Class LogManager

  extended by org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager

public class LogManager
extends Object

The anchor point for the logging system.

Field Summary
static String ROOT_LOGGER_NAME
          The name of the root Logger.
Constructor Summary
protected LogManager()
          Prevents instantiation
Method Summary
static LoggerContext getContext()
          Returns the current LoggerContext.
static LoggerContext getContext(boolean currentContext)
          Returns a LoggerContext.
static LoggerContext getContext(ClassLoader loader, boolean currentContext)
          Returns a LoggerContext.
static LoggerContext getContext(ClassLoader loader, boolean currentContext, URI configLocation)
          Returns a LoggerContext.
protected static LoggerContext getContext(String fqcn, boolean currentContext)
          Returns a LoggerContext
protected static LoggerContext getContext(String fqcn, ClassLoader loader, boolean currentContext)
          Returns a LoggerContext
static LoggerContextFactory getFactory()
          Returns the LoggerContextFactory.
static Logger getFormatterLogger(Class<?> clazz)
          Returns a formatter Logger using the fully qualified name of the Class as the Logger name.
static Logger getFormatterLogger(Object value)
          Returns a formatter Logger using the fully qualified name of the value's Class as the Logger name.
static Logger getFormatterLogger(String name)
          Returns a formatter Logger with the specified name.
static Logger getLogger()
          Returns a Logger with the name of the calling class.
static Logger getLogger(Class<?> clazz)
          Returns a Logger using the fully qualified name of the Class as the Logger name.
static Logger getLogger(Class<?> clazz, MessageFactory messageFactory)
          Returns a Logger using the fully qualified name of the Class as the Logger name.
static Logger getLogger(MessageFactory messageFactory)
          Returns a Logger with the name of the calling class.
static Logger getLogger(Object value)
          Returns a Logger using the fully qualified class name of the value as the Logger name.
static Logger getLogger(Object value, MessageFactory messageFactory)
          Returns a Logger using the fully qualified class name of the value as the Logger name.
static Logger getLogger(String name)
          Returns a Logger with the specified name.
static Logger getLogger(String name, MessageFactory messageFactory)
          Returns a Logger with the specified name.
protected static Logger getLogger(String fqcn, String name)
          Returns a Logger with the specified name.
static Logger getRootLogger()
          Returns the root logger.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final String ROOT_LOGGER_NAME
The name of the root Logger.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


protected LogManager()
Prevents instantiation

Method Detail


public static LoggerContext getContext()
Returns the current LoggerContext.

WARNING - The LoggerContext returned by this method may not be the LoggerContext used to create a Logger for the calling class.

The current LoggerContext.


public static LoggerContext getContext(boolean currentContext)
Returns a LoggerContext.

currentContext - if false the LoggerContext appropriate for the caller of this method is returned. For example, in a web application if the caller is a class in WEB-INF/lib then one LoggerContext may be returned and if the caller is a class in the container's classpath then a different LoggerContext may be returned. If true then only a single LoggerContext will be returned.
a LoggerContext.


public static LoggerContext getContext(ClassLoader loader,
                                       boolean currentContext)
Returns a LoggerContext.

loader - The ClassLoader for the context. If null the context will attempt to determine the appropriate ClassLoader.
currentContext - if false the LoggerContext appropriate for the caller of this method is returned. For example, in a web application if the caller is a class in WEB-INF/lib then one LoggerContext may be returned and if the caller is a class in the container's classpath then a different LoggerContext may be returned. If true then only a single LoggerContext will be returned.
a LoggerContext.


public static LoggerContext getContext(ClassLoader loader,
                                       boolean currentContext,
                                       URI configLocation)
Returns a LoggerContext.

loader - The ClassLoader for the context. If null the context will attempt to determine the appropriate ClassLoader.
currentContext - if false the LoggerContext appropriate for the caller of this method is returned. For example, in a web application if the caller is a class in WEB-INF/lib then one LoggerContext may be returned and if the caller is a class in the container's classpath then a different LoggerContext may be returned. If true then only a single LoggerContext will be returned.
configLocation - The URI for the configuration to use.
a LoggerContext.


protected static LoggerContext getContext(String fqcn,
                                          boolean currentContext)
Returns a LoggerContext

fqcn - The fully qualified class name of the Class that this method is a member of.
currentContext - if false the LoggerContext appropriate for the caller of this method is returned. For example, in a web application if the caller is a class in WEB-INF/lib then one LoggerContext may be returned and if the caller is a class in the container's classpath then a different LoggerContext may be returned. If true then only a single LoggerContext will be returned.
a LoggerContext.


protected static LoggerContext getContext(String fqcn,
                                          ClassLoader loader,
                                          boolean currentContext)
Returns a LoggerContext

fqcn - The fully qualified class name of the Class that this method is a member of.
loader - The ClassLoader for the context. If null the context will attempt to determine the appropriate ClassLoader.
currentContext - if false the LoggerContext appropriate for the caller of this method is returned. For example, in a web application if the caller is a class in WEB-INF/lib then one LoggerContext may be returned and if the caller is a class in the container's classpath then a different LoggerContext may be returned. If true then only a single LoggerContext will be returned.
a LoggerContext.


public static LoggerContextFactory getFactory()
Returns the LoggerContextFactory.

The LoggerContextFactory.


public static Logger getFormatterLogger(Class<?> clazz)
Returns a formatter Logger using the fully qualified name of the Class as the Logger name.

This logger let you use a Formatter string in the message to format parameters.

Short-hand for getLogger(clazz, StringFormatterMessageFactory.INSTANCE)

clazz - The Class whose name should be used as the Logger name.
The Logger, created with a StringFormatterMessageFactory
See Also:
Logger.fatal(Marker, String, Object...), Logger.fatal(String, Object...), Logger.error(Marker, String, Object...), Logger.error(String, Object...), Logger.warn(Marker, String, Object...), Logger.warn(String, Object...),, String, Object...),, Object...), Logger.debug(Marker, String, Object...), Logger.debug(String, Object...), Logger.trace(Marker, String, Object...), Logger.trace(String, Object...), StringFormatterMessageFactory


public static Logger getFormatterLogger(Object value)
Returns a formatter Logger using the fully qualified name of the value's Class as the Logger name.

This logger let you use a Formatter string in the message to format parameters.

Short-hand for getLogger(value, StringFormatterMessageFactory.INSTANCE)

value - The value's whose class name should be used as the Logger name.
The Logger, created with a StringFormatterMessageFactory
See Also:
Logger.fatal(Marker, String, Object...), Logger.fatal(String, Object...), Logger.error(Marker, String, Object...), Logger.error(String, Object...), Logger.warn(Marker, String, Object...), Logger.warn(String, Object...),, String, Object...),, Object...), Logger.debug(Marker, String, Object...), Logger.debug(String, Object...), Logger.trace(Marker, String, Object...), Logger.trace(String, Object...), StringFormatterMessageFactory


public static Logger getFormatterLogger(String name)
Returns a formatter Logger with the specified name.

This logger let you use a Formatter string in the message to format parameters.

Short-hand for getLogger(name, StringFormatterMessageFactory.INSTANCE)

name - The logger name. If null it will default to the name of the calling class.
The Logger, created with a StringFormatterMessageFactory
See Also:
Logger.fatal(Marker, String, Object...), Logger.fatal(String, Object...), Logger.error(Marker, String, Object...), Logger.error(String, Object...), Logger.warn(Marker, String, Object...), Logger.warn(String, Object...),, String, Object...),, Object...), Logger.debug(Marker, String, Object...), Logger.debug(String, Object...), Logger.trace(Marker, String, Object...), Logger.trace(String, Object...), StringFormatterMessageFactory


public static Logger getLogger()
Returns a Logger with the name of the calling class.

The Logger for the calling class.


public static Logger getLogger(Class<?> clazz)
Returns a Logger using the fully qualified name of the Class as the Logger name.

clazz - The Class whose name should be used as the Logger name. If null it will default to the calling class.
The Logger.


public static Logger getLogger(Class<?> clazz,
                               MessageFactory messageFactory)
Returns a Logger using the fully qualified name of the Class as the Logger name.

clazz - The Class whose name should be used as the Logger name. If null it will default to the calling class.
messageFactory - The message factory is used only when creating a logger, subsequent use does not change the logger but will log a warning if mismatched.
The Logger.


public static Logger getLogger(MessageFactory messageFactory)
Returns a Logger with the name of the calling class.

messageFactory - The message factory is used only when creating a logger, subsequent use does not change the logger but will log a warning if mismatched.
The Logger for the calling class.


public static Logger getLogger(Object value)
Returns a Logger using the fully qualified class name of the value as the Logger name.

value - The value whose class name should be used as the Logger name. If null the name of the calling class will be used as the logger name.
The Logger.


public static Logger getLogger(Object value,
                               MessageFactory messageFactory)
Returns a Logger using the fully qualified class name of the value as the Logger name.

value - The value whose class name should be used as the Logger name. If null the name of the calling class will be used as the logger name.
messageFactory - The message factory is used only when creating a logger, subsequent use does not change the logger but will log a warning if mismatched.
The Logger.


public static Logger getLogger(String name)
Returns a Logger with the specified name.

name - The logger name. If null the name of the calling class will be used.
The Logger.


public static Logger getLogger(String name,
                               MessageFactory messageFactory)
Returns a Logger with the specified name.

name - The logger name. If null the name of the calling class will be used.
messageFactory - The message factory is used only when creating a logger, subsequent use does not change the logger but will log a warning if mismatched.
The Logger.


protected static Logger getLogger(String fqcn,
                                  String name)
Returns a Logger with the specified name.

fqcn - The fully qualified class name of the class that this method is a member of.
name - The logger name.
The Logger.


public static Logger getRootLogger()
Returns the root logger.

the root logger, named ROOT_LOGGER_NAME.

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