Package org.apache.logging.log4j.core.jmx

Log4j 2.0 JMX support.


Interface Summary
AppenderAdminMBean The MBean interface for monitoring and managing an Appender.
AsyncAppenderAdminMBean The MBean interface for monitoring and managing an AsyncAppender.
ContextSelectorAdminMBean The MBean interface for monitoring and managing the ContextSelector.
LoggerConfigAdminMBean The MBean interface for monitoring and managing a LoggerConfig.
LoggerContextAdminMBean The MBean interface for monitoring and managing a LoggerContext.
RingBufferAdminMBean The MBean interface for monitoring and managing an LMAX Disruptor ring buffer.
StatusLoggerAdminMBean The MBean interface for monitoring and managing the StatusLogger.

Class Summary
AppenderAdmin Implementation of the AppenderAdminMBean interface.
AsyncAppenderAdmin Implementation of the AsyncAppenderAdminMBean interface.
ContextSelectorAdmin Implementation of the ContextSelectorAdminMBean interface.
LoggerConfigAdmin Implementation of the LoggerConfigAdminMBean interface.
LoggerContextAdmin Implementation of the LoggerContextAdminMBean interface.
RingBufferAdmin Instruments an LMAX Disruptor ring buffer.
Server Creates MBeans to instrument various classes in the log4j class hierarchy.
StatusLoggerAdmin Implementation of the StatusLoggerAdminMBean interface.

Package org.apache.logging.log4j.core.jmx Description

Log4j 2.0 JMX support.

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