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This page details the process for formally releasing Isis modules.

If you’ve done this before and just want the bare essentials, see this one-pager (that also parameterizes some of the steps listed here 'long-hand'. There is also an experimental script for automating the latter part of the process.

See also the release checklist for keeping track of where you are while releasing (possibly multiple) components.


Apache Isis consists of two separately releasable modules. Relative to the root of the source code repo, these are:

  • core

  • component/example/archetypes/simpleapp

Previously there were many other components, but these have either been mothballed or moved into core. The only remaining component that is not in core (though has not yet been released) is component/viewer/scimpi. There is currently no plan to release this component.

Process Prerequisites

Before releasing core, ensure there is consensus on the dev mailing list that this is the right time for a release. The discussion should include confirming the version number to be used, and to confirm content.

Once agreed, the formal release can begin. The steps are:

  • create a branch locally in which to prepare the release

  • use mvn release:prepare to generate the signed artifacts and create a tag in the source code control system

  • use mvn release:perform to upload the signed artifacts to the Apache staging repository

  • vote on the staged artifacts (in particular, the signed source release ZIP from which the remaining artifacts are derivable)

  • on a successful vote:

  • promote the staged artifacts

  • distribute the source zip

  • merge in the branch back to into master

  • on a failed vote:

  • drop the staging repository

  • delete the branch and tag

  • fix the problems and go round round the loop again.

Before any of this can happen, there are a number of prerequisites, in terms of (a) the codebase itself, (b) the community process, and (c) the committer acting as release manager and performing the release.

Set up local environment

Public/private key

The most important configuration you require is to set up public/private key pair. This is used by the maven-release-plugin to sign the code artifacts. See the page on key generation for more details.

In order to prepare the release, you’ll (need to) have a ~/.gnupg directory with the relevant files (gpg.conf, pubring.gpg, secring.gpg etc), and have gpg on your operating system PATH.

If on Windows, the equivalent directory is c:\users\xxx\appdata\roaming\gnupg. For gpg, use either cygwin.com or gpg4win.org. Note also that the mSysGit version of gpg (as provided by GitHub’s bash client) is not compatible with that provided by cygwin; move it to one side and check that gpg.exe being used is that from gpg4win.

Maven settings.xml

During the release process the maven-deploy-plugin uploads the generated artifacts to a staging repo on the Apache repository manager. This requires your Apache LDAP credentials to be specified in your ~/.m2/settings.xml file:


where xxxxxxx and yyyyyyy are your Apache LDAP username and password. For more information, see these ASF docs.

It is also possible to configure to use .ssh secure keys, and thereby avoid hardcoding your Apache LDAP password into your .m2/settings.xml file. A description of how to do this can be found, for example, here.

Also, set up keyphrase for gpg; this avoids being prompted during release:

      <gpg.passphrase>this is not really my passphrase</gpg.passphrase>


Pull down code to release

Set the HEAD of your local git repo to the commit to be released. In many cases this will be the tip of the origin’s master branch:

git checkout master
git pull --ff-only

Then, determine/confirm the version number of the module being released. This should be in line with our semantic versioning policy.

Next, create a release branch in your local Git repo, using the version number determined and as per these standards. For example, to prepare release candidate #1 for a release 1.9.0 of core, use:

git checkout -b isis-1.9.0

All release preparation is done locally; if we are successful, this branch will be pushed back to master.

Finally, make sure you have a JIRA ticket open against which to perform all commits.

Set Environment Variables

If you are releasing core:

cd core

export ISISTMP=/c/tmp              # or whatever
export ISISART=isis
export ISISDEV=1.10.0-SNAPSHOT
export ISISREL=1.9.0
export ISISRC=RC1

export ISISCOR="Y"
env | grep ISIS | sort

Code Prerequisites

{note Unless otherwise stated, you should assume that all remaining steps should be performed in the base directory of the module being released. }

Before making any formal release, there are a number of prerequisites that should always be checked.

Update the version number

The version number of the parent pom should reflect the branch name that you are now on (with a -SNAPSHOT suffix). In many cases this will have been done already during earlier development; but confirm that it has been updated. If it has not, make the change.

For example, if releasing core version 1.9.0, the POM should read:


Update parent (Isis Core)

If releasing Isis Core, check (via search.maven.org) whether there is a newer version of the Apache parent org.apache:apache.

If there is, update the <version> in the <parent> element in the parent POM to match the newer version:

    <relativePath />

where NN is the updated version number.

Check no SNAPSHOT dependencies

There should be no snapshot dependencies; the only mention of SNAPSHOT should be for the Isis modules about to be released.

As a quick check, do a grep for SNAPSHOT:

grep SNAPSHOT `/bin/find . -name pom.xml | grep -v target | sort`

Or, for a more thorough check, load up each pom.xml and inspect manually:

vi `/bin/find . -name pom.xml | grep -v target | sort`
  1. and search for SNAPSHOT.

Obviously, don’t update Isis' SNAPSHOT references; these get updated by the mvn release:prepare command we run later.

Update plugin versions

The maven-versions-plugin should be used to determine if there are newer versions of any of the plugins used to build Isis. Since this goes off to the internet, it may take a minute or two to run:

mvn versions:display-plugin-updates > /tmp/foo
grep "\->" /tmp/foo | /bin/sort -u

Review the generated output and make updates as you see fit. (However, if updating, please check by searching for known issues with newer versions).

Update dependency versions

The maven-versions-plugin should be used to determine if there are newer versions of any of Isis' dependencies. Since this goes off to the internet, it may take a minute or two to run:

mvn versions:display-dependency-updates > /tmp/foo
grep "\->" /tmp/foo | /bin/sort -u

Update any of the dependencies that are out-of-date. That said, do note that some dependencies may show up with a new dependency, when in fact the dependency is for an old, badly named version. Also, there may be new dependencies that you do not wish to move to, eg release candidates or milestones.

For example, here is a report showing both of these cases:

[INFO]   asm:asm ..................................... 3.3.1 -> 20041228.180559
[INFO]   commons-httpclient:commons-httpclient .......... 3.1 -> 3.1-jbossorg-1
[INFO]   commons-logging:commons-logging ......... 1.1.1 -> 99.0-does-not-exist
[INFO]   dom4j:dom4j ................................. 1.6.1 -> 20040902.021138
[INFO]   org.datanucleus:datanucleus-api-jdo ................ 3.1.2 -> 3.2.0-m1
[INFO]   org.datanucleus:datanucleus-core ................... 3.1.2 -> 3.2.0-m1
[INFO]   org.datanucleus:datanucleus-jodatime ............... 3.1.1 -> 3.2.0-m1
[INFO]   org.datanucleus:datanucleus-rdbms .................. 3.1.2 -> 3.2.0-m1
[INFO]   org.easymock:easymock ................................... 2.5.2 -> 3.1
[INFO]   org.jboss.resteasy:resteasy-jaxrs ............. 2.3.1.GA -> 3.0-beta-1

For these artifacts you will need to search Maven central repo directly yourself to confirm there are no newer dependencies not shown in this list.

Code cleanup / formatting

Make sure that all source code has been cleaned up and formatted according to the Apache Isis and ASF conventions. Use this Eclipse template and this import order.

License header notices (RAT tool)

The Apache Release Audit Tool RAT (from the Apache Creadur project) checks for missing license header files. The parent pom.xml of each releasable module specifies the RAT Maven plugin, with a number of custom exclusions.

To run the RAT tool, use:

mvn org.apache.rat:apache-rat-plugin:check -D rat.numUnapprovedLicenses=50 -o

where rat.numUnapprovedLicenses property is set to a high figure, temporarily overriding the default value of 0. This will allow the command to run over all submodules, rather than failing after the first one.

Do not use mvn rat:check; depending on your local Maven configuratoin this may bring down the obsolete mvn-rat-plugin from the Codehaus repo.

All being well the command should complete. For each failing submodule, it will have written out a target\rat.txt; missing license notes are indicated using the key !???. You can collate these together using something like:

for a in `/bin/find . -name rat.txt -print`; do grep '!???' $a; done

Investigate and fix any reported violations, typically by either:

  • adding genuinely missing license headers from Java (or other) source files, or

  • updating the <excludes> element for the apache-rat-plugin plugin to ignore test files, log files and any other non-source code files

  • also look to remove any stale <exclude> entries

To add missing headers, you can if you wish use the groovy script addmissinglicenses.groovy (in the scripts directory) to automatically insert missing headers for certain file types. The actual files checked are those with extensions specified in the line def fileEndings = [".java", ".htm"]:

Run this in dry run mode first (shown here relative to the core module):

groovy ../scripts/addmissinglicenses.groovy

When happy, perform the updates by specifying the -x (execute) flag:

groovy addmissinglicenses.groovy -x

Once you’ve fixed all issues, confirm once more that apache-rat-plugin no longer reports any license violations, this time leaving the rat.numUnapprovedLicenses property to its default, 0:

mvn org.apache.rat:apache-rat-plugin:check -D rat.numUnapprovedLicenses=0 -o
for a in `find . -name rat.txt -print`; do grep '!???' $a; done

Missing License Check

Although Apache Isis has no dependencies on artifacts with incompatible licenses, the POMs for some of these dependencies (in the Maven central repo) do not necessarily contain the required license information. Without appropriate additional configuration, this would result in the generated DEPENDENCIES file and generated Maven site indicating dependencies as having "unknown" licenses.

Fortunately, Maven allows the missing information to be provided by configuring the maven-remote-resources-plugin. This is stored in the src/main/appended-resources/supplemental-models.xml file, relative to the root of each releasable module.

To capture the missing license information, use:

mvn license:download-licenses

This Maven plugin creates a license.xml file in the target/generated-resources directory of each module.

Then, run the following script (shown here relative to the core module).

groovy ../scripts/checkmissinglicenses.groovy

This searches for all licenses.xml files, and compares them against the contents of the supplemental-models.xml file. For example, the output could be something like:

licenses to add to supplemental-models.xml:

[org.slf4j, slf4j-api, 1.5.7]
[org.codehaus.groovy, groovy-all, 1.7.2]

licenses to remove from supplemental-models.xml (are spurious):

[org.slf4j, slf4j-api, 1.5.2]

If any missing entries are listed or are spurious, then update supplemental-models.xml and try again.

Ignore any missing license warnings for the TCK modules; this is a result of the TCK modules for the viewers (eg isis-viewer-bdd-concordion-tck) depending on the TCK dom, fixtures etc.

Sanity check

Before you cut the release, perform one last sanity check on the codebase.

Sanity check for core

First, check that there are NO SNAPSHOT dependencies in any of the pom.xml of the modules of the core.

Next, delete all Isis artifacts from your local Maven repo:

rm -rf ~/.m2/repository/org/apache/isis

Next, check that core builds independently, using the -o offline flag:

mvn clean install -o

Confirm that the versions of the Isis artifacts now cached in your local repository are correct.

Sanity check for non-core components

You should already have changed the parent POM of the releasable module to reference a released version of org.apache.isis.core:isis. Now, also check that there are remaining NO SNAPSHOT dependencies in any of the pom.xml of the modules of the component.

Next, delete all Isis artifacts from your local Maven repo:

rm -rf ~/.m2/repository/org/apache/isis

Next, build the component, though without the offline flag. Maven should pull down the component’s dependencies from the Maven central repo, including the non-spshot of Isis core:

mvn clean install

Confirm that the versions of the Isis artifacts now cached in your local repository are correct (both those pulled down from Maven central repo, as well as those of the component built locally). The versions of core should not be a SNAPSHOT.

Commit changes

Before going any further, remember to commit any changes from the preceding steps:

git commit -am "ISIS-nnn: updates to pom.xml etc for release"

Preparing a Release (mvn release:prepare)

Most of the work is done using the mvn release:prepare goal. Since this makes a lot of changes, we run it first in "dry run" mode; only if that works do we run the goal for real.


Run the dry-run as follows:

mvn release:prepare -P apache-release -D dryRun=true \
    -DreleaseVersion=$ISISREL \


  • releaseVersion just strip off the -SNAPSHOT suffix:

  • tag should follow our standard (concatenation of the artifactId and the version entered above without a -RCn suffix)

  • developmentVersion should increment as required, and have -SNAPSHOT appended.

This is not quite fully automated; you may be prompted for the gpg passphrase. (Experiments in using --batch-mode -Dgpg.passphrase="…​" to fully automate this didn’t work; for more info, see here (maven release plugin docs) and here (maven gpg plugin docs).

Or, if you want to be prompted for the versions, you can omit the properties, eg:

mvn release:prepare -P apache-release -D dryRun=true

Some modules might have additional profiles to be activated. For example, the (now mothballed) SQL ObjectStore required -P apache-release,integration-tests so that its integration tests are also run.

This should generate something like:

$ mvn release:prepare -P apache-release -D dryRun=true
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Reactor Build Order:
[INFO] Apache Isis Core
[INFO] Isis Core AppLib
[INFO] Isis Core Unit Test Support
[INFO] Isis Core MetaModel
[INFO] Isis Core Runtime
[INFO] Isis Core WebServer
[INFO] Isis Core Integration Testing Support
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Apache Isis Core 1.9.0
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- maven-release-plugin:2.3.2:prepare (default-cli) @ isis ---
[INFO] Resuming release from phase 'map-release-versions'
What is the release version for "Apache Isis Core"? (org.apache.isis.core:isis)
1.9.0: :

If you didn’t provide the releaseVersion, tag and developmentVersion tags, then you’ll be prompted for them. You can generally accept the defaults that Maven offers.

Assuming this completes successfully, re-run the command, but without the dryRun flag and specifying resume=false (to ignore the generated release.properties file that gets generated as a side-effect of using git). You can also set the skipTests flag since they would have been run during the previous dry run:

mvn release:prepare -P apache-release -D resume=false -DskipTests=true
        -DreleaseVersion=$ISISREL \
        -Dtag=$ISISART-$ISISREL \

If any issues here, then explicitly delete the generated release.properties file first.

Post-prepare sanity check

You should end up with artifacts in your local repo with the new version 1.9.0. There are then a couple of sanity checks that you can perform:

  • unzip the source-release ZIP and check it builds.

    For example, if building core, then the ZIP file will be called isis-1.9.0-source-release.zip and should reside in ~/.m2/repository/org/apache/isis/core/isis/1.9.0 directory.

    Unzip in a new directory, and build.

  • Inspect the DEPENDENCIES file.

    This file should be in the root of the extracted ZIP. In particular, check that there are no category-x dependencies.

If you find problems and the release was performed on a branch, then just delete the branch and start over.

Upload Release for Voting

Once the release has been built locally, it should be uploaded for voting. This is done by deploying the Maven artifacts to a staging directory (this includes the source release ZIP file which will be voted upon).

The Apache staging repository runs on Nexus server, hosted at repository.apache.org. The process of uploading will create a staging repository that is associated with the host (IP address) performing the release. Once the repository is staged, the newly created staging repository is "closed" in order to make it available to others.

Before you start, make sure you’ve defined the staging repo in your local ~/.m2/settings.xml file (see earlier on this page).

Perform the Release

If running on *nix, then the command to stage the release is:

mvn release:perform -P apache-release

but if using mSysGit on windows, specify a different working directory:

mvn release:perform -P apache-release \

You may (again) be prompted for gpg passphrase.

The command starts off by checking out the codebase from the tag (hence different working directory under Windows to avoid 260 char path limit). It then builds the artifacts, then uploads them to the Apache staging repository:

[INFO] --- maven-release-plugin:2.3.2:perform (default-cli) @ isis ---
[INFO] Performing a LOCAL checkout from scm:git:file:///C:\APACHE\isis-git-rw\co
[INFO] Checking out the project to perform the release ...
[INFO] Executing: cmd.exe /X /C "git clone --branch isis-1.9.0 file:///C:\APACHE\isis-git-rw\core C:\APACHE\isis-git-rw\core\target\checkout"
[INFO] Working directory: C:\APACHE\isis-git-rw\core\target
[INFO] Performing a LOCAL checkout from scm:git:file:///C:\APACHE\isis-git-rw
[INFO] Checking out the project to perform the release ...
[INFO] Executing: cmd.exe /X /C "git clone --branch isis-1.9.0 file:///C:\APACHE\isis-git-rw C:\APACHE\isis-git-rw\core\target\checkout"
[INFO] Working directory: C:\APACHE\isis-git-rw\core\target
[INFO] Executing: cmd.exe /X /C "git ls-remote file:///C:\APACHE\isis-git-rw"
[INFO] Working directory: C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp
[INFO] Executing: cmd.exe /X /C "git fetch file:///C:\APACHE\isis-git-rw"
[INFO] Working directory: C:\APACHE\isis-git-rw\core\target\checkout
[INFO] Executing: cmd.exe /X /C "git checkout isis-1.9.0"
[INFO] Working directory: C:\APACHE\isis-git-rw\core\target\checkout
[INFO] Executing: cmd.exe /X /C "git ls-files"
[INFO] Working directory: C:\APACHE\isis-git-rw\core\target\checkout
[INFO] Invoking perform goals in directory C:\APACHE\isis-git-rw\core\target\checkout\core
[INFO] Executing goals 'deploy'...

All being well this command will complete successfully. Given that it is uploading code artifacts, it could take a while to complete.

Check the Repository

If the mvn release:perform has worked then it will have put release artifacts into a newly created staging repository .

Log onto repository.apache.org (using your ASF LDAP account):

nexus staging 0

And then check that the release has been staged (select staging repositories from left-hand side):

nexus staging 1

If nothing appears in a staging repo you should stop here and work out why.

Assuming that the repo has been populated, make a note of its repo id; this is needed for the voting thread. In the screenshot above the id is org.apache.isis-008.

Close the Repository

After checking that the staging repository contains the artifacts that you expect you should close the staging repository. This will make it available so that people can check the release.

Press the Close button and complete the dialog:

nexus staging 2

Nexus should start the process of closing the repository.

nexus staging 2a

All being well, the close should (eventually) complete successfully (keep hitting refresh):

nexus staging 3

The Nexus repository manager will also email you with confirmation of a successful close.

If Nexus has problems with the key signature, however, then the close will be aborted:

nexus staging 4

Use gpg --keyserver hkp://pgp.mit.edu --recv-keys nnnnnnnn to confirm that the key is available.

Unfortunately, Nexus does not seem to allow subkeys to be used for signing. See Key Generation for more details.

Push changes

Finally, push both the branch and the tag created locally to the central origin server. For the tag, we append an -RCn suffix until the vote succeeds.

To push the branch, for example:

git checkout prepare/$ISISART-$ISISREL
git push -u origin prepare/$ISISART-$ISISREL

To push the tag, with the -RCn suffix, for example:

git push origin refs/tags/$ISISART-$ISISREL:refs/tags/$ISISART-$ISISREL-$ISISRC
git fetch

The remote tag isn’t visible locally (eg via gitk --all), but can be seen online.


Once the artifacts have been uploaded, you can call a vote.

In all cases, votes last for 72 hours and require a +3 (binding) vote from members.

Start voting thread on dev@isis.apache.org

The following boilerplate is for a release of the Apache Isis Core. Adapt as required:

Use the following subject:

[VOTE] Apache Isis Core release 1.8.0 RC1

And use the following body:

I've cut a release for Apache Isis Core and the simpleapp archetype:
* Core 1.8.0
* SimpleApp Archetype 1.8.0

The source code artifacts have been uploaded to staging repositories on repository.apache.org:

* http://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/orgapacheisis-10xx/org/apache/isis/core/isis/1.9.0/isis-1.9.0-source-release.zip
* http://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/orgapacheisis-10xx/org/apache/isis/archetype/simpleapp-archetype/1.9.0/simpleapp-archetype-1.9.0-source-release.zip

For each zip there is a corresponding signature file (append .asc to the zip's url).

In the source code repo the code has been tagged as isis-1.8.0-RC1 and simpleapp-archetype-1.8.0-RC1.

For instructions on how to verify the release (build from binaries and/or use in Maven directly), see http://isis.apache.org/contributors/verifying-releases.html

Please verify the release and cast your vote.  The vote will be open for a minimum of 72 hours.

[ ] +1
[ ]  0
[ ] -1

Remember to update:

  • the version number (1.9.0 or whatever)

  • the release candidate number (RC1 or whatever)

  • the repository id, as provided by Nexus earlier (orgapacheisis-10xx or whatever)

Note that the email also references the procedure for other committers to verify the release.

After the vote

Once the vote has completed, post the results to the isis-dev mailing list.

For example, use the following subject for a vote on Isis Core:

[RESULT] [VOTE] Apache Isis Core release 1.9.0

using the body (alter last line as appropriate):

The vote has completed with the following result :

  +1 (binding): <i>list of names</i>
  +1 (non binding): <i>list of names</i>

  -1 (binding): <i>list of names</i>
  -1 (non binding): <i>list of names</i>

The vote is (UN)SUCCESSFUL.

For a successful vote

If the vote has been successful, then replace the -RCn tag with another without the qualifier.

You can do this using the scripts/promoterctag.sh script; for example:

sh scripts/promoterctag isis-1.9.0 RC1    # $ISISART-$SISREL $ISISRC

Or, if you like to execute the steps in that script by hand:

  • add the new remote tag, for example:

    git push origin refs/tags/isis-1.9.0:refs/tags/isis-1.9.0
    git fetch
  • delete the -RCn remote tag, for example:

    git push origin –delete refs/tags/isis-1.9.0-RC1 # $ISISART-$SISREL-$ISISRC
    git fetch
  • delete the -RCn local tag, for example:

    git tag -d isis-1.9.0-RC1 # $ISISART-$SISREL-$ISISRC
    git fetch

Then, continue onto the next section for the steps to promote and announce the release.

For an unsuccessful vote

If the vote has been unsuccessful, then:

  • delete the remote branch, for example:

    git push origin –delete isis-1.9.0 # $ISISART-$SISREL
  • delete your local branch, for example:

    git branch -D isis-1.9.0 # $ISISART-$SISREL
  • delete the remote origin server’s tag, for example:

    git push origin –delete refs/tags/isis-1.9.0-RC1
  • delete the tag that was created locally, for example:

    git tag -d isis-1.9.0 # $ISISART-$SISREL
  • drop the staging repository in Nexus

Address the problems identified in the vote, and go again.

Promoting Release to Distribution

Release Binaries to Maven Central Repo

From the Nexus pages, select the staging repository and select 'release' from the top menu.

nexus release 1

This moves the release artifacts into an Apache releases repository; from there they will be automatically moved to the Maven repository.

Release Source Zip

As described in the Apache documentation, each Apache TLP has a release/TLP-name directory in the distribution Subversion repository at https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist. Once a release vote passes, the release manager should svn add the artifacts (plus signature and hash files) into this location. The release is then automatically pushed to http://www.apache.org/dist/ by svnpubsub. Only the most recent release of each supported release line should be contained here, old versions should be deleted.

Each project is responsible for the structure of its directory. The directory structure of Isis reflects the directory structure in our git source code repo:

    objectstore/  # empty, JDO now part of core
    security/     # empty, Shiro now part of core
    viewer/       # empty, Restful and Wicket viewers now part of core
    maven-isis-plugin/   # not yet released

If necessary, checkout this directory structure:

svn co https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/release/isis isis-dist

Next, add the new release into the appropriate directory, and delete any previous release. You can use the upd.sh script to help; this downloads the artefacts from the Nexus release repository, adds the artefacts to subsversion and deletes the previous version.

At the end, commit the changes:

svn commit -m "publishing isis source releases to dist.apache.org"

Update JIRA and generate Release notes

Close All JIRA tickets for the release

Close all JIRA tickets for the release, or moved to future releases if not yet addressed. Any tickets that were partially implemented should be closed, and new tickets created for the functionality on the ticket not yet implemented.

Generate Release Notes in JIRA

Use JIRA to generate release notes:

jira create release notes

<img src="resources/jira-create-release-notes.png" width="400px"></img>

If any of the tickets closed are tasks/subtasks, then please edit the contents of the file to associate them back together again.

Mark the JIRA versions as released

In JIRA, go to the administration section for the Isis project and update the versions as released.

Update ISIS website

Update the Isis CMS website:

  • Using the JIRA-generated release notes as a guide, update the relevant page of the Isis site.

    Use this regex to convert links. From:

    <li>\[<a href='(.+)?'>(.+?)<\/a>\].*-[\s]*(.*)$


    * link:$1[$2] - $3

    and use this regex to convert headings. From:



    === $1

Typically this be will a new page in the core section or for one of the components. Make a note of the URL of this new page (for use in the mailing list announcement).

For example, a new release of Isis Core would require:

  • Do a search for x.y.0-SNAPSHOT and replace with x.y.0

  • Update the version number on the home (index) pages.

  • Update the version number on the simpleapp archetype pages.

In addition:

For more information on DOAP files, see these Apache policy docs.

  • The STATUS file (in root of Isis' source) should be updated with details of the new release.

Announce the release

Announce the release to users mailing list.

For example, for a release of Apache Isis Core, use the following subject:

[ANN] Apache Isis version 1.9.0 Released

And use the following body (summarizing the main points as required):

The Isis teamEnum is pleased to announce the release of:
* Apache Isis Core version 1.9.0
* SimpleApp Archetype 1.9.0

New features in this release include:
- ...

Full release notes are available on the Isis website at [1].

Note that:
* ...

You can access this release directly from the Maven central repo [2],
or download the release and build it from source [3].


--The Isis teamEnum

[1] http://isis.apache.org/core/release-notes/isis-1.9.0.html
[2] http://search.maven.org
[3] http://isis.apache.org/download.html

Blog post

Finally, log onto the Apache blog and create a new post. Copy-n-paste the above mailing list announcement should suffice.

Prepare for next iteration

Merge changes from branch back into master branch

Because we release from a branch, the changes made in the branch (changes to pom.xml made by the maven-release-plugin, or any manual edits) should be merged back from the release branch back into the master branch:

git checkout master                   # update master with latest
git pull
git merge isis-1.9.0                  # merge branch onto master
git branch -d isis-1.9.0              # branch no longer needed
git push origin --delete isis-1.9.0   # remote branch no longer needed

If the core was updated, then you’ll most likely need to update other POMs to the new -SNAPSHOT.

Next, do a sanity check that everything builds ok:

rm -rf ~/.m2/repository/org/apache/isis
mvn clean install
  1. and run up an Isis application.

Update STATUS file

The trunk holds a STATUS file which is a brief summary of the current status of the project. Update this file with details of the release.

Push changes

Finally, push the changes up to origin:

git fetch    # check no new commits on origin/master
git push

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Apache, the Apache feather logo, Apache Isis, and the Apache Isis project logo are all trademarks of The Apache Software Foundation.
