Interface | Description |
BigTableSelectorForAutoSMJ | |
Transform |
Optimizer interface.
Class | Description |
AbstractBucketJoinProc |
this transformation does bucket map join optimization.
AbstractSMBJoinProc | |
AvgPartitionSizeBasedBigTableSelectorForAutoSMJ | |
BucketingSortingReduceSinkOptimizer |
This transformation does optimization for enforcing bucketing and sorting.
BucketJoinProcCtx | |
BucketMapJoinOptimizer |
this transformation does bucket map join optimization.
BucketMapjoinProc | |
ColumnPruner |
Implementation of one of the rule-based optimization steps.
ColumnPruner.ColumnPrunerWalker |
Walks the op tree in post order fashion (skips selects with file sink or
script op children).
ColumnPrunerProcCtx |
This class implements the processor context for Column Pruner.
ColumnPrunerProcFactory |
Factory for generating the different node processors used by ColumnPruner.
ColumnPrunerProcFactory.ColumnPrunerDefaultProc |
The Default Node Processor for Column Pruning.
ColumnPrunerProcFactory.ColumnPrunerFilterProc |
Node Processor for Column Pruning on Filter Operators.
ColumnPrunerProcFactory.ColumnPrunerGroupByProc |
Node Processor for Column Pruning on Group By Operators.
ColumnPrunerProcFactory.ColumnPrunerJoinProc |
The Node Processor for Column Pruning on Join Operators.
ColumnPrunerProcFactory.ColumnPrunerLateralViewForwardProc |
The Node Processor for Column Pruning on Lateral View Forward Operators.
ColumnPrunerProcFactory.ColumnPrunerLateralViewJoinProc |
The Node Processor for Column Pruning on Lateral View Join Operators.
ColumnPrunerProcFactory.ColumnPrunerLimitProc | |
ColumnPrunerProcFactory.ColumnPrunerMapJoinProc |
The Node Processor for Column Pruning on Map Join Operators.
ColumnPrunerProcFactory.ColumnPrunerPTFProc |
- Pruning can only be done for Windowing.
ColumnPrunerProcFactory.ColumnPrunerReduceSinkProc |
The Node Processor for Column Pruning on Reduce Sink Operators.
ColumnPrunerProcFactory.ColumnPrunerScriptProc | |
ColumnPrunerProcFactory.ColumnPrunerSelectProc |
The Node Processor for Column Pruning on Select Operators.
ColumnPrunerProcFactory.ColumnPrunerTableScanProc |
The Node Processor for Column Pruning on Table Scan Operators.
ConstantPropagate |
Implementation of one of the rule-based optimization steps.
ConstantPropagate.ConstantPropagateWalker |
Walks the op tree in root first order.
ConstantPropagateProcCtx |
This class implements the processor context for Constant Propagate.
ConstantPropagateProcFactory |
Factory for generating the different node processors used by ConstantPropagate.
ConstantPropagateProcFactory.ConstantPropagateDefaultProc |
The Default Node Processor for Constant Propagation.
ConstantPropagateProcFactory.ConstantPropagateFileSinkProc |
The Node Processor for constant propagation for FileSink Operators.
ConstantPropagateProcFactory.ConstantPropagateFilterProc |
Node Processor for Constant Propagation on Filter Operators.
ConstantPropagateProcFactory.ConstantPropagateGroupByProc |
Node Processor for Constant Propagate for Group By Operators.
ConstantPropagateProcFactory.ConstantPropagateJoinProc |
The Node Processor for Constant Propagation for Join Operators.
ConstantPropagateProcFactory.ConstantPropagateReduceSinkProc |
The Node Processor for Constant Propagation for ReduceSink Operators.
ConstantPropagateProcFactory.ConstantPropagateSelectProc |
The Node Processor for Constant Propagation for Select Operators.
ConstantPropagateProcFactory.ConstantPropagateStopProc |
The Node Processor for Constant Propagation for Operators which is designed to stop propagate.
ConstantPropagateProcFactory.ConstantPropagateTableScanProc |
The Node Processor for Constant Propagation for Table Scan Operators.
ConvertJoinMapJoin |
ConvertJoinMapJoin is an optimization that replaces a common join
(aka shuffle join) with a map join (aka broadcast or fragment replicate
join when possible.
DynamicPartitionPruningOptimization |
This optimization looks for expressions of the kind "x IN (RS[n])".
DynamicPartitionPruningOptimization.DynamicPartitionPrunerProc | |
GenMapRedUtils |
General utility common functions for the Processor to convert operator into
map-reduce tasks.
GenMRFileSink1 |
Processor for the rule - table scan followed by reduce sink.
GenMROperator |
Processor for the rule - no specific rule fired.
GenMRProcContext |
Processor Context for creating map reduce task.
GenMRProcContext.GenMapRedCtx |
GenMapRedCtx is used to keep track of the current state.
GenMRProcContext.GenMRUnionCtx |
GenMRRedSink1 |
Processor for the rule - table scan followed by reduce sink.
GenMRRedSink2 |
Processor for the rule - reduce sink followed by reduce sink.
GenMRRedSink3 |
Processor for the rule - union followed by reduce sink.
GenMRTableScan1 |
Processor for the rule - table scan.
GenMRUnion1 |
Processor for the rule - TableScan followed by Union.
GlobalLimitOptimizer |
This optimizer is used to reduce the input size for the query for queries which are
specifying a limit.
GroupByOptimizer |
This transformation does group by optimization.
IdentityProjectRemover |
This optimization tries to remove
SelectOperator from tree which don't do any
processing except forwarding columns from its parent to its children. |
IndexUtils |
Utility class for index support.
JoinReorder |
Implementation of rule-based join table reordering optimization.
LeftmostBigTableSelectorForAutoSMJ | |
LimitPushdownOptimizer |
Make RS calculate top-K selection for limit clause.
MapJoinFactory |
Operator factory for MapJoin processing.
MapJoinProcessor |
Implementation of one of the rule-based map join optimization.
MapJoinProcessor.CurrentMapJoin |
MapJoinProcessor.Default |
MapJoinProcessor.MapJoinDefault |
MapJoinProcessor.MapJoinFS |
MapJoinProcessor.MapJoinWalkerCtx |
MergeJoinProc | |
NonBlockingOpDeDupProc |
merges SEL-SEL or FIL-FIL into single operator
Optimizer |
Implementation of the optimizer.
PrunerExpressionOperatorFactory |
Expression processor factory for pruning.
PrunerExpressionOperatorFactory.ColumnExprProcessor |
Processor for column expressions.
PrunerExpressionOperatorFactory.DefaultExprProcessor |
Processor for constants and null expressions.
PrunerExpressionOperatorFactory.FieldExprProcessor |
PrunerExpressionOperatorFactory.GenericFuncExprProcessor |
If all children are candidates and refer only to one table alias then this
expr is a candidate else it is not a candidate but its children could be
final candidates.
PrunerOperatorFactory |
Operator factory for pruning processing of operator graph We find
all the filter operators that appear just beneath the table scan operators.
PrunerOperatorFactory.DefaultPruner |
Default processor which just merges its children.
PrunerOperatorFactory.FilterPruner |
Determines the partition pruner for the filter.
PrunerUtils |
General utility common functions for the Pruner to do optimization.
ReduceSinkMapJoinProc | |
RemoveDynamicPruningBySize |
If we expect the number of keys for dynamic pruning to be too large we
disable it.
SamplePruner |
The transformation step that does sample pruning.
SamplePruner.AddPathReturnStatus |
Class used for return value of addPath()
SamplePruner.DefaultPPR |
DefaultPPR default processor which does nothing.
SamplePruner.FilterPPR |
FilterPPR filter processor.
SamplePruner.SamplePrunerCtx |
SetReducerParallelism |
SetReducerParallelism determines how many reducers should
be run for a given reduce sink.
SimpleFetchAggregation | |
SimpleFetchOptimizer |
Tries to convert simple fetch query to single fetch task, which fetches rows directly
from location of table/partition.
SizeBasedBigTableSelectorForAutoSMJ | |
SkewJoinOptimizer |
SkewJoinOptimizer.SkewJoinOptProcCtx |
SkewJoinOptimizer.SkewJoinProc | |
SortBucketJoinProcCtx | |
SortedDynPartitionOptimizer |
When dynamic partitioning (with or without bucketing and sorting) is enabled, this optimization
sorts the records on partition, bucket and sort columns respectively before inserting records
into the destination table.
SortedMergeBucketMapJoinOptimizer | |
SortedMergeBucketMapjoinProc | |
SortedMergeJoinProc | |
SparkMapJoinProcessor | |
StatsOptimizer |
There is a set of queries which can be answered entirely from statistics stored in metastore.
TableSizeBasedBigTableSelectorForAutoSMJ | |
TezBucketJoinProcCtx |
Enum | Description |
ConstantPropagateProcCtx.ConstantPropagateOption | |
GroupByOptimizer.GroupByOptimizerSortMatch | |
SamplePruner.LimitPruneRetStatus |
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