l.h.LibcloudHTTPSConnection(httplib.HTTPSConnection) : class documentation

Part of libcloud.httplib_ssl View Source View In Hierarchy

Known subclasses: libcloud.base.LoggingHTTPSConnection


Subclass of HTTPSConnection which verifies certificate names if and only if CA certificates are available.

Method __init__ Constructor
Method connect Connect
Method _setup_verify Setup Verify SSL or not
Method _setup_ca_cert Setup CA Certs
Method _verify_hostname Verify hostname against peer cert
Method _get_subject_alt_names Get SubjectAltNames
Method _get_common_name Get Common Name
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): (source)
def _setup_verify(self): (source)
Setup Verify SSL or not

Reads security module's VERIFY_SSL_CERT and toggles whether the class overrides the connect() class method or runs the inherited httplib.HTTPSConnection connect()

def _setup_ca_cert(self): (source)
Setup CA Certs

Search in CA_CERTS_PATH for valid candidates and return first match. Otherwise, complain about certs not being available.

def connect(self): (source)

Checks if verification is toggled; if not, just call httplib.HTTPSConnection's connect

def _verify_hostname(self, hostname, cert): (source)
Verify hostname against peer cert

Check both commonName and entries in subjectAltName, using a rudimentary glob to dns regex check to find matches

def _get_subject_alt_names(self, cert): (source)
Get SubjectAltNames

Retrieve 'subjectAltName' attributes from cert data structure

def _get_common_name(self, cert): (source)
Get Common Name

Retrieve 'commonName' attribute from cert data structure

API Documentation for libcloud, generated by pydoctor at 2012-07-15 18:44:49.