Coverage Report - org.apache.maven.plugin.checkstyle.CheckstyleExecutorRequest
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 package org.apache.maven.plugin.checkstyle;
  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
  * distributed with this work for additional information
  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
  * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  * under the License.
 import org.apache.maven.plugin.logging.Log;
 import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject;
  * @author <a href="">olamy</a>
  * @since 2.5
  * @version $Id$
 public class CheckstyleExecutorRequest
      * Specifies the names filter of the source files to be used for Checkstyle.
     private String includes;
      * Specifies the names filter of the source files to be excluded for Checkstyle.
     private String excludes;
     private MavenProject project;
     private Log log;
     private String suppressionsLocation;
     private boolean includeTestSourceDirectory;
     private File testSourceDirectory;
     private File sourceDirectory;
     private boolean failsOnError;
     private AuditListener listener;
     private boolean consoleOutput;
     private DefaultLogger defaultLogger;
     private ByteArrayOutputStream stringOutputStream;
     private String propertiesLocation;
     private String configLocation;
     private String propertyExpansion;
     private String headerLocation; 
     private String cacheFile;  
     private String suppressionsFileExpression;
     private String encoding; 
     public CheckstyleExecutorRequest( )
 88  32
 90  32
     public String getIncludes()
 94  32
         return includes;
     public CheckstyleExecutorRequest setIncludes( String includes )
 99  32
         this.includes = includes;
 100  32
         return this;
     public String getExcludes()
 105  32
         return excludes;
     public CheckstyleExecutorRequest setExcludes( String excludes )
 110  32
         this.excludes = excludes;
 111  32
         return this;
     public MavenProject getProject()
 116  124
         return project;
     public CheckstyleExecutorRequest setProject( MavenProject project )
 121  32
         this.project = project;
 122  32
         return this;
     public Log getLog()
 127  54
         return log;
     public CheckstyleExecutorRequest setLog( Log log )
 132  32
         this.log = log;
 133  32
         return this;
     public String getSuppressionsLocation()
 138  32
         return suppressionsLocation;
     public CheckstyleExecutorRequest setSuppressionsLocation( String suppressionsLocation )
 143  32
         this.suppressionsLocation = suppressionsLocation;
 144  32
         return this;
     public boolean isIncludeTestSourceDirectory()
 149  92
         return includeTestSourceDirectory;
     public CheckstyleExecutorRequest setIncludeTestSourceDirectory( boolean includeTestSourceDirectory )
 154  32
         this.includeTestSourceDirectory = includeTestSourceDirectory;
 155  32
         return this;
     public File getTestSourceDirectory()
 160  0
         return testSourceDirectory;
     public CheckstyleExecutorRequest setTestSourceDirectory( File testSourceDirectory )
 165  32
         this.testSourceDirectory = testSourceDirectory;
 166  32
         return this;
     public File getSourceDirectory()
 171  126
         return sourceDirectory;
     public CheckstyleExecutorRequest setSourceDirectory( File sourceDirectory )
 176  32
         this.sourceDirectory = sourceDirectory;
 177  32
         return this;
     public boolean isFailsOnError()
 182  30
         return failsOnError;
     public CheckstyleExecutorRequest setFailsOnError( boolean failsOnError )
 187  32
         this.failsOnError = failsOnError;
 188  32
         return this;
     public AuditListener getListener()
 193  30
         return listener;
     public CheckstyleExecutorRequest setListener( AuditListener listener )
 198  32
         this.listener = listener;
 199  32
         return this;
     public boolean isConsoleOutput()
 204  30
         return consoleOutput;
     public CheckstyleExecutorRequest setConsoleOutput( boolean consoleOutput )
 209  32
         this.consoleOutput = consoleOutput;
 210  32
         return this;
     public CheckstyleExecutorRequest setConsoleListener(DefaultLogger defaultLogger)
 215  32
         this.defaultLogger = defaultLogger;
 216  32
         return this;
     public DefaultLogger getConsoleListener()
 221  8
         return this.defaultLogger;
     public ByteArrayOutputStream getStringOutputStream()
 226  56
         return stringOutputStream;
     public CheckstyleExecutorRequest setStringOutputStream( ByteArrayOutputStream stringOutputStream )
 231  32
         this.stringOutputStream = stringOutputStream;
 232  32
         return this;
     public String getConfigLocation()
 237  60
         return configLocation;
     public CheckstyleExecutorRequest setConfigLocation( String configLocation )
 242  32
         this.configLocation = configLocation;
 243  32
         return this;
     public String getPropertyExpansion()
 248  30
         return propertyExpansion;
     public CheckstyleExecutorRequest setPropertyExpansion( String propertyExpansion )
 253  32
         this.propertyExpansion = propertyExpansion;
 254  32
         return this;
     public String getHeaderLocation()
 259  34
         return headerLocation;
     public CheckstyleExecutorRequest setHeaderLocation( String headerLocation )
 264  32
         this.headerLocation = headerLocation;
 265  32
         return this;
     public String getCacheFile()
 270  90
         return cacheFile;
     public CheckstyleExecutorRequest setCacheFile( String cacheFile )
 275  32
         this.cacheFile = cacheFile;
 276  32
         return this;
     public String getSuppressionsFileExpression()
 281  30
         return suppressionsFileExpression;
     public CheckstyleExecutorRequest setSuppressionsFileExpression( String suppressionsFileExpression )
 286  32
         this.suppressionsFileExpression = suppressionsFileExpression;
 287  32
         return this;
     public String getEncoding()
 292  90
         return encoding;
     public CheckstyleExecutorRequest setEncoding( String encoding )
 297  32
         this.encoding = encoding;
 298  32
         return this;
     public String getPropertiesLocation()
 303  30
         return propertiesLocation;
     public void setPropertiesLocation( String propertiesLocation )
 308  32
         this.propertiesLocation = propertiesLocation;
 309  32