l.c.d.v.VCloudNodeDriver(NodeDriver) : class documentation

Part of libcloud.compute.drivers.vcloud View Source View In Hierarchy

Known subclasses: libcloud.compute.drivers.vcloud.HostingComDriver, libcloud.compute.drivers.vcloud.TerremarkDriver

vCloud node driver
Method vdcs Undocumented
Method networks Undocumented
Method destroy_node Destroy a node.
Method reboot_node Reboot a node. @return: C{bool} True if the reboot was successful, otherwise False
Method list_nodes List all nodes @return: C{list} of L{Node} objects
Method list_sizes List sizes on a provider @return: C{list} of L{NodeSize} objects
Method list_images List images on a provider @return: C{list} of L{NodeImage} objects
Method create_node Creates and returns node.
Method _to_image Undocumented
Method _to_node Undocumented
Method _get_catalog_hrefs Undocumented
Method _wait_for_task_completion Undocumented
Method _to_size Undocumented
Method _get_catalogitems_hrefs Given a catalog href returns contained catalog item hrefs
Method _get_catalogitem Given a catalog item href returns elementree

Inherited from NodeDriver:

Method __init__ @keyword key: API key or username to used @type key: str
Method list_locations List data centers for a provider @return: C{list} of L{NodeLocation} objects
Method deploy_node Create a new node, and start deployment.
Method _get_size_price Undocumented
def vdcs(self): (source)
def networks(self): (source)
def _to_image(self, image): (source)
def _to_node(self, name, elm): (source)
def _get_catalog_hrefs(self): (source)
def _wait_for_task_completion(self, task_href, timeout=DEFAULT_TASK_COMPLETION_TIMEOUT): (source)
def destroy_node(self, node): (source)
Destroy a node.

Depending upon the provider, this may destroy all data associated with
the node, including backups.

@return: C{bool} True if the destroy was successful, otherwise False
def reboot_node(self, node): (source)
Reboot a node.
@return: C{bool} True if the reboot was successful, otherwise False
def list_nodes(self): (source)
List all nodes
@return: C{list} of L{Node} objects
def _to_size(self, ram): (source)
def list_sizes(self, location=None): (source)
List sizes on a provider
@return: C{list} of L{NodeSize} objects
def _get_catalogitems_hrefs(self, catalog): (source)
Given a catalog href returns contained catalog item hrefs
def _get_catalogitem(self, catalog_item): (source)
Given a catalog item href returns elementree
def list_images(self, location=None): (source)
List images on a provider
@return: C{list} of L{NodeImage} objects
def create_node(self, **kwargs): (source)
Creates and returns node.

See L{NodeDriver.create_node} for more keyword args.

Non-standard optional keyword arguments:
@keyword    ex_network: link to a "Network" e.g., "https://services.vcloudexpress.terremark.com/api/v0.8/network/7"
@type       ex_network: C{string}

@keyword    ex_vdc: link to a "VDC" e.g., "https://services.vcloudexpress.terremark.com/api/v0.8/vdc/1"
@type       ex_vdc: C{string}

@keyword    ex_cpus: number of virtual cpus (limit depends on provider)
@type       ex_cpus: C{int}

@keyword    row: ????
@type       row: C{????}

@keyword    group: ????
@type       group: C{????}
API Documentation for libcloud, generated by pydoctor at 2011-07-02 22:19:34.