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1   /*
2    * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
3    * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
4    * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
5    * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache license, Version 2.0
6    * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
7    * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
8    *
9    *
10   *
11   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14   * See the license for the specific language governing permissions and
15   * limitations under the license.
16   */
17  package org.apache.logging.log4j.core.appender.rolling;
19  import;
20  import;
21  import java.nio.file.Files;
22  import java.nio.file.Path;
23  import java.util.Arrays;
24  import java.util.Collections;
25  import java.util.List;
26  import java.util.SortedMap;
27  import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
28  import;
30  import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.Core;
31  import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.appender.rolling.action.Action;
32  import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.appender.rolling.action.CompositeAction;
33  import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.appender.rolling.action.FileRenameAction;
34  import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.appender.rolling.action.PathCondition;
35  import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.appender.rolling.action.PosixViewAttributeAction;
36  import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.config.Configuration;
37  import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.config.plugins.Plugin;
38  import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.config.plugins.PluginAttribute;
39  import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.config.plugins.PluginBuilderAttribute;
40  import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.config.plugins.PluginBuilderFactory;
41  import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.config.plugins.PluginConfiguration;
42  import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.config.plugins.PluginElement;
43  import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.config.plugins.PluginFactory;
44  import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.lookup.StrSubstitutor;
45  import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.util.Integers;
47  /**
48   * When rolling over, <code>DirectWriteRolloverStrategy</code> writes directly to the file as resolved by the file
49   * pattern. Files will be renamed files according to an algorithm as described below.
50   *
51   * <p>
52   * The DirectWriteRolloverStrategy uses similar logic as DefaultRolloverStrategy to determine the file name based
53   * on the file pattern, however the DirectWriteRolloverStrategy writes directly to a file and does not rename it
54   * during rollover, except if it is compressed, in which case it will add the appropriate file extension.
55   * </p>
56   *
57   * @since 2.8
58   */
59  @Plugin(name = "DirectWriteRolloverStrategy", category = Core.CATEGORY_NAME, printObject = true)
60  public class DirectWriteRolloverStrategy extends AbstractRolloverStrategy implements DirectFileRolloverStrategy {
62      private static final int DEFAULT_MAX_FILES = 7;
64      /**
65       * Builds DirectWriteRolloverStrategy instances.
66       */
67      public static class Builder implements org.apache.logging.log4j.core.util.Builder<DirectWriteRolloverStrategy> {
68          @PluginBuilderAttribute("maxFiles")
69          private String maxFiles;
71          @PluginBuilderAttribute("compressionLevel")
72          private String compressionLevelStr;
74          @PluginElement("Actions")
75          private Action[] customActions;
77          @PluginBuilderAttribute(value = "stopCustomActionsOnError")
78          private boolean stopCustomActionsOnError = true;
80          @PluginBuilderAttribute(value = "tempCompressedFilePattern")
81          private String tempCompressedFilePattern;
83          @PluginConfiguration
84          private Configuration config;
86          @Override
87          public DirectWriteRolloverStrategy build() {
88              int maxIndex = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
89              if (maxFiles != null) {
90                  maxIndex = Integer.parseInt(maxFiles);
91                  if (maxIndex < 0) {
92                      maxIndex = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
93                  } else if (maxIndex < 2) {
94                      LOGGER.error("Maximum files too small. Limited to " + DEFAULT_MAX_FILES);
95                      maxIndex = DEFAULT_MAX_FILES;
96                  }
97              }
98              final int compressionLevel = Integers.parseInt(compressionLevelStr, Deflater.DEFAULT_COMPRESSION);
99              return new DirectWriteRolloverStrategy(maxIndex, compressionLevel, config.getStrSubstitutor(),
100                     customActions, stopCustomActionsOnError, tempCompressedFilePattern);
101         }
103         public String getMaxFiles() {
104             return maxFiles;
105         }
107         /**
108          * Defines the maximum number of files to keep.
109          *
110          * @param maxFiles The maximum number of files that match the date portion of the pattern to keep.
111          * @return This builder for chaining convenience
112          */
113         public Builder withMaxFiles(final String maxFiles) {
114             this.maxFiles = maxFiles;
115             return this;
116         }
118         public String getCompressionLevelStr() {
119             return compressionLevelStr;
120         }
122         /**
123          * Defines compression level.
124          *
125          * @param compressionLevelStr The compression level, 0 (less) through 9 (more); applies only to ZIP files.
126          * @return This builder for chaining convenience
127          */
128         public Builder withCompressionLevelStr(final String compressionLevelStr) {
129             this.compressionLevelStr = compressionLevelStr;
130             return this;
131         }
133         public Action[] getCustomActions() {
134             return customActions;
135         }
137         /**
138          * Defines custom actions.
139          *
140          * @param customActions custom actions to perform asynchronously after rollover
141          * @return This builder for chaining convenience
142          */
143         public Builder withCustomActions(final Action[] customActions) {
144             this.customActions = customActions;
145             return this;
146         }
148         public boolean isStopCustomActionsOnError() {
149             return stopCustomActionsOnError;
150         }
152         /**
153          * Defines whether to stop executing asynchronous actions if an error occurs.
154          *
155          * @param stopCustomActionsOnError whether to stop executing asynchronous actions if an error occurs
156          * @return This builder for chaining convenience
157          */
158         public Builder withStopCustomActionsOnError(final boolean stopCustomActionsOnError) {
159             this.stopCustomActionsOnError = stopCustomActionsOnError;
160             return this;
161         }
163         public String getTempCompressedFilePattern() {
164             return tempCompressedFilePattern;
165         }
167         /**
168          * Defines temporary compression file pattern.
169          *
170          * @param tempCompressedFilePattern File pattern of the working file pattern used during compression, if null no temporary file are used
171          * @return This builder for chaining convenience
172          */
173         public Builder withTempCompressedFilePattern(final String tempCompressedFilePattern) {
174             this.tempCompressedFilePattern = tempCompressedFilePattern;
175             return this;
176         }
178         public Configuration getConfig() {
179             return config;
180         }
182         /**
183          * Defines configuration.
184          * 
185          * @param config The Configuration.
186          * @return This builder for chaining convenience
187          */
188         public Builder withConfig(final Configuration config) {
189             this.config = config;
190             return this;
191         }
192     }
194     @PluginBuilderFactory
195     public static Builder newBuilder() {
196         return new Builder();
197     }
199     /**
200      * Creates the DirectWriteRolloverStrategy.
201      *
202      * @param maxFiles The maximum number of files that match the date portion of the pattern to keep.
203      * @param compressionLevelStr The compression level, 0 (less) through 9 (more); applies only to ZIP files.
204      * @param customActions custom actions to perform asynchronously after rollover
205      * @param stopCustomActionsOnError whether to stop executing asynchronous actions if an error occurs
206      * @param config The Configuration.
207      * @return A DirectWriteRolloverStrategy.
208      * @deprecated Since 2.9 Usage of Builder API is preferable
209      */
210     @Deprecated
211     @PluginFactory
212     public static DirectWriteRolloverStrategy createStrategy(
213             // @formatter:off
214             @PluginAttribute("maxFiles") final String maxFiles,
215             @PluginAttribute("compressionLevel") final String compressionLevelStr,
216             @PluginElement("Actions") final Action[] customActions,
217             @PluginAttribute(value = "stopCustomActionsOnError", defaultBoolean = true)
218                     final boolean stopCustomActionsOnError,
219             @PluginConfiguration final Configuration config) {
220             return newBuilder().withMaxFiles(maxFiles)
221                     .withCompressionLevelStr(compressionLevelStr)
222                     .withCustomActions(customActions)
223                     .withStopCustomActionsOnError(stopCustomActionsOnError)
224                     .withConfig(config)
225                     .build();
226             // @formatter:on
227     }
229     /**
230      * Index for most recent log file.
231      */
232     private final int maxFiles;
233     private final int compressionLevel;
234     private final List<Action> customActions;
235     private final boolean stopCustomActionsOnError;
236     private volatile String currentFileName;
237     private int nextIndex = -1;
238     private final PatternProcessor tempCompressedFilePattern;
240     /**
241      * Constructs a new instance.
242      *
243      * @param maxFiles The maximum number of files that match the date portion of the pattern to keep.
244      * @param customActions custom actions to perform asynchronously after rollover
245      * @param stopCustomActionsOnError whether to stop executing asynchronous actions if an error occurs
246      * @deprecated Since 2.9 Added tempCompressedFilePatternString parameter
247      */
248     @Deprecated
249     protected DirectWriteRolloverStrategy(final int maxFiles, final int compressionLevel,
250                                           final StrSubstitutor strSubstitutor, final Action[] customActions,
251                                           final boolean stopCustomActionsOnError) {
252         this(maxFiles, compressionLevel, strSubstitutor, customActions, stopCustomActionsOnError, null);
253     }
255     /**
256      * Constructs a new instance.
257      *
258      * @param maxFiles The maximum number of files that match the date portion of the pattern to keep.
259      * @param customActions custom actions to perform asynchronously after rollover
260      * @param stopCustomActionsOnError whether to stop executing asynchronous actions if an error occurs
261      * @param tempCompressedFilePatternString File pattern of the working file
262      *                                     used during compression, if null no temporary file are used
263      */
264     protected DirectWriteRolloverStrategy(final int maxFiles, final int compressionLevel,
265                                           final StrSubstitutor strSubstitutor, final Action[] customActions,
266                                           final boolean stopCustomActionsOnError, final String tempCompressedFilePatternString) {
267         super(strSubstitutor);
268         this.maxFiles = maxFiles;
269         this.compressionLevel = compressionLevel;
270         this.stopCustomActionsOnError = stopCustomActionsOnError;
271         this.customActions = customActions == null ? Collections.<Action> emptyList() : Arrays.asList(customActions);
272         this.tempCompressedFilePattern =
273                 tempCompressedFilePatternString != null ? new PatternProcessor(tempCompressedFilePatternString) : null;
274     }
276     public int getCompressionLevel() {
277         return this.compressionLevel;
278     }
280     public List<Action> getCustomActions() {
281         return customActions;
282     }
284     public int getMaxFiles() {
285         return this.maxFiles;
286     }
288     public boolean isStopCustomActionsOnError() {
289         return stopCustomActionsOnError;
290     }
292     public PatternProcessor getTempCompressedFilePattern() {
293         return tempCompressedFilePattern;
294     }
296     private int purge(final RollingFileManager manager) {
297         final SortedMap<Integer, Path> eligibleFiles = getEligibleFiles(manager);
298         LOGGER.debug("Found {} eligible files, max is  {}", eligibleFiles.size(), maxFiles);
299         while (eligibleFiles.size() >= maxFiles) {
300             try {
301                 final Integer key = eligibleFiles.firstKey();
302                 Files.delete(eligibleFiles.get(key));
303                 eligibleFiles.remove(key);
304             } catch (final IOException ioe) {
305                 LOGGER.error("Unable to delete {}", eligibleFiles.firstKey(), ioe);
306                 break;
307             }
308         }
309         return eligibleFiles.size() > 0 ? eligibleFiles.lastKey() : 1;
310     }
312     @Override
313     public String getCurrentFileName(final RollingFileManager manager) {
314         if (currentFileName == null) {
315             final SortedMap<Integer, Path> eligibleFiles = getEligibleFiles(manager);
316             final int fileIndex = eligibleFiles.size() > 0 ? (nextIndex > 0 ? nextIndex : eligibleFiles.size()) : 1;
317             final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(255);
318             manager.getPatternProcessor().formatFileName(strSubstitutor, buf, true, fileIndex);
319             final int suffixLength = suffixLength(buf.toString());
320             final String name = suffixLength > 0 ? buf.substring(0, buf.length() - suffixLength) : buf.toString();
321             currentFileName = name;
322         }
323         return currentFileName;
324     }
326     /**
327      * Performs the rollover.
328      *
329      * @param manager The RollingFileManager name for current active log file.
330      * @return A RolloverDescription.
331      * @throws SecurityException if an error occurs.
332      */
333     @Override
334     public RolloverDescription rollover(final RollingFileManager manager) throws SecurityException {
335         LOGGER.debug("Rolling " + currentFileName);
336         if (maxFiles < 0) {
337             return null;
338         }
339         final long startNanos = System.nanoTime();
340         final int fileIndex = purge(manager);
341         if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) {
342             final double durationMillis = TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(System.nanoTime() - startNanos);
343             LOGGER.trace("DirectWriteRolloverStrategy.purge() took {} milliseconds", durationMillis);
344         }
345         Action compressAction = null;
346         final String sourceName = getCurrentFileName(manager);
347         String compressedName = sourceName;
348         currentFileName = null;
349         nextIndex = fileIndex + 1;
350         final FileExtension fileExtension = manager.getFileExtension();
351         if (fileExtension != null) {
352             compressedName += fileExtension.getExtension();            
353             if (tempCompressedFilePattern != null) {
354                 final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
355                 tempCompressedFilePattern.formatFileName(strSubstitutor, buf, fileIndex);
356                 final String tmpCompressedName = buf.toString();
357                 final File tmpCompressedNameFile = new File(tmpCompressedName);
358                 final File parentFile = tmpCompressedNameFile.getParentFile();
359                 if (parentFile != null) {
360                     parentFile.mkdirs();
361                 }
362                 compressAction = new CompositeAction(
363                         Arrays.asList(fileExtension.createCompressAction(sourceName, tmpCompressedName,
364                                 true, compressionLevel),
365                                 new FileRenameAction(tmpCompressedNameFile,
366                                         new File(compressedName), true)),
367                         true);
368             } else {
369                 compressAction = fileExtension.createCompressAction(sourceName, compressedName,
370                       true, compressionLevel);
371             }
372         }
374         if (compressAction != null && manager.isAttributeViewEnabled()) {
375             // Propagate posix attribute view to compressed file
376             // @formatter:off
377             final Action posixAttributeViewAction = PosixViewAttributeAction.newBuilder()
378                                                     .withBasePath(compressedName)
379                                                     .withFollowLinks(false)
380                                                     .withMaxDepth(1)
381                                                     .withPathConditions(new PathCondition[0])
382                                                     .withSubst(getStrSubstitutor())
383                                                     .withFilePermissions(manager.getFilePermissions())
384                                                     .withFileOwner(manager.getFileOwner())
385                                                     .withFileGroup(manager.getFileGroup())
386                                                     .build();
387             // @formatter:on
388             compressAction = new CompositeAction(Arrays.asList(compressAction, posixAttributeViewAction), false);
389         }
391         final Action asyncAction = merge(compressAction, customActions, stopCustomActionsOnError);
392         return new RolloverDescriptionImpl(sourceName, false, null, asyncAction);
393     }
395     @Override
396     public String toString() {
397         return "DirectWriteRolloverStrategy(maxFiles=" + maxFiles + ')';
398     }
400 }