Coverage Report - org.apache.maven.plugin.trac.TracMojo
Classes in this File Line Coverage Branch Coverage Complexity
 package org.apache.maven.plugin.trac;
  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
  * distributed with this work for additional information
  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
  * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  * under the License.
 import java.util.ArrayList;
 import java.util.Locale;
 import java.util.Map;
 import java.util.ResourceBundle;
 import org.apache.maven.doxia.siterenderer.Renderer;
 import org.apache.maven.plugin.changes.AbstractChangesReport;
 import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject;
 import org.apache.maven.reporting.MavenReportException;
 import org.apache.xmlrpc.XmlRpcException;
 import org.apache.xmlrpc.client.XmlRpcClient;
 import org.apache.xmlrpc.client.XmlRpcClientConfigImpl;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.util.StringUtils;
  * Goal which downloads issues from the Issue Tracking System and generates a
  * report.
  * @goal trac-report
  * @author Noriko Kinugasa
  * @version $Id$
  * @since 2.1
 47  0
 public class TracMojo
     extends AbstractChangesReport
      * Defines the Trac username for authentication into a private Trac
      * installation.
      * @parameter default-value=""
     private String tracUser;
      * Defines the Trac password for authentication into a private Trac
      * installation.
      * @parameter default-value=""
     private String tracPassword;
      * Defines the Trac query for searching ticket.
      * @parameter default-value="order=id"
     private String query;
      * @see org.apache.maven.reporting.AbstractMavenReport#canGenerateReport()
     public boolean canGenerateReport()
 78  0
         return validateIfIssueManagementComplete();
     public void executeReport( Locale locale )
         throws MavenReportException
 84  0
         if ( !canGenerateReport() )
 86  0
             throw new MavenReportException( "Issue Management is out of order." );
 89  0
 91  0
         XmlRpcClientConfigImpl config = new XmlRpcClientConfigImpl();
 95  0
             config.setServerURL( new URL( project.getIssueManagement().getUrl() + "/login/xmlrpc" ) );
 97  0
         catch ( MalformedURLException e1 )
 100  0
             throw new MavenReportException( "The Trac URL is incorrect." );
 102  0
 103  0
         config.setBasicUserName( tracUser );
 104  0
         config.setBasicPassword( tracPassword );
 106  0
         Object[] queryResult = null;
 107  0
         XmlRpcClient client = new XmlRpcClient();
 109  0
         client.setConfig( config );
 111  0
         String qstr = "";
 113  0
         if ( !StringUtils.isEmpty( query ) )
 115  0
             qstr = query;
 118  0
         Object[] params = new Object[] { new String( qstr ) };
 121  0
             queryResult = (Object[]) client.execute( "ticket.query", params );
 123  0
         catch ( XmlRpcException e )
 125  0
             throw new MavenReportException( "XmlRpc Error.", e );
 126  0
 128  0
         ArrayList ticketList = new ArrayList();
         TracTicket matchTicket;
 131  0
         TracReportGenerator report = new TracReportGenerator();
 133  0
         if ( queryResult.length == 0 )
 136  0
             report.doGenerateEmptyReport( getBundle( locale ), getSink() );
 137  0
             getLog().warn( "No ticket has matched." );
 143  0
             for ( int i = 0; i < queryResult.length; i++ )
 145  0
                 params = new Object[] { queryResult[i] };
 148  0
                     Object[] Ticketresult = null;
 149  0
                     matchTicket = new TracTicket();
 150  0
                     Ticketresult = (Object[]) client.execute( "ticket.get", params );
 151  0
                     ticketList.add( setQueryResult( Ticketresult, matchTicket ) );
 154  0
                 catch ( XmlRpcException e )
 156  0
                     throw new MavenReportException( "XmlRpc Error.", e );
 157  0
 162  0
                 report.doGenerateReport( getBundle( locale ), getSink(), ticketList );
 165  0
             catch ( Exception e )
 168  0
 170  0
 174  0
     public String getName( Locale locale )
 178  0
         return "Trac Report";
     public String getDescription( Locale locale )
 183  0
         return "Report on Ticket from the Trac.";
     protected Renderer getSiteRenderer()
 188  0
         return siteRenderer;
     protected MavenProject getProject()
 193  0
         return project;
     public String getOutputName()
 198  0
         return "trac-report";
     private ResourceBundle getBundle( Locale locale )
 203  0
         return ResourceBundle.getBundle( "trac-report", locale, this.getClass().getClassLoader() );
     private void parseTracUrl()
 209  0
         String tracUrl = project.getIssueManagement().getUrl();
 211  0
         if ( tracUrl.endsWith( "/" ) )
 213  0
             project.getIssueManagement().setUrl( tracUrl.substring( 0, tracUrl.length() - 1 ) );
 216  0
     private TracTicket setQueryResult( Object[] ticketObj, TracTicket ticket )
 221  0
         ticket.setId( String.valueOf( ticketObj[0] ) );
 223  0
         ticket.setLink( project.getIssueManagement().getUrl() + "/ticket/" + String.valueOf( ticketObj[0] ) );
 225  0
         ticket.setTimeCreated( String.valueOf( ticketObj[1] ) );
 227  0
         ticket.setTimeChanged( String.valueOf( ticketObj[2] ) );
 229  0
         Map attributes = (Map) ticketObj[3];
 231  0
         ticket.setType( (String) attributes.get( "type" ) );
 233  0
         ticket.setSummary( (String) attributes.get( "summary" ) );
 235  0
         ticket.setStatus( (String) attributes.get( "status" ) );
 237  0
         ticket.setResolution( (String) attributes.get( "resolution" ) );
 239  0
         ticket.setOwner( (String) attributes.get( "owner" ) );
 241  0
         ticket.setMilestone( (String) attributes.get( "milestone" ) );
 243  0
         ticket.setPriority( (String) attributes.get( "priority" ) );
 245  0
         ticket.setReporter( (String) attributes.get( "reporter" ) );
 247  0
         ticket.setComponent( (String) attributes.get( "component" ) );
 249  0
         return ticket;
     private boolean validateIfIssueManagementComplete()
 254  0
         if ( project.getIssueManagement() == null )
 256  0
             getLog().error( "No Issue Management set. No Trac Report will be generated." );
 258  0
             return false;
 260  0
         else if ( ( project.getIssueManagement().getUrl() == null )
             || ( project.getIssueManagement().getUrl().trim().equals( "" ) ) )
 263  0
             getLog().error( "No URL set in Issue Management. No Trac Report will be generated." );
 265  0
             return false;
 267  0
         else if ( ( project.getIssueManagement().getSystem() != null )
             && !( project.getIssueManagement().getSystem().equalsIgnoreCase( "trac" ) ) )
 270  0
             getLog().error( "The Trac Report only supports Trac.  No Trac Report will be generated." );
 272  0
             return false;
 274  0
         return true;