Tag Library Documentation Generator - Generated Documentation

Tag Libraries
Log4j 2 Tag Library
The Log4j Log Tag Library creates the capability of inserting log
statements in JSPs without the use of Java scripting. It uses the standard Log4j 2 API to log
messages according to your Log4j configuration. You can learn more about Log4j 2 on the
Log4j 2 website.

This tag library is based on the Jakarta Commons Log Taglib by Joseph Ottinger and James
Strachan. For the most part, logging tags written against Jakarta Commons Log Taglib should
work against this library as well. However, the "category" attribute from Jakarta has become
the "logger" attribute in this library.

In accordance with the org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger API, this tag library has tags to
support the following logging calls: "catching", "entry", "exit", "log", "trace", "debug",
"info", "warn", "error", and "fatal". The "trace" tag was not supported in Jakarta Commons Log
Taglib. The "setLogger", "catching", "entry", and "trace" tags are new to this library. This
tag library also supports the conditional tag "ifEnabled" (new) and troubleshooting tag "dump"
(existed in Jakarta Commons Log Taglib).

By default, this tag library uses a different Logger for each JSP named after the JSP ID.
You can customize the Logger in any of the logging tags or the "ifEnabled" tag with the
"logger" attribute. You can also use the "setLogger" tag to specify the Logger that should apply
for the rest of a JSP's execution. If the "setLogger" tag comes before any other logging tags in
a JSP, the default Logger for that JSP will not be created, but instead the specified logger is
the only one that will be used.

Every effort was made to optimize these tags and ensure decent performance, but users of
this library should keep in mind that the creation and execution of JSP tags adds significant
overhead to the standard Log4j method calls. While the "trace", "debug", and "info" options are
available in this library, their uses are not nanosecond order of magnitude with logging off
that users may be used to with standard Log4j method calls. Therefore, they should be used
sparingly. Use of the "ifEnabled" tag does not improve this performance; this tag is available
to conditionally evaluate other actions in addition to logging actions.

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