Interface | Description |
HadoopShims |
In order to be compatible with multiple versions of Hadoop, all parts
of the Hadoop interface that are not cross-version compatible are
encapsulated in an implementation of this class.
HadoopShims.ByteBufferPoolShim |
a ByteBufferPool shim.
HadoopShims.CombineFileInputFormatShim<K,V> |
HadoopShims.DirectDecompressorShim | |
HadoopShims.HCatHadoopShims | |
HadoopShims.HdfsEncryptionShim |
This interface encapsulates methods used to get encryption information from
HDFS paths.
HadoopShims.HdfsFileStatus |
Includes the vanilla FileStatus, and AclStatus if it applies to this version of hadoop.
HadoopShims.KerberosNameShim |
Shim for KerberosName
HadoopShims.MiniDFSShim |
Shim around the functions in MiniDFSCluster that Hive uses.
HadoopShims.MiniMrShim |
Shim for MiniMrCluster
HadoopShims.StoragePolicyShim | |
HadoopShims.WebHCatJTShim | |
HadoopShims.ZeroCopyReaderShim | |
JettyShims |
Since Hadoop ships with different versions of Jetty in different versions,
Hive uses a shim layer to access the parts of the API that have changed.
JettyShims.Server |
SchedulerShim |
Shim for Fair scheduler
HiveServer2 uses fair scheduler API to resolve the queue mapping for non-impersonation
Class | Description |
CombineHiveKey | |
Hadoop20SShims |
Implemention of shims against Hadoop 0.20 with Security.
Hadoop23Shims |
Implemention of shims against Hadoop 0.23.0.
Hadoop23Shims.StoragePolicyShim | |
HadoopShims.NoopHdfsEncryptionShim |
This is a dummy class used when the hadoop version does not support hdfs encryption.
HadoopShimsSecure |
Base implemention for shims against secure Hadoop 0.20.3/0.23.
HadoopShimsSecure.CombineFileInputFormatShim<K,V> | |
HadoopShimsSecure.CombineFileRecordReader<K,V> | |
HadoopShimsSecure.InputSplitShim | |
HiveEventCounter | |
HiveHarFileSystem |
HiveHarFileSystem - fixes issues with Hadoop's HarFileSystem
Jetty20SShims | |
Jetty23Shims |
MiniSparkOnYARNCluster |
This should be a very thin wrapper of MiniYARNCluster, which helps to build a embedded YARN
cluster for Spark.
ShimLoader |
Utils |
Enum | Description |
HadoopShims.DirectCompressionType | |
HadoopShims.HCatHadoopShims.PropertyName | |
HadoopShims.JobTrackerState | |
HadoopShims.StoragePolicyValue |
Create a shim for DFS storage policy.
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