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Isis archetypes are reverse engineered from example applications. Once reverse engineered, the source is checked into git (replacing any earlier version of the archetype) and released.

Setup environment variables

To recreate the simpleapp archetype:

cd example/application/simpleapp

export ISISTMP=/c/tmp   # or as required
export ISISART=simpleapp-archetype
export ISISREL=1.8.0
export ISISPAR=1.8.0
export ISISRC=RC1

export ISISCPT=$(echo $ISISART | cut -d- -f2)
export ISISCPN=$(echo $ISISART | cut -d- -f1)

env | grep ISIS | sort

nb: $ISISPAR is the version of the Isis core that will act as the archetype’s parent. Usually this is the same as $ISISREL.

Check the example app

Make sure you are in the correct directory, and update the parent pom.xml to reference the released version of Isis core:


Alternatively, you could just load up each pom.xml and inspect manually:

vi `/bin/find . -name pom.xml | grep -v target`
  1. and search for SNAPSHOT.

Next, check for and fix any missing license header notices:

mvn org.apache.rat:apache-rat-plugin:check -D rat.numUnapprovedLicenses=50 -o
for a in `/bin/find . -name rat.txt -print`; do grep '!???' $a; done

Finally, double check that the app is running satisfactorily:

first, as self-hosted webconsole (browse to http://localhost:8080):

mvn clean install
mvn antrun:run -P self-host

then using mvn jetty plugin:

cd webapp
mvn jetty:run

Check the about page and confirm built against non-SNAPSHOT versions of the Isis jars.

Create the archetype (manual)

The archetype can be created either by hand or with a script. The section describes the manual approach; the scripted approach is in the section after.

Before we generate the archetype, we clear out all non source code artifacts.

Start by doing the regular mvn clean:

mvn clean

To view the remaining files/directories that needs removing, use:

for a in .project .classpath .settings bin .idea target-ide; do /bin/find . -name $a -print; done
/bin/find . -name "*.iml" -print
/bin/find . -name "*.log" -print
/bin/find . -name "pom.xml.*" -print

To actually delete these files, use:

for a in .project .classpath .settings bin .idea target-ide; do /bin/find . -name $a -exec rm -r {} \;; done
/bin/find . -name "*.iml" -exec rm {} \;
/bin/find . -name "*.log" -exec rm {} \;
/bin/find . -name "pom.xml.*" -exec rm {} \;

Quickly check that the remaining files are all source files:

/bin/find .

Now we can create the archetype.

mvn archetype:create-from-project

and then update the generated files:

groovy ../../../scripts/updateGeneratedArchetypeSources.groovy -n $ISISCPN -v $ISISPAR


  • $ISISCPN is the component name set earlier (simpleapp)

  • $ISISPAR is the version of isis core that is to be the parent of the generated archetype,

    • this will usually be the same as $ISISREL unless a patch/interim release of the archetype.

Test the archetype

First, build the archetype:

cd target/generated-sources/archetype
mvn clean install
cd ../../..

Then, in a different session, create a new app from the archetype:

Set up environment variables:

To test the simpleapp archetype:

export ISISTMP=/c/tmp    # or as required
export ISISCPN=simpleapp
env | grep ISIS | sort

Then recreate:

rm -rf $ISISTMP/test-$ISISCPN

mkdir $ISISTMP/test-$ISISCPN
mvn archetype:generate  \
    -D archetypeCatalog=local \
    -D groupId=com.mycompany \
    -D artifactId=myapp \
    -D archetypeGroupId=org.apache.isis.archetype \
    -D archetypeArtifactId=$ISISCPN-archetype

Build the newly generated app and test:

cd myapp
mvn clean install
mvn antrun:run -P self-host    # runs as standalone app using webconsole
cd webapp
mvn jetty:run                  # runs as mvn jetty plugin

Check the archetype source code into git

Back in the original session (at example/application/simpleapp), we are ready to check the archetype source code into git:

git rm -rf ../../archetype/$ISISCPN
rm -rf ../../archetype/$ISISCPN

In either case make sure that the archetype/$ISISCPN directory was fully removed, otherwise the next command will not copy the regenerated source into the correct location.

Then, copy over the generated source of the archetype:

mv target/generated-sources/archetype ../../archetype/$ISISCPN
git add ../../archetype/$ISISCPN

Next, confirm that the -SNAPSHOT version of the archetype is correct:

vi ../../archetype/$ISISCPN/pom.xml

If this a new archetype, then add a reference to the archetype to the root pom.xml, eg:


Finally, commit the changes:

git commit -am "ISIS-nnn: updating $ISISCPN archetype"

Create the archetype (scripted)

Using the script does not generate an app from the archetype to test it works.

Make sure you are in the correct directory and environment variables are correct.

To recreate the simpleapp archetype:

cd example/application/simpleapp

env | grep ISIS | sort

If the environment variables look wrong, use the commands at the top of this page to setup. The script will also double check that all required environment variables are set.

Then, run the script:

sh ../../../scripts/recreate-archetype.sh ISIS-nnn

The script automatically commits changes; if you wish use git log and git diff (or a tool such as SourceTree) to review changes made.

Releasing the Archetype

{note Releasing the archetype is performed from the example/archetype directory, NOT the example/application directory. }

The procedure for releasing the archetype is the same as for any other releasable module.

First, confirm environment variables set correctly:

env | grep ISIS | sort

Then switch the correct directory and release:

cd ../../../example/archetype/$ISISCPN

rm -rf $ISISTMP/checkout

mvn release:prepare -P apache-release \
                -DreleaseVersion=$ISISREL \
                -DdevelopmentVersion=$ISISDEV \
mvn release:perform -P apache-release \

Next, log onto repository.apache.org and close the staging repo.

Then push branch:

git push -u origin prepare/$ISISART-$ISISREL

and push tag:

git push origin refs/tags/$ISISART-$ISISREL-$ISISRC:refs/tags/$ISISART-$ISISREL-$ISISRC
git fetch

See the release process for full details.

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Apache, the Apache feather logo, Apache Isis, and the Apache Isis project logo are all trademarks of The Apache Software Foundation.
