Class AbstractLogger

  extended by org.apache.logging.log4j.spi.AbstractLogger
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
AbstractLoggerWrapper, SimpleLogger, StatusLogger

public abstract class AbstractLogger
extends Object
implements Logger

Base implementation of a Logger. It is highly recommended that any Logger implementation extend this class.

Field Summary
          Marker for catching exceptions.
static Marker ENTRY_MARKER
          Marker for method entry tracing.
          Marker for exception tracing.
static Marker EXIT_MARKER
          Marker for method exit tracing.
static Marker FLOW_MARKER
          Marker for flow tracing.
          Marker for throwing exceptions.
Constructor Summary
          Creates a new logger named after the class (or subclass).
AbstractLogger(String name)
          Creates a new named logger.
Method Summary
 void catching(Level level, Throwable t)
          Logs a Throwable that has been caught.
 void catching(Throwable t)
          Logs a Throwable at the ERROR level..
 void debug(Marker marker, Message msg)
          Logs a message with the specific Marker at the DEBUG level.
 void debug(Marker marker, Message msg, Throwable t)
          Logs a message with the specific Marker at the DEBUG level.
 void debug(Marker marker, Object message)
          Logs a message object with the DEBUG level.
 void debug(Marker marker, Object message, Throwable t)
          Logs a message at the DEBUG level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.
 void debug(Marker marker, String message)
          Logs a message object with the DEBUG level.
 void debug(Marker marker, String message, Object... params)
          Logs a message with parameters at the DEBUG level.
 void debug(Marker marker, String message, Throwable t)
          Logs a message at the DEBUG level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.
 void debug(Message msg)
          Logs a message with the specific Marker at the DEBUG level.
 void debug(Message msg, Throwable t)
          Logs a message with the specific Marker at the DEBUG level.
 void debug(Object message)
          Logs a message object with the DEBUG level.
 void debug(Object message, Throwable t)
          Logs a message at the DEBUG level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.
 void debug(String message)
          Logs a message object with the DEBUG level.
 void debug(String message, Object... params)
          Logs a message with parameters at the DEBUG level.
 void debug(String message, Throwable t)
          Logs a message at the DEBUG level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.
 void entry()
          Logs entry to a method.
 void entry(Object... params)
          Logs entry to a method.
 void error(Marker marker, Message msg)
          Logs a message with the specific Marker at the ERROR level.
 void error(Marker marker, Message msg, Throwable t)
          Logs a message with the specific Marker at the ERROR level.
 void error(Marker marker, Object message)
          Logs a message object with the ERROR level.
 void error(Marker marker, Object message, Throwable t)
          Logs a message at the ERROR level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.
 void error(Marker marker, String message)
          Logs a message object with the ERROR level.
 void error(Marker marker, String message, Object... params)
          Logs a message with parameters at the ERROR level.
 void error(Marker marker, String message, Throwable t)
          Logs a message at the ERROR level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.
 void error(Message msg)
          Logs a message with the specific Marker at the ERROR level.
 void error(Message msg, Throwable t)
          Logs a message with the specific Marker at the ERROR level.
 void error(Object message)
          Logs a message object with the ERROR level.
 void error(Object message, Throwable t)
          Logs a message at the ERROR level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.
 void error(String message)
          Logs a message object with the ERROR level.
 void error(String message, Object... params)
          Logs a message with parameters at the ERROR level.
 void error(String message, Throwable t)
          Logs a message at the ERROR level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.
 void exit()
          Logs exit from a method.
<R> R
exit(R result)
          Logs exiting from a method with the result.
 void fatal(Marker marker, Message msg)
          Logs a message with the specific Marker at the FATAL level.
 void fatal(Marker marker, Message msg, Throwable t)
          Logs a message with the specific Marker at the FATAL level.
 void fatal(Marker marker, Object message)
          Logs a message object with the FATAL level.
 void fatal(Marker marker, Object message, Throwable t)
          Logs a message at the FATAL level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.
 void fatal(Marker marker, String message)
          Logs a message object with the FATAL level.
 void fatal(Marker marker, String message, Object... params)
          Logs a message with parameters at the FATAL level.
 void fatal(Marker marker, String message, Throwable t)
          Logs a message at the FATAL level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.
 void fatal(Message msg)
          Logs a message with the specific Marker at the FATAL level.
 void fatal(Message msg, Throwable t)
          Logs a message with the specific Marker at the FATAL level.
 void fatal(Object message)
          Logs a message object with the FATAL level.
 void fatal(Object message, Throwable t)
          Logs a message at the FATAL level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.
 void fatal(String message)
          Logs a message object with the FATAL level.
 void fatal(String message, Object... params)
          Logs a message with parameters at the FATAL level.
 void fatal(String message, Throwable t)
          Logs a message at the FATAL level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.
 String getName()
          Gets the logger name.
 void info(Marker marker, Message msg)
          Logs a message with the specific Marker at the INFO level.
 void info(Marker marker, Message msg, Throwable t)
          Logs a message with the specific Marker at the INFO level.
 void info(Marker marker, Object message)
          Logs a message object with the INFO level.
 void info(Marker marker, Object message, Throwable t)
          Logs a message at the INFO level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.
 void info(Marker marker, String message)
          Logs a message object with the INFO level.
 void info(Marker marker, String message, Object... params)
          Logs a message with parameters at the INFO level.
 void info(Marker marker, String message, Throwable t)
          Logs a message at the INFO level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.
 void info(Message msg)
          Logs a message with the specific Marker at the TRACE level.
 void info(Message msg, Throwable t)
          Logs a message with the specific Marker at the INFO level.
 void info(Object message)
          Logs a message object with the INFO level.
 void info(Object message, Throwable t)
          Logs a message at the INFO level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.
 void info(String message)
          Logs a message object with the INFO level.
 void info(String message, Object... params)
          Logs a message with parameters at the INFO level.
 void info(String message, Throwable t)
          Logs a message at the INFO level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.
 boolean isDebugEnabled()
          Checks whether this Logger is enabled for the DEBUG Level.
 boolean isDebugEnabled(Marker marker)
          Checks whether this Logger is enabled for the DEBUG Level.
 boolean isEnabled(Level level)
          Checks whether this Logger is enabled for the the given Level.
protected abstract  boolean isEnabled(Level level, Marker marker, Message data, Throwable t)
          Determine if logging is enabled.
protected abstract  boolean isEnabled(Level level, Marker marker, Object data, Throwable t)
          Determine if logging is enabled.
protected abstract  boolean isEnabled(Level level, Marker marker, String data)
          Determine if logging is enabled.
protected abstract  boolean isEnabled(Level level, Marker marker, String data, Object... p1)
          Determine if logging is enabled.
protected abstract  boolean isEnabled(Level level, Marker marker, String data, Throwable t)
          Determine if logging is enabled.
 boolean isErrorEnabled()
          Checks whether this Logger is enabled for the ERROR Level.
 boolean isErrorEnabled(Marker marker)
          Checks whether this Logger is enabled for the ERROR Level.
 boolean isFatalEnabled()
          Checks whether this Logger is enabled for the FATAL Level.
 boolean isFatalEnabled(Marker marker)
          Checks whether this Logger is enabled for the FATAL Level.
 boolean isInfoEnabled()
          Checks whether this Logger is enabled for the INFO Level.
 boolean isInfoEnabled(Marker marker)
          Checks whether this Logger is enabled for the INFO Level.
 boolean isTraceEnabled()
          Checks whether this Logger is enabled for the TRACE Level.
 boolean isTraceEnabled(Marker marker)
          Checks whether this Logger is enabled for the TRACE Level.
 boolean isWarnEnabled()
          Checks whether this Logger is enabled for the WARN Level.
 boolean isWarnEnabled(Marker marker)
          Checks whether this Logger is enabled for the WARN Level.
protected abstract  void log(Marker marker, String fqcn, Level level, Message data, Throwable t)
          Logs a message with location information.
<T extends Throwable>
throwing(Level level, T t)
          Logs a Throwable to be thrown.
<T extends Throwable>
throwing(T t)
          Logs a Throwable to be thrown.
 String toString()
          Returns a String representation of this instance in the form "name".
 void trace(Marker marker, Message msg)
          Logs a message with the specific Marker at the TRACE level.
 void trace(Marker marker, Message msg, Throwable t)
          Logs a message with the specific Marker at the TRACE level.
 void trace(Marker marker, Object message)
          Logs a message object with the TRACE level.
 void trace(Marker marker, Object message, Throwable t)
          Logs a message at the TRACE level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.
 void trace(Marker marker, String message)
          Logs a message object with the TRACE level.
 void trace(Marker marker, String message, Object... params)
          Logs a message with parameters at the TRACE level.
 void trace(Marker marker, String message, Throwable t)
          Logs a message at the TRACE level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.
 void trace(Message msg)
          Logs a message with the specific Marker at the TRACE level.
 void trace(Message msg, Throwable t)
          Logs a message with the specific Marker at the TRACE level.
 void trace(Object message)
          Logs a message object with the TRACE level.
 void trace(Object message, Throwable t)
          Logs a message at the TRACE level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.
 void trace(String message)
          Logs a message object with the TRACE level.
 void trace(String message, Object... params)
          Logs a message with parameters at the TRACE level.
 void trace(String message, Throwable t)
          Logs a message at the TRACE level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.
 void warn(Marker marker, Message msg)
          Logs a message with the specific Marker at the WARN level.
 void warn(Marker marker, Message msg, Throwable t)
          Logs a message with the specific Marker at the WARN level.
 void warn(Marker marker, Object message)
          Logs a message object with the WARN level.
 void warn(Marker marker, Object message, Throwable t)
          Logs a message at the WARN level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.
 void warn(Marker marker, String message)
          Logs a message object with the WARN level.
 void warn(Marker marker, String message, Object... params)
          Logs a message with parameters at the WARN level.
 void warn(Marker marker, String message, Throwable t)
          Logs a message at the WARN level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.
 void warn(Message msg)
          Logs a message with the specific Marker at the WARN level.
 void warn(Message msg, Throwable t)
          Logs a message with the specific Marker at the WARN level.
 void warn(Object message)
          Logs a message object with the WARN level.
 void warn(Object message, Throwable t)
          Logs a message at the WARN level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.
 void warn(String message)
          Logs a message object with the WARN level.
 void warn(String message, Object... params)
          Logs a message with parameters at the WARN level.
 void warn(String message, Throwable t)
          Logs a message at the WARN level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final Marker FLOW_MARKER
Marker for flow tracing.


public static final Marker ENTRY_MARKER
Marker for method entry tracing.


public static final Marker EXIT_MARKER
Marker for method exit tracing.


public static final Marker EXCEPTION_MARKER
Marker for exception tracing.


public static final Marker THROWING_MARKER
Marker for throwing exceptions.


public static final Marker CATCHING_MARKER
Marker for catching exceptions.

Constructor Detail


public AbstractLogger()
Creates a new logger named after the class (or subclass).


public AbstractLogger(String name)
Creates a new named logger.

name - the logger name
Method Detail


public void entry()
Logs entry to a method.

Specified by:
entry in interface Logger


public void entry(Object... params)
Logs entry to a method.

Specified by:
entry in interface Logger
params - The parameters to the method.


public void exit()
Logs exit from a method.

Specified by:
exit in interface Logger


public <R> R exit(R result)
Logs exiting from a method with the result.

Specified by:
exit in interface Logger
Type Parameters:
R - The type of the parameter and object being returned.
result - The result being returned from the method call.
the Throwable.


public <T extends Throwable> T throwing(T t)
Logs a Throwable to be thrown.

Specified by:
throwing in interface Logger
Type Parameters:
T - the type of the Throwable.
t - The Throwable.
the Throwable.


public <T extends Throwable> T throwing(Level level,
                                        T t)
Logs a Throwable to be thrown.

Specified by:
throwing in interface Logger
Type Parameters:
T - the type of the Throwable.
level - The logging Level.
t - The Throwable.
the Throwable.


public void catching(Throwable t)
Logs a Throwable at the ERROR level..

Specified by:
catching in interface Logger
t - The Throwable.


public void catching(Level level,
                     Throwable t)
Logs a Throwable that has been caught.

Specified by:
catching in interface Logger
level - The logging Level.
t - The Throwable.


public void trace(String message)
Logs a message object with the TRACE level.

Specified by:
trace in interface Logger
message - the message object to log.


public void trace(Marker marker,
                  String message)
Logs a message object with the TRACE level.

Specified by:
trace in interface Logger
marker - the marker data specific to this log statement.
message - the message object to log.


public void trace(String message,
                  Throwable t)
Logs a message at the TRACE level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.

See debug(String) form for more detailed information.

Specified by:
trace in interface Logger
message - the message object to log.
t - the exception to log, including its stack trace.


public void trace(Marker marker,
                  String message,
                  Throwable t)
Logs a message at the TRACE level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.

See debug(String) form for more detailed information.

Specified by:
trace in interface Logger
marker - the marker data specific to this log statement.
message - the message object to log.
t - the exception to log, including its stack trace.


public void trace(Object message)
Logs a message object with the TRACE level.

Specified by:
trace in interface Logger
message - the message object to log.


public void trace(Marker marker,
                  Object message)
Logs a message object with the TRACE level.

Specified by:
trace in interface Logger
marker - the marker data specific to this log statement.
message - the message object to log.


public void trace(Object message,
                  Throwable t)
Logs a message at the TRACE level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.

See debug(String) form for more detailed information.

Specified by:
trace in interface Logger
message - the message object to log.
t - the exception to log, including its stack trace.


public void trace(Marker marker,
                  Object message,
                  Throwable t)
Logs a message at the TRACE level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.

See debug(String) form for more detailed information.

Specified by:
trace in interface Logger
marker - the marker data specific to this log statement.
message - the message object to log.
t - the exception to log, including its stack trace.


public void trace(String message,
                  Object... params)
Logs a message with parameters at the TRACE level.

Specified by:
trace in interface Logger
message - the message to log.
params - parameters to the message.


public void trace(Marker marker,
                  String message,
                  Object... params)
Logs a message with parameters at the TRACE level.

Specified by:
trace in interface Logger
marker - the marker data specific to this log statement.
message - the message to log.
params - parameters to the message.


public boolean isTraceEnabled()
Checks whether this Logger is enabled for the TRACE Level.

Specified by:
isTraceEnabled in interface Logger
boolean - true if this Logger is enabled for level TRACE, false otherwise.


public boolean isTraceEnabled(Marker marker)
Checks whether this Logger is enabled for the TRACE Level.

Specified by:
isTraceEnabled in interface Logger
marker - The marker data.
boolean - true if this Logger is enabled for level TRACE, false otherwise.


public void trace(Message msg)
Logs a message with the specific Marker at the TRACE level.

Specified by:
trace in interface Logger
msg - the message string to be logged


public void trace(Message msg,
                  Throwable t)
Logs a message with the specific Marker at the TRACE level.

Specified by:
trace in interface Logger
msg - the message string to be logged
t - A Throwable or null.


public void trace(Marker marker,
                  Message msg)
Logs a message with the specific Marker at the TRACE level.

Specified by:
trace in interface Logger
marker - the marker data specific to this log statement.
msg - the message string to be logged


public void trace(Marker marker,
                  Message msg,
                  Throwable t)
Logs a message with the specific Marker at the TRACE level.

Specified by:
trace in interface Logger
marker - the marker data specific to this log statement.
msg - the message string to be logged
t - A Throwable or null.


public void debug(String message)
Logs a message object with the DEBUG level.

Specified by:
debug in interface Logger
message - the message object to log.


public void debug(Marker marker,
                  String message)
Logs a message object with the DEBUG level.

Specified by:
debug in interface Logger
marker - the marker data specific to this log statement.
message - the message object to log.


public void debug(String message,
                  Throwable t)
Logs a message at the DEBUG level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.

Specified by:
debug in interface Logger
message - the message to log.
t - the exception to log, including its stack trace.


public void debug(Marker marker,
                  String message,
                  Throwable t)
Logs a message at the DEBUG level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.

Specified by:
debug in interface Logger
marker - the marker data specific to this log statement.
message - the message to log.
t - the exception to log, including its stack trace.


public void debug(Object message)
Logs a message object with the DEBUG level.

Specified by:
debug in interface Logger
message - the message object to log.


public void debug(Marker marker,
                  Object message)
Logs a message object with the DEBUG level.

Specified by:
debug in interface Logger
marker - the marker data specific to this log statement.
message - the message object to log.


public void debug(Object message,
                  Throwable t)
Logs a message at the DEBUG level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.

Specified by:
debug in interface Logger
message - the message to log.
t - the exception to log, including its stack trace.


public void debug(Marker marker,
                  Object message,
                  Throwable t)
Logs a message at the DEBUG level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.

Specified by:
debug in interface Logger
marker - the marker data specific to this log statement.
message - the message to log.
t - the exception to log, including its stack trace.


public void debug(String message,
                  Object... params)
Logs a message with parameters at the DEBUG level.

Specified by:
debug in interface Logger
message - the message to log.
params - parameters to the message.


public void debug(Marker marker,
                  String message,
                  Object... params)
Logs a message with parameters at the DEBUG level.

Specified by:
debug in interface Logger
marker - the marker data specific to this log statement.
message - the message to log.
params - parameters to the message.


public boolean isDebugEnabled()
Checks whether this Logger is enabled for the DEBUG Level.

Specified by:
isDebugEnabled in interface Logger
boolean - true if this Logger is enabled for level DEBUG, false otherwise.


public boolean isDebugEnabled(Marker marker)
Checks whether this Logger is enabled for the DEBUG Level.

Specified by:
isDebugEnabled in interface Logger
marker - The marker data.
boolean - true if this Logger is enabled for level DEBUG, false otherwise.


public void debug(Message msg)
Logs a message with the specific Marker at the DEBUG level.

Specified by:
debug in interface Logger
msg - the message string to be logged


public void debug(Message msg,
                  Throwable t)
Logs a message with the specific Marker at the DEBUG level.

Specified by:
debug in interface Logger
msg - the message string to be logged
t - A Throwable or null.


public void debug(Marker marker,
                  Message msg)
Logs a message with the specific Marker at the DEBUG level.

Specified by:
debug in interface Logger
marker - the marker data specific to this log statement
msg - the message string to be logged


public void debug(Marker marker,
                  Message msg,
                  Throwable t)
Logs a message with the specific Marker at the DEBUG level.

Specified by:
debug in interface Logger
marker - the marker data specific to this log statement.
msg - the message string to be logged
t - A Throwable or null.


public void info(String message)
Logs a message object with the INFO level.

Specified by:
info in interface Logger
message - the message object to log.


public void info(Marker marker,
                 String message)
Logs a message object with the INFO level.

Specified by:
info in interface Logger
marker - the marker data specific to this log statement.
message - the message object to log.


public void info(String message,
                 Throwable t)
Logs a message at the INFO level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.

Specified by:
info in interface Logger
message - the message object to log.
t - the exception to log, including its stack trace.


public void info(Marker marker,
                 String message,
                 Throwable t)
Logs a message at the INFO level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.

Specified by:
info in interface Logger
marker - the marker data specific to this log statement.
message - the message object to log.
t - the exception to log, including its stack trace.


public void info(Object message)
Logs a message object with the INFO level.

Specified by:
info in interface Logger
message - the message object to log.


public void info(Marker marker,
                 Object message)
Logs a message object with the INFO level.

Specified by:
info in interface Logger
marker - the marker data specific to this log statement.
message - the message object to log.


public void info(Object message,
                 Throwable t)
Logs a message at the INFO level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.

Specified by:
info in interface Logger
message - the message object to log.
t - the exception to log, including its stack trace.


public void info(Marker marker,
                 Object message,
                 Throwable t)
Logs a message at the INFO level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.

Specified by:
info in interface Logger
marker - the marker data specific to this log statement.
message - the message object to log.
t - the exception to log, including its stack trace.


public void info(String message,
                 Object... params)
Logs a message with parameters at the INFO level.

Specified by:
info in interface Logger
message - the message to log.
params - parameters to the message.


public void info(Marker marker,
                 String message,
                 Object... params)
Logs a message with parameters at the INFO level.

Specified by:
info in interface Logger
marker - the marker data specific to this log statement.
message - the message to log.
params - parameters to the message.


public boolean isInfoEnabled()
Checks whether this Logger is enabled for the INFO Level.

Specified by:
isInfoEnabled in interface Logger
boolean - true if this Logger is enabled for level INFO, false otherwise.


public boolean isInfoEnabled(Marker marker)
Checks whether this Logger is enabled for the INFO Level.

Specified by:
isInfoEnabled in interface Logger
marker - The marker data.
boolean - true if this Logger is enabled for level INFO, false otherwise.


public void info(Message msg)
Logs a message with the specific Marker at the TRACE level.

Specified by:
info in interface Logger
msg - the message string to be logged


public void info(Message msg,
                 Throwable t)
Logs a message with the specific Marker at the INFO level.

Specified by:
info in interface Logger
msg - the message string to be logged
t - A Throwable or null.


public void info(Marker marker,
                 Message msg)
Logs a message with the specific Marker at the INFO level.

Specified by:
info in interface Logger
marker - the marker data specific to this log statement
msg - the message string to be logged


public void info(Marker marker,
                 Message msg,
                 Throwable t)
Logs a message with the specific Marker at the INFO level.

Specified by:
info in interface Logger
marker - the marker data specific to this log statement
msg - the message string to be logged
t - A Throwable or null.


public void warn(String message)
Logs a message object with the WARN level.

Specified by:
warn in interface Logger
message - the message object to log.


public void warn(Marker marker,
                 String message)
Logs a message object with the WARN level.

Specified by:
warn in interface Logger
marker - the marker data specific to this log statement.
message - the message object to log.


public void warn(String message,
                 Throwable t)
Logs a message at the WARN level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.

Specified by:
warn in interface Logger
message - the message object to log.
t - the exception to log, including its stack trace.


public void warn(Marker marker,
                 String message,
                 Throwable t)
Logs a message at the WARN level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.

Specified by:
warn in interface Logger
marker - the marker data specific to this log statement.
message - the message object to log.
t - the exception to log, including its stack trace.


public void warn(Marker marker,
                 Object message)
Logs a message object with the WARN level.

Specified by:
warn in interface Logger
marker - the marker data specific to this log statement.
message - the message object to log.


public void warn(Object message)
Logs a message object with the WARN level.

Specified by:
warn in interface Logger
message - the message object to log.


public void warn(Object message,
                 Throwable t)
Logs a message at the WARN level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.

Specified by:
warn in interface Logger
message - the message object to log.
t - the exception to log, including its stack trace.


public void warn(Marker marker,
                 Object message,
                 Throwable t)
Logs a message at the WARN level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.

Specified by:
warn in interface Logger
marker - the marker data specific to this log statement.
message - the message object to log.
t - the exception to log, including its stack trace.


public void warn(String message,
                 Object... params)
Logs a message with parameters at the WARN level.

Specified by:
warn in interface Logger
message - the message to log.
params - parameters to the message.


public void warn(Marker marker,
                 String message,
                 Object... params)
Logs a message with parameters at the WARN level.

Specified by:
warn in interface Logger
marker - the marker data specific to this log statement.
message - the message to log.
params - parameters to the message.


public boolean isWarnEnabled()
Checks whether this Logger is enabled for the WARN Level.

Specified by:
isWarnEnabled in interface Logger
boolean - true if this Logger is enabled for level WARN, false otherwise.


public boolean isWarnEnabled(Marker marker)
Checks whether this Logger is enabled for the WARN Level.

Specified by:
isWarnEnabled in interface Logger
marker - The marker data.
boolean - true if this Logger is enabled for level WARN, false otherwise.


public void warn(Message msg)
Logs a message with the specific Marker at the WARN level.

Specified by:
warn in interface Logger
msg - the message string to be logged


public void warn(Message msg,
                 Throwable t)
Logs a message with the specific Marker at the WARN level.

Specified by:
warn in interface Logger
msg - the message string to be logged
t - A Throwable or null.


public void warn(Marker marker,
                 Message msg)
Logs a message with the specific Marker at the WARN level.

Specified by:
warn in interface Logger
marker - the marker data specific to this log statement
msg - the message string to be logged


public void warn(Marker marker,
                 Message msg,
                 Throwable t)
Logs a message with the specific Marker at the WARN level.

Specified by:
warn in interface Logger
marker - the marker data specific to this log statement
msg - the message string to be logged
t - A Throwable or null.


public void error(String message)
Logs a message object with the ERROR level.

Specified by:
error in interface Logger
message - the message object to log.


public void error(Marker marker,
                  String message)
Logs a message object with the ERROR level.

Specified by:
error in interface Logger
marker - the marker data specific to this log statement.
message - the message object to log.


public void error(String message,
                  Throwable t)
Logs a message at the ERROR level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.

Specified by:
error in interface Logger
message - the message object to log.
t - the exception to log, including its stack trace.


public void error(Marker marker,
                  String message,
                  Throwable t)
Logs a message at the ERROR level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.

Specified by:
error in interface Logger
marker - the marker data specific to this log statement.
message - the message object to log.
t - the exception to log, including its stack trace.


public void error(Object message)
Logs a message object with the ERROR level.

Specified by:
error in interface Logger
message - the message object to log.


public void error(Marker marker,
                  Object message)
Logs a message object with the ERROR level.

Specified by:
error in interface Logger
marker - the marker data specific to this log statement.
message - the message object to log.


public void error(Object message,
                  Throwable t)
Logs a message at the ERROR level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.

Specified by:
error in interface Logger
message - the message object to log.
t - the exception to log, including its stack trace.


public void error(Marker marker,
                  Object message,
                  Throwable t)
Logs a message at the ERROR level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.

Specified by:
error in interface Logger
marker - the marker data specific to this log statement.
message - the message object to log.
t - the exception to log, including its stack trace.


public void error(String message,
                  Object... params)
Logs a message with parameters at the ERROR level.

Specified by:
error in interface Logger
message - the message to log.
params - parameters to the message.


public void error(Marker marker,
                  String message,
                  Object... params)
Logs a message with parameters at the ERROR level.

Specified by:
error in interface Logger
marker - the marker data specific to this log statement.
message - the message to log.
params - parameters to the message.


public boolean isErrorEnabled()
Checks whether this Logger is enabled for the ERROR Level.

Specified by:
isErrorEnabled in interface Logger
boolean - true if this Logger is enabled for level ERROR, false otherwise.


public boolean isErrorEnabled(Marker marker)
Checks whether this Logger is enabled for the ERROR Level.

Specified by:
isErrorEnabled in interface Logger
marker - The marker data.
boolean - true if this Logger is enabled for level ERROR, false otherwise.


public void error(Message msg)
Logs a message with the specific Marker at the ERROR level.

Specified by:
error in interface Logger
msg - the message string to be logged


public void error(Message msg,
                  Throwable t)
Logs a message with the specific Marker at the ERROR level.

Specified by:
error in interface Logger
msg - the message string to be logged
t - A Throwable or null.


public void error(Marker marker,
                  Message msg)
Logs a message with the specific Marker at the ERROR level.

Specified by:
error in interface Logger
marker - the marker data specific to this log statement
msg - the message string to be logged


public void error(Marker marker,
                  Message msg,
                  Throwable t)
Logs a message with the specific Marker at the ERROR level.

Specified by:
error in interface Logger
marker - the marker data specific to this log statement
msg - the message string to be logged
t - A Throwable or null.


public void fatal(String message)
Logs a message object with the FATAL level.

Specified by:
fatal in interface Logger
message - the message object to log.


public void fatal(Marker marker,
                  String message)
Logs a message object with the FATAL level.

Specified by:
fatal in interface Logger
marker - the marker data specific to this log statement.
message - the message object to log.


public void fatal(String message,
                  Throwable t)
Logs a message at the FATAL level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.

Specified by:
fatal in interface Logger
message - the message object to log.
t - the exception to log, including its stack trace.


public void fatal(Marker marker,
                  String message,
                  Throwable t)
Logs a message at the FATAL level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.

Specified by:
fatal in interface Logger
marker - the marker data specific to this log statement.
message - the message object to log.
t - the exception to log, including its stack trace.


public void fatal(Object message)
Logs a message object with the FATAL level.

Specified by:
fatal in interface Logger
message - the message object to log.


public void fatal(Marker marker,
                  Object message)
Logs a message object with the FATAL level.

Specified by:
fatal in interface Logger
marker - the marker data specific to this log statement.
message - the message object to log.


public void fatal(Object message,
                  Throwable t)
Logs a message at the FATAL level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.

Specified by:
fatal in interface Logger
message - the message object to log.
t - the exception to log, including its stack trace.


public void fatal(Marker marker,
                  Object message,
                  Throwable t)
Logs a message at the FATAL level including the stack trace of the Throwable t passed as parameter.

Specified by:
fatal in interface Logger
marker - the marker data specific to this log statement.
message - the message object to log.
t - the exception to log, including its stack trace.


public void fatal(String message,
                  Object... params)
Logs a message with parameters at the FATAL level.

Specified by:
fatal in interface Logger
message - the message to log.
params - parameters to the message.


public void fatal(Marker marker,
                  String message,
                  Object... params)
Logs a message with parameters at the FATAL level.

Specified by:
fatal in interface Logger
marker - the marker data specific to this log statement.
message - the message to log.
params - parameters to the message.


public boolean isFatalEnabled()
Checks whether this Logger is enabled for the FATAL Level.

Specified by:
isFatalEnabled in interface Logger
boolean - true if this Logger is enabled for level FATAL, false otherwise.


public boolean isFatalEnabled(Marker marker)
Checks whether this Logger is enabled for the FATAL Level.

Specified by:
isFatalEnabled in interface Logger
marker - The marker data.
boolean - true if this Logger is enabled for level FATAL, false otherwise.


public void fatal(Message msg)
Logs a message with the specific Marker at the FATAL level.

Specified by:
fatal in interface Logger
msg - the message string to be logged


public void fatal(Message msg,
                  Throwable t)
Logs a message with the specific Marker at the FATAL level.

Specified by:
fatal in interface Logger
msg - the message string to be logged
t - A Throwable or null.


public void fatal(Marker marker,
                  Message msg)
Logs a message with the specific Marker at the FATAL level.

Specified by:
fatal in interface Logger
marker - the marker data specific to this log statement
msg - the message string to be logged


public void fatal(Marker marker,
                  Message msg,
                  Throwable t)
Logs a message with the specific Marker at the FATAL level.

Specified by:
fatal in interface Logger
marker - the marker data specific to this log statement
msg - the message string to be logged
t - A Throwable or null.


protected abstract void log(Marker marker,
                            String fqcn,
                            Level level,
                            Message data,
                            Throwable t)
Logs a message with location information.

marker - The Marker
fqcn - The fully qualified class name of the caller
level - The logging level
data - The Message.
t - A Throwable or null.


protected abstract boolean isEnabled(Level level,
                                     Marker marker,
                                     String data)
Determine if logging is enabled.

level - The logging Level to check.
marker - A Marker or null.
data - The message.
True if logging is enabled, false otherwise.


protected abstract boolean isEnabled(Level level,
                                     Marker marker,
                                     String data,
                                     Throwable t)
Determine if logging is enabled.

level - The logging Level to check.
marker - A Marker or null.
data - The message.
t - A Throwable.
True if logging is enabled, false otherwise.


protected abstract boolean isEnabled(Level level,
                                     Marker marker,
                                     String data,
                                     Object... p1)
Determine if logging is enabled.

level - The logging Level to check.
marker - A Marker or null.
data - The message.
p1 - The parameters.
True if logging is enabled, false otherwise.


protected abstract boolean isEnabled(Level level,
                                     Marker marker,
                                     Object data,
                                     Throwable t)
Determine if logging is enabled.

level - The logging Level to check.
marker - A Marker or null.
data - The message.
t - A Throwable.
True if logging is enabled, false otherwise.


public boolean isEnabled(Level level)
Checks whether this Logger is enabled for the the given Level.

Note that passing in OFF always returns true.

Specified by:
isEnabled in interface Logger
level - the level to check
boolean - true if this Logger is enabled for level, false otherwise.


protected abstract boolean isEnabled(Level level,
                                     Marker marker,
                                     Message data,
                                     Throwable t)
Determine if logging is enabled.

level - The logging Level to check.
marker - A Marker or null.
data - The Message.
t - A Throwable.
True if logging is enabled, false otherwise.


public String getName()
Description copied from interface: Logger
Gets the logger name.

Specified by:
getName in interface Logger
the logger name.


public String toString()
Returns a String representation of this instance in the form "name".

toString in class Object
A String describing this Logger instance.

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