Apache log4cxx  Version 0.10.0
CharsetEncoder Class Referenceabstract

An engine to transform LogStrings into bytes for the specific character set. More...

Inheritance diagram for CharsetEncoder:
ObjectImpl Object

Public Member Functions

virtual ~CharsetEncoder ()
 Destructor. More...
virtual log4cxx_status_t encode (const LogString &in, LogString::const_iterator &iter, ByteBuffer &out)=0
 Encodes as many characters from the input string as possible to the output buffer. More...
virtual void reset ()
 Resets any internal state. More...
virtual void flush (ByteBuffer &out)
 Flushes the encoder. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from ObjectImpl
 ObjectImpl ()
virtual ~ObjectImpl ()
void addRef () const
void releaseRef () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from Object
virtual const helpers::ClassgetClass () const
virtual ~Object ()
virtual bool instanceof (const Class &clazz) const =0
virtual const void * cast (const Class &clazz) const =0

Static Public Member Functions

static CharsetEncoderPtr getDefaultEncoder ()
 Get encoder for default charset. More...
static CharsetEncoderPtr getEncoder (const LogString &charset)
 Get encoder for specified character set. More...
static CharsetEncoderPtr getUTF8Encoder ()
 Get encoder for UTF-8. More...
static void encode (CharsetEncoderPtr &enc, const LogString &src, LogString::const_iterator &iter, ByteBuffer &dst)
 Encodes a string replacing unmappable characters with escape sequences. More...
static bool isError (log4cxx_status_t stat)
 Determines if the return value from encode indicates an unconvertable character. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Object
static const helpers::ClassgetStaticClass ()
static const log4cxx::helpers::ClassRegistrationregisterClass ()

Protected Member Functions

 CharsetEncoder ()
 Protected constructor. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Attributes inherited from ObjectImpl
unsigned int volatile ref

Detailed Description

An engine to transform LogStrings into bytes for the specific character set.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CharsetEncoder ( )

Protected constructor.

virtual ~CharsetEncoder ( )


Member Function Documentation

static void encode ( CharsetEncoderPtr &  enc,
const LogString src,
LogString::const_iterator &  iter,
ByteBuffer dst 

Encodes a string replacing unmappable characters with escape sequences.

virtual log4cxx_status_t encode ( const LogString in,
LogString::const_iterator &  iter,
ByteBuffer out 
pure virtual

Encodes as many characters from the input string as possible to the output buffer.

ininput string
iterposition in string to start.
outoutput buffer.
APR_SUCCESS unless a character can not be represented in the encoding.
virtual void flush ( ByteBuffer out)

Flushes the encoder.

static CharsetEncoderPtr getDefaultEncoder ( )

Get encoder for default charset.

static CharsetEncoderPtr getEncoder ( const LogString charset)

Get encoder for specified character set.

charsetthe following values should be recognized: "US-ASCII", "ISO-8859-1", "UTF-8", "UTF-16BE", "UTF-16LE".
IllegalArgumentExceptionif encoding is not recognized.
static CharsetEncoderPtr getUTF8Encoder ( )

Get encoder for UTF-8.

static bool isError ( log4cxx_status_t  stat)

Determines if the return value from encode indicates an unconvertable character.

virtual void reset ( )

Resets any internal state.

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