Class LoggerPatternConverter


LoggerPatternConverter is an abstract class that provides the formatting functionality that derived classes need.

Conversion specifiers in a conversion patterns are parsed to individual PatternConverters. Each of which is responsible for converting a logging event in a converter specific manner.

  • version: $Revision: 1166187 $
  • since: 0.3

Located in /helpers/LoggerPatternConverter.php (line 35)

Direct descendents
Variable Summary
Method Summary
LoggerPatternConverter __construct ([LoggerFormattingInfo $fi = null])
void convert (LoggerLoggingEvent $event)
void format (string &$sbuf, LoggerLoggingEvent $e)
void spacePad (string &$sbuf, integer $length)
mixed $leftAlign = false (line 56)
  • access: public
mixed $max = 0x7FFFFFFF (line 55)
  • access: public
mixed $min = -1 (line 54)
  • access: public
LoggerPatternConverter $next = null (line 52)
  • var: next converter in converter chain
  • access: public
mixed $spaces = array(
" ", // 1 space
" ", // 2 spaces
" ", // 4 spaces
" ", // 8 spaces
" ", // 16 spaces
" ")
(line 41)

Array for fast space padding Used by LoggerPatternConverter::spacePad().

  • access: private
Constructor __construct (line 63)


  • access: public
LoggerPatternConverter __construct ([LoggerFormattingInfo $fi = null])

Redefined in descendants as:
convert (line 77)

Derived pattern converters must override this method in order to convert conversion specifiers in the correct way.

  • access: public
void convert (LoggerLoggingEvent $event)

Redefined in descendants as:
format (line 85)

A template method for formatting in a converter specific way.

  • access: public
void format (string &$sbuf, LoggerLoggingEvent $e)

Redefined in descendants as:
spacePad (line 120)

Fast space padding method.

  • todo: reimplement using PHP string functions
  • access: public
void spacePad (string &$sbuf, integer $length)
  • string &$sbuf: string buffer
  • integer $length: pad length

Documentation generated on Sat, 18 Feb 2012 22:32:26 +0000 by phpDocumentor 1.4.3