Coverage Report - org.apache.maven.index.cli.NexusIndexerCli
Classes in this File Line Coverage Branch Coverage Complexity
84 %
57 %
100 %
96 %
86 %
 package org.apache.maven.index.cli;
  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
  * distributed with this work for additional information
  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
  * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  * under the License.
 import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine;
 import org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter;
 import org.apache.commons.cli.OptionBuilder;
 import org.apache.commons.cli.Options;
 import org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException;
 import org.apache.maven.index.ArtifactContext;
 import org.apache.maven.index.ArtifactInfo;
 import org.apache.maven.index.ArtifactScanningListener;
 import org.apache.maven.index.NexusIndexer;
 import org.apache.maven.index.ScanningResult;
 import org.apache.maven.index.context.DefaultIndexingContext;
 import org.apache.maven.index.context.IndexCreator;
 import org.apache.maven.index.context.IndexingContext;
 import org.apache.maven.index.context.UnsupportedExistingLuceneIndexException;
 import org.apache.maven.index.packer.IndexPacker;
 import org.apache.maven.index.packer.IndexPackingRequest;
 import org.apache.maven.index.packer.IndexPackingRequest.IndexFormat;
 import org.apache.maven.index.updater.DefaultIndexUpdater;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.PlexusContainer;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.ClassWorld;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.component.repository.exception.ComponentLookupException;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.logging.Logger;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.logging.LoggerManager;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.util.IOUtil;
 import java.lang.reflect.Proxy;
 import java.util.ArrayList;
 import java.util.Arrays;
 import java.util.List;
  * A command line tool that can be used to index local Maven repository.
  * <p/>
  * The following command line options are supported:
  * <ul>
  * <li>-repository <path> : required path to repository to be indexed</li>
  * <li>-index <path> : required index folder used to store created index or where previously created index is stored</li>
  * <li>-name <path> : required repository name/id</li>
  * <li>-target <path> : optional folder name where to save produced index files</li>
  * <li>-type <path> : optional indexer types</li>
  * <li>-format <path> : optional indexer formats</li>
  * </ul>
  * When index folder contains previously created index, the tool will use it as a base line and will generate chunks for
  * the incremental updates.
  * <p/>
  * The indexer types could be one of default, min or full. You can also specify list of comma-separated custom index
  * creators. An index creator should be a regular Plexus component, see {@link org.apache.maven.index.creator.MinimalArtifactInfoIndexCreator} and
  * {@link org.apache.maven.index.creator.JarFileContentsIndexCreator}.
 77  10
 public class NexusIndexerCli
     extends AbstractCli
     // Command line options
     public static final char REPO = 'r';
     public static final char INDEX = 'i';
     public static final char NAME = 'n';
     public static final char TYPE = 't';
     public static final char TARGET_DIR = 'd';
     public static final char CREATE_INCREMENTAL_CHUNKS = 'c';
     public static final char CREATE_FILE_CHECKSUMS = 's';
     public static final char INCREMENTAL_CHUNK_KEEP_COUNT = 'k';
     public static final char LEGACY = 'l';
     public static final char UNPACK = 'u';
     private static final long MB = 1024 * 1024;
     private Options options;
 106  10
     private int status = 0;
     public static void main( String[] args )
         throws Exception
 111  0
         NexusIndexerCli cli = new NexusIndexerCli();
 113  0
         cli.execute( args );
 115  0
         System.exit( cli.status );
 116  0
     public int execute( String[] arg0, ClassWorld arg1 )
 121  14
         int value = super.execute( arg0, arg1 );
 123  14
         if ( status == 0 )
 125  8
             status = value;
 128  14
         return status;
     public int execute( String[] args )
 134  14
         int value = super.execute( args );
 136  14
         if ( status == 0 )
 138  8
             status = value;
 141  14
         return status;
     protected void showError( String message, Exception e, boolean show )
 147  1
         status = 1;
 148  1
         super.showError( message, e, show );
 149  1
     protected int showFatalError( String message, Exception e, boolean show )
 154  0
         status = 1;
 155  0
         return super.showFatalError( message, e, show );
     public CommandLine parse( String[] args )
         throws ParseException
 164  14
             return super.parse( args );
 166  4
         catch ( ParseException e )
 168  4
             status = 1;
 169  4
             throw e;
     public String getPomPropertiesPath()
 176  1
         return "META-INF/maven/";
     @SuppressWarnings( "static-access" )
     public Options buildCliOptions( Options options )
 183  14
         this.options = options;
 185  14
         options.addOption( OptionBuilder.withLongOpt( "index" ).hasArg() //
                                .withDescription( "Path to the index folder." ).create( INDEX ) );
 188  14
         options.addOption( OptionBuilder.withLongOpt( "destination" ).hasArg() //
                                .withDescription( "Target folder." ).create( TARGET_DIR ) );
 191  14
         options.addOption( OptionBuilder.withLongOpt( "repository" ).hasArg() //
                                .withDescription( "Path to the Maven repository." ).create( REPO ) );
 194  14
         options.addOption( OptionBuilder.withLongOpt( "name" ).hasArg() //
                                .withDescription( "Repository name." ).create( NAME ) );
 197  14
         options.addOption( OptionBuilder.withLongOpt( "chunks" ) //
                                .withDescription( "Create incremental chunks." ).create( CREATE_INCREMENTAL_CHUNKS ) );
 200  14
         options.addOption( OptionBuilder.withLongOpt( "keep" ).hasArg().withDescription(
             "Number of incremental chunks to keep." ).create( INCREMENTAL_CHUNK_KEEP_COUNT ) );
 203  14
         options.addOption( OptionBuilder.withLongOpt( "checksums" ) //
                                .withDescription( "Create checksums for all files (sha1, md5)." ).create(
                 CREATE_FILE_CHECKSUMS ) );
 207  14
         options.addOption( OptionBuilder.withLongOpt( "type" ).hasArg() //
                                    "Indexer type (default, min, full or coma separated list of custom types)." ).create(
                 TYPE ) );
 212  14
         options.addOption( OptionBuilder.withLongOpt( "legacy" ) //
                                .withDescription( "Build legacy .zip index file" ).create( LEGACY ) );
 215  14
         options.addOption( OptionBuilder.withLongOpt( "unpack" ) //
                                .withDescription( "Unpack an index file" ).create( UNPACK ) );
 218  14
         return options;
     public void displayHelp()
 224  5
 226  5
         HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter();
 228  5
         formatter.printHelp( "nexus-indexer [options]", "\nOptions:", options, "\n" );
 229  5
     public void displayHelp( String message )
 233  1
 235  1
         System.out.println( message );
 237  1
 239  1
 240  1
     public void invokePlexusComponent( final CommandLine cli, PlexusContainer plexus )
         throws Exception
 246  10
         if ( cli.hasOption( QUIET ) )
 248  1
             setLogLevel( plexus, Logger.LEVEL_DISABLED );
 250  9
         else if ( cli.hasOption( DEBUG ) )
 252  1
             setLogLevel( plexus, Logger.LEVEL_DEBUG );
 254  8
         else if ( cli.hasOption( ERRORS ) )
 256  1
             setLogLevel( plexus, Logger.LEVEL_ERROR );
 259  10
         if ( cli.hasOption( UNPACK ) )
 261  1
             unpack( cli, plexus );
 263  9
         else if ( cli.hasOption( INDEX ) && cli.hasOption( REPO ) )
 265  8
             index( cli, plexus );
 269  1
             status = 1;
 271  1
             displayHelp( "Use either unpack (\"" + UNPACK + "\") or index (\"" + INDEX + "\" and \"" + REPO
                              + "\") options, but none has been found!" );
 274  9
     private void setLogLevel( PlexusContainer plexus, int logLevel )
         throws ComponentLookupException
 279  3
         plexus.lookup( LoggerManager.class ).setThresholds( logLevel );
 280  3
     private void index( final CommandLine cli, PlexusContainer plexus )
         throws ComponentLookupException, IOException, UnsupportedExistingLuceneIndexException
 285  8
         String indexDirectoryName = cli.getOptionValue( INDEX );
 287  8
         File indexFolder = new File( indexDirectoryName );
 289  8
         String outputDirectoryName = cli.getOptionValue( TARGET_DIR, "." );
 291  8
         File outputFolder = new File( outputDirectoryName );
 293  8
         File repositoryFolder = new File( cli.getOptionValue( REPO ) );
 295  8
         String repositoryName = cli.getOptionValue( NAME, indexFolder.getName() );
 297  8
         List<IndexCreator> indexers = getIndexers( cli, plexus );
 299  8
         boolean createChecksums = cli.hasOption( CREATE_FILE_CHECKSUMS );
 301  8
         boolean createIncrementalChunks = cli.hasOption( CREATE_INCREMENTAL_CHUNKS );
 303  8
         boolean createLegacyIndex = cli.hasOption( LEGACY );
 305  8
         boolean debug = cli.hasOption( DEBUG );
 307  8
         boolean quiet = cli.hasOption( QUIET );
 309  8
         Integer chunkCount = cli.hasOption( INCREMENTAL_CHUNK_KEEP_COUNT ) ? Integer.parseInt(
             cli.getOptionValue( INCREMENTAL_CHUNK_KEEP_COUNT ) ) : null;
 312  8
         if ( !quiet )
 314  7
             System.err.printf( "Repository Folder: %s\n", repositoryFolder.getAbsolutePath() );
 315  7
             System.err.printf( "Index Folder:      %s\n", indexFolder.getAbsolutePath() );
 316  7
             System.err.printf( "Output Folder:     %s\n", outputFolder.getAbsolutePath() );
 317  7
             System.err.printf( "Repository name:   %s\n", repositoryName );
 318  7
             System.err.printf( "Indexers: %s\n", indexers.toString() );
 320  7
             if ( createChecksums )
 322  0
                 System.err.printf( "Will create checksum files for all published files (sha1, md5).\n" );
 326  7
                 System.err.printf( "Will not create checksum files.\n" );
 329  7
             if ( createIncrementalChunks )
 331  0
                 System.err.printf( "Will create incremental chunks for changes, along with baseline file.\n" );
 335  7
                 System.err.printf( "Will create baseline file.\n" );
 338  7
             if ( createLegacyIndex )
 340  0
                 System.err.printf( "Will also create legacy .zip index file.\n" );
 344  8
         NexusIndexer indexer = plexus.lookup( NexusIndexer.class );
         // this is a CLI/batch invocation, don't coggle it with threads
 346  8
         DefaultIndexingContext.BLOCKING_COMMIT = true;
 348  8
             long tstart = System.currentTimeMillis();
 350  8
         IndexingContext context = indexer.addIndexingContext( //
                                                   repositoryName, // context id
                                                   repositoryName, // repository id
                                                   repositoryFolder, // repository folder
                                                   indexFolder, // index folder
                                                   null, // repositoryUrl
                                                   null, // index update url
                                                   indexers );
 361  8
             IndexPacker packer = plexus.lookup( IndexPacker.class );
 363  8
             ArtifactScanningListener listener = new IndexerListener( context, debug, quiet );
 365  8
             indexer.scan( context, listener, true );
 367  7
             IndexPackingRequest request = new IndexPackingRequest( context, outputFolder );
 369  7
             request.setCreateChecksumFiles( createChecksums );
 371  7
             request.setCreateIncrementalChunks( createIncrementalChunks );
 373  7
             if ( createLegacyIndex )
 375  0
                 request.setFormats( Arrays.asList( IndexFormat.FORMAT_LEGACY, IndexFormat.FORMAT_V1 ) );
 379  7
                 request.setFormats( Arrays.asList( IndexFormat.FORMAT_V1 ) );
 382  7
             if ( chunkCount != null )
 384  0
                 request.setMaxIndexChunks( chunkCount.intValue() );
 387  7
             packIndex( packer, request, debug, quiet );
 389  7
             if ( !quiet )
 391  6
                 printStats( tstart );
 396  8
             indexer.removeIndexingContext( context, false );
 397  7
 398  7
     private void unpack( CommandLine cli, PlexusContainer plexus )
         throws ComponentLookupException, IOException
 403  1
         final String indexDirectoryName = cli.getOptionValue( INDEX, "." );
 404  1
         final File indexFolder = new File( indexDirectoryName ).getCanonicalFile();
 405  1
         final File indexArchive = new File( indexFolder, IndexingContext.INDEX_FILE_PREFIX + ".gz" );
 407  1
         final String outputDirectoryName = cli.getOptionValue( TARGET_DIR, "." );
 408  1
         final File outputFolder = new File( outputDirectoryName ).getCanonicalFile();
 410  1
         final boolean quiet = cli.hasOption( QUIET );
 411  1
         if ( !quiet )
 413  1
             System.err.printf( "Index Folder:      %s\n", indexFolder.getAbsolutePath() );
 414  1
             System.err.printf( "Output Folder:     %s\n", outputFolder.getAbsolutePath() );
 417  1
         long tstart = System.currentTimeMillis();
 419  1
         final FSDirectory directory = outputFolder );
 421  1
         final List<IndexCreator> indexers = getIndexers( cli, plexus );
 423  1
         BufferedInputStream is = null;
 426  1
             is = new BufferedInputStream( new FileInputStream( indexArchive ) );
 427  1
             DefaultIndexUpdater.unpackIndexData( is, directory,
                                                  (IndexingContext) Proxy.newProxyInstance( getClass().getClassLoader(),
                                                                                            new Class[]{
                                                                                                IndexingContext.class },
                                                                                            new PartialImplementation()
 432  1
                                                                                                public List<IndexCreator> getIndexCreators()
 435  98
                                                                                                    return indexers;
                                                                                            } )
 443  1
             IOUtil.close( is );
 444  1
             if ( directory != null )
 446  1
 450  1
         if ( !quiet )
 452  1
             printStats( tstart );
 454  1
     private List<IndexCreator> getIndexers( final CommandLine cli, PlexusContainer plexus )
         throws ComponentLookupException
 459  9
         String type = "default";
 461  9
         if ( cli.hasOption( TYPE ) )
 463  0
             type = cli.getOptionValue( TYPE );
 466  9
         List<IndexCreator> indexers = new ArrayList<IndexCreator>(); // NexusIndexer.DEFAULT_INDEX;
 468  9
         if ( "default".equals( type ) )
 470  9
             indexers.add( plexus.lookup( IndexCreator.class, "min" ) );
 471  9
             indexers.add( plexus.lookup( IndexCreator.class, "jarContent" ) );
 473  0
         else if ( "full".equals( type ) )
 475  0
             for ( Object component : plexus.lookupList( IndexCreator.class ) )
 477  0
                 indexers.add( (IndexCreator) component );
 482  0
             for ( String hint : type.split( "," ) )
 484  0
                 indexers.add( plexus.lookup( IndexCreator.class, hint ) );
 487  9
         return indexers;
     private void packIndex( IndexPacker packer, IndexPackingRequest request, boolean debug, boolean quiet )
 494  7
             packer.packIndex( request );
 496  0
         catch ( IOException e )
 498  0
             if ( !quiet )
 500  0
                 System.err.printf( "Cannot zip index; \n", e.getMessage() );
 502  0
                 if ( debug )
 504  0
 507  7
 508  7
     private void printStats( final long startTimeInMillis )
 512  7
         long t = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTimeInMillis;
 514  7
         long s = t / 1000L;
 515  7
         if ( t > 60 * 1000 )
 517  0
             long m = t / 1000L / 60L;
 519  0
             System.err.printf( "Total time:   %d min %d sec\n", m, s - ( m * 60 ) );
 520  0
 523  7
             System.err.printf( "Total time:   %d sec\n", s );
 526  7
         Runtime r = Runtime.getRuntime();
 528  7
         System.err.printf( "Final memory: %dM/%dM\n", //
                            ( r.totalMemory() - r.freeMemory() ) / MB, r.totalMemory() / MB );
 530  7
      * Scanner listener
 535  10
     private static final class IndexerListener
         implements ArtifactScanningListener
         private final IndexingContext context;
         private final boolean debug;
         private boolean quiet;
 544  8
         private long ts = System.currentTimeMillis();
         private int count;
         IndexerListener( IndexingContext context, boolean debug, boolean quiet )
 549  8
 550  8
             this.context = context;
 551  8
             this.debug = debug;
 552  8
             this.quiet = quiet;
 553  8
         public void scanningStarted( IndexingContext context )
 557  7
             if ( !quiet )
 559  6
                 System.err.println( "Scanning started" );
 561  7
         public void artifactDiscovered( ArtifactContext ac )
 565  343
 567  343
             long t = System.currentTimeMillis();
 569  343
             ArtifactInfo ai = ac.getArtifactInfo();
 571  343
             if ( !quiet && debug && "maven-plugin".equals( ai.packaging ) )
 573  0
                 System.err.printf( "Plugin: %s:%s:%s - %s %s\n", //
                                    ai.groupId, ai.artifactId, ai.version, ai.prefix, "" + ai.goals );
 577  343
             if ( !quiet && ( debug || ( t - ts ) > 2000L ) )
 579  49
                 System.err.printf( "  %6d %s\n", count, formatFile( ac.getPom() ) );
 580  49
                 ts = t;
 582  343
         public void artifactError( ArtifactContext ac, Exception e )
 586  7
             if ( !quiet )
 588  6
                 System.err.printf( "! %6d %s - %s\n", count, formatFile( ac.getPom() ), e.getMessage() );
 590  6
                 System.err.printf( "         %s\n", formatFile( ac.getArtifact() ) );
 592  6
                 if ( debug )
 594  1
 598  7
             ts = System.currentTimeMillis();
 599  7
         private String formatFile( File file )
 603  61
             return file.getAbsolutePath().substring( context.getRepository().getAbsolutePath().length() + 1 );
         public void scanningFinished( IndexingContext context, ScanningResult result )
 608  7
             if ( !quiet )
 610  6
                 if ( result.hasExceptions() )
 612  6
                     System.err.printf( "Scanning errors:   %s\n", result.getExceptions().size() );
 615  6
                 System.err.printf( "Artifacts added:   %s\n", result.getTotalFiles() );
 616  6
                 System.err.printf( "Artifacts deleted: %s\n", result.getDeletedFiles() );
 618  7