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Asynchronous Loggers for Low-Latency Logging

Asynchronous logging can improve your application's performance by executing the I/O operations in a separate thread. Log4j 2 makes a number of improvements in this area.

  • Asynchronous Loggers are a new addition to Log4j 2. Their aim is to return from the call to Logger.log to the application as soon as possible. You can choose between making all Loggers asynchronous or using a mixture of synchronous and asynchronous Loggers. Making all Loggers asynchronous will give the best performance, while mixing gives you more flexibility.
  • LMAX Disruptor technology. Asynchronous Loggers internally use the Disruptor, a lock-free inter-thread communication library, instead of queues, resulting in higher throughput and lower latency.
  • Asynchronous Appenders already existed in Log4j 1.x, but have been enhanced to flush to disk at the end of a batch (when the queue is empty). This produces the same result as configuring "immediateFlush=true", that is, all received log events are always available on disk, but is more efficient because it does not need to touch the disk on each and every log event. (Async Appenders use ArrayBlockingQueue internally and do not need the disruptor jar on the classpath.)
  • (For synchronous and asynchronous use) Random Access File Appenders are an alternative to Buffered File Appenders. Under the hood, these new appenders use a ByteBuffer + RandomAccessFile instead of a BufferedOutputStream. In our testing this was about 20-200% faster. These appenders can also be used with synchronous loggers and will give the same performance benefits. Random Access File Appenders do not need the disruptor jar on the classpath.


Although asynchronous logging can give significant performance benefits, there are situations where you may want to choose synchronous logging. This section describes some of the trade-offs of asynchronous logging.


  • Higher throughput. With an asynchronous logger your application can log messages at 6 - 68 times the rate of a synchronous logger.
  • Lower logging latency. Latency is the time it takes for a call to Logger.log to return. Asynchronous Loggers have consistently lower latency than synchronous loggers or even queue-based asynchronous appenders. Applications interested in low latency often care not only about average latency, but also about worst-case latency. Our performance comparison shows that Asynchronous Loggers also do better when comparing the maximum latency of 99% or even 99.99% of observations with other logging methods.
  • Prevent or dampen latency spikes during bursts of events. If the queue size is configured large enough to handle spikes, asynchronous logging will help prevent your application from falling behind (as much) during sudden bursts of activity.
  • Error handling. If a problem happens during the logging process and an exception is thrown, it is less easy for an asynchronous logger or appender to signal this problem to the application. This can partly be alleviated by configuring an ExceptionHandler, but this may still not cover all cases. For this reason, if logging is part of your business logic, for example if you are using Log4j as an audit logging framework, we would recommend to synchronously log those audit messages. (Note that you can still combine them and use asynchronous logging for debug/trace logging in addition to synchronous logging for the audit trail.)

Making All Loggers Asynchronous

Requires disruptor-3.0.0.jar or higher on the classpath.

This is simplest to configure and gives the best performance. To make all loggers asynchronous, add the disruptor jar to the classpath and set the system property Log4jContextSelector to org.apache.logging.log4j.core.async.AsyncLoggerContextSelector.

By default, location is not passed to the I/O thread by asynchronous loggers. If one of your layouts or custom filters needs location information, you need to set "includeLocation=true" in the configuration of all relevant loggers, including the root logger.

A configuration that does not require location might look like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!-- Don't forget to set system property
     to make all loggers asynchronous. -->

<Configuration status="WARN">
    <!-- Async Loggers will auto-flush in batches, so switch off immediateFlush. -->
    <RandomAccessFile name="RandomAccessFile" fileName="async.log" immediateFlush="false" append="false">
        <Pattern>%d %p %c{1.} [%t] %m %ex%n</Pattern>
    <Root level="info" includeLocation="false">
      <AppenderRef ref="RandomAccessFile"/>

When AsyncLoggerContextSelector is used to make all loggers asynchronous, make sure to use normal <root> and <logger> elements in the configuration. The AsyncLoggerContextSelector will ensure that all loggers are asynchronous, using a mechanism that is different from what happens when you configure <asyncRoot> or <asyncLogger>. The latter elements are intended for mixing async with sync loggers. If you use both mechanisms together you will end up with two background threads, where your application passes the log message to thread A, which passes the message to thread B, which then finally logs the message to disk. This works, but there will be an unnecessary step in the middle.

There are a few system properties you can use to control aspects of the asynchronous logging subsystem. Some of these can be used to tune logging performance.

System Properties to configure all asynchronous loggers
System Property Default Value Description
AsyncLogger.ExceptionHandler null Fully qualified name of a class that implements the com.lmax.disruptor.ExceptionHandler interface. The class needs to have a public zero-argument constructor. If specified, this class will be notified when an exception occurs while logging the messages.
AsyncLogger.RingBufferSize 256 * 1024 Size (number of slots) in the RingBuffer used by the asynchronous logging subsystem. Make this value large enough to deal with bursts of activity. The minimum size is 128. The RingBuffer will be pre-allocated at first use and will never grow or shrink during the life of the system.
AsyncLogger.WaitStrategy Sleep Valid values: Block, Sleep, Yield.
Block is a strategy that uses a lock and condition variable for the I/O thread waiting for log events. Block can be used when throughput and low-latency are not as important as CPU resource. Recommended for resource constrained/virtualised environments.
Sleep is a strategy that initially spins, then uses a Thread.yield(), and eventually parks for the minimum number of nanos the OS and JVM will allow while the I/O thread is waiting for log events. Sleep is a good compromise between performance and CPU resource. This strategy has very low impact on the application thread, in exchange for some additional latency for actually getting the message logged.
Yield is a strategy that uses a Thread.yield() for waiting for log events after an initially spinning. Yield is a good compromise between performance and CPU resource, but may use more CPU than Sleep in order to get the message logged to disk sooner.
AsyncLogger.ThreadNameStrategy CACHED Valid values: CACHED, UNCACHED.
By default, AsyncLogger caches the thread name in a ThreadLocal variable to improve performance. Specify the UNCACHED option if your application modifies the thread name at runtime (with Thread.currentThread().setName()) and you want to see the new thread name reflected in the log.
log4j.Clock SystemClock Implementation of the org.apache.logging.log4j.core.helpers.Clock interface that is used for timestamping the log events when all loggers are asynchronous.
By default, System.currentTimeMillis is called on every log event.
CachedClock is an optimization where time stamps are generated from a clock that updates its internal time in a background thread once every millisecond, or every 1024 log events, whichever comes first. This reduces logging latency a little, at the cost of some precision in the logged time stamps. Unless you are logging many events, you may see "jumps" of 10-16 milliseconds between log time stamps.
You can also specify a fully qualified class name of a custom class that implements the Clock interface.

Mixing Synchronous and Asynchronous Loggers

Requires disruptor-3.0.0.jar or higher on the classpath. There is no need to set system property "Log4jContextSelector" to any value.

Synchronous and asynchronous loggers can be combined in configuration. This gives you more flexibility at the cost of a slight loss in performance (compared to making all loggers asynchronous). Use the <asyncRoot> or <asyncLogger> configuration elements to specify the loggers that need to be asynchronous. The same configuration file can also contain <root> and <logger> elements for the synchronous loggers.

By default, location is not passed to the I/O thread by asynchronous loggers. If one of your layouts or custom filters needs location information, you need to set "includeLocation=true" in the configuration of all relevant loggers, including the root logger.

A configuration that mixes asynchronous loggers might look like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!-- No need to set system property "Log4jContextSelector" to any value
     when using <asyncLogger> or <asyncRoot>. -->

<Configuration status="WARN">
    <!-- Async Loggers will auto-flush in batches, so switch off immediateFlush. -->
    <RandomAccessFile name="RandomAccessFile" fileName="asyncWithLocation.log"
              immediateFlush="false" append="false">
        <Pattern>%d %p %class{1.} [%t] %location %m %ex%n</Pattern>
    <!-- pattern layout actually uses location, so we need to include it -->
    <AsyncLogger name="com.foo.Bar" level="trace" includeLocation="true">
      <AppenderRef ref="RandomAccessFile"/>
    <Root level="info" includeLocation="true">
      <AppenderRef ref="RandomAccessFile"/>

There are a few system properties you can use to control aspects of the asynchronous logging subsystem. Some of these can be used to tune logging performance.

System Properties to configure mixed asynchronous and normal loggers
System Property Default Value Description
AsyncLoggerConfig.ExceptionHandler null Fully qualified name of a class that implements the com.lmax.disruptor.ExceptionHandler interface. The class needs to have a public zero-argument constructor. If specified, this class will be notified when an exception occurs while logging the messages.
AsyncLoggerConfig.RingBufferSize 256 * 1024 Size (number of slots) in the RingBuffer used by the asynchronous logging subsystem. Make this value large enough to deal with bursts of activity. The minimum size is 128. The RingBuffer will be pre-allocated at first use and will never grow or shrink during the life of the system.
AsyncLoggerConfig.WaitStrategy Sleep Valid values: Block, Sleep, Yield.
Block is a strategy that uses a lock and condition variable for the I/O thread waiting for log events. Block can be used when throughput and low-latency are not as important as CPU resource. Recommended for resource constrained/virtualised environments.
Sleep is a strategy that initially spins, then uses a Thread.yield(), and eventually parks for the minimum number of nanos the OS and JVM will allow while the I/O thread is waiting for log events. Sleep is a good compromise between performance and CPU resource. This strategy has very low impact on the application thread, in exchange for some additional latency for actually getting the message logged.
Yield is a strategy that uses a Thread.yield() for waiting for log events after an initially spinning. Yield is a good compromise between performance and CPU resource, but may use more CPU than Sleep in order to get the message logged to disk sooner.

Location, location, location...

If one of the layouts is configured with a location-related attribute like HTML locationInfo, or one of the patterns %C or $class, %F or %file, %l or %location, %L or %line, %M or %method, Log4j will take a snapshot of the stack, and walk the stack trace to find the location information.

This is an expensive operation: 1.3 - 5 times slower for synchronous loggers. Synchronous loggers wait as long as possible before they take this stack snapshot. If no location is required, the snapshot will never be taken.

However, asynchronous loggers need to make this decision before passing the log message to another thread; the location information will be lost after that point. The performance impact of taking a stack trace snapshot is even higher for asynchronous loggers: logging with location is 4 - 20 times slower than without location. For this reason, asynchronous loggers and asynchronous appenders do not include location information by default.

You can override the default behaviour in your logger or asynchronous appender configuration by specifying includeLocation="true".

Asynchronous Logging Performance

The performance results below were all derived from running the PerfTest, MTPerfTest and PerfTestDriver classes which can be found in the Log4j 2 unit test source directory. All tests were done using the default settings (SystemClock and SleepingWaitStrategy). The methodology used was the same for all tests:

  • First, warm up the JVM by logging 200,000 log messages of 500 characters.
  • Repeat the warm-up 10 times, then wait 10 seconds for the I/O thread to catch up and buffers to drain.
  • Latency test: at less than saturation, measure how long a call to Logger.log takes. Pause for 10 microseconds * threadCount between measurements. Repeat this 5 million times, and measure average latency, latency of 99% of observations and 99.99% of observations.
  • Throughput test: measure how long it takes to execute 256 * 1024 / threadCount calls to Logger.log and express the result in messages per second.
  • Repeat the test 5 times and average the results.

The results below were obtained with log4j-2.0-beta5, disruptor-3.0.0.beta3, log4j-1.2.17 and logback-1.0.10.

Logging Throughput

The graph below compares the throughput of synchronous loggers, asynchronous appenders and asynchronous loggers. This is the total throughput of all threads together. In the test with 64 threads, asynchronous loggers are 12 times faster than asynchronous appenders, and 68 times faster than synchronous loggers.

Asynchronous loggers' throughput increases with the number of threads, whereas both synchronous loggers and asynchronous appenders have more or less constant throughput regardless of the number of threads that are doing the logging.

Async loggers have much higher throughput than sync loggers.

Asynchronous Throughput Comparison with Other Logging Packages

We also compared throughput of asynchronous loggers to the synchronous loggers and asynchronous appenders available in other logging packages, specifically log4j-1.2.17 and logback-1.0.10, with similar results. For asynchronous appenders, total logging throughput of all threads together remains roughly constant when adding more threads. Asynchronous loggers make more effective use of the multiple cores available on the machine in multi-threaded scenarios.

Async loggers have the highest throughput.

On Solaris 10 (64bit) with JDK1.7.0_06, 4-core Xeon X5570 dual CPU @2.93Ghz with hyperthreading switched on (16 virtual cores):

Throughput per thread in messages/second
Logger 1 thread 2 threads 4 threads 8 threads 16 threads 32 threads 64 threads
Log4j 2: Loggers all asynchronous 2,652,412 909,119 776,993 516,365 239,246 253,791 288,997
Log4j 2: Loggers mixed sync/async 2,454,358 839,394 854,578 597,913 261,003 216,863 218,937
Log4j 2: Async Appender 1,713,429 603,019 331,506 149,408 86,107 45,529 23,980
Log4j1: Async Appender 2,239,664 494,470 221,402 109,314 60,580 31,706 14,072
Logback: Async Appender 2,206,907 624,082 307,500 160,096 85,701 43,422 21,303
Log4j 2: Synchronous 273,536 136,523 67,609 34,404 15,373 7,903 4,253
Log4j1: Synchronous 326,894 105,591 57,036 30,511 13,900 7,094 3,509
Logback: Synchronous 178,063 65,000 34,372 16,903 8,334 3,985 1,967

On Windows 7 (64bit) with JDK1.7.0_11, 2-core Intel i5-3317u CPU @1.70Ghz with hyperthreading switched on (4 virtual cores):

Throughput per thread in messages/second
Logger 1 thread 2 threads 4 threads 8 threads 16 threads 32 threads
Log4j 2: Loggers all asynchronous 1,715,344 928,951 1,045,265 1,509,109 1,708,989 773,565
Log4j 2: Loggers mixed sync/async 571,099 1,204,774 1,632,204 1,368,041 462,093 908,529
Log4j 2: Async Appender 1,236,548 1,006,287 511,571 302,230 160,094 60,152
Log4j1: Async Appender 1,373,195 911,657 636,899 406,405 202,777 162,964
Logback: Async Appender 1,979,515 783,722 582,935 289,905 172,463 133,435
Log4j 2: Synchronous 281,250 225,731 129,015 66,590 34,401 17,347
Log4j1: Synchronous 147,824 72,383 32,865 18,025 8,937 4,440
Logback: Synchronous 149,811 66,301 32,341 16,962 8,431 3,610

Throughput of Logging With Location (includeLocation="true")

On Solaris 10 (64bit) with JDK1.7.0_06, 4-core Xeon X5570 dual CPU @2.93Ghz with hyperthreading switched off (8 virtual cores):

Throughput in log messages/second per thread
Logger (Log4j 2) 1 thread 2 threads 4 threads 8 threads
Loggers all asynchronous 75,862 88,775 80,240 68,077
Loggers mixed sync/async 61,993 66,164 55,735 52,843
Async Appender 47,033 52,426 50,882 36,905
Synchronous 31,054 33,175 29,791 23,628

As expected, logging location information has a large performance impact. Asynchronous loggers are 4 - 20 times slower, while synchronous loggers are 1.3 - 5 times slower. However, if you do need location information, asynchronous logging will still be faster than synchronous logging.


Latency tests are done by logging at less than saturation, measuring how long a call to Logger.log takes to return. After each call to Logger.log, the test waits for 10 microseconds * threadCount before continuing. Each thread logs 5 million messages.

All the latency measurements below are results of tests run on Solaris 10 (64bit) with JDK1.7.0_06, 4-core Xeon X5570 dual CPU @2.93Ghz with hyperthreading switched on (16 virtual cores).

Histogram of async latency

Note that this is log-scale, not linear. The above graph compares the latency distributions of an asynchronous logger and a Log4j 1.2.17 Async Appender. This shows the latency of one thread during a test where 64 threads are logging in parallel. The test was run once for the async logger and once for the async appender.

Latency of a call to Logger.log() in nanoseconds
Average latency 99% observations less than 99.99% observations less than
1 thread 64 threads 1 thread 64 threads 1 thread 64 threads
Log4j 2: Loggers all async 677 4,135 1,638 4,096 8,192 16,128
Log4j 2: Loggers mixed sync/async 648 4,873 1,228 4,096 8,192 16,384
Log4j 2: Async Appender 2,423 2,117,722 4,096 67,108,864 16,384 268,435,456
Log4j1: Async Appender 1,562 1,781,404 4,096 109,051,904 16,384 268,435,456
Logback: Async Appender 2,123 2,079,020 3,276 67,108,864 14,745 268,435,456

The latency comparison graph below is also log-scale, and shows the average latency of asynchronous loggers and ArrayBlockingQueue-based asynchronous appenders in scenarios with more and more threads running in parallel. Up to 8 threads asynchronous appenders have comparable average latency, two or three times that of asynchronous loggers. With more threads, the average latency of asynchronous appenders is orders of magnitude larger than asynchronous loggers.

Average async logger latency

Applications interested in low latency often care not only about average latency, but also about worst-case latency. The graph below shows that asynchronous loggers also do better when comparing the maximum latency of 99.99% of observations with other logging methods. When increasing the number of threads the vast majority of latency measurements for asynchronous loggers stay in the 10-20 microseconds range where Asynchronous Appenders start experiencing many latency spikes in the 100 millisecond range, a difference of four orders of magnitude.

Maximum async logger latency

FileAppender vs. RandomAccessFileAppender

The appender comparison below was done with synchronous loggers.

On Windows 7 (64bit) with JDK1.7.0_11, 2-core Intel i5-3317u CPU @1.70Ghz with hyperthreading switched on (4 virtual cores):

Throughput per thread in messages/second
Appender 1 thread 2 threads 4 threads 8 threads
RandomAccessFileAppender 250,438 169,939 109,074 58,845
FileAppender 186,695 118,587 57,012 28,846
RollingRandomAccessFileAppender 278,369 213,176 125,300 63,103
RollingFileAppender 182,518 114,690 55,147 28,153

On Solaris 10 (64bit) with JDK1.7.0_06, 4-core dual Xeon X5570 CPU @2.93GHz with hyperthreading switched off (8 virtual cores):

Throughput per thread in messages/second
Appender 1 thread 2 threads 4 threads 8 threads
RandomAccessFileAppender 240,760 128,713 66,555 30,544
FileAppender 172,517 106,587 55,885 25,675
RollingRandomAccessFileAppender 228,491 135,355 69,277 32,484
RollingFileAppender 186,422 97,737 55,766 25,097

Under The Hood

Asynchronous Loggers are implemented using the LMAX Disruptor inter-thread messaging library. From the LMAX web site:

... using queues to pass data between stages of the system was introducing latency, so we focused on optimising this area. The Disruptor is the result of our research and testing. We found that cache misses at the CPU-level, and locks requiring kernel arbitration are both extremely costly, so we created a framework which has "mechanical sympathy" for the hardware it's running on, and that's lock-free.

LMAX Disruptor internal performance comparisons with java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue can be found here.