //-- String getGroupId() 
      * Get whether the configuration in this plugin should be made
      * available to projects
      *             that inherit from this one.
      * @return String
     public String getInherited()
 121  0
         return this.inherited;
     } //-- String getInherited() 
      * Method getReportSets.
      * @return java.util.List
     public java.util.List getReportSets()
 131  0
         if ( this.reportSets == null )
 133  0
             this.reportSets = new java.util.ArrayList();
 136  0
         return this.reportSets;
     } //-- java.util.List getReportSets() 
      * Get the version of the reporting plugin to be used.
      * @return String
     public String getVersion()
 146  0
         return this.version;
     } //-- String getVersion() 
      * Method removeReportSet.
      * @param reportSet
     public void removeReportSet( ReportSet reportSet )
 156  0
         if ( !(reportSet instanceof ReportSet) )
 158  0
             throw new ClassCastException( "ReportPlugin.removeReportSets(reportSet) parameter must be instanceof " + ReportSet.class.getName() );
 160  0
         getReportSets().remove( reportSet );
 161  0
     } //-- void removeReportSet( ReportSet ) 
      * Set the artifact ID of the reporting plugin in the
      * repository.
      * @param artifactId
     public void setArtifactId( String artifactId )
 171  0
         this.artifactId = artifactId;
 172  0
     } //-- void setArtifactId( String ) 
      * Set the configuration of the reporting plugin.
      * @param configuration
     public void setConfiguration( Object configuration )
 181  0
         this.configuration = configuration;
 182  0
     } //-- void setConfiguration( Object ) 
      * Set the group ID of the reporting plugin in the repository.
      * @param groupId
     public void setGroupId( String groupId )
 191  0
         this.groupId = groupId;
 192  0
     } //-- void setGroupId( String ) 
      * Set whether the configuration in this plugin should be made
      * available to projects
      *             that inherit from this one.
      * @param inherited
     public void setInherited( String inherited )
 203  0
         this.inherited = inherited;
 204  0
     } //-- void setInherited( String ) 
      * Set 
      *             Multiple specifications of a set of reports,
      * each having (possibly) different
      *             configuration. This is the reporting parallel to
      * an <code>execution</code> in the build.
      * @param reportSets
     public void setReportSets( java.util.List reportSets )
 220  0
         this.reportSets = reportSets;
 221  0
     } //-- void setReportSets( java.util.List ) 
      * Set the version of the reporting plugin to be used.
      * @param version
     public void setVersion( String version )
 230  0
         this.version = version;
 231  0
     } //-- void setVersion( String ) 
 235  0
     private java.util.Map reportSetMap = null;
      * Reset the <code>reportSetMap</code> field to <code>null</code>
     public void flushReportSetMap()
 242  0
         this.reportSetMap = null;
 243  0
      * @return a Map of reportSets field with <code>ReportSet#getId()</code> as key
      * @see org.apache.maven.model.ReportSet#getId()
     public java.util.Map getReportSetsAsMap()
 251  0
         if ( reportSetMap == null )
 253  0
             reportSetMap = new java.util.LinkedHashMap();
 254  0
             if ( getReportSets() != null )
 256  0
                 for ( java.util.Iterator i = getReportSets().iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
 258  0
                     ReportSet reportSet = (ReportSet);
 259  0
                     reportSetMap.put( reportSet.getId(), reportSet );
 260  0
 264  0
         return reportSetMap;
      * @return the key of the report plugin, ie <code>groupId:artifactId</code>
     public String getKey()
 272  0
         return constructKey( groupId, artifactId );
      * @param groupId
      * @param artifactId
      * @return the key of the report plugin, ie <code>groupId:artifactId</code>
     public static String constructKey( String groupId, String artifactId )
 282  0
         return groupId + ":" + artifactId;
 285  0
     private boolean inheritanceApplied = true;
     public void unsetInheritanceApplied()
 289  0
         this.inheritanceApplied = false;
 290  0
     public boolean isInheritanceApplied()
 294  0
         return inheritanceApplied;
      * @see java.lang.Object#equals(java.lang.Object)
     public boolean equals( Object other )
 302  0
         if ( other instanceof ReportPlugin )
 304  0
             ReportPlugin otherPlugin = (ReportPlugin) other;
 306  0
             return getKey().equals( otherPlugin.getKey() );
 309  0
         return false;
      * @see java.lang.Object#hashCode()
     public int hashCode()
 317  0
         return getKey().hashCode();
      * @see java.lang.Object#toString()
     public String toString()
 325  0
         return "ReportPlugin [" + getKey() + "]";
 329  0
     private String modelEncoding = "UTF-8";
      * Set an encoding used for reading/writing the model.
      * @param modelEncoding the encoding used when reading/writing the model.
     public void setModelEncoding( String modelEncoding )
 338  0
         this.modelEncoding = modelEncoding;
 339  0
      * @return the current encoding used when reading/writing this model.
     public String getModelEncoding()
 346  0
         return modelEncoding;