l.l.d.r.RackspaceLBDriver(Driver, OpenStackDriverMixin) : class documentation

Part of libcloud.loadbalancer.drivers.rackspace View Source View In Hierarchy

Known subclasses: libcloud.loadbalancer.drivers.rackspace.RackspaceUKLBDriver

No class docstring
Method __init__
Method list_protocols Return a list of supported protocols.
Method ex_list_protocols_with_default_ports
Method list_balancers No summary
Method create_balancer Create a new load balancer instance
Method ex_create_balancer Creates a new load balancer instance
Method destroy_balancer Destroy a load balancer
Method ex_destroy_balancers Destroys a list of Balancers (the API supports up to 10).
Method get_balancer Return a LoadBalancer object.
Method balancer_attach_member Attach a member to balancer
Method ex_balancer_attach_members Attaches a list of members to a load balancer.
Method balancer_detach_member Detach member from balancer
Method ex_balancer_detach_members Detaches a list of members from a balancer (the API supports up to 10). This method blocks until the detach request has been processed and the balancer is in a RUNNING state again.
Method ex_balancer_detach_members_no_poll Detaches a list of members from a balancer (the API supports up to 10). This method returns immediately.
Method balancer_list_members Return list of members attached to balancer
Method update_balancer Sets the name, algorithm, protocol, or port on a load balancer.
Method ex_update_balancer_no_poll Undocumented
Method ex_balancer_update_member No summary
Method ex_balancer_update_member_no_poll Updates a Member's extra attributes for a Balancer. The attribute can include 'weight' or 'condition'. This method returns immediately.
Method ex_list_algorithm_names Lists algorithms supported by the API. Returned as strings because this list may change in the future.
Method ex_get_balancer_error_page Undocumented
Method ex_balancer_access_list Undocumented
Method ex_update_balancer_health_monitor Sets a Balancer's health monitor. This method blocks until the update request has been processed and the balancer is in a RUNNING state again.
Method ex_update_balancer_health_monitor_no_poll Sets a Balancer's health monitor. This method returns immediately.
Method ex_disable_balancer_health_monitor Disables a Balancer's health monitor. This method blocks until the disable request has been processed and the balancer is in a RUNNING state again.
Method ex_disable_balancer_health_monitor_no_poll Disables a Balancer's health monitor. This method returns immediately.
Method ex_update_balancer_connection_throttle Updates a Balancer's connection throttle. This method blocks until the update request has been processed and the balancer is in a RUNNING state again.
Method ex_update_balancer_connection_throttle_no_poll Sets a Balancer's connection throttle. This method returns immediately.
Method ex_disable_balancer_connection_throttle Disables a Balancer's connection throttle. This method blocks until the disable request has been processed and the balancer is in a RUNNING state again.
Method ex_disable_balancer_connection_throttle_no_poll Disables a Balancer's connection throttle. This method returns immediately.
Method ex_enable_balancer_connection_logging Enables connection logging for a Balancer. This method blocks until the enable request has been processed and the balancer is in a RUNNING state again.
Method ex_enable_balancer_connection_logging_no_poll Enables connection logging for a Balancer. This method returns immediately.
Method ex_disable_balancer_connection_logging Disables connection logging for a Balancer. This method blocks until the enable request has been processed and the balancer is in a RUNNING state again.
Method ex_disable_balancer_connection_logging_no_poll Disables connection logging for a Balancer. This method returns immediately.
Method ex_enable_balancer_session_persistence Enables session persistence for a Balancer by setting the persistence type to 'HTTP_COOKIE'. This method blocks until the enable request has been processed and the balancer is in a RUNNING state again.
Method ex_enable_balancer_session_persistence_no_poll Enables session persistence for a Balancer by setting the persistence type to 'HTTP_COOKIE'. This method returns immediately.
Method ex_disable_balancer_session_persistence Disables session persistence for a Balancer. This method blocks until the disable request has been processed and the balancer is in a RUNNING state again.
Method ex_disable_balancer_session_persistence_no_poll Disables session persistence for a Balancer. This method returns immediately.
Method ex_update_balancer_error_page Updates a Balancer's custom error page. This method blocks until the update request has been processed and the balancer is in a RUNNING state again.
Method ex_update_balancer_error_page_no_poll Updates a Balancer's custom error page. This method returns immediately.
Method ex_disable_balancer_custom_error_page No summary
Method ex_disable_balancer_custom_error_page_no_poll Disables a Balancer's custom error page, returning its error page to the Rackspace-provided default. This method returns immediately.
Method ex_create_balancer_access_rule Adds an access rule to a Balancer's access list. This method blocks until the update request has been processed and the balancer is in a RUNNING state again.
Method ex_create_balancer_access_rule_no_poll Adds an access rule to a Balancer's access list. This method returns immediately.
Method ex_create_balancer_access_rules Adds a list of access rules to a Balancer's access list. This method blocks until the update request has been processed and the balancer is in a RUNNING state again.
Method ex_create_balancer_access_rules_no_poll Adds a list of access rules to a Balancer's access list. This method returns immediately.
Method ex_destroy_balancer_access_rule Removes an access rule from a Balancer's access list. This method blocks until the update request has been processed and the balancer is in a RUNNING state again.
Method ex_destroy_balancer_access_rule_no_poll Removes an access rule from a Balancer's access list. This method returns immediately.
Method ex_destroy_balancer_access_rules Removes a list of access rules from a Balancer's access list. This method blocks until the update request has been processed and the balancer is in a RUNNING state again.
Method ex_destroy_balancer_access_rules_no_poll Removes a list of access rules from a Balancer's access list. This method returns immediately.
Method _ex_connection_class_kwargs Return extra connection keyword arguments which are passed to the Connection class constructor.
Method _member_attributes Undocumented
Method _get_updated_balancer No summary
Method _find_matching_rule No summary
Method _to_protocols Undocumented
Method _to_protocols_with_default_ports Undocumented
Method _to_balancers Undocumented
Method _to_balancer Undocumented
Method _to_members Undocumented
Method _to_member Undocumented
Method _protocol_to_value Undocumented
Method _kwargs_to_mutable_attrs Undocumented
Method _kwargs_to_mutable_member_attrs Undocumented
Method _to_health_monitor Undocumented
Method _to_connection_throttle Undocumented
Method _to_access_rule Undocumented
Method _to_access_rule_type Undocumented
Method _iso_to_datetime Undocumented

Inherited from Driver:

Method balancer_attach_compute_node Attach a compute node as a member to the load balancer.
Method list_supported_algorithms Return algorithms supported by this driver.
Method _value_to_algorithm Return LBAlgorithm based on the value.
Method _algorithm_to_value Return value based in the algorithm (LBAlgorithm).

Inherited from OpenStackDriverMixin:

Method openstack_connection_kwargs Undocumented
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): (source)
ParameterskeyAPI key or username to used (type: str)
secretSecret password to be used (type: str)
secureWeither to use HTTPS or HTTP. Note: Some providers only support HTTPS, and it is on by default. (type: bool)
hostOverride hostname used for connections. (type: str)
portOverride port used for connections. (type: int)
api_versionOptional API version. Only used by drivers which support multiple API versions. (type: str)
def _ex_connection_class_kwargs(self): (source)
Return extra connection keyword arguments which are passed to the Connection class constructor.
def list_protocols(self): (source)
Return a list of supported protocols.
def ex_list_protocols_with_default_ports(self): (source)
ReturnsA list of protocols with default ports included. (type: list of tuples of protocols (str) with default ports (int).)
def list_balancers(self, ex_member_address=None): (source)
Parametersex_member_addressOptional IP address of the attachment member. If provided, only the load balancers which have this member attached will be returned. (type: str)
def create_balancer(self, name, members, protocol='http', port=80, algorithm=DEFAULT_ALGORITHM): (source)
Create a new load balancer instance
ParametersnameName of the new load balancer (required) (type: str)
memberslist ofMembers to attach to balancer
protocolLoadbalancer protocol, defaults to http.
portPort the load balancer should listen on, defaults to 80 (type: str)
algorithmLoad balancing algorithm, defaults to LBAlgorithm.ROUND_ROBIN (type: LBAlgorithm)
def ex_create_balancer(self, name, members, protocol='http', port=80, algorithm=DEFAULT_ALGORITHM, vip='PUBLIC'): (source)
Creates a new load balancer instance
ParametersnameName of the new load balancer (required) (type: str)
memberslist ofMembers to attach to balancer
protocolLoadbalancer protocol, defaults to http.
portPort the load balancer should listen on, defaults to 80 (type: str)
algorithmLoad balancing algorithm, defaults to LBAlgorithm.ROUND_ROBIN (type: LBAlgorithm)
vipVirtual ip type of PUBLIC, SERVICENET, or ID of a virtual ip (type: str)
def _member_attributes(self, member): (source)
def destroy_balancer(self, balancer): (source)
Destroy a load balancer
Returnsbool True if the destroy was successful, otherwise False
def ex_destroy_balancers(self, balancers): (source)
Destroys a list of Balancers (the API supports up to 10).
ParametersbalancersA list of Balancers to destroy. (type: list)
ReturnsReturns whether the destroy request was accepted. (type: bool)
def get_balancer(self, balancer_id): (source)
Return a LoadBalancer object.
Parametersbalancer_idid of a load balancer you want to fetch (type: str)
def balancer_attach_member(self, balancer, member): (source)
Attach a member to balancer
ParametersmemberMember to join to the balancer (type: Member @return {Member} Member after joining the balancer.)
def ex_balancer_attach_members(self, balancer, members): (source)
Attaches a list of members to a load balancer.
ParametersbalancerThe Balancer to which members will be attached. (type: Balancer)
membersA list of Members to attach. (type: list)
def balancer_detach_member(self, balancer, member): (source)
Detach member from balancer
Returnsbool True if member detach was successful, otherwise False
def ex_balancer_detach_members(self, balancer, members): (source)
Detaches a list of members from a balancer (the API supports up to 10). This method blocks until the detach request has been processed and the balancer is in a RUNNING state again.
ParametersbalancerThe Balancer to detach members from. (type: Balancer)
membersA list of Members to detach. (type: list)
ReturnsUpdated Balancer. (type: Balancer)
def ex_balancer_detach_members_no_poll(self, balancer, members): (source)
Detaches a list of members from a balancer (the API supports up to 10). This method returns immediately.
ParametersbalancerThe Balancer to detach members from. (type: Balancer)
membersA list of Members to detach. (type: list)
ReturnsReturns whether the detach request was accepted. (type: bool)
def balancer_list_members(self, balancer): (source)
Return list of members attached to balancer
Returnslist of Members
def update_balancer(self, balancer, **kwargs): (source)
Sets the name, algorithm, protocol, or port on a load balancer.
ParametersnameNew load balancer name
algorithmNew load balancer algorithm
protocolNew load balancer protocol
portNew load balancer port
def ex_update_balancer_no_poll(self, balancer, **kwargs): (source)
def ex_balancer_update_member(self, balancer, member, **kwargs): (source)
Updates a Member's extra attributes for a Balancer. The attributes can include 'weight' or 'condition'. This method blocks until the update request has been processed and the balancer is in a RUNNING state again.
ParametersbalancerBalancer to update the member on. (type: Balancer)
**kwargsNew attributes. Should contain either 'weight' or 'condition'. 'condition' can be set to 'ENABLED', 'DISABLED'. or 'DRAINING'. 'weight' can be set to a positive integer between 1 and 100, with a higher weight indicating that the node will receive more traffic (assuming the Balancer is using a weighted algorithm). (type: dict)
ReturnsUpdated Member. (type: Member)
def ex_balancer_update_member_no_poll(self, balancer, member, **kwargs): (source)
Updates a Member's extra attributes for a Balancer. The attribute can include 'weight' or 'condition'. This method returns immediately.
ParametersbalancerBalancer to update the member on. (type: Balancer)
**kwargsNew attributes. Should contain either 'weight' or 'condition'. 'condition' can be set to 'ENABLED', 'DISABLED'. or 'DRAINING'. 'weight' can be set to a positive integer between 1 and 100, with a higher weight indicating that the node will receive more traffic (assuming the Balancer is using a weighted algorithm). (type: dict)
ReturnsReturns whether the update request was accepted. (type: bool)
def ex_list_algorithm_names(self): (source)
Lists algorithms supported by the API. Returned as strings because this list may change in the future.
def ex_get_balancer_error_page(self, balancer): (source)
def ex_balancer_access_list(self, balancer): (source)
def _get_updated_balancer(self, balancer): (source)
Updating a balancer's attributes puts a balancer into 'PENDING_UPDATE' status. Wait until the balancer is back in 'ACTIVE' status and then return the individual balancer details call.
def ex_update_balancer_health_monitor(self, balancer, health_monitor): (source)
Sets a Balancer's health monitor. This method blocks until the update request has been processed and the balancer is in a RUNNING state again.
ParametersbalancerBalancer to update. (type: Balancer)
health_monitorHealth Monitor for the balancer. (type: RackspaceHealthMonitor)
ReturnsUpdated Balancer. (type: Balancer)
def ex_update_balancer_health_monitor_no_poll(self, balancer, health_monitor): (source)
Sets a Balancer's health monitor. This method returns immediately.
ParametersbalancerBalancer to update health monitor on. (type: Balancer)
health_monitorHealth Monitor for the balancer. (type: RackspaceHealthMonitor)
ReturnsReturns whether the update request was accepted. (type: bool)
def ex_disable_balancer_health_monitor(self, balancer): (source)
Disables a Balancer's health monitor. This method blocks until the disable request has been processed and the balancer is in a RUNNING state again.
ParametersbalancerBalancer to disable health monitor on. (type: Balancer)
ReturnsUpdated Balancer. (type: Balancer)
def ex_disable_balancer_health_monitor_no_poll(self, balancer): (source)
Disables a Balancer's health monitor. This method returns immediately.
ParametersbalancerBalancer to disable health monitor on. (type: Balancer)
ReturnsReturns whether the disable request was accepted. (type: bool)
def ex_update_balancer_connection_throttle(self, balancer, connection_throttle): (source)
Updates a Balancer's connection throttle. This method blocks until the update request has been processed and the balancer is in a RUNNING state again.
ParametersbalancerBalancer to update connection throttle on. (type: Balancer)
connection_throttleConnection Throttle for the balancer. (type: RackspaceConnectionThrottle)
ReturnsUpdated Balancer. (type: Balancer)
def ex_update_balancer_connection_throttle_no_poll(self, balancer, connection_throttle): (source)
Sets a Balancer's connection throttle. This method returns immediately.
ParametersbalancerBalancer to update connection throttle on. (type: Balancer)
connection_throttleConnection Throttle for the balancer. (type: RackspaceConnectionThrottle)
ReturnsReturns whether the update request was accepted. (type: bool)
def ex_disable_balancer_connection_throttle(self, balancer): (source)
Disables a Balancer's connection throttle. This method blocks until the disable request has been processed and the balancer is in a RUNNING state again.
ParametersbalancerBalancer to disable connection throttle on. (type: Balancer)
ReturnsUpdated Balancer. (type: Balancer)
def ex_disable_balancer_connection_throttle_no_poll(self, balancer): (source)
Disables a Balancer's connection throttle. This method returns immediately.
ParametersbalancerBalancer to disable connection throttle on. (type: Balancer)
ReturnsReturns whether the disable request was accepted. (type: bool)
def ex_enable_balancer_connection_logging(self, balancer): (source)
Enables connection logging for a Balancer. This method blocks until the enable request has been processed and the balancer is in a RUNNING state again.
ParametersbalancerBalancer to enable connection logging on. (type: Balancer)
ReturnsUpdated Balancer. (type: Balancer)
def ex_enable_balancer_connection_logging_no_poll(self, balancer): (source)
Enables connection logging for a Balancer. This method returns immediately.
ParametersbalancerBalancer to enable connection logging on. (type: Balancer)
ReturnsReturns whether the enable request was accepted. (type: bool)
def ex_disable_balancer_connection_logging(self, balancer): (source)
Disables connection logging for a Balancer. This method blocks until the enable request has been processed and the balancer is in a RUNNING state again.
ParametersbalancerBalancer to disable connection logging on. (type: Balancer)
ReturnsUpdated Balancer. (type: Balancer)
def ex_disable_balancer_connection_logging_no_poll(self, balancer): (source)
Disables connection logging for a Balancer. This method returns immediately.
ParametersbalancerBalancer to disable connection logging on. (type: Balancer)
ReturnsReturns whether the disable request was accepted. (type: bool)
def ex_enable_balancer_session_persistence(self, balancer): (source)
Enables session persistence for a Balancer by setting the persistence type to 'HTTP_COOKIE'. This method blocks until the enable request has been processed and the balancer is in a RUNNING state again.
ParametersbalancerBalancer to enable session persistence on. (type: Balancer)
ReturnsUpdated Balancer. (type: Balancer)
def ex_enable_balancer_session_persistence_no_poll(self, balancer): (source)
Enables session persistence for a Balancer by setting the persistence type to 'HTTP_COOKIE'. This method returns immediately.
ParametersbalancerBalancer to enable session persistence on. (type: Balancer)
ReturnsReturns whether the enable request was accepted. (type: bool)
def ex_disable_balancer_session_persistence(self, balancer): (source)
Disables session persistence for a Balancer. This method blocks until the disable request has been processed and the balancer is in a RUNNING state again.
ParametersbalancerBalancer to disable session persistence on. (type: Balancer)
ReturnsUpdated Balancer. (type: Balancer)
def ex_disable_balancer_session_persistence_no_poll(self, balancer): (source)
Disables session persistence for a Balancer. This method returns immediately.
ParametersbalancerBalancer to disable session persistence for. (type: Balancer)
ReturnsReturns whether the disable request was accepted. (type: bool)
def ex_update_balancer_error_page(self, balancer, page_content): (source)
Updates a Balancer's custom error page. This method blocks until the update request has been processed and the balancer is in a RUNNING state again.
ParametersbalancerBalancer to update the custom error page for. (type: Balancer)
page_contentHTML content for the custom error page. (type: string)
ReturnsUpdated Balancer. (type: Balancer)
def ex_update_balancer_error_page_no_poll(self, balancer, page_content): (source)
Updates a Balancer's custom error page. This method returns immediately.
ParametersbalancerBalancer to update the custom error page for. (type: Balancer)
page_contentHTML content for the custom error page. (type: string)
ReturnsReturns whether the update request was accepted. (type: bool)
def ex_disable_balancer_custom_error_page(self, balancer): (source)
Disables a Balancer's custom error page, returning its error page to the Rackspace-provided default. This method blocks until the disable request has been processed and the balancer is in a RUNNING state again.
ParametersbalancerBalancer to disable the custom error page for. (type: Balancer)
ReturnsUpdated Balancer. (type: Balancer)
def ex_disable_balancer_custom_error_page_no_poll(self, balancer): (source)
Disables a Balancer's custom error page, returning its error page to the Rackspace-provided default. This method returns immediately.
ParametersbalancerBalancer to disable the custom error page for. (type: Balancer)
ReturnsReturns whether the disable request was accepted. (type: bool)
def ex_create_balancer_access_rule(self, balancer, rule): (source)
Adds an access rule to a Balancer's access list. This method blocks until the update request has been processed and the balancer is in a RUNNING state again.
ParametersbalancerBalancer to create the access rule for. (type: Balancer)
ruleAccess Rule to add to the balancer. (type: RackspaceAccessRule)
ReturnsThe created access rule. (type: RackspaceAccessRule)
def ex_create_balancer_access_rule_no_poll(self, balancer, rule): (source)
Adds an access rule to a Balancer's access list. This method returns immediately.
ParametersbalancerBalancer to create the access rule for. (type: Balancer)
ruleAccess Rule to add to the balancer. (type: RackspaceAccessRule)
ReturnsReturns whether the create request was accepted. (type: bool)
def ex_create_balancer_access_rules(self, balancer, rules): (source)
Adds a list of access rules to a Balancer's access list. This method blocks until the update request has been processed and the balancer is in a RUNNING state again.
ParametersbalancerBalancer to create the access rule for. (type: Balancer)
rulesList of RackspaceAccessRule to add to the balancer. (type: list)
ReturnsThe created access rules. (type: RackspaceAccessRule)
def _find_matching_rule(self, rule_to_find, access_list): (source)
LB API does not return the ID for the newly created rules, so we have to search the list to find the rule with a matching rule type and address to return an object with the right identifier.it. The API enforces rule type and address uniqueness.
def ex_create_balancer_access_rules_no_poll(self, balancer, rules): (source)
Adds a list of access rules to a Balancer's access list. This method returns immediately.
ParametersbalancerBalancer to create the access rule for. (type: Balancer)
rulesList of RackspaceAccessRule to add to the balancer. (type: list)
ReturnsReturns whether the create request was accepted. (type: bool)
def ex_destroy_balancer_access_rule(self, balancer, rule): (source)
Removes an access rule from a Balancer's access list. This method blocks until the update request has been processed and the balancer is in a RUNNING state again.
ParametersbalancerBalancer to remove the access rule from. (type: Balancer)
ruleAccess Rule to remove from the balancer. (type: RackspaceAccessRule)
ReturnsUpdated Balancer. (type: Balancer)
def ex_destroy_balancer_access_rule_no_poll(self, balancer, rule): (source)
Removes an access rule from a Balancer's access list. This method returns immediately.
ParametersbalancerBalancer to remove the access rule from. (type: Balancer)
ruleAccess Rule to remove from the balancer. (type: RackspaceAccessRule)
ReturnsReturns whether the destroy request was accepted. (type: bool)
def ex_destroy_balancer_access_rules(self, balancer, rules): (source)
Removes a list of access rules from a Balancer's access list. This method blocks until the update request has been processed and the balancer is in a RUNNING state again.
ParametersbalancerBalancer to remove the access rules from. (type: Balancer)
rulesList of RackspaceAccessRule objects to remove from the balancer. (type: list)
ReturnsUpdated Balancer. (type: Balancer)
def ex_destroy_balancer_access_rules_no_poll(self, balancer, rules): (source)
Removes a list of access rules from a Balancer's access list. This method returns immediately.
ParametersbalancerBalancer to remove the access rules from. (type: Balancer)
rulesList of RackspaceAccessRule objects to remove from the balancer. (type: list)
ReturnsReturns whether the destroy request was accepted. (type: bool)
def _to_protocols(self, object): (source)
def _to_protocols_with_default_ports(self, object): (source)
def _to_balancers(self, object): (source)
def _to_balancer(self, el): (source)
def _to_members(self, object): (source)
def _to_member(self, el): (source)
def _protocol_to_value(self, protocol): (source)
def _kwargs_to_mutable_attrs(self, **attrs): (source)
def _kwargs_to_mutable_member_attrs(self, **attrs): (source)
def _to_health_monitor(self, el): (source)
def _to_connection_throttle(self, el): (source)
def _to_access_rule(self, el): (source)
def _to_access_rule_type(self, type): (source)
def _iso_to_datetime(self, isodate): (source)
API Documentation for libcloud, generated by pydoctor at 2012-07-15 18:10:03.