Coverage Report - org.apache.maven.doxia.docrenderer.pdf.itext.ITextPdfRenderer
Classes in this File Line Coverage Branch Coverage Complexity
 package org.apache.maven.doxia.docrenderer.pdf.itext;
  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
  * distributed with this work for additional information
  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
  * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  * under the License.
 import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
 import java.util.Collection;
 import java.util.Date;
 import java.util.Iterator;
 import java.util.LinkedList;
 import java.util.List;
 import java.util.Locale;
 import java.util.Map;
 import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
 import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
 import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
 import javax.xml.transform.OutputKeys;
 import javax.xml.transform.Transformer;
 import javax.xml.transform.TransformerConfigurationException;
 import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException;
 import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory;
 import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource;
 import org.apache.maven.doxia.docrenderer.DocumentRendererContext;
 import org.apache.maven.doxia.docrenderer.DocumentRendererException;
 import org.apache.maven.doxia.docrenderer.pdf.AbstractPdfRenderer;
 import org.apache.maven.doxia.document.DocumentCover;
 import org.apache.maven.doxia.document.DocumentMeta;
 import org.apache.maven.doxia.document.DocumentModel;
 import org.apache.maven.doxia.document.DocumentTOCItem;
 import org.apache.maven.doxia.module.itext.ITextSink;
 import org.apache.maven.doxia.module.itext.ITextSinkFactory;
 import org.apache.maven.doxia.module.itext.ITextUtil;
 import org.apache.xml.utils.DefaultErrorHandler;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.util.IOUtil;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.util.StringUtils;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.util.WriterFactory;
 import org.w3c.dom.DOMException;
 import org.w3c.dom.Document;
 import org.w3c.dom.Node;
 import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
 import com.lowagie.text.ElementTags;
  * Abstract <code>document</code> render with the <code>iText</code> framework
  * @author <a href="">Vincent Siveton</a>
  * @author ltheussl
  * @version $Id: 1187064 2011-10-20 21:41:24Z rfscholte $
  * @since 1.1
  * @plexus.component role="org.apache.maven.doxia.docrenderer.pdf.PdfRenderer" role-hint="itext"
 82  4
 public class ITextPdfRenderer
     extends AbstractPdfRenderer
     /** The xslt style sheet used to transform a Document to an iText file. */
     private static final String XSLT_RESOURCE = "TOC.xslt";
     /** The TransformerFactory. */
 89  2
     private static final TransformerFactory TRANSFORMER_FACTORY = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
     /** The DocumentBuilderFactory. */
 92  2
     private static final DocumentBuilderFactory DOCUMENT_BUILDER_FACTORY = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
     /** The DocumentBuilder. */
     private static final DocumentBuilder DOCUMENT_BUILDER;
 99  2
         TRANSFORMER_FACTORY.setErrorListener( new DefaultErrorHandler() );
 103  2
             DOCUMENT_BUILDER = DOCUMENT_BUILDER_FACTORY.newDocumentBuilder();
 105  0
         catch ( ParserConfigurationException e )
 107  0
             throw new RuntimeException( "Error building document :" + e.getMessage() );
 108  2
 109  2
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     public void generatePdf( File inputFile, File pdfFile )
         throws DocumentRendererException
 115  14
         if ( getLogger().isDebugEnabled() )
 117  0
             getLogger().debug( "Generating : " + pdfFile );
 122  14
             ITextUtil.writePdf( new FileInputStream( inputFile ), new FileOutputStream( pdfFile ) );
 124  0
         catch ( IOException e )
 126  0
             throw new DocumentRendererException( "Cannot create PDF from " + inputFile + ": " + e.getMessage(), e );
 128  0
         catch ( RuntimeException e )
 130  0
             throw new DocumentRendererException( "Error creating PDF from " + inputFile + ": " + e.getMessage(), e );
 131  14
 132  14
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     public void render( Map<String, SiteModule> filesToProcess, File outputDirectory, DocumentModel documentModel )
         throws DocumentRendererException, IOException
 139  0
         render( filesToProcess, outputDirectory, documentModel, null );
 140  0
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     public void render( Map<String, SiteModule> filesToProcess, File outputDirectory, DocumentModel documentModel,
                         DocumentRendererContext context )
         throws DocumentRendererException, IOException
         // copy resources, images, etc.
 149  4
         copyResources( outputDirectory );
 151  4
         if ( documentModel == null )
 153  2
             getLogger().debug( "No document model, generating all documents individually." );
 155  2
             renderIndividual( filesToProcess, outputDirectory, context );
 156  2
 159  2
         String outputName = getOutputName( documentModel );
 161  2
         File outputITextFile = new File( outputDirectory, outputName + ".xml" );
 162  2
         if ( !outputITextFile.getParentFile().exists() )
 164  0
 167  2
         File pdfOutputFile = new File( outputDirectory, outputName + ".pdf" );
 168  2
         if ( !pdfOutputFile.getParentFile().exists() )
 170  0
         List<File> iTextFiles;
 174  2
         if ( ( documentModel.getToc() == null ) || ( documentModel.getToc().getItems() == null ) )
 176  0
             getLogger().info( "No TOC is defined in the document descriptor. Merging all documents." );
 178  0
             iTextFiles = parseAllFiles( filesToProcess, outputDirectory, context );
 182  2
             getLogger().debug( "Using TOC defined in the document descriptor." );
 184  2
             iTextFiles = parseTOCFiles( outputDirectory, documentModel, context );
 187  2
         String generateTOC =
             ( context != null && context.get( "generateTOC" ) != null ? context.get( "generateTOC" ).toString()
                             : "start" );
 191  2
         File iTextFile = new File( outputDirectory, outputName + ".xml" );
 192  2
         File iTextOutput = new File( outputDirectory, outputName + "." + getOutputExtension() );
 193  2
         Document document = generateDocument( iTextFiles );
 194  2
         transform( documentModel, document, iTextFile, generateTOC );
 195  2
         generatePdf( iTextFile, iTextOutput );
 196  2
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     public void renderIndividual( Map<String, SiteModule> filesToProcess, File outputDirectory )
         throws DocumentRendererException, IOException
 203  0
         renderIndividual( filesToProcess, outputDirectory, null );
 204  0
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     public void renderIndividual( Map<String, SiteModule> filesToProcess, File outputDirectory,
                                   DocumentRendererContext context )
         throws DocumentRendererException, IOException
 212  2
         for ( Map.Entry<String, SiteModule> entry : filesToProcess.entrySet() )
 214  12
             String key = entry.getKey();
 215  12
             SiteModule module = entry.getValue();
 216  12
             File fullDoc = new File( getBaseDir(), module.getSourceDirectory() + File.separator + key );
 218  12
             String output = key;
 219  12
             String lowerCaseExtension = module.getExtension().toLowerCase( Locale.ENGLISH );
 220  12
             if ( output.toLowerCase( Locale.ENGLISH ).indexOf( "." + lowerCaseExtension ) != -1 )
 222  12
                 output =
                     output.substring( 0, output.toLowerCase( Locale.ENGLISH ).indexOf( "." + lowerCaseExtension ) );
 226  12
             File outputITextFile = new File( outputDirectory, output + ".xml" );
 227  12
             if ( !outputITextFile.getParentFile().exists() )
 229  2
 232  12
             File pdfOutputFile = new File( outputDirectory, output + ".pdf" );
 233  12
             if ( !pdfOutputFile.getParentFile().exists() )
 235  0
 238  12
             parse( fullDoc, module, outputITextFile, context );
 240  12
             generatePdf( outputITextFile, pdfOutputFile );
 241  12
 242  2
      * Parse a source document and emit results into a sink.
      * @param fullDocPath file to the source document.
      * @param module the site module associated with the source document (determines the parser to use).
      * @param iTextFile the resulting iText xml file.
      * @throws DocumentRendererException in case of a parsing problem.
      * @throws IOException if the source and/or target document cannot be opened.
     private void parse( File fullDoc, SiteModule module, File iTextFile, DocumentRendererContext context )
         throws DocumentRendererException, IOException
 261  24
         if ( getLogger().isDebugEnabled() )
 263  0
             getLogger().debug( "Parsing file " + fullDoc.getAbsolutePath() );
 266  24
         System.setProperty( "itext.basedir", iTextFile.getParentFile().getAbsolutePath() );
 268  24
         Writer writer = null;
 269  24
         ITextSink sink = null;
 272  24
             writer = WriterFactory.newXmlWriter( iTextFile );
 273  24
             sink = (ITextSink) new ITextSinkFactory().createSink( writer );
 275  24
             sink.setClassLoader( new URLClassLoader( new URL[] { iTextFile.getParentFile().toURI().toURL() } ) );
 277  24
             parse( fullDoc.getAbsolutePath(), module.getParserId(), sink, context );
 281  24
             if ( sink != null )
 283  24
 284  24
 286  24
             IOUtil.close( writer );
 287  24
             System.getProperties().remove( "itext.basedir" );
 288  24
 289  24
      * Merge all iTextFiles to a single one.
      * @param iTextFiles list of iText xml files.
      * @return Document.
      * @throws DocumentRendererException if any.
      * @throws IOException if any.
     private Document generateDocument( List<File> iTextFiles )
         throws DocumentRendererException, IOException
 302  2
         Document document = DOCUMENT_BUILDER.newDocument();
 303  2
         document.appendChild( document.createElement( ElementTags.ITEXT ) ); // Used only to set a root
 305  2
         for ( File iTextFile : iTextFiles )
             Document iTextDocument;
 311  12
                 iTextDocument = DOCUMENT_BUILDER.parse( iTextFile );
 313  0
             catch ( SAXException e )
 315  0
                 throw new DocumentRendererException( "SAX Error : " + e.getMessage() );
 316  12
             // Only one chapter per doc
 319  12
             Node chapter = iTextDocument.getElementsByTagName( ElementTags.CHAPTER ).item( 0 );
 323  12
                 document.getDocumentElement().appendChild( document.importNode( chapter, true ) );
 325  0
             catch ( DOMException e )
 327  0
                 throw new DocumentRendererException( "Error appending chapter for "
                         + iTextFile + " : " + e.getMessage() );
 329  12
 330  12
 332  2
         return document;
      * Initialize the transformer object.
      * @return an instance of a transformer object.
      * @throws DocumentRendererException if any.
     private Transformer initTransformer()
         throws DocumentRendererException
 346  2
             Transformer transformer = TRANSFORMER_FACTORY.newTransformer( new StreamSource( ITextPdfRenderer.class
                 .getResourceAsStream( XSLT_RESOURCE ) ) );
 349  2
             transformer.setErrorListener( TRANSFORMER_FACTORY.getErrorListener() );
 351  2
             transformer.setOutputProperty( OutputKeys.OMIT_XML_DECLARATION, "false" );
 353  2
             transformer.setOutputProperty( OutputKeys.INDENT, "yes" );
 355  2
             transformer.setOutputProperty( OutputKeys.METHOD, "xml" );
 357  2
             transformer.setOutputProperty( OutputKeys.ENCODING, "UTF-8" );
             // No doctype since itext doctype is not up to date!
 361  2
             return transformer;
 363  0
         catch ( TransformerConfigurationException e )
 365  0
             throw new DocumentRendererException( "Error configuring Transformer for " + XSLT_RESOURCE + ": "
                 + e.getMessage() );
 368  0
         catch ( IllegalArgumentException e )
 370  0
             throw new DocumentRendererException( "Error configuring Transformer for " + XSLT_RESOURCE + ": "
                 + e.getMessage() );
      * Add transformer parameters from a DocumentModel.
      * @param transformer the Transformer to set the parameters.
      * @param documentModel the DocumentModel to take the parameters from, could be null.
      * @param iTextFile the iTextFile not null for the relative paths.
      * @param generateTOC not null, possible values are: 'none', 'start' and 'end'.
     private void addTransformerParameters( Transformer transformer, DocumentModel documentModel, File iTextFile,
                                            String generateTOC )
 386  2
         if ( documentModel == null )
 388  0
         // TOC
 392  2
         addTransformerParameter( transformer, "toc.position", generateTOC );
         // Meta parameters
 395  2
         boolean hasNullMeta = false;
 396  2
         if ( documentModel.getMeta() == null )
 398  0
             hasNullMeta = true;
 399  0
             documentModel.setMeta( new DocumentMeta() );
 401  2
         addTransformerParameter( transformer, "", documentModel.getMeta().getAllAuthorNames(),
                                  System.getProperty( "", "null" ) );
 403  2
         addTransformerParameter( transformer, "meta.creator", documentModel.getMeta().getCreator(),
                                  System.getProperty( "", "null" ) );
         // see com.lowagie.text.Document#addCreationDate()
 406  2
         SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat( "EEE MMM dd HH:mm:ss zzz yyyy" );
 407  2
         addTransformerParameter( transformer, "meta.creationdate", documentModel.getMeta().getCreationdate(),
                                  sdf.format( new Date() ) );
 409  2
         addTransformerParameter( transformer, "meta.keywords", documentModel.getMeta().getAllKeyWords() );
 410  2
         addTransformerParameter( transformer, "meta.pagesize", documentModel.getMeta().getPageSize(),
                                  ITextUtil.getPageSize( ITextUtil.getDefaultPageSize() ) );
 412  2
         addTransformerParameter( transformer, "meta.producer", documentModel.getMeta().getGenerator(),
                                  "Apache Doxia iText" );
 414  2
         addTransformerParameter( transformer, "meta.subject", documentModel.getMeta().getSubject(),
                                  ( documentModel.getMeta().getTitle() != null ? documentModel.getMeta().getTitle()
                                                  : "" ) );
 417  2
         addTransformerParameter( transformer, "meta.title", documentModel.getMeta().getTitle() );
 418  2
         if ( hasNullMeta )
 420  0
             documentModel.setMeta( null );
         // cover parameter
 424  2
         boolean hasNullCover = false;
 425  2
         if ( documentModel.getCover() == null )
 427  0
             hasNullCover = true;
 428  0
             documentModel.setCover( new DocumentCover() );
 430  2
         addTransformerParameter( transformer, "", documentModel.getCover().getAllAuthorNames(),
                                  System.getProperty( "", "null" ) );
 432  2
         String companyLogo = getLogoURL( documentModel.getCover().getCompanyLogo(), iTextFile.getParentFile() );
 433  2
         addTransformerParameter( transformer, "cover.companyLogo", companyLogo );
 434  2
         addTransformerParameter( transformer, "cover.companyName", documentModel.getCover().getCompanyName() );
 435  2
         if ( documentModel.getCover().getCoverdate() == null )
 437  2
             documentModel.getCover().setCoverDate( new Date() );
 438  2
             addTransformerParameter( transformer, "", documentModel.getCover().getCoverdate() );
 439  2
             documentModel.getCover().setCoverDate( null );
 443  0
             addTransformerParameter( transformer, "", documentModel.getCover().getCoverdate() );
 445  2
         addTransformerParameter( transformer, "cover.subtitle", documentModel.getCover().getCoverSubTitle() );
 446  2
         addTransformerParameter( transformer, "cover.title", documentModel.getCover().getCoverTitle() );
 447  2
         addTransformerParameter( transformer, "cover.type", documentModel.getCover().getCoverType() );
 448  2
         addTransformerParameter( transformer, "cover.version", documentModel.getCover().getCoverVersion() );
 449  2
         String projectLogo = getLogoURL( documentModel.getCover().getProjectLogo(), iTextFile.getParentFile() );
 450  2
         addTransformerParameter( transformer, "cover.projectLogo", projectLogo );
 451  2
         addTransformerParameter( transformer, "cover.projectName", documentModel.getCover().getProjectName() );
 452  2
         if ( hasNullCover )
 454  0
             documentModel.setCover( null );
 456  2
      * @param transformer not null
      * @param name not null
      * @param value could be empty
      * @param defaultValue could be empty
      * @since 1.1.1
     private void addTransformerParameter( Transformer transformer, String name, String value, String defaultValue )
 467  14
         if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( value ) )
 469  12
             addTransformerParameter( transformer, name, defaultValue );
 473  2
             addTransformerParameter( transformer, name, value );
 475  14
      * @param transformer not null
      * @param name not null
      * @param value could be empty
      * @since 1.1.1
     private void addTransformerParameter( Transformer transformer, String name, String value )
 485  38
         if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( value ) )
 487  4
 490  34
         transformer.setParameter( name, value );
 491  34
      * Transform a document to an iTextFile.
      * @param documentModel the DocumentModel to take the parameters from, could be null.
      * @param document the Document to transform.
      * @param iTextFile the resulting iText xml file.
      * @param generateTOC not null, possible values are: 'none', 'start' and 'end'.
      * @throws DocumentRendererException in case of a transformation error.
     private void transform( DocumentModel documentModel, Document document, File iTextFile, String generateTOC )
         throws DocumentRendererException
 505  2
         Transformer transformer = initTransformer();
 507  2
         addTransformerParameters( transformer, documentModel, iTextFile, generateTOC );
         // need a writer for StreamResult to prevent FileNotFoundException when iTextFile contains spaces
 510  2
         Writer writer = null;
 513  2
             writer = WriterFactory.newXmlWriter( iTextFile );
 514  2
             transformer.transform( new DOMSource( document ), new StreamResult( writer ) );
 516  0
         catch ( TransformerException e )
 518  0
             throw new DocumentRendererException(
                                                  "Error transforming Document " + document + ": " + e.getMessage(),
                                                  e );
 522  0
         catch ( IOException e )
 524  0
             throw new DocumentRendererException(
                                                  "Error transforming Document " + document + ": " + e.getMessage(),
                                                  e );
 530  2
             IOUtil.close( writer );
 531  2
 532  2
      * @param filesToProcess not null
      * @param outputDirectory not null
      * @return a list of all parsed files.
      * @throws DocumentRendererException if any
      * @throws IOException if any
      * @since 1.1.1
     private List<File> parseAllFiles( Map<String, SiteModule> filesToProcess, File outputDirectory,
                                       DocumentRendererContext context )
         throws DocumentRendererException, IOException
 546  0
         List<File> iTextFiles = new LinkedList<File>();
 547  0
         for ( Map.Entry<String, SiteModule> entry : filesToProcess.entrySet() )
 549  0
             String key = entry.getKey();
 550  0
             SiteModule module = entry.getValue();
 551  0
             File fullDoc = new File( getBaseDir(), module.getSourceDirectory() + File.separator + key );
 553  0
             String outputITextName = key.substring( 0, key.lastIndexOf( '.') + 1 ) + "xml";
 554  0
             File outputITextFileTmp = new File( outputDirectory, outputITextName );
 555  0
 556  0
             if ( !outputITextFileTmp.getParentFile().exists() )
 558  0
 561  0
             iTextFiles.add( outputITextFileTmp );
 562  0
             parse( fullDoc, module, outputITextFileTmp, context );
 563  0
 565  0
         return iTextFiles;
      * @param filesToProcess not null
      * @param outputDirectory not null
      * @return a list of all parsed files.
      * @throws DocumentRendererException if any
      * @throws IOException if any
      * @since 1.1.1
     private List<File> parseTOCFiles( File outputDirectory, DocumentModel documentModel, DocumentRendererContext context )
         throws DocumentRendererException, IOException
 579  2
         List<File> iTextFiles = new LinkedList<File>();
 580  2
         for ( Iterator<DocumentTOCItem> it = documentModel.getToc().getItems().iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
 582  12
             DocumentTOCItem tocItem =;
 584  12
             if ( tocItem.getRef() == null )
 586  0
                                    "No ref defined for the tocItem '" + tocItem.getName()
                                        + "' in the document descriptor. IGNORING" );
 589  0
 592  12
             String href = StringUtils.replace( tocItem.getRef(), "\\", "/" );
 593  12
             if ( href.lastIndexOf( '.') != -1 )
 595  12
                 href = href.substring( 0, href.lastIndexOf( '.') );
 598  12
             Collection<SiteModule> modules = siteModuleManager.getSiteModules();
 599  12
             for ( SiteModule module : modules )
 601  48
                 File moduleBasedir = new File( getBaseDir(), module.getSourceDirectory() );
 603  48
                 if ( moduleBasedir.exists() )
 605  36
                     String doc = href + "." + module.getExtension();
 606  36
                     File source = new File( moduleBasedir, doc );
                     // Velocity file?
 609  36
                     if ( !source.exists() )
 611  24
                         if ( href.indexOf( "." + module.getExtension() ) != -1 )
 613  0
                             doc = href + ".vm";
 617  24
                             doc = href + "." + module.getExtension() + ".vm";
 619  24
                         source = new File( moduleBasedir, doc );
 622  36
                     if ( source.exists() )
 624  12
                         String outputITextName = doc.substring( 0, doc.lastIndexOf( '.') + 1 ) + "xml";
 625  12
                         File outputITextFileTmp = new File( outputDirectory, outputITextName );
 626  12
 627  12
                         if ( !outputITextFileTmp.getParentFile().exists() )
 629  2
 632  12
                         iTextFiles.add( outputITextFileTmp );
 633  12
                         parse( source, module, outputITextFileTmp, context );
 636  48
 637  12
 639  2
         return iTextFiles;
      * @param logo
      * @param parentFile
      * @return the logo url or null if unable to create it.
      * @since 1.1.1
     private String getLogoURL( String logo, File parentFile )
 650  4
         if ( logo == null )
 652  0
             return null;
 657  4
             return new URL( logo ).toString();
 659  4
         catch ( MalformedURLException e )
 663  4
                 File f = new File( parentFile, logo );
 664  4
                 if ( !f.exists() )
 666  0
                     getLogger().warn( "The logo " + f.getAbsolutePath() + " doesnt exist. IGNORING" );
 670  4
                     return f.toURI().toURL().toString();
 673  0
             catch ( MalformedURLException e1 )
 675  0
                 getLogger().debug( "Failed to convert to URL: " + logo, e1 );
 676  0
 679  0
         return null;