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  Generated by Modello 1.4.1 on 2011-04-29 23:18:09,
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  * Class Chapter.
  * @version $Revision$ $Date$
 @SuppressWarnings( "all" )
 16  8
 public class Chapter
      //- Class/Member Variables -/
      *             Specifies the id of this chapter. This is a
      * symbolic name for a
      *             particular chapter.
     private String id;
      *             Specifies the title of this chapter.
     private String title;
      * Field sections.
     private java.util.List<Section> sections;
      //- Methods -/
      * Method addSection.
      * @param section
     public void addSection( Section section )
 57  0
         getSections().add( section );
 58  0
     } //-- void addSection( Section )
      * Method equals.
      * @param other
      * @return boolean
     public boolean equals( Object other )
 68  0
         if ( this == other )
 70  0
             return true;
 73  0
         if ( !( other instanceof Chapter ) )
 75  0
             return false;
 78  0
         Chapter that = (Chapter) other;
 79  0
         boolean result = true;
 81  0
         result = result && ( getId() == null ? that.getId() == null : getId().equals( that.getId() ) );
 83  0
         return result;
     } //-- boolean equals( Object )
      * Get specifies the id of this chapter. This is a symbolic
      * name for a
      *             particular chapter.
      * @return String
     public String getId()
 95  56
     } //-- String getId()
      * Method getSections.
      * @return List
     public java.util.List<Section> getSections()
 105  80
         if ( this.sections == null )
 107  0
             this.sections = new java.util.ArrayList<Section>();
 110  80
         return this.sections;
     } //-- java.util.List<Section> getSections()
      * Get specifies the title of this chapter.
      * @return String
     public String getTitle()
 120  84
         return this.title;
     } //-- String getTitle()
      * Method hashCode.
      * @return int
     public int hashCode()
 130  0
         int result = 17;
 132  0
         result = 37 * result + ( id != null ? id.hashCode() : 0 );
 134  0
         return result;
     } //-- int hashCode()
      * Method removeSection.
      * @param section
     public void removeSection( Section section )
 144  0
         getSections().remove( section );
 145  0
     } //-- void removeSection( Section )
      * Set specifies the id of this chapter. This is a symbolic
      * name for a
      *             particular chapter.
      * @param id
     public void setId( String id )
 156  8 = id;
 157  8
     } //-- void setId( String )
      * Set specifies a collection of sections.
      * @param sections
     public void setSections( java.util.List<Section> sections )
 166  8
         this.sections = sections;
 167  8
     } //-- void setSections( java.util.List )
      * Set specifies the title of this chapter.
      * @param title
     public void setTitle( String title )
 176  8
         this.title = title;
 177  8
     } //-- void setTitle( String )
      * Method toString.
      * @return String
     public java.lang.String toString()
 186  0
         StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder( 128 );
 188  0
         buf.append( "id = '" );
 189  0
         buf.append( getId() );
 190  0
         buf.append( "'" );
 192  0
         return buf.toString();
     } //-- java.lang.String toString()