Coverage Report - org.apache.maven.plugin.eclipse.writers.EclipseOSGiManifestWriter
Classes in this File Line Coverage Branch Coverage Complexity
  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
  * distributed with this work for additional information
  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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  * under the License.
 package org.apache.maven.plugin.eclipse.writers;
 import java.util.Arrays;
 import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException;
 import org.apache.maven.plugin.eclipse.Messages;
 import org.apache.maven.plugin.ide.IdeDependency;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.util.IOUtil;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.util.StringUtils;
  * The <code>EclipseOSGiManifestWriter</code> ensures that value of the "Bundle-Classpath" property in
  * META-INF/MANIFEST.MF is synchronized with the POM by adding all dependencies that don't have the scope provided.
  * @deprecated use <a href="">Maven Bundle plugin</a>
  *             from Felix
 45  0
 public class EclipseOSGiManifestWriter
     extends AbstractEclipseWriter
      * Constant used for newline.
      * @todo check if we should use system-dependent newlines or if eclipse prefers a common format
     private static final String NEWLINE = "\n";
      * Bundle classpath: updated with the list of dependencies.
     public final static String ENTRY_BUNDLE_CLASSPATH = "Bundle-ClassPath:";
      * Bundle name: updated with the project name.
     public final static String ENTRY_BUNDLE_NAME = "Bundle-Name:";
      * Bundle symbolic name: updated with the artifact id.
     public final static String ENTRY_BUNDLE_SYMBOLICNAME = "Bundle-SymbolicName:";
      * Bundle version: updated with the project version.
     public final static String ENTRY_BUNDLE_VERSION = "Bundle-Version:";
      * Bundle vendor: updated with the organization name (if set in the POM).
     public final static String ENTRY_BUNDLE_VENDOR = "Bundle-Vendor:";
      * @see org.apache.maven.plugin.eclipse.writers.EclipseWriter#write()
     public void write()
         throws MojoExecutionException
         // check for existence
 88  0
         if ( !config.getOSGIManifestFile().exists() )
 90  0
             log.warn( Messages.getString( "EclipseOSGiManifestWriter.nomanifestfile",
                                           config.getOSGIManifestFile().getAbsolutePath() ) );
 92  0
 95  0
         StringBuffer manifestSb = rewriteManifest( config.getOSGIManifestFile() );
 96  0
         Writer out = null;
 99  0
             out = new OutputStreamWriter( new FileOutputStream( config.getOSGIManifestFile() ), "UTF-8" );
 100  0
             out.write( manifestSb.toString() );
 102  0
         catch ( FileNotFoundException e )
 104  0
             throw new MojoExecutionException( Messages.getString( "cantwritetofile",
                                                                   config.getOSGIManifestFile().getAbsolutePath() ) );
 107  0
         catch ( IOException e )
 109  0
             throw new MojoExecutionException( Messages.getString( "cantwritetofile",
                                                                   config.getOSGIManifestFile().getAbsolutePath() ), e );
 114  0
             IOUtil.close( out );
 115  0
 116  0
     protected StringBuffer rewriteManifest( File manifestFile )
         throws MojoExecutionException
         // warning: we read and rewrite the file line by line in order to preserve formatting
 123  0
         boolean inBundleClasspathEntry = false;
 124  0
         StringBuffer manifestSb = new StringBuffer();
 127  0
             BufferedReader in =
                 new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader( new FileInputStream( manifestFile ), "UTF-8" ) );
             String line;
 130  0
             while ( ( line = in.readLine() ) != null )
 132  0
                 if ( inBundleClasspathEntry && line.indexOf( ":" ) > -1 )
 134  0
                     inBundleClasspathEntry = false;
 136  0
                 else if ( inBundleClasspathEntry )
                     // skip it
 139  0
                 // Note that this could be the empty string, if we encounter
                 // a field that we weren't expecting to be multi-line.
 144  0
                 String name = line.substring( 0, line.indexOf( ":" ) + 1 );
 146  0
                 if ( name.equalsIgnoreCase( ENTRY_BUNDLE_CLASSPATH ) )
 148  0
                     inBundleClasspathEntry = true;
 150  0
                 else if ( name.equalsIgnoreCase( ENTRY_BUNDLE_NAME ) )
 152  0
                     manifestSb.append( ENTRY_BUNDLE_NAME );
 153  0
                     manifestSb.append( " " );
 154  0
                     manifestSb.append( config.getProject().getName() );
 155  0
                     manifestSb.append( NEWLINE );
 157  0
                 else if ( name.equalsIgnoreCase( ENTRY_BUNDLE_SYMBOLICNAME ) )
 159  0
                     manifestSb.append( ENTRY_BUNDLE_SYMBOLICNAME );
 160  0
                     manifestSb.append( " " );
 161  0
                     manifestSb.append( config.getEclipseProjectName() );
 162  0
                     manifestSb.append( ";singleton:=true" );
 163  0
                     manifestSb.append( NEWLINE );
 165  0
                 else if ( name.equalsIgnoreCase( ENTRY_BUNDLE_VERSION ) )
 167  0
                     manifestSb.append( ENTRY_BUNDLE_VERSION );
 168  0
                     manifestSb.append( " " );
 169  0
                     manifestSb.append( getNormalizedVersion( config.getProject().getVersion() ) );
 170  0
                     manifestSb.append( NEWLINE );
 172  0
                 else if ( name.equalsIgnoreCase( ENTRY_BUNDLE_VENDOR ) && config.getProject().getOrganization() != null )
 174  0
                     manifestSb.append( ENTRY_BUNDLE_VENDOR );
 175  0
                     manifestSb.append( " " );
 176  0
                     manifestSb.append( config.getProject().getOrganization().getName() );
 177  0
                     manifestSb.append( NEWLINE );
 181  0
                     manifestSb.append( line + NEWLINE );
 183  0
 185  0
             IOUtil.close( in );
 187  0
         catch ( IOException e )
 189  0
             throw new MojoExecutionException( Messages.getString( "cantreadfile", manifestFile.getAbsolutePath() ) );
 190  0
 191  0
         manifestSb.append( addBundleClasspathEntries() );
         // OSGi manifest headers need to end with a line break
 194  0
         manifestSb.append( NEWLINE );
 195  0
         return manifestSb;
      * Normalize a version number, by moving snapshot identifier to the 5th token (first 4 tokens must be numeric for
      * OSGI bundles)
      * @param version original version
      * @return a normalized version number
     protected static String getNormalizedVersion( String version )
 208  3
         if ( version.endsWith( "-SNAPSHOT" ) )
 210  3
             String[] versionTokens = StringUtils.split( StringUtils.stripEnd( version, "-SNAPSHOT" ), "." );
 212  3
             int j = 0;
 213  3
             StringBuffer newVersion = new StringBuffer( 20 );
 214  21
             for ( ; j < versionTokens.length; j++ )
 216  9
                 newVersion.append( versionTokens[j] );
 217  9
                 newVersion.append( "." );
 219  5
             for ( ; j < 3; j++ )
 221  1
                 newVersion.append( "0." );
 224  3
             newVersion.append( "SNAPSHOT" );
 225  3
             version = newVersion.toString();
 228  3
         return version;
      * Add all libraries that don't have the scope "provided" to the "Bundle-Classpath".
      * @return complete "Bundle-ClassPath:" entry for manifest
     protected String addBundleClasspathEntries()
 238  0
         StringBuffer bundleClasspathSb = new StringBuffer( ENTRY_BUNDLE_CLASSPATH );
         // local classes, if the plugin is jarred
         // @todo handle expanded plugins
 242  0
         bundleClasspathSb.append( " ." );
 244  0
         IdeDependency[] deps = config.getDepsOrdered();
         // since Manifest is supposed to be in SVN, having the order of classpath entries shuffled at each run is very
         // annoying. For now just sort them by using groupId/artifactId
 248  0
         Arrays.sort( deps );
 250  0
         for ( int j = 0; j < deps.length; j++ )
 252  0
             IdeDependency dep = deps[j];
 253  0
             if ( !dep.isProvided() && !dep.isReferencedProject() && !dep.isTestDependency() && !dep.isOsgiBundle() )
 255  0
                 bundleClasspathSb.append( "," + NEWLINE );
 257  0
                 log.debug( "Adding artifact to manifest: " + dep.getArtifactId() );
 259  0
                 bundleClasspathSb.append( " " + dep.getFile().getName() );
         // only insert the name of the property if there are local libraries
 263  0
         return bundleClasspathSb.toString();