Coverage Report - org.apache.maven.model.Contributor
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  * $Id$
 package org.apache.maven.model;
  //- Imported classes and packages -/
 import java.util.Date;
  * Description of a person who has contributed to the project, but
  * who does not have
  *         commit privileges. Usually, these contributions come in
  * the form of patches submitted.
  * @version $Revision$ $Date$
 21  0
 public class Contributor implements {
      //- Class/Member Variables -/
      * The full name of the contributor.
     private String name;
      * The email address of the contributor.
     private String email;
      * The URL for the homepage of the contributor.
     private String url;
      * The organization to which the contributor belongs.
     private String organization;
      * The URL of the organization.
     private String organizationUrl;
      * Field roles.
     private java.util.List roles;
      * The timezone the contributor is in. This is a number in the
      * range -11 to 12.
     private String timezone;
      * Field properties.
     private java.util.Properties properties;
      //- Methods -/
      * Method addProperty.
      * @param key
      * @param value
     public void addProperty( String key, String value )
 82  0
         getProperties().put( key, value );
 83  0
     } //-- void addProperty( String, String ) 
      * Method addRole.
      * @param string
     public void addRole( String string )
 92  0
         if ( !(string instanceof String) )
 94  0
             throw new ClassCastException( "Contributor.addRoles(string) parameter must be instanceof " + String.class.getName() );
 96  0
         getRoles().add( string );
 97  0
     } //-- void addRole( String ) 
      * Get the email address of the contributor.
      * @return String
     public String getEmail()
 106  0
     } //-- String getEmail() 
      * Get the full name of the contributor.
      * @return String
     public String getName()
 116  0
     } //-- String getName() 
      * Get the organization to which the contributor belongs.
      * @return String
     public String getOrganization()
 126  0
         return this.organization;
     } //-- String getOrganization() 
      * Get the URL of the organization.
      * @return String
     public String getOrganizationUrl()
 136  0
         return this.organizationUrl;
     } //-- String getOrganizationUrl() 
      * Method getProperties.
      * @return java.util.Properties
     public java.util.Properties getProperties()
 146  0
         if ( == null )
 148  0
    = new java.util.Properties();
 151  0
     } //-- java.util.Properties getProperties() 
      * Method getRoles.
      * @return java.util.List
     public java.util.List getRoles()
 161  0
         if ( this.roles == null )
 163  0
             this.roles = new java.util.ArrayList();
 166  0
         return this.roles;
     } //-- java.util.List getRoles() 
      * Get the timezone the contributor is in. This is a number in
      * the range -11 to 12.
      * @return String
     public String getTimezone()
 177  0
         return this.timezone;
     } //-- String getTimezone() 
      * Get the URL for the homepage of the contributor.
      * @return String
     public String getUrl()
 187  0
         return this.url;
     } //-- String getUrl() 
      * Method removeRole.
      * @param string
     public void removeRole( String string )
 197  0
         if ( !(string instanceof String) )
 199  0
             throw new ClassCastException( "Contributor.removeRoles(string) parameter must be instanceof " + String.class.getName() );
 201  0
         getRoles().remove( string );
 202  0
     } //-- void removeRole( String ) 
      * Set the email address of the contributor.
      * @param email
     public void setEmail( String email )
 211  0 = email;
 212  0
     } //-- void setEmail( String ) 
      * Set the full name of the contributor.
      * @param name
     public void setName( String name )
 221  0 = name;
 222  0
     } //-- void setName( String ) 
      * Set the organization to which the contributor belongs.
      * @param organization
     public void setOrganization( String organization )
 231  0
         this.organization = organization;
 232  0
     } //-- void setOrganization( String ) 
      * Set the URL of the organization.
      * @param organizationUrl
     public void setOrganizationUrl( String organizationUrl )
 241  0
         this.organizationUrl = organizationUrl;
 242  0
     } //-- void setOrganizationUrl( String ) 
      * Set properties about the contributor, such as an instant
      * messenger handle.
      * @param properties
     public void setProperties( java.util.Properties properties )
 252  0 = properties;
 253  0
     } //-- void setProperties( java.util.Properties ) 
      * Set 
      *             The roles the contributor plays in the project.
      * Each role is described by a
      *             <code>role</code> element, the body of which is
      * a role name. This can also be used to
      *             describe the contribution.
      * @param roles
     public void setRoles( java.util.List roles )
 270  0
         this.roles = roles;
 271  0
     } //-- void setRoles( java.util.List ) 
      * Set the timezone the contributor is in. This is a number in
      * the range -11 to 12.
      * @param timezone
     public void setTimezone( String timezone )
 281  0
         this.timezone = timezone;
 282  0
     } //-- void setTimezone( String ) 
      * Set the URL for the homepage of the contributor.
      * @param url
     public void setUrl( String url )
 291  0
         this.url = url;
 292  0
     } //-- void setUrl( String ) 
 295  0
     private String modelEncoding = "UTF-8";
      * Set an encoding used for reading/writing the model.
      * @param modelEncoding the encoding used when reading/writing the model.
     public void setModelEncoding( String modelEncoding )
 304  0
         this.modelEncoding = modelEncoding;
 305  0
      * @return the current encoding used when reading/writing this model.
     public String getModelEncoding()
 312  0
         return modelEncoding;