l.c.o.OpenStackBaseConnection(ConnectionUserAndKey) : class documentation

Part of libcloud.common.openstack View Source View In Hierarchy

Known subclasses: libcloud.compute.drivers.openstack.OpenStackComputeConnection, libcloud.loadbalancer.drivers.rackspace.RackspaceConnection, libcloud.storage.drivers.cloudfiles.CloudFilesConnection

Base class for OpenStack connections.
Parametersuser_idUser name to use when authenticating (type: string)
keySecret to use when authenticating. (type: string)
secureUse HTTPS? (True by default.) (type: bool)
ex_force_base_urlBase URL for connection requests. If not specified, this will be determined by authenticating. (type: string)
ex_force_auth_urlBase URL for authentication requests. (type: string)
ex_force_auth_versionAuthentication version to use. If not specified, defaults to AUTH_API_VERSION. (type: string)
ex_force_auth_tokenAuthentication token to use for connection requests. If specified, the connection will not attempt to authenticate, and the value of ex_force_base_url will be used to determine the base request URL. If ex_force_auth_token is passed in, ex_force_base_url must also be provided. (type: string)
ex_tenant_nameWhen authenticating, provide this tenant name to the identity service. A scoped token will be returned. Some cloud providers require the tenant name to be provided at authentication time. Others will use a default tenant if none is provided. (type: string)
ex_force_service_typeService type to use when selecting an service. If not specified, a provider specific default will be used. (type: string)
ex_force_service_nameService name to use when selecting an service. If not specified, a provider specific default will be used. (type: string)
ex_force_service_regionRegion to use when selecting an service. If not specified, a provider specific default will be used. (type: string)
Method __init__ Initialize `user_id` and `key`; set `secure` to an int based on passed value.
Method get_endpoint Selects the endpoint to use based on provider specific values, or overrides passed in by the user when setting up the driver.
Method add_default_headers Adds default headers (such as Authorization, X-Foo-Bar) to the passed `headers`
Method morph_action_hook Undocumented
Method request Request a given `action`.
Method _populate_hosts_and_request_paths OpenStack uses a separate host for API calls which is only provided after an initial authentication request.
Method _add_cache_busting_to_params Undocumented

Inherited from Connection (via ConnectionUserAndKey, ConnectionKey):

Method set_context Undocumented
Method connect Establish a connection with the API server.
Method user_agent_append Append a token to a user agent string.
Method add_default_params Adds default parameters (such as API key, version, etc.) to the passed `params`
Method pre_connect_hook A hook which is called before connecting to the remote server. This hook can perform a final manipulation on the params, headers and url parameters.
Method encode_data Encode body data.
Method _tuple_from_url Undocumented
Method _user_agent Undocumented
def __init__(self, user_id, key, secure=True, host=None, port=None, timeout=None, ex_force_base_url=None, ex_force_auth_url=None, ex_force_auth_version=None, ex_force_auth_token=None, ex_tenant_name=None, ex_force_service_type=None, ex_force_service_name=None, ex_force_service_region=None): (source)
Initialize `user_id` and `key`; set `secure` to an int based on passed value.
def get_endpoint(self): (source)
Selects the endpoint to use based on provider specific values, or overrides passed in by the user when setting up the driver.
Returnsurl of the relevant endpoint for the driver
def add_default_headers(self, headers): (source)
Adds default headers (such as Authorization, X-Foo-Bar) to the passed `headers`

Should return a dictionary.

def morph_action_hook(self, action): (source)
def request(self, **kwargs): (source)
Request a given `action`.

Basically a wrapper around the connection object's `request` that does some helpful pre-processing.

ParametersactionA path (type: str)
paramsOptional mapping of additional parameters to send. If None, leave as an empty dict. (type: dict)
dataA body of data to send with the request. (type: unicode)
headersExtra headers to add to the request None, leave as an empty dict. (type: dict)
methodAn HTTP method such as "GET" or "POST". (type: str)
rawTrue to perform a "raw" request aka only send the headers and use the rawResponseCls class. This is used with storage API when uploading a file. (type: bool)
ReturnsAn instance of type responseCls
def _populate_hosts_and_request_paths(self): (source)
OpenStack uses a separate host for API calls which is only provided after an initial authentication request.
def _add_cache_busting_to_params(self, params): (source)
API Documentation for libcloud, generated by pydoctor at 2012-07-28 18:57:18.