Coverage Report - org.apache.maven.plugin.announcement.AnnouncementMojo
Classes in this File Line Coverage Branch Coverage Complexity
 package org.apache.maven.plugin.announcement;
  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
  * distributed with this work for additional information
  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
  * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  * under the License.
 import org.apache.maven.plugin.AbstractMojo;
 import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException;
 import org.apache.maven.plugin.changes.Action;
 import org.apache.maven.plugin.changes.ChangesXML;
 import org.apache.maven.plugin.changes.Release;
 import org.apache.maven.plugin.jira.JiraXML;
 import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject;
 import org.apache.maven.settings.Settings;
 import org.apache.velocity.VelocityContext;
 import org.apache.velocity.context.Context;
 import org.apache.velocity.exception.ResourceNotFoundException;
 import org.apache.velocity.exception.VelocityException;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.velocity.VelocityComponent;
 import java.util.Iterator;
 import java.util.List;
  * Goal which generate the template for an announcement.
  * @goal announcement-generate
  * @requiresDependencyResolution test
  * @author
  * @version $Id$
 50  0
 public class AnnouncementMojo
     extends AbstractMojo
     private static final String SNAPSHOT_SUFFIX = "-SNAPSHOT";
      * Directory where the template file will be generated.
      * @parameter expression="${}/announcement"
      * @required
     private File outputDirectory;
      * @parameter expression="${project.groupId}"
      * @readonly
     private String groupId;
      * @parameter expression="${project.artifactId}"
      * @readonly
     private String artifactId;
      * Version of the artifact.
      * @parameter expression="${project.version}"
      * @readonly
     private String version;
      * Distribution url of the artifact.
      * @parameter expression="${project.url}"
      * @required
     private String url;
      * Packaging structure for the artifact.
      * @parameter expression="${project.packaging}"
      * @readonly
     private String packaging;
      * The name of the artifact to be used in the announcement.
      * @parameter expression="${}"
      * @required
     private String finalName;
      * URL where the artifact can be downloaded. If not specified,
      * no URL is used.
      * @parameter
     private String urlDownload;
      * The path of the changes.xml file.
      * @parameter expression="${basedir}/src/changes/changes.xml"
      * @required
     private File xmlPath;
      * Name of the team that develops the artifact.
      * @parameter default-value="${} team"
      * @required
     private String developmentTeam;
      * Short description or introduction of the released artifact.
      * @parameter expression="${project.description}"
     private String introduction;
      * Velocity Component.
      * @parameter expression="${}"
      * @readonly
     private VelocityComponent velocity;
      * The Velocity template used to format the announcement.
      * @parameter default-value="announcement.vm"
      * @required
     private String template;
      * Directory that contains the template.
      * <p>
      * <b>Note:</b> This directory must be a subdirectory of
      * <code>/src/main/resources/</code>.
      * </p>
      * @parameter default-value="org/apache/maven/plugin/announcement"
      * @required
     private String templateDirectory;
     private ChangesXML xml;
     //  JIRA-Announcement Needed Parameters  //
      * The Maven Project.
      * @parameter expression="${project}"
      * @required
      * @readonly
     private MavenProject project;
      * Settings XML configuration.
      * @parameter expression="${settings}"
      * @required
      * @readonly
     private Settings settings;
      * Flag to determine if the plugin will generate a JIRA announcement.
      * @parameter expression="${generateJiraAnnouncement}" default-value="false"
      * @required
     private boolean generateJiraAnnouncement;
      * Only closed issues are needed.
      * <p>
      * <b>Note:</b> In versions 2.0-beta-3 and earlier this parameter was
      * called "statusId".
      * </p>
      * @parameter default-value="Closed"
     private String statusIds;
      * Only fixed issues are needed.
      * <p>
      * <b>Note:</b> In versions 2.0-beta-3 and earlier this parameter was
      * called "resolutionId".
      * </p>
      * @parameter default-value="Fixed"
     private String resolutionIds;
      * The path of the XML file of JIRA-announcements to be parsed.
      * @parameter expression="${}/jira-announcement.xml"
      * @required
      * @readonly
     private File jiraXML;
      * The maximum number of issues to include.
      * <p>
      * <b>Note:</b> In versions 2.0-beta-3 and earlier this parameter was
      * called "nbEntries".
      * </p>
      * @parameter default-value="25"
      * @required
     private int maxEntries;
     //    announcement-generate execution    //
      * Generate the template
      * @throws MojoExecutionException
     public void execute()
         throws MojoExecutionException
 253  0
         if ( !generateJiraAnnouncement )
 255  0
             setXml( new ChangesXML( getXmlPath(), getLog() ) );
 257  0
             getLog().info( "Creating announcement file from " + getXmlPath() + "..." );
 259  0
             doGenerate( getXml().getReleaseList() );
 263  0
 265  0
      * Add the parameters to velocity context
      * @param releases A <code>List</code> of <code>Release</code>s
      * @throws MojoExecutionException
     public void doGenerate( List releases )
         throws MojoExecutionException
 278  0
             Context context = new VelocityContext();
 280  0
             if ( getIntroduction() == null || getIntroduction().equals( "" ) )
 282  0
                 setIntroduction( getUrl() );
 285  0
             context.put( "releases", releases );
 287  0
             context.put( "groupId", getGroupId() );
 289  0
             context.put( "artifactId", getArtifactId() );
 291  0
             context.put( "version", getVersion() );
 293  0
             context.put( "packaging", getPackaging() );
 295  0
             context.put( "url", getUrl() );
 297  0
             context.put( "release", getLatestRelease( releases ) );
 299  0
             context.put( "introduction", getIntroduction() );
 301  0
             context.put( "developmentTeam", getDevelopmentTeam() );
 303  0
             context.put( "finalName", getFinalName() );
 305  0
             context.put( "urlDownload", getUrlDownload() );
 307  0
             processTemplate( context, getOutputDirectory(), template );
 309  0
         catch ( ResourceNotFoundException rnfe )
 311  0
             throw new MojoExecutionException( "Resource not found.", rnfe );
 313  0
         catch ( VelocityException ve )
 315  0
             throw new MojoExecutionException( ve.toString(), ve );
 316  0
 317  0
      * Get the latest release by matching the supplied releases
      * with the version from the pom.
      * @param releases list of releases
      * @return A <code>Release</code> that matches the next release of the current project
      * @throws MojoExecutionException
     public Release getLatestRelease( List releases )
         throws MojoExecutionException
 330  0
         boolean isFound = false;
 332  0
         Release release = null;
         // Remove "-SNAPSHOT" from the end, if it's there
 335  0
         String pomVersion = getVersion();
 336  0
         if ( pomVersion != null && pomVersion.endsWith( SNAPSHOT_SUFFIX ) )
 338  0
             pomVersion = pomVersion.substring( 0, pomVersion.length() - SNAPSHOT_SUFFIX.length() );
 340  0
         getLog().debug( "Found " + releases.size() + " releases." );
 342  0
         for ( int i = 0; i < releases.size(); i++ )
 344  0
             release = (Release) releases.get( i );
 345  0
             if ( getLog().isDebugEnabled() )
 347  0
                 getLog().debug( "The release: " + release.getVersion()
                     + " has " + release.getAction().size() + " actions." );
 351  0
             if ( release.getVersion() != null && release.getVersion().equals( pomVersion ) )
 353  0
                 isFound = true;
 354  0
                 if ( getLog().isDebugEnabled() )
 356  0
                     getLog().debug( "Found the correct release: " + release.getVersion() );
 357  0
                     logRelease( release );
 359  0
                 return release;
 363  0
         if ( !isFound )
 365  0
             throw new MojoExecutionException( "Couldn't find the release '" + pomVersion
                 + "' among the supplied releases." );
 368  0
         return release;
     private void logRelease( Release release )
         Action action;
 374  0
         for ( Iterator iterator = release.getAction().iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); )
 376  0
             action = (Action);
 377  0
             getLog().debug( "o " + action.getType() );
 378  0
             getLog().debug( "  - " + action.getIssue() );
 379  0
             getLog().debug( "  - " + action.getAction() );
 380  0
             getLog().debug( "  - " + action.getDueTo() );
 382  0
      * Create the velocity template
      * @param context velocity context that has the parameter values
      * @param outputDirectory directory where the file will be generated
      * @param template velocity template which will the context be merged
      * @throws ResourceNotFoundException, VelocityException, IOException
     public void processTemplate( Context context, File outputDirectory, String template )
         throws ResourceNotFoundException, VelocityException, MojoExecutionException
         File f;
 399  0
             f = new File( outputDirectory, template );
 401  0
             if ( !f.getParentFile().exists() )
 403  0
 406  0
             Writer writer = new FileWriter( f );
 408  0
             getVelocity().getEngine().mergeTemplate( templateDirectory + "/" + template, context, writer );
 410  0
 412  0
 414  0
             getLog().info( "Created template " + f );
 417  0
         catch ( ResourceNotFoundException rnfe )
 419  0
             throw new ResourceNotFoundException( "Template not found. ( " + templateDirectory + "/" + template + " )" );
 421  0
         catch ( VelocityException ve )
 423  0
             throw new VelocityException( ve.toString() );
 426  0
         catch ( Exception e )
 428  0
             if ( e.getCause() != null )
 430  0
                 getLog().warn( e.getCause() );
 432  0
             throw new MojoExecutionException( e.toString(), e.getCause() );
 433  0
 434  0
     public void doJiraGenerate()
         throws MojoExecutionException
 439  0
         JiraDownloader jiraDownloader = new JiraDownloader();
 441  0
         File jiraXMLFile = jiraXML;
 443  0
         jiraDownloader.setLog( getLog() );
 445  0
         jiraDownloader.setOutput( jiraXMLFile );
 447  0
         jiraDownloader.setStatusIds( statusIds );
 449  0
         jiraDownloader.setResolutionIds( resolutionIds );
 451  0
         jiraDownloader.setMavenProject( project );
 453  0
         jiraDownloader.setSettings( settings );
 455  0
         jiraDownloader.setNbEntries( maxEntries );
 459  0
 461  0
             if ( jiraXMLFile.exists() )
 463  0
                 JiraXML jiraParser = new JiraXML( jiraXMLFile );
 465  0
                 List issues = jiraParser.getIssueList();
 467  0
                 List releases = JiraXML.getReleases( issues );
 469  0
                 getLog().info( "Creating announcement file from JIRA releases..." );
 471  0
                 doGenerate( releases );
 474  0
         catch ( Exception e )
 476  0
             throw new MojoExecutionException( "Failed to extract JIRA issues from the downloaded file", e );
 477  0
 478  0
      * accessors
     public File getXmlPath()
 486  0
         return xmlPath;
     public void setXmlPath( File xmlPath )
 491  0
         this.xmlPath = xmlPath;
 492  0
     public File getOutputDirectory()
 496  0
         return outputDirectory;
     public void setOutputDirectory( File outputDirectory )
 501  0
         this.outputDirectory = outputDirectory;
 502  0
     public String getGroupId()
 506  0
         return groupId;
     public void setGroupId( String groupId )
 511  0
         this.groupId = groupId;
 512  0
     public String getArtifactId()
 516  0
         return artifactId;
     public void setArtifactId( String artifactId )
 521  0
         this.artifactId = artifactId;
 522  0
     public String getVersion()
 526  0
         return version;
     public void setVersion( String version )
 531  0
         this.version = version;
 532  0
     public String getUrl()
 536  0
         return url;
     public void setUrl( String url )
 541  0
         this.url = url;
 542  0
     public ChangesXML getXml()
 546  0
         return xml;
     public void setXml( ChangesXML xml )
 551  0
         this.xml = xml;
 552  0
     public String getPackaging()
 556  0
         return packaging;
     public void setPackaging( String packaging )
 561  0
         this.packaging = packaging;
 562  0
     public String getDevelopmentTeam()
 566  0
         return developmentTeam;
     public void setDevelopmentTeam( String developmentTeam )
 571  0
         this.developmentTeam = developmentTeam;
 572  0
     public String getIntroduction()
 576  0
         return introduction;
     public void setIntroduction( String introduction )
 581  0
         this.introduction = introduction;
 582  0
     public VelocityComponent getVelocity()
 586  0
         return velocity;
     public void setVelocity( VelocityComponent velocity )
 591  0
         this.velocity = velocity;
 592  0
     public String getFinalName()
 596  0
         return finalName;
     public void setFinalName( String finalName )
 601  0
         this.finalName = finalName;
 602  0
     public String getUrlDownload()
 606  0
         return urlDownload;
     public void setUrlDownload( String urlDownload )
 611  0
         this.urlDownload = urlDownload;
 612  0