Coverage Report -
Classes in this File Line Coverage Branch Coverage Complexity
  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
  * distributed with this work for additional information
  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
  * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  * under the License.
 import java.util.ArrayList;
 import java.util.HashMap;
 import java.util.List;
 import java.util.Locale;
 import java.util.Map;
 import java.util.Properties;
 import java.util.TimeZone;
 import org.apache.commons.lang.SystemUtils;
 import org.apache.maven.doxia.sink.Sink;
 import org.apache.maven.model.Contributor;
 import org.apache.maven.model.Developer;
 import org.apache.maven.model.Model;
 import org.apache.maven.plugin.logging.Log;
 import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Mojo;
 import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Parameter;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.i18n.I18N;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.util.StringUtils;
 import org.joda.time.DateTimeZone;
  * Generates the Project Team report.
  * @author <a href="">Vincent Siveton </a>
  * @version $Id: 1402029 2012-10-25 08:58:20Z krosenvold $
  * @since 2.0
 @Mojo( name = "project-team" )
 52  1
 public class TeamListReport
     extends AbstractProjectInfoReport
      * Shows avatar images for team members that have
      * a) properties/picUrl set
      * b) An avatar at for their email address
      * <p/>
      * Future versions of this plugin may choose to implement different strategies for resolving
      * avatar images, possibly using different providers.
      * @since 2.6
     @Parameter( property = "teamlist.showAvatarImages", defaultValue = "true" )
     private boolean showAvatarImages;
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     // Public methods
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     public void executeReport( Locale locale )
 75  1
         TeamListRenderer r = new TeamListRenderer( getSink(), project.getModel(), getI18N( locale ), locale, getLog(),
                                                    showAvatarImages );
 78  1
 79  1
      * {@inheritDoc}
     public String getOutputName()
 86  2
         return "team-list";
     protected String getI18Nsection()
 92  1
         return "team-list";
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     // Private
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
      * Internal renderer class
 102  1
     private static class TeamListRenderer
         extends AbstractProjectInfoRenderer
         private static final String PROPERTIES = "properties";
         private static final String TIME_ZONE = "timeZone";
         private static final String ROLES = "roles";
         private static final String ORGANIZATION_URL = "organizationUrl";
         private static final String ORGANIZATION = "organization";
         private static final String URL = "url";
         private static final String EMAIL = "email";
         private static final String NAME = "name";
         private static final String IMAGE = "image";
         private static final String ID = "id";
         private final Model model;
         private final Log log;
         private final boolean showAvatarImages;
 131  1
         private static final String[] EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY = new String[0];
         TeamListRenderer( Sink sink, Model model, I18N i18n, Locale locale, Log log, boolean showAvatarImages )
 135  1
             super( sink, i18n, locale );
 137  1
             this.model = model;
 138  1
             this.log = log;
 139  1
             this.showAvatarImages = showAvatarImages;
 140  1
         protected String getI18Nsection()
 145  19
             return "team-list";
         public void renderBody()
 151  1
             startSection( getI18nString( "intro.title" ) );
             // To handle JS
 154  1
             StringBuilder javascript =
                 new StringBuilder( "function offsetDate(id, offset) {" ).append( SystemUtils.LINE_SEPARATOR );
 156  1
             javascript.append( "    var now = new Date();" ).append( SystemUtils.LINE_SEPARATOR );
 157  1
             javascript.append( "    var nowTime = now.getTime();" ).append( SystemUtils.LINE_SEPARATOR );
 158  1
             javascript.append( "    var localOffset = now.getTimezoneOffset();" ).append( SystemUtils.LINE_SEPARATOR );
 159  1
             javascript.append( "    var developerTime = nowTime + ( offset * 60 * 60 * 1000 )"
                                    + "+ ( localOffset * 60 * 1000 );" ).append( SystemUtils.LINE_SEPARATOR );
 161  1
             javascript.append( "    var developerDate = new Date(developerTime);" ).append(
                 SystemUtils.LINE_SEPARATOR );
 163  1
             javascript.append( SystemUtils.LINE_SEPARATOR );
 164  1
             javascript.append( "    document.getElementById(id).innerHTML = developerDate;" ).append(
                 SystemUtils.LINE_SEPARATOR );
 166  1
             javascript.append( "}" ).append( SystemUtils.LINE_SEPARATOR );
 167  1
             javascript.append( SystemUtils.LINE_SEPARATOR );
 168  1
             javascript.append( "function init(){" ).append( SystemUtils.LINE_SEPARATOR );
             // Introduction
 171  1
             paragraph( getI18nString( "intro.description1" ) );
 172  1
             paragraph( getI18nString( "intro.description2" ) );
             // Developer section
 175  1
             List<Developer> developers = model.getDevelopers();
 177  1
             startSection( getI18nString( "developers.title" ) );
 179  1
             if ( isEmpty( developers ) )
 181  0
                 paragraph( getI18nString( "nodeveloper" ) );
 185  1
                 paragraph( getI18nString( "developers.intro" ) );
 187  1
                 // By default we think that all headers not required: set true for headers that are required
 190  1
                 Map<String, Boolean> headersMap = checkRequiredHeaders( developers );
 191  1
                 String[] requiredHeaders = getRequiredDevHeaderArray( headersMap );
 193  1
                 tableHeader( requiredHeaders );
                 // To handle JS
 196  1
                 int developersRowId = 0;
 197  1
                 for ( Developer developer : developers )
 199  2
                     renderTeamMember( developer, developersRowId, headersMap, javascript );
 201  2
 204  1
 207  1
             // contributors section
 210  1
             List<Contributor> contributors = model.getContributors();
 212  1
             startSection( getI18nString( "contributors.title" ) );
 214  1
             if ( isEmpty( contributors ) )
 216  1
                 paragraph( getI18nString( "nocontributor" ) );
 220  0
                 paragraph( getI18nString( "contributors.intro" ) );
 222  0
 224  0
                 Map<String, Boolean> headersMap = checkRequiredHeaders( contributors );
 225  0
                 String[] requiredHeaders = getRequiredContrHeaderArray( headersMap );
 227  0
                 tableHeader( requiredHeaders );
                 // To handle JS
 230  0
                 int contributorsRowId = 0;
 231  0
                 for ( Contributor contributor : contributors )
 233  0
                     renderTeamMember( contributor, contributorsRowId, headersMap, javascript );
 235  0
 238  0
             // To handle JS
 242  1
             javascript.append( "}" ).append( SystemUtils.LINE_SEPARATOR ).append( SystemUtils.LINE_SEPARATOR ).append(
                 "window.onLoad = init();" ).append( SystemUtils.LINE_SEPARATOR );
 244  1
             javaScript( javascript.toString() );
 246  1
 248  1
 249  1
         private void renderTeamMember( Contributor member, int rowId, Map<String, Boolean> headersMap,
                                        StringBuilder javascript )
 254  2
 256  2
             if ( headersMap.get( IMAGE ) == Boolean.TRUE && showAvatarImages )
 258  2
                 Properties properties = member.getProperties();
 259  2
                 String picUrl = properties.getProperty( "picUrl" );
 260  2
                 if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( picUrl ) )
 262  2
                     picUrl = getGravatarUrl( member.getEmail() );
 264  2
                 if (StringUtils.isEmpty( picUrl ))
 266  1
                     picUrl = getSpacerGravatarUrl();
 268  2
 269  2
 270  2
                 sink.figureGraphics( picUrl );
 271  2
 272  2
 274  2
             String type = "contributor";
 275  2
             if ( member instanceof Developer )
 277  2
                 type = "developer";
 278  2
                 if ( headersMap.get( ID ) == Boolean.TRUE )
 280  2
                     String id = ( (Developer) member ).getId();
 281  2
                     if ( id == null )
 283  0
                         tableCell( null );
 287  2
                         tableCell( "<a name=\"" + id + "\"></a>" + id, true );
 291  2
             if ( headersMap.get( NAME ) == Boolean.TRUE )
 293  2
                 tableCell( member.getName() );
 295  2
             if ( headersMap.get( EMAIL ) == Boolean.TRUE )
 297  2
                 tableCell( createLinkPatternedText( member.getEmail(), member.getEmail() ) );
 299  2
             if ( headersMap.get( URL ) == Boolean.TRUE )
 301  0
                 tableCellForUrl( member.getUrl() );
 303  2
             if ( headersMap.get( ORGANIZATION ) == Boolean.TRUE )
 305  2
                 tableCell( member.getOrganization() );
 307  2
             if ( headersMap.get( ORGANIZATION_URL ) == Boolean.TRUE )
 309  0
                 tableCellForUrl( member.getOrganizationUrl() );
 311  2
             if ( headersMap.get( ROLES ) == Boolean.TRUE )
 313  2
                 if ( member.getRoles() != null )
                     // Comma separated roles
 316  2
                     tableCell( StringUtils.join( member.getRoles().toArray( EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY ), ", " ) );
 320  0
                     tableCell( null );
 323  2
             if ( headersMap.get( TIME_ZONE ) == Boolean.TRUE )
 325  2
                 tableCell( member.getTimezone() );
 327  2
                 if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( member.getTimezone() ) && ( !ProjectInfoReportUtils.isNumber(
                     member.getTimezone().trim() ) ) )
 330  0
                     String tz = member.getTimezone().trim();
                         // check if it is a valid timeZone
 334  0
                         DateTimeZone.forID( tz );
 336  0
 337  0
                         sink.rawText( "<span id=\"" + type + "-" + rowId + "\">" );
 338  0
                         text( tz );
 339  0
                         String offSet = String.valueOf( TimeZone.getTimeZone( tz ).getRawOffset() / 3600000 );
 340  0
                         javascript.append( "    offsetDate('" ).append( type ).append( "-" ).append( rowId ).append(
                             "', '" );
 342  0
                         javascript.append( offSet ).append( "');" ).append( SystemUtils.LINE_SEPARATOR );
 343  0
                         sink.rawText( "</span>" );
 344  0
 346  0
                     catch ( IllegalArgumentException e )
 348  0
                         log.warn( "The time zone '" + tz + "' for the " + type + " '" + member.getName()
                                       + "' is not a recognised time zone, use a number in the range -12 and +14 instead of." );
 351  0
 352  0
                         sink.rawText( "<span id=\"" + type + "-" + rowId + "\">" );
 353  0
                         text( null );
 354  0
                         sink.rawText( "</span>" );
 355  0
 356  0
 357  0
                     // To handle JS
 361  2
 362  2
                     sink.rawText( "<span id=\"" + type + "-" + rowId + "\">" );
 363  2
                     if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( member.getTimezone() ) )
 365  0
                         text( null );
                         // check if number is between -12 and +14
 370  2
                         float tz = ProjectInfoReportUtils.toFloat( member.getTimezone().trim(), Integer.MIN_VALUE );
 371  2
                         if ( tz == Integer.MIN_VALUE || !( tz >= -12 && tz <= 14 ) )
 373  0
                             text( null );
 374  0
                             log.warn( "The time zone '" + member.getTimezone().trim() + "' for the " + type + " '"
                                           + member.getName()
                                           + "' is not a recognised time zone, use a number in the range -12 to +14 instead of." );
 380  2
                             text( member.getTimezone().trim() );
 381  2
                             javascript.append( "    offsetDate('" ).append( type ).append( "-" ).append( rowId ).append(
                                 "', '" );
 383  2
                             javascript.append( member.getTimezone() ).append( "');" ).append(
                                 SystemUtils.LINE_SEPARATOR );
 387  2
                     sink.rawText( "</span>" );
 388  2
 392  2
             if ( headersMap.get( PROPERTIES ) == Boolean.TRUE )
 394  0
                 Properties props = member.getProperties();
 395  0
                 if ( props != null )
 397  0
                     tableCell( propertiesToString( props ) );
 401  0
                     tableCell( null );
 405  2
 406  2
         private static final String avatar_size = "s=60";
         private String getSpacerGravatarUrl()
 412  1
             return "" + avatar_size;
         private String getGravatarUrl( String email )
 417  2
             if ( email == null )
 419  1
                 return null;
 421  1
             email = StringUtils.trim( email );
 422  1
             email = email.toLowerCase();
             MessageDigest md;
 426  1
                 md = MessageDigest.getInstance( "MD5" );
 427  1
                 md.update( email.getBytes() );
 428  1
                 byte byteData[] = md.digest();
 429  1
                 StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
 430  17
                 for ( byte aByteData : byteData )
 432  16
                     sb.append( Integer.toString( ( aByteData & 0xff ) + 0x100, 16 ).substring( 1 ) );
 434  1
                 return "" + sb.toString() + "?d=mm&" + avatar_size;
 436  0
             catch ( NoSuchAlgorithmException e )
 438  0
                 return null;
         private String img( String src )
 444  0
             if ( src == null )
 446  0
                 return "";
 448  0
             return "<img src='" + src + "'/>";
          * @param requiredHeaders
          * @return
         private String[] getRequiredContrHeaderArray( Map<String, Boolean> requiredHeaders )
 457  0
             List<String> requiredArray = new ArrayList<String>();
 458  0
             String image = getI18nString( "contributors.image" );
 459  0
             String name = getI18nString( "" );
 460  0
             String email = getI18nString( "" );
 461  0
             String url = getI18nString( "contributors.url" );
 462  0
             String organization = getI18nString( "contributors.organization" );
 463  0
             String organizationUrl = getI18nString( "contributors.organizationurl" );
 464  0
             String roles = getI18nString( "contributors.roles" );
 465  0
             String timeZone = getI18nString( "contributors.timezone" );
 466  0
             String actualTime = getI18nString( "contributors.actualtime" );
 467  0
             String properties = getI18nString( "" );
 468  0
             if ( requiredHeaders.get( IMAGE ) == Boolean.TRUE && showAvatarImages)
 470  0
                 requiredArray.add( image );
 472  0
             setRequiredArray( requiredHeaders, requiredArray, image, name, email, url, organization, organizationUrl, roles,
                               timeZone, actualTime, properties );
 475  0
             return requiredArray.toArray( new String[requiredArray.size()] );
          * @param requiredHeaders
          * @return
         private String[] getRequiredDevHeaderArray( Map<String, Boolean> requiredHeaders )
 484  1
             List<String> requiredArray = new ArrayList<String>();
 486  1
             String image = getI18nString( "developers.image" );
 487  1
             String id = getI18nString( "" );
 488  1
             String name = getI18nString( "" );
 489  1
             String email = getI18nString( "" );
 490  1
             String url = getI18nString( "developers.url" );
 491  1
             String organization = getI18nString( "developers.organization" );
 492  1
             String organizationUrl = getI18nString( "developers.organizationurl" );
 493  1
             String roles = getI18nString( "developers.roles" );
 494  1
             String timeZone = getI18nString( "developers.timezone" );
 495  1
             String actualTime = getI18nString( "developers.actualtime" );
 496  1
             String properties = getI18nString( "" );
 498  1
             if ( requiredHeaders.get( IMAGE ) == Boolean.TRUE && showAvatarImages)
 500  1
                 requiredArray.add( image );
 502  1
             if ( requiredHeaders.get( ID ) == Boolean.TRUE )
 504  1
                 requiredArray.add( id );
 507  1
             setRequiredArray( requiredHeaders, requiredArray, image, name, email, url, organization, organizationUrl, roles,
                               timeZone, actualTime, properties );
 510  1
             return requiredArray.toArray( new String[requiredArray.size()] );
          * @param requiredHeaders
          * @param requiredArray
          * @param image
          * @param name
          * @param email
          * @param url
          * @param organization
          * @param organizationUrl
          * @param roles
          * @param timeZone
          * @param actualTime
          * @param properties
         private void setRequiredArray( Map<String, Boolean> requiredHeaders, List<String> requiredArray, String image,
                                        String name, String email, String url, String organization, String organizationUrl,
                                        String roles, String timeZone, String actualTime, String properties )
 531  1
             if ( requiredHeaders.get( NAME ) == Boolean.TRUE )
 533  1
                 requiredArray.add( name );
 535  1
             if ( requiredHeaders.get( EMAIL ) == Boolean.TRUE )
 537  1
                 requiredArray.add( email );
 539  1
             if ( requiredHeaders.get( URL ) == Boolean.TRUE )
 541  0
                 requiredArray.add( url );
 543  1
             if ( requiredHeaders.get( ORGANIZATION ) == Boolean.TRUE )
 545  1
                 requiredArray.add( organization );
 547  1
             if ( requiredHeaders.get( ORGANIZATION_URL ) == Boolean.TRUE )
 549  0
                 requiredArray.add( organizationUrl );
 551  1
             if ( requiredHeaders.get( ROLES ) == Boolean.TRUE )
 553  1
                 requiredArray.add( roles );
 555  1
             if ( requiredHeaders.get( TIME_ZONE ) == Boolean.TRUE )
 557  1
                 requiredArray.add( timeZone );
 558  1
                 requiredArray.add( actualTime );
 561  1
             if ( requiredHeaders.get( PROPERTIES ) == Boolean.TRUE )
 563  0
                 requiredArray.add( properties );
 565  1
          * @param units contributors and developers to check
          * @return required headers
         private Map<String, Boolean> checkRequiredHeaders( List<? extends Contributor> units )
 573  1
             Map<String, Boolean> requiredHeaders = new HashMap<String, Boolean>();
 575  1
             requiredHeaders.put( IMAGE, Boolean.FALSE );
 576  1
             requiredHeaders.put( ID, Boolean.FALSE );
 577  1
             requiredHeaders.put( NAME, Boolean.FALSE );
 578  1
             requiredHeaders.put( EMAIL, Boolean.FALSE );
 579  1
             requiredHeaders.put( URL, Boolean.FALSE );
 580  1
             requiredHeaders.put( ORGANIZATION, Boolean.FALSE );
 581  1
             requiredHeaders.put( ORGANIZATION_URL, Boolean.FALSE );
 582  1
             requiredHeaders.put( ROLES, Boolean.FALSE );
 583  1
             requiredHeaders.put( TIME_ZONE, Boolean.FALSE );
 584  1
             requiredHeaders.put( PROPERTIES, Boolean.FALSE );
 586  1
             for ( Contributor unit : units )
 588  2
                 if ( unit instanceof Developer )
 590  2
                     Developer developer = (Developer) unit;
 591  2
                     if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( developer.getId() ) )
 593  2
                         requiredHeaders.put( ID, Boolean.TRUE );
 596  2
                 if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( unit.getName() ) )
 598  2
                     requiredHeaders.put( NAME, Boolean.TRUE );
 600  2
                 if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( unit.getEmail() ) )
 602  1
                     requiredHeaders.put( EMAIL, Boolean.TRUE );
 603  1
                     requiredHeaders.put( IMAGE, Boolean.TRUE );
 605  2
                 if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( unit.getUrl() ) )
 607  0
                     requiredHeaders.put( URL, Boolean.TRUE );
 609  2
                 if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( unit.getOrganization() ) )
 611  1
                     requiredHeaders.put( ORGANIZATION, Boolean.TRUE );
 613  2
                 if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( unit.getOrganizationUrl() ) )
 615  0
                     requiredHeaders.put( ORGANIZATION_URL, Boolean.TRUE );
 617  2
                 if ( !isEmpty( unit.getRoles() ) )
 619  1
                     requiredHeaders.put( ROLES, Boolean.TRUE );
 621  2
                 if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( unit.getTimezone() ) )
 623  2
                     requiredHeaders.put( TIME_ZONE, Boolean.TRUE );
 625  2
                 Properties properties = unit.getProperties();
 626  2
                 boolean hasPicUrl = properties.contains( "picUrl" );
 627  2
                 if ( hasPicUrl )
 629  0
                     requiredHeaders.put( IMAGE, Boolean.TRUE );
 631  2
                 boolean isJustAnImageProperty = properties.size() == 1 && hasPicUrl;
 632  2
                 if ( !isJustAnImageProperty && !properties.isEmpty() )
 634  0
                     requiredHeaders.put( PROPERTIES, Boolean.TRUE );
 636  2
 637  1
             return requiredHeaders;
          * Create a table cell with a link to the given url. The url is not validated.
          * @param url
         private void tableCellForUrl( String url )
 647  0
 649  0
             if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( url ) )
 651  0
                 text( url );
 655  0
                 link( url, url );
 658  0
 659  0
         private boolean isEmpty( List<?> list )
 663  4
             return ( list == null ) || list.isEmpty();