Class ClassLoaderContextSelector

  extended by org.apache.logging.log4j.core.selector.ClassLoaderContextSelector
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class ClassLoaderContextSelector
extends Object
implements ContextSelector

This ContextSelector chooses a LoggerContext based upon the ClassLoader of the caller. This allows Loggers assigned to static variables to be released along with the classes that own then. Other ContextSelectors will generally cause Loggers associated with classes loaded from different ClassLoaders to be co-mingled. This is a problem if, for example, a web application is undeployed as some of the Loggers being released may be associated with a Class in a parent ClassLoader, which will generally have negative consequences. The main downside to this ContextSelector is that Configuration is more challenging. This ContextSelector should not be used with a Servlet Filter such as the Log4jServletFilter.

Field Summary
protected static ConcurrentMap<String,AtomicReference<WeakReference<LoggerContext>>> CONTEXT_MAP
protected static org.apache.logging.log4j.status.StatusLogger LOGGER
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 LoggerContext getContext(String fqcn, ClassLoader loader, boolean currentContext)
          Returns the LoggerContext.
 LoggerContext getContext(String fqcn, ClassLoader loader, boolean currentContext, URI configLocation)
          Returns the LoggerContext.
protected  LoggerContext getDefault()
 List<LoggerContext> getLoggerContexts()
          Returns a List of all the available LoggerContexts.
 void removeContext(LoggerContext context)
          Remove any references to the LoggerContext.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected static final org.apache.logging.log4j.status.StatusLogger LOGGER


protected static final ConcurrentMap<String,AtomicReference<WeakReference<LoggerContext>>> CONTEXT_MAP
Constructor Detail


public ClassLoaderContextSelector()
Method Detail


public LoggerContext getContext(String fqcn,
                                ClassLoader loader,
                                boolean currentContext)
Description copied from interface: ContextSelector
Returns the LoggerContext.

Specified by:
getContext in interface ContextSelector
fqcn - The fully qualified class name of the caller.
loader - ClassLoader to use or null.
currentContext - If true returns the current Context, if false returns the Context appropriate for the caller if a more appropriate Context can be determined.
The LoggerContext.


public LoggerContext getContext(String fqcn,
                                ClassLoader loader,
                                boolean currentContext,
                                URI configLocation)
Description copied from interface: ContextSelector
Returns the LoggerContext.

Specified by:
getContext in interface ContextSelector
fqcn - The fully qualified class name of the caller.
loader - ClassLoader to use or null.
currentContext - If true returns the current Context, if false returns the Context appropriate for the caller if a more appropriate Context can be determined.
configLocation - The location of the configuration for the LoggerContext.
The LoggerContext.


public void removeContext(LoggerContext context)
Description copied from interface: ContextSelector
Remove any references to the LoggerContext.

Specified by:
removeContext in interface ContextSelector
context - The context to remove.


public List<LoggerContext> getLoggerContexts()
Description copied from interface: ContextSelector
Returns a List of all the available LoggerContexts.

Specified by:
getLoggerContexts in interface ContextSelector
The List of LoggerContexts.


protected LoggerContext getDefault()

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