l.c.g.BaseGoGridDriver(object) : class documentation

Part of libcloud.common.gogrid View Source View In Hierarchy

Known subclasses: libcloud.compute.drivers.gogrid.GoGridNodeDriver, libcloud.loadbalancer.drivers.gogrid.GoGridLBDriver

GoGrid has common object model for services they
provide, like locations and IP, so keep handling of
these things in a single place.
Method ex_list_ips Return list of IP addresses assigned to the account.
Method _get_ip Undocumented
Method _to_ip Undocumented
Method _to_ips Undocumented
Method _to_location Undocumented
Method _to_locations Undocumented
Method _get_first_ip Undocumented
def _get_ip(self, element): (source)
def _to_ip(self, element): (source)
def _to_ips(self, object): (source)
def _to_location(self, element): (source)
def _to_locations(self, object): (source)
def ex_list_ips(self, **kwargs): (source)
Return list of IP addresses assigned to
the account.

@keyword    public: set to True to list only
            public IPs or False to list only
            private IPs. Set to None or not specify
            at all not to filter by type
@type       public: C{bool}

@keyword    assigned: set to True to list only addresses
            assigned to servers, False to list unassigned
            addresses and set to None or don't set at all
            not no filter by state
@type       assigned: C{bool}

@keyword    location: filter IP addresses by location
@type       location: L{NodeLocation}

@rtype: C{list} of L{GoGridIpAddress}
def _get_first_ip(self, location=None): (source)
API Documentation for libcloud, generated by pydoctor at 2013-02-18 10:41:20.