Interface Logger

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractLogger, ExtendedLoggerWrapper, SimpleLogger, StatusLogger

public interface Logger

This is the central interface in the log4j package. Most logging operations, except configuration, are done through this interface.

The canonical way to obtain a Logger for a class is through LogManager.getLogger(). Typically, each class gets its own Logger named after its fully qualified class name (the default Logger name when obtained through the LogManager.getLogger() method). Thus, the simplest way to use this would be like so:

     public class MyClass {
         private static final Logger LOGGER = LogManager.getLogger();
         // ...

For ease of filtering, searching, sorting, etc., it is generally a good idea to create Loggers for each class rather than sharing Loggers. Instead, Markers should be used for shared, filterable identification.

For service provider implementations, it is recommended to extend the AbstractLogger class rather than implementing this interface directly.

Method Summary
 void catching(Level level, Throwable t)
          Logs an exception or error that has been caught to a specific logging level.
 void catching(Throwable t)
          Logs an exception or error that has been caught.
 void debug(Marker marker, Message msg)
          Logs a message with the specific Marker at the DEBUG level.
 void debug(Marker marker, Message msg, Throwable t)
          Logs a message with the specific Marker at the DEBUG level.
 void debug(Marker marker, Object message)
          Logs a message object with the DEBUG level.
 void debug(Marker marker, Object message, Throwable t)
          Logs a message at the DEBUG level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.
 void debug(Marker marker, String message)
          Logs a message object with the DEBUG level.
 void debug(Marker marker, String message, Object... params)
          Logs a message with parameters at the DEBUG level.
 void debug(Marker marker, String message, Throwable t)
          Logs a message at the DEBUG level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.
 void debug(Message msg)
          Logs a message with the specific Marker at the DEBUG level.
 void debug(Message msg, Throwable t)
          Logs a message with the specific Marker at the DEBUG level.
 void debug(Object message)
          Logs a message object with the DEBUG level.
 void debug(Object message, Throwable t)
          Logs a message at the DEBUG level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.
 void debug(String message)
          Logs a message object with the DEBUG level.
 void debug(String message, Object... params)
          Logs a message with parameters at the DEBUG level.
 void debug(String message, Throwable t)
          Logs a message at the DEBUG level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.
 void entry()
          Logs entry to a method.
 void entry(Object... params)
          Logs entry to a method along with its parameters.
 void error(Marker marker, Message msg)
          Logs a message with the specific Marker at the ERROR level.
 void error(Marker marker, Message msg, Throwable t)
          Logs a message with the specific Marker at the ERROR level.
 void error(Marker marker, Object message)
          Logs a message object with the ERROR level.
 void error(Marker marker, Object message, Throwable t)
          Logs a message at the ERROR level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.
 void error(Marker marker, String message)
          Logs a message object with the ERROR level.
 void error(Marker marker, String message, Object... params)
          Logs a message with parameters at the ERROR level.
 void error(Marker marker, String message, Throwable t)
          Logs a message at the ERROR level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.
 void error(Message msg)
          Logs a message with the specific Marker at the ERROR level.
 void error(Message msg, Throwable t)
          Logs a message with the specific Marker at the ERROR level.
 void error(Object message)
          Logs a message object with the ERROR level.
 void error(Object message, Throwable t)
          Logs a message at the ERROR level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.
 void error(String message)
          Logs a message object with the ERROR level.
 void error(String message, Object... params)
          Logs a message with parameters at the ERROR level.
 void error(String message, Throwable t)
          Logs a message at the ERROR level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.
 void exit()
          Logs exit from a method.
<R> R
exit(R result)
          Logs exiting from a method with the result.
 void fatal(Marker marker, Message msg)
          Logs a message with the specific Marker at the FATAL level.
 void fatal(Marker marker, Message msg, Throwable t)
          Logs a message with the specific Marker at the FATAL level.
 void fatal(Marker marker, Object message)
          Logs a message object with the FATAL level.
 void fatal(Marker marker, Object message, Throwable t)
          Logs a message at the FATAL level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.
 void fatal(Marker marker, String message)
          Logs a message object with the FATAL level.
 void fatal(Marker marker, String message, Object... params)
          Logs a message with parameters at the FATAL level.
 void fatal(Marker marker, String message, Throwable t)
          Logs a message at the FATAL level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.
 void fatal(Message msg)
          Logs a message with the specific Marker at the FATAL level.
 void fatal(Message msg, Throwable t)
          Logs a message with the specific Marker at the FATAL level.
 void fatal(Object message)
          Logs a message object with the FATAL level.
 void fatal(Object message, Throwable t)
          Logs a message at the FATAL level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.
 void fatal(String message)
          Logs a message object with the FATAL level.
 void fatal(String message, Object... params)
          Logs a message with parameters at the FATAL level.
 void fatal(String message, Throwable t)
          Logs a message at the FATAL level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.
 Level getLevel()
          Gets the Level associated with the Logger.
 MessageFactory getMessageFactory()
          Gets the message factory used to convert message Objects and Strings into actual log Messages.
 String getName()
          Gets the logger name.
 void info(Marker marker, Message msg)
          Logs a message with the specific Marker at the INFO level.
 void info(Marker marker, Message msg, Throwable t)
          Logs a message with the specific Marker at the INFO level.
 void info(Marker marker, Object message)
          Logs a message object with the INFO level.
 void info(Marker marker, Object message, Throwable t)
          Logs a message at the INFO level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.
 void info(Marker marker, String message)
          Logs a message object with the INFO level.
 void info(Marker marker, String message, Object... params)
          Logs a message with parameters at the INFO level.
 void info(Marker marker, String message, Throwable t)
          Logs a message at the INFO level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.
 void info(Message msg)
          Logs a message with the specific Marker at the INFO level.
 void info(Message msg, Throwable t)
          Logs a message with the specific Marker at the INFO level.
 void info(Object message)
          Logs a message object with the INFO level.
 void info(Object message, Throwable t)
          Logs a message at the INFO level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.
 void info(String message)
          Logs a message object with the INFO level.
 void info(String message, Object... params)
          Logs a message with parameters at the INFO level.
 void info(String message, Throwable t)
          Logs a message at the INFO level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.
 boolean isDebugEnabled()
          Checks whether this Logger is enabled for the DEBUG Level.
 boolean isDebugEnabled(Marker marker)
          Checks whether this Logger is enabled for the DEBUG Level.
 boolean isEnabled(Level level)
          Checks whether this Logger is enabled for the the given Level.
 boolean isEnabled(Level level, Marker marker)
          Checks whether this logger is enabled at the specified level and an optional Marker.
 boolean isErrorEnabled()
          Checks whether this Logger is enabled for the ERROR Level.
 boolean isErrorEnabled(Marker marker)
          Checks whether this Logger is enabled for the ERROR Level.
 boolean isFatalEnabled()
          Checks whether this Logger is enabled for the FATAL Level.
 boolean isFatalEnabled(Marker marker)
          Checks whether this Logger is enabled for the FATAL Level.
 boolean isInfoEnabled()
          Checks whether this Logger is enabled for the INFO Level.
 boolean isInfoEnabled(Marker marker)
          Checks whether this Logger is enabled for the INFO Level.
 boolean isTraceEnabled()
          Checks whether this Logger is enabled for the TRACE level.
 boolean isTraceEnabled(Marker marker)
          Checks whether this Logger is enabled for the TRACE level.
 boolean isWarnEnabled()
          Checks whether this Logger is enabled for the WARN Level.
 boolean isWarnEnabled(Marker marker)
          Checks whether this Logger is enabled for the WARN Level.
 void log(Level level, Marker marker, Message msg)
          Logs a message with the specific Marker at the given level.
 void log(Level level, Marker marker, Message msg, Throwable t)
          Logs a message with the specific Marker at the given level.
 void log(Level level, Marker marker, Object message)
          Logs a message object with the given level.
 void log(Level level, Marker marker, Object message, Throwable t)
          Logs a message at the given level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.
 void log(Level level, Marker marker, String message)
          Logs a message object with the given level.
 void log(Level level, Marker marker, String message, Object... params)
          Logs a message with parameters at the given level.
 void log(Level level, Marker marker, String message, Throwable t)
          Logs a message at the given level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.
 void log(Level level, Message msg)
          Logs a message with the specific Marker at the given level.
 void log(Level level, Message msg, Throwable t)
          Logs a message with the specific Marker at the given level.
 void log(Level level, Object message)
          Logs a message object with the given level.
 void log(Level level, Object message, Throwable t)
          Logs a message at the given level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.
 void log(Level level, String message)
          Logs a message object with the given level.
 void log(Level level, String message, Object... params)
          Logs a message with parameters at the given level.
 void log(Level level, String message, Throwable t)
          Logs a message at the given level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.
 void printf(Level level, Marker marker, String format, Object... params)
          Logs a formatted message using the specified format string and arguments.
 void printf(Level level, String format, Object... params)
          Logs a formatted message using the specified format string and arguments.
<T extends Throwable>
throwing(Level level, T t)
          Logs an exception or error to be thrown.
<T extends Throwable>
throwing(T t)
          Logs an exception or error to be thrown.
 void trace(Marker marker, Message msg)
          Logs a message with the specific Marker at the TRACE level.
 void trace(Marker marker, Message msg, Throwable t)
          Logs a message with the specific Marker at the TRACE level.
 void trace(Marker marker, Object message)
          Logs a message object with the TRACE level.
 void trace(Marker marker, Object message, Throwable t)
          Logs a message at the TRACE level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.
 void trace(Marker marker, String message)
          Logs a message object with the TRACE level.
 void trace(Marker marker, String message, Object... params)
          Logs a message with parameters at the TRACE level.
 void trace(Marker marker, String message, Throwable t)
          Logs a message at the TRACE level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.
 void trace(Message msg)
          Logs a message with the specific Marker at the TRACE level.
 void trace(Message msg, Throwable t)
          Logs a message with the specific Marker at the TRACE level.
 void trace(Object message)
          Logs a message object with the TRACE level.
 void trace(Object message, Throwable t)
          Logs a message at the TRACE level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.
 void trace(String message)
          Logs a message object with the TRACE level.
 void trace(String message, Object... params)
          Logs a message with parameters at the TRACE level.
 void trace(String message, Throwable t)
          Logs a message at the TRACE level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.
 void warn(Marker marker, Message msg)
          Logs a message with the specific Marker at the WARN level.
 void warn(Marker marker, Message msg, Throwable t)
          Logs a message with the specific Marker at the WARN level.
 void warn(Marker marker, Object message)
          Logs a message object with the WARN level.
 void warn(Marker marker, Object message, Throwable t)
          Logs a message at the WARN level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.
 void warn(Marker marker, String message)
          Logs a message object with the WARN level.
 void warn(Marker marker, String message, Object... params)
          Logs a message with parameters at the WARN level.
 void warn(Marker marker, String message, Throwable t)
          Logs a message at the WARN level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.
 void warn(Message msg)
          Logs a message with the specific Marker at the WARN level.
 void warn(Message msg, Throwable t)
          Logs a message with the specific Marker at the WARN level.
 void warn(Object message)
          Logs a message object with the WARN level.
 void warn(Object message, Throwable t)
          Logs a message at the WARN level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.
 void warn(String message)
          Logs a message object with the WARN level.
 void warn(String message, Object... params)
          Logs a message with parameters at the WARN level.
 void warn(String message, Throwable t)
          Logs a message at the WARN level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.

Method Detail


void catching(Level level,
              Throwable t)
Logs an exception or error that has been caught to a specific logging level.

level - The logging Level.
t - The Throwable.


void catching(Throwable t)
Logs an exception or error that has been caught. Normally, one may wish to provide additional information with an exception while logging it; in these cases, one would not use this method. In other cases where simply logging the fact that an exception was swallowed somewhere (e.g., at the top of the stack trace in a main() method), this method is ideal for it.

t - The Throwable.


void debug(Marker marker,
           Message msg)
Logs a message with the specific Marker at the DEBUG level.

marker - the marker data specific to this log statement
msg - the message string to be logged


void debug(Marker marker,
           Message msg,
           Throwable t)
Logs a message with the specific Marker at the DEBUG level.

marker - the marker data specific to this log statement
msg - the message string to be logged
t - A Throwable or null.


void debug(Marker marker,
           Object message)
Logs a message object with the DEBUG level.

marker - the marker data specific to this log statement
message - the message object to log.


void debug(Marker marker,
           Object message,
           Throwable t)
Logs a message at the DEBUG level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.

marker - the marker data specific to this log statement
message - the message to log.
t - the exception to log, including its stack trace.


void debug(Marker marker,
           String message)
Logs a message object with the DEBUG level.

marker - the marker data specific to this log statement
message - the message object to log.


void debug(Marker marker,
           String message,
           Object... params)
Logs a message with parameters at the DEBUG level.

marker - the marker data specific to this log statement
message - the message to log; the format depends on the message factory.
params - parameters to the message.
See Also:


void debug(Marker marker,
           String message,
           Throwable t)
Logs a message at the DEBUG level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.

marker - the marker data specific to this log statement
message - the message to log.
t - the exception to log, including its stack trace.


void debug(Message msg)
Logs a message with the specific Marker at the DEBUG level.

msg - the message string to be logged


void debug(Message msg,
           Throwable t)
Logs a message with the specific Marker at the DEBUG level.

msg - the message string to be logged
t - A Throwable or null.


void debug(Object message)
Logs a message object with the DEBUG level.

message - the message object to log.


void debug(Object message,
           Throwable t)
Logs a message at the DEBUG level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.

message - the message to log.
t - the exception to log, including its stack trace.


void debug(String message)
Logs a message object with the DEBUG level.

message - the message string to log.


void debug(String message,
           Object... params)
Logs a message with parameters at the DEBUG level.

message - the message to log; the format depends on the message factory.
params - parameters to the message.
See Also:


void debug(String message,
           Throwable t)
Logs a message at the DEBUG level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.

message - the message to log.
t - the exception to log, including its stack trace.


void entry()
Logs entry to a method. Used when the method in question has no parameters or when the parameters should not be logged.


void entry(Object... params)
Logs entry to a method along with its parameters. For example,
     public void doSomething(String foo, int bar) {
         LOGGER.entry(foo, bar);
         // do something

The use of methods such as this are more effective when combined with aspect-oriented programming or other bytecode manipulation tools. It can be rather tedious (and messy) to use this type of method manually.

params - The parameters to the method. TODO Use of varargs results in array creation which can be a substantial portion of no-op case. LogMF/LogSF provides several overrides to avoid vararg except in edge cases. (RG) LogMF and LogSF implement these in LogXF which calls logger.callAppenders. callAppenders is part of the implementation and cannot be used by the API. Adding more methods here and in AbstractLogger is sufficient.


void error(Marker marker,
           Message msg)
Logs a message with the specific Marker at the ERROR level.

marker - the marker data specific to this log statement
msg - the message string to be logged


void error(Marker marker,
           Message msg,
           Throwable t)
Logs a message with the specific Marker at the ERROR level.

marker - the marker data specific to this log statement
msg - the message string to be logged
t - A Throwable or null.


void error(Marker marker,
           Object message)
Logs a message object with the ERROR level.

marker - the marker data specific to this log statement.
message - the message object to log.


void error(Marker marker,
           Object message,
           Throwable t)
Logs a message at the ERROR level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.

marker - the marker data specific to this log statement.
message - the message object to log.
t - the exception to log, including its stack trace.


void error(Marker marker,
           String message)
Logs a message object with the ERROR level.

marker - the marker data specific to this log statement.
message - the message object to log.


void error(Marker marker,
           String message,
           Object... params)
Logs a message with parameters at the ERROR level.

marker - the marker data specific to this log statement.
message - the message to log; the format depends on the message factory.
params - parameters to the message.
See Also:
TODO Likely to misinterpret existing log4j client code that intended to call info(Object,Throwable). Incurs array creation expense on every call. (RG) I assume you meant error, not info. It isn't possible to be misinterpreted as the previous method is for that signature. Methods should be added to avoid varargs for 1, 2 or 3 parameters.


void error(Marker marker,
           String message,
           Throwable t)
Logs a message at the ERROR level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.

marker - the marker data specific to this log statement.
message - the message object to log.
t - the exception to log, including its stack trace.


void error(Message msg)
Logs a message with the specific Marker at the ERROR level.

msg - the message string to be logged


void error(Message msg,
           Throwable t)
Logs a message with the specific Marker at the ERROR level.

msg - the message string to be logged
t - A Throwable or null.


void error(Object message)
Logs a message object with the ERROR level.

message - the message object to log.


void error(Object message,
           Throwable t)
Logs a message at the ERROR level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.

message - the message object to log.
t - the exception to log, including its stack trace.


void error(String message)
Logs a message object with the ERROR level.

message - the message string to log.


void error(String message,
           Object... params)
Logs a message with parameters at the ERROR level.

message - the message to log; the format depends on the message factory.
params - parameters to the message.
See Also:
TODO Likely to misinterpret existing log4j client code that intended to call info(Object,Throwable). Incurs array creation expense on every call. (RG) I assume you meant error, not info. It isn't possible to be misinterpreted as the previous method is for that signature. Methods should be added to avoid varargs for 1, 2 or 3 parameters.


void error(String message,
           Throwable t)
Logs a message at the ERROR level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.

message - the message object to log.
t - the exception to log, including its stack trace.


void exit()
Logs exit from a method. Used for methods that do not return anything.


<R> R exit(R result)
Logs exiting from a method with the result. This may be coded as:
     return LOGGER.exit(myResult);

Type Parameters:
R - The type of the parameter and object being returned.
result - The result being returned from the method call.
the result.


void fatal(Marker marker,
           Message msg)
Logs a message with the specific Marker at the FATAL level.

marker - the marker data specific to this log statement
msg - the message string to be logged


void fatal(Marker marker,
           Message msg,
           Throwable t)
Logs a message with the specific Marker at the FATAL level.

marker - the marker data specific to this log statement
msg - the message string to be logged
t - A Throwable or null.


void fatal(Marker marker,
           Object message)
Logs a message object with the FATAL level.

marker - The marker data specific to this log statement.
message - the message object to log.


void fatal(Marker marker,
           Object message,
           Throwable t)
Logs a message at the FATAL level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.

marker - The marker data specific to this log statement.
message - the message object to log.
t - the exception to log, including its stack trace.


void fatal(Marker marker,
           String message)
Logs a message object with the FATAL level.

marker - The marker data specific to this log statement.
message - the message object to log.


void fatal(Marker marker,
           String message,
           Object... params)
Logs a message with parameters at the FATAL level.

marker - The marker data specific to this log statement.
message - the message to log; the format depends on the message factory.
params - parameters to the message.
See Also:
TODO Likely to misinterpret existing log4j client code that intended to call info(Object,Throwable). Incurs array creation expense on every call.(RG) I assume you meant fatal, not info. It isn't possible to be misinterpreted as the previous method is for that signature. Methods should be added to avoid varargs for 1, 2 or 3 parameters.


void fatal(Marker marker,
           String message,
           Throwable t)
Logs a message at the FATAL level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.

marker - The marker data specific to this log statement.
message - the message object to log.
t - the exception to log, including its stack trace.


void fatal(Message msg)
Logs a message with the specific Marker at the FATAL level.

msg - the message string to be logged


void fatal(Message msg,
           Throwable t)
Logs a message with the specific Marker at the FATAL level.

msg - the message string to be logged
t - A Throwable or null.


void fatal(Object message)
Logs a message object with the FATAL level.

message - the message object to log.


void fatal(Object message,
           Throwable t)
Logs a message at the FATAL level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.

message - the message object to log.
t - the exception to log, including its stack trace.


void fatal(String message)
Logs a message object with the FATAL level.

message - the message string to log.


void fatal(String message,
           Object... params)
Logs a message with parameters at the FATAL level.

message - the message to log; the format depends on the message factory.
params - parameters to the message.
See Also:
TODO Likely to misinterpret existing log4j client code that intended to call info(Object,Throwable). Incurs array creation expense on every call.(RG) I assume you meant fatal, not info. It isn't possible to be misinterpreted as the previous method is for that signature. Methods should be added to avoid varargs for 1, 2 or 3 parameters.


void fatal(String message,
           Throwable t)
Logs a message at the FATAL level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.

message - the message object to log.
t - the exception to log, including its stack trace.


Level getLevel()
Gets the Level associated with the Logger.

the Level associate with the Logger.


MessageFactory getMessageFactory()
Gets the message factory used to convert message Objects and Strings into actual log Messages.

the message factory.


String getName()
Gets the logger name.

the logger name.


void info(Marker marker,
          Message msg)
Logs a message with the specific Marker at the INFO level.

marker - the marker data specific to this log statement
msg - the message string to be logged


void info(Marker marker,
          Message msg,
          Throwable t)
Logs a message with the specific Marker at the INFO level.

marker - the marker data specific to this log statement
msg - the message string to be logged
t - A Throwable or null.


void info(Marker marker,
          Object message)
Logs a message object with the INFO level.

marker - the marker data specific to this log statement
message - the message object to log.


void info(Marker marker,
          Object message,
          Throwable t)
Logs a message at the INFO level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.

marker - the marker data specific to this log statement
message - the message object to log.
t - the exception to log, including its stack trace.


void info(Marker marker,
          String message)
Logs a message object with the INFO level.

marker - the marker data specific to this log statement
message - the message object to log.


void info(Marker marker,
          String message,
          Object... params)
Logs a message with parameters at the INFO level.

marker - the marker data specific to this log statement
message - the message to log; the format depends on the message factory.
params - parameters to the message.
See Also:
TODO Likely to misinterpret existing log4j client code that intended to call info(Object,Throwable). Incurs array creation expense on every call. (RG) It isn't possible to be misinterpreted as the previous method is for that signature. Methods should be added to avoid varargs for 1, 2 or 3 parameters.


void info(Marker marker,
          String message,
          Throwable t)
Logs a message at the INFO level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.

marker - the marker data specific to this log statement
message - the message object to log.
t - the exception to log, including its stack trace.


void info(Message msg)
Logs a message with the specific Marker at the INFO level.

msg - the message string to be logged


void info(Message msg,
          Throwable t)
Logs a message with the specific Marker at the INFO level.

msg - the message string to be logged
t - A Throwable or null.


void info(Object message)
Logs a message object with the INFO level.

message - the message object to log.


void info(Object message,
          Throwable t)
Logs a message at the INFO level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.

message - the message object to log.
t - the exception to log, including its stack trace.


void info(String message)
Logs a message object with the INFO level.

message - the message string to log.


void info(String message,
          Object... params)
Logs a message with parameters at the INFO level.

message - the message to log; the format depends on the message factory.
params - parameters to the message.
See Also:
TODO Likely to misinterpret existing log4j client code that intended to call info(Object,Throwable). Incurs array creation expense on every call. (RG) It isn't possible to be misinterpreted as the previous method is for that signature. Methods should be added to avoid varargs for 1, 2 or 3 parameters.


void info(String message,
          Throwable t)
Logs a message at the INFO level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.

message - the message object to log.
t - the exception to log, including its stack trace.


boolean isDebugEnabled()
Checks whether this Logger is enabled for the DEBUG Level.

boolean - true if this Logger is enabled for level DEBUG, false otherwise.


boolean isDebugEnabled(Marker marker)
Checks whether this Logger is enabled for the DEBUG Level.

marker - The marker data specific to this log statement.
boolean - true if this Logger is enabled for level DEBUG, false otherwise.


boolean isEnabled(Level level)
Checks whether this Logger is enabled for the the given Level.

Note that passing in OFF always returns true.

level - the level to check
boolean - true if this Logger is enabled for level, false otherwise.


boolean isEnabled(Level level,
                  Marker marker)
Checks whether this logger is enabled at the specified level and an optional Marker.

level - The Level to check.
marker - The marker data specific to this log statement.
boolean - true if this Logger is enabled for level WARN, false otherwise.


boolean isErrorEnabled()
Checks whether this Logger is enabled for the ERROR Level.

boolean - true if this Logger is enabled for level ERROR, false otherwise.


boolean isErrorEnabled(Marker marker)
Checks whether this Logger is enabled for the ERROR Level.

marker - The marker data specific to this log statement.
boolean - true if this Logger is enabled for level ERROR, false otherwise.


boolean isFatalEnabled()
Checks whether this Logger is enabled for the FATAL Level.

boolean - true if this Logger is enabled for level FATAL, false otherwise.


boolean isFatalEnabled(Marker marker)
Checks whether this Logger is enabled for the FATAL Level.

marker - The marker data specific to this log statement.
boolean - true if this Logger is enabled for level FATAL, false otherwise.


boolean isInfoEnabled()
Checks whether this Logger is enabled for the INFO Level.

boolean - true if this Logger is enabled for level INFO, false otherwise.


boolean isInfoEnabled(Marker marker)
Checks whether this Logger is enabled for the INFO Level.

marker - The marker data specific to this log statement.
boolean - true if this Logger is enabled for level INFO, false otherwise.


boolean isTraceEnabled()
Checks whether this Logger is enabled for the TRACE level.

boolean - true if this Logger is enabled for level TRACE, false otherwise.


boolean isTraceEnabled(Marker marker)
Checks whether this Logger is enabled for the TRACE level.

marker - The marker data specific to this log statement.
boolean - true if this Logger is enabled for level TRACE, false otherwise.


boolean isWarnEnabled()
Checks whether this Logger is enabled for the WARN Level.

boolean - true if this Logger is enabled for level WARN, false otherwise.


boolean isWarnEnabled(Marker marker)
Checks whether this Logger is enabled for the WARN Level.

marker - The marker data specific to this log statement.
boolean - true if this Logger is enabled for level WARN, false otherwise.


void log(Level level,
         Marker marker,
         Message msg)
Logs a message with the specific Marker at the given level.

level - the logging level
marker - the marker data specific to this log statement
msg - the message string to be logged


void log(Level level,
         Marker marker,
         Message msg,
         Throwable t)
Logs a message with the specific Marker at the given level.

level - the logging level
marker - the marker data specific to this log statement
msg - the message string to be logged
t - A Throwable or null.


void log(Level level,
         Marker marker,
         Object message)
Logs a message object with the given level.

level - the logging level
marker - the marker data specific to this log statement
message - the message object to log.


void log(Level level,
         Marker marker,
         Object message,
         Throwable t)
Logs a message at the given level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.

level - the logging level
marker - the marker data specific to this log statement
message - the message to log.
t - the exception to log, including its stack trace.


void log(Level level,
         Marker marker,
         String message)
Logs a message object with the given level.

level - the logging level
marker - the marker data specific to this log statement
message - the message object to log.


void log(Level level,
         Marker marker,
         String message,
         Object... params)
Logs a message with parameters at the given level.

level - the logging level
marker - the marker data specific to this log statement
message - the message to log; the format depends on the message factory.
params - parameters to the message.
See Also:


void log(Level level,
         Marker marker,
         String message,
         Throwable t)
Logs a message at the given level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.

level - the logging level
marker - the marker data specific to this log statement
message - the message to log.
t - the exception to log, including its stack trace.


void log(Level level,
         Message msg)
Logs a message with the specific Marker at the given level.

level - the logging level
msg - the message string to be logged


void log(Level level,
         Message msg,
         Throwable t)
Logs a message with the specific Marker at the given level.

level - the logging level
msg - the message string to be logged
t - A Throwable or null.


void log(Level level,
         Object message)
Logs a message object with the given level.

level - the logging level
message - the message object to log.


void log(Level level,
         Object message,
         Throwable t)
Logs a message at the given level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.

level - the logging level
message - the message to log.
t - the exception to log, including its stack trace.


void log(Level level,
         String message)
Logs a message object with the given level.

level - the logging level
message - the message string to log.


void log(Level level,
         String message,
         Object... params)
Logs a message with parameters at the given level.

level - the logging level
message - the message to log; the format depends on the message factory.
params - parameters to the message.
See Also:


void log(Level level,
         String message,
         Throwable t)
Logs a message at the given level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.

level - the logging level
message - the message to log.
t - the exception to log, including its stack trace.


void printf(Level level,
            Marker marker,
            String format,
            Object... params)
Logs a formatted message using the specified format string and arguments.

level - The logging Level.
marker - the marker data specific to this log statement.
format - The format String.
params - Arguments specified by the format.


void printf(Level level,
            String format,
            Object... params)
Logs a formatted message using the specified format string and arguments.

level - The logging Level.
format - The format String.
params - Arguments specified by the format.


<T extends Throwable> T throwing(Level level,
                                 T t)
Logs an exception or error to be thrown. This may be coded as:
     throw logger.throwing(Level.DEBUG, myException);

Type Parameters:
T - the Throwable type.
level - The logging Level.
t - The Throwable.
the Throwable.


<T extends Throwable> T throwing(T t)
Logs an exception or error to be thrown. This may be coded as:
     throw logger.throwing(myException);

Type Parameters:
T - the Throwable type.
t - The Throwable.
the Throwable.


void trace(Marker marker,
           Message msg)
Logs a message with the specific Marker at the TRACE level.

marker - the marker data specific to this log statement
msg - the message string to be logged


void trace(Marker marker,
           Message msg,
           Throwable t)
Logs a message with the specific Marker at the TRACE level.

marker - the marker data specific to this log statement
msg - the message string to be logged
t - A Throwable or null.


void trace(Marker marker,
           Object message)
Logs a message object with the TRACE level.

marker - the marker data specific to this log statement
message - the message object to log.


void trace(Marker marker,
           Object message,
           Throwable t)
Logs a message at the TRACE level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.

marker - the marker data specific to this log statement
message - the message object to log.
t - the exception to log, including its stack trace.
See Also:


void trace(Marker marker,
           String message)
Logs a message object with the TRACE level.

marker - the marker data specific to this log statement
message - the message string to log.


void trace(Marker marker,
           String message,
           Object... params)
Logs a message with parameters at the TRACE level.

marker - the marker data specific to this log statement
message - the message to log; the format depends on the message factory.
params - parameters to the message.
See Also:


void trace(Marker marker,
           String message,
           Throwable t)
Logs a message at the TRACE level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.

marker - the marker data specific to this log statement
message - the message object to log.
t - the exception to log, including its stack trace.
See Also:


void trace(Message msg)
Logs a message with the specific Marker at the TRACE level.

msg - the message string to be logged


void trace(Message msg,
           Throwable t)
Logs a message with the specific Marker at the TRACE level.

msg - the message string to be logged
t - A Throwable or null.


void trace(Object message)
Logs a message object with the TRACE level.

message - the message object to log.


void trace(Object message,
           Throwable t)
Logs a message at the TRACE level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.

message - the message object to log.
t - the exception to log, including its stack trace.
See Also:


void trace(String message)
Logs a message object with the TRACE level.

message - the message string to log.


void trace(String message,
           Object... params)
Logs a message with parameters at the TRACE level.

message - the message to log; the format depends on the message factory.
params - parameters to the message.
See Also:


void trace(String message,
           Throwable t)
Logs a message at the TRACE level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.

message - the message object to log.
t - the exception to log, including its stack trace.
See Also:


void warn(Marker marker,
          Message msg)
Logs a message with the specific Marker at the WARN level.

marker - the marker data specific to this log statement
msg - the message string to be logged


void warn(Marker marker,
          Message msg,
          Throwable t)
Logs a message with the specific Marker at the WARN level.

marker - the marker data specific to this log statement
msg - the message string to be logged
t - A Throwable or null.


void warn(Marker marker,
          Object message)
Logs a message object with the WARN level.

marker - the marker data specific to this log statement
message - the message object to log.


void warn(Marker marker,
          Object message,
          Throwable t)
Logs a message at the WARN level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.

marker - the marker data specific to this log statement
message - the message object to log.
t - the exception to log, including its stack trace.


void warn(Marker marker,
          String message)
Logs a message object with the WARN level.

marker - the marker data specific to this log statement
message - the message object to log.


void warn(Marker marker,
          String message,
          Object... params)
Logs a message with parameters at the WARN level.

marker - the marker data specific to this log statement.
message - the message to log; the format depends on the message factory.
params - parameters to the message.
See Also:
TODO Likely to misinterpret existing log4j client code that intended to call info(Object,Throwable). Incurs array creation expense on every call. (RG) I assume you meant warn, not info. It isn't possible to be misinterpreted as the previous method is for that signature.Methods should be added to avoid varargs for 1, 2 or 3 parameters.


void warn(Marker marker,
          String message,
          Throwable t)
Logs a message at the WARN level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.

marker - the marker data specific to this log statement
message - the message object to log.
t - the exception to log, including its stack trace.


void warn(Message msg)
Logs a message with the specific Marker at the WARN level.

msg - the message string to be logged


void warn(Message msg,
          Throwable t)
Logs a message with the specific Marker at the WARN level.

msg - the message string to be logged
t - A Throwable or null.


void warn(Object message)
Logs a message object with the WARN level.

message - the message object to log.


void warn(Object message,
          Throwable t)
Logs a message at the WARN level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.

message - the message object to log.
t - the exception to log, including its stack trace.


void warn(String message)
Logs a message object with the WARN level.

message - the message string to log.


void warn(String message,
          Object... params)
Logs a message with parameters at the WARN level.

message - the message to log; the format depends on the message factory.
params - parameters to the message.
See Also:
TODO Likely to misinterpret existing log4j client code that intended to call info(Object,Throwable). Incurs array creation expense on every call. (RG) I assume you meant warn, not info. It isn't possible to be misinterpreted as the previous method is for that signature.Methods should be added to avoid varargs for 1, 2 or 3 parameters.


void warn(String message,
          Throwable t)
Logs a message at the WARN level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.

message - the message object to log.
t - the exception to log, including its stack trace.

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