l.c.abiquo : module documentation

Part of libcloud.common View Source

Abiquo Utilities Module for the Abiquo Driver.

Common utilities needed by the L{AbiquoNodeDriver}.
Function get_href Search a RESTLink element in the L{AbiquoResponse}.
Class AbiquoResponse Abiquo XML Response.
Class AbiquoConnection A Connection to Abiquo API.
Class ForbiddenError Exception used when credentials are ok but user has not permissions.
def get_href(element, rel): (source)
Search a RESTLink element in the L{AbiquoResponse}.

Abiquo, as a REST API, it offers self-discovering functionality.
That means that you could walk through the whole API only
navigating from the links offered by the entities.

This is a basic method to find the 'relations' of an entity searching into
its links.

For instance, a Rack entity serialized as XML as the following::

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
     <link href="http://host/api/admin/datacenters/1"
        type="application/vnd.abiquo.datacenter+xml" rel="datacenter"/>
     <link href="http://host/api/admin/datacenters/1/racks/1"
        type="application/vnd.abiquo.rack+xml" rel="edit"/>
     <link href="http://host/api/admin/datacenters/1/racks/1/machines"
        type="application/vnd.abiquo.machines+xml" rel="machines"/>

offers link to datacenters (rel='datacenter'), to itself (rel='edit') and
to the machines defined in it (rel='machines')

A call to this method with the 'rack' element using 'datacenter' as 'rel'
will return:


@type  element: C{xml.etree.ElementTree}
@param element: Xml Entity returned by Abiquo API (required)
@type      rel: C{string}
@param     rel: relation link name
@rtype:         C{string}
@return:        the 'href' value according to the 'rel' input parameter
API Documentation for libcloud, generated by pydoctor at 2013-04-20 21:40:42.