public class Hive extends Object
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
alterDatabase(String dbName,
Database db) |
void |
alterFunction(String dbName,
String funcName,
Function newFunction) |
void |
alterIndex(String baseTableName,
String indexName,
Index newIdx) |
void |
alterIndex(String dbName,
String baseTblName,
String idxName,
Index newIdx)
Updates the existing index metadata with the new metadata.
void |
alterPartition(String tblName,
Partition newPart)
Updates the existing partition metadata with the new metadata.
void |
alterPartition(String dbName,
String tblName,
Partition newPart)
Updates the existing partition metadata with the new metadata.
void |
alterPartitions(String tblName,
List<Partition> newParts)
Updates the existing table metadata with the new metadata.
void |
alterTable(String tblName,
Table newTbl)
Updates the existing table metadata with the new metadata.
void |
alterTable(String tblName,
Table newTbl,
boolean cascade) |
void |
cancelDelegationToken(String tokenStrForm) |
void |
clearMetaCallTiming() |
static void |
closeCurrent() |
void |
compact(String dbname,
String tableName,
String partName,
String compactType)
Enqueue a compaction request.
protected static void |
copyFiles(HiveConf conf,
org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path srcf,
org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path destf,
org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem fs,
boolean isSrcLocal,
boolean isAcid,
List<org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path> newFiles)
Copy files.
void |
createDatabase(Database db)
Create a Database.
void |
createDatabase(Database db,
boolean ifNotExist)
Create a database
void |
createFunction(Function func) |
void |
createIndex(String tableName,
String indexName,
String indexHandlerClass,
List<String> indexedCols,
String indexTblName,
boolean deferredRebuild,
String inputFormat,
String outputFormat,
String serde,
String storageHandler,
String location,
Map<String,String> idxProps,
Map<String,String> tblProps,
Map<String,String> serdeProps,
String collItemDelim,
String fieldDelim,
String fieldEscape,
String lineDelim,
String mapKeyDelim,
String indexComment) |
Partition |
createPartition(Table tbl,
Map<String,String> partSpec)
Creates a partition.
List<Partition> |
createPartitions(AddPartitionDesc addPartitionDesc) |
void |
createRole(String roleName,
String ownerName) |
void |
createTable(String tableName,
List<String> columns,
List<String> partCols,
Class<? extends org.apache.hadoop.mapred.InputFormat> fileInputFormat,
Class<?> fileOutputFormat)
Creates a table metadata and the directory for the table data
void |
createTable(String tableName,
List<String> columns,
List<String> partCols,
Class<? extends org.apache.hadoop.mapred.InputFormat> fileInputFormat,
Class<?> fileOutputFormat,
int bucketCount,
List<String> bucketCols)
Creates a table metadata and the directory for the table data
void |
createTable(String tableName,
List<String> columns,
List<String> partCols,
Class<? extends org.apache.hadoop.mapred.InputFormat> fileInputFormat,
Class<?> fileOutputFormat,
int bucketCount,
List<String> bucketCols,
Map<String,String> parameters)
Create a table metadata and the directory for the table data
void |
createTable(Table tbl)
Creates the table with the give objects
void |
createTable(Table tbl,
boolean ifNotExists)
Creates the table with the give objects
boolean |
databaseExists(String dbName)
Query metadata to see if a database with the given name already exists.
boolean |
deletePartitionColumnStatistics(String dbName,
String tableName,
String partName,
String colName) |
boolean |
deleteTableColumnStatistics(String dbName,
String tableName,
String colName) |
void |
dropDatabase(String name)
Drop a database.
void |
dropDatabase(String name,
boolean deleteData,
boolean ignoreUnknownDb)
Drop a database
void |
dropDatabase(String name,
boolean deleteData,
boolean ignoreUnknownDb,
boolean cascade)
Drop a database
void |
dropFunction(String dbName,
String funcName) |
boolean |
dropIndex(String baseTableName,
String index_name,
boolean throwException,
boolean deleteData) |
boolean |
dropIndex(String db_name,
String tbl_name,
String index_name,
boolean throwException,
boolean deleteData) |
boolean |
dropPartition(String tblName,
List<String> part_vals,
boolean deleteData) |
boolean |
dropPartition(String db_name,
String tbl_name,
List<String> part_vals,
boolean deleteData) |
boolean |
dropPartition(String dbName,
String tableName,
List<String> partVals,
PartitionDropOptions options) |
List<Partition> |
dropPartitions(String tblName,
List<DropTableDesc.PartSpec> partSpecs,
boolean deleteData,
boolean ignoreProtection,
boolean ifExists) |
List<Partition> |
dropPartitions(String tblName,
List<DropTableDesc.PartSpec> partSpecs,
PartitionDropOptions dropOptions) |
List<Partition> |
dropPartitions(String dbName,
String tblName,
List<DropTableDesc.PartSpec> partSpecs,
boolean deleteData,
boolean ignoreProtection,
boolean ifExists) |
List<Partition> |
dropPartitions(String dbName,
String tblName,
List<DropTableDesc.PartSpec> partSpecs,
PartitionDropOptions dropOptions) |
void |
dropRole(String roleName) |
void |
dropTable(String tableName)
Drops table along with the data in it.
void |
dropTable(String tableName,
boolean ifPurge)
Drops table along with the data in it.
void |
dropTable(String dbName,
String tableName)
Drops table along with the data in it.
void |
dropTable(String dbName,
String tableName,
boolean deleteData,
boolean ignoreUnknownTab)
Drops the table.
void |
dropTable(String dbName,
String tableName,
boolean deleteData,
boolean ignoreUnknownTab,
boolean ifPurge)
Drops the table.
void |
dumpAndClearMetaCallTiming(String phase) |
void |
exchangeTablePartitions(Map<String,String> partitionSpecs,
String sourceDb,
String sourceTable,
String destDb,
String destinationTableName) |
PrincipalPrivilegeSet |
get_privilege_set(HiveObjectType objectType,
String db_name,
String table_name,
List<String> part_values,
String column_name,
String user_name,
List<String> group_names) |
static Hive |
get() |
static Hive |
get(org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration c,
Class<?> clazz) |
static Hive |
get(HiveConf c)
Gets hive object for the current thread.
static Hive |
get(HiveConf c,
boolean needsRefresh)
get a connection to metastore.
AggrStats |
getAggrColStatsFor(String dbName,
String tblName,
List<String> colNames,
List<String> partName) |
List<String> |
Get all existing database names.
Set<Partition> |
getAllPartitionsOf(Table tbl)
Get all the partitions; unlike
getPartitions(Table) , does not include auth. |
List<String> |
Get all existing role names.
List<String> |
Get all table names for the current database.
List<String> |
getAllTables(String dbName)
Get all table names for the specified database.
HiveConf |
getConf() |
Database |
getDatabase(String dbName)
Get the database by name.
Database |
Get the Database object for current database
List<String> |
getDatabasesByPattern(String databasePattern)
Get all existing databases that match the given
String |
getDelegationToken(String owner,
String renewer) |
static List<FieldSchema> |
getFieldsFromDeserializer(String name,
Deserializer serde) |
Function |
getFunction(String dbName,
String funcName) |
List<String> |
getFunctions(String dbName,
String pattern) |
Index |
getIndex(String baseTableName,
String indexName) |
Index |
getIndex(String dbName,
String baseTableName,
String indexName) |
List<Index> |
getIndexes(String dbName,
String tblName,
short max) |
String |
getMetaConf(String propName) |
IMetaStoreClient |
getMSC() |
Partition |
getPartition(Table tbl,
Map<String,String> partSpec,
boolean forceCreate) |
Partition |
getPartition(Table tbl,
Map<String,String> partSpec,
boolean forceCreate,
String partPath,
boolean inheritTableSpecs)
Returns partition metadata
Partition |
getPartition(Table tbl,
Map<String,String> partSpec,
boolean forceCreate,
String partPath,
boolean inheritTableSpecs,
List<org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path> newFiles)
Returns partition metadata
Map<String,List<ColumnStatisticsObj>> |
getPartitionColumnStatistics(String dbName,
String tableName,
List<String> partNames,
List<String> colNames) |
List<String> |
getPartitionNames(String tblName,
short max) |
List<String> |
getPartitionNames(String dbName,
String tblName,
Map<String,String> partSpec,
short max) |
List<String> |
getPartitionNames(String dbName,
String tblName,
short max) |
List<Partition> |
getPartitions(Table tbl)
get all the partitions that the table has
List<Partition> |
getPartitions(Table tbl,
Map<String,String> partialPartSpec)
get all the partitions of the table that matches the given partial
List<Partition> |
getPartitions(Table tbl,
Map<String,String> partialPartSpec,
short limit)
get all the partitions of the table that matches the given partial
boolean |
getPartitionsByExpr(Table tbl,
ExprNodeGenericFuncDesc expr,
HiveConf conf,
List<Partition> result)
Get a list of Partitions by expr.
List<Partition> |
getPartitionsByFilter(Table tbl,
String filter)
Get a list of Partitions by filter.
List<Partition> |
getPartitionsByNames(Table tbl,
List<String> partNames)
Get all partitions of the table that matches the list of given partition names.
List<Partition> |
getPartitionsByNames(Table tbl,
Map<String,String> partialPartSpec)
get all the partitions of the table that matches the given partial
List<RolePrincipalGrant> |
getRoleGrantInfoForPrincipal(String principalName,
PrincipalType principalType) |
Table |
getTable(String tableName)
Returns metadata for the table named tableName
Table |
getTable(String tableName,
boolean throwException)
Returns metadata for the table named tableName
Table |
getTable(String dbName,
String tableName)
Returns metadata of the table
Table |
getTable(String dbName,
String tableName,
boolean throwException)
Returns metadata of the table
List<ColumnStatisticsObj> |
getTableColumnStatistics(String dbName,
String tableName,
List<String> colNames) |
List<String> |
getTablesByPattern(String tablePattern)
Returns all existing tables from default database which match the given
List<String> |
getTablesByPattern(String dbName,
String tablePattern)
Returns all existing tables from the specified database which match the given
List<String> |
getTablesForDb(String database,
String tablePattern)
Returns all existing tables from the given database which match the given
boolean |
grantPrivileges(PrivilegeBag privileges) |
boolean |
grantRole(String roleName,
String userName,
PrincipalType principalType,
String grantor,
PrincipalType grantorType,
boolean grantOption) |
static boolean |
isHadoop1() |
List<Role> |
listRoles(String userName,
PrincipalType principalType) |
Map<Map<String,String>,Partition> |
loadDynamicPartitions(org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path loadPath,
String tableName,
Map<String,String> partSpec,
boolean replace,
int numDP,
boolean holdDDLTime,
boolean listBucketingEnabled,
boolean isAcid,
long txnId)
Given a source directory name of the load path, load all dynamically generated partitions
into the specified table and return a list of strings that represent the dynamic partition
void |
loadPartition(org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path loadPath,
String tableName,
Map<String,String> partSpec,
boolean replace,
boolean holdDDLTime,
boolean inheritTableSpecs,
boolean isSkewedStoreAsSubdir,
boolean isSrcLocal,
boolean isAcid) |
Partition |
loadPartition(org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path loadPath,
Table tbl,
Map<String,String> partSpec,
boolean replace,
boolean holdDDLTime,
boolean inheritTableSpecs,
boolean isSkewedStoreAsSubdir,
boolean isSrcLocal,
boolean isAcid)
Load a directory into a Hive Table Partition - Alters existing content of
the partition with the contents of loadPath.
void |
loadTable(org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path loadPath,
String tableName,
boolean replace,
boolean holdDDLTime,
boolean isSrcLocal,
boolean isSkewedStoreAsSubdir,
boolean isAcid)
Load a directory into a Hive Table.
static boolean |
moveFile(HiveConf conf,
org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path srcf,
org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path destf,
org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem fs,
boolean replace,
boolean isSrcLocal) |
Table |
newTable(String tableName) |
static void |
reloadFunctions() |
void |
renamePartition(Table tbl,
Map<String,String> oldPartSpec,
Partition newPart)
Rename a old partition to new partition
protected static void |
replaceFiles(org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path tablePath,
org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path srcf,
org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path destf,
org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path oldPath,
HiveConf conf,
boolean isSrcLocal)
Replaces files in the partition with new data set specified by srcf.
boolean |
revokePrivileges(PrivilegeBag privileges,
boolean grantOption) |
boolean |
revokeRole(String roleName,
String userName,
PrincipalType principalType,
boolean grantOption) |
static void |
set(Hive hive) |
void |
setMetaConf(String propName,
String propValue) |
boolean |
setPartitionColumnStatistics(SetPartitionsStatsRequest request) |
ShowCompactResponse |
showCompactions() |
List<HiveObjectPrivilege> |
showPrivilegeGrant(HiveObjectType objectType,
String principalName,
PrincipalType principalType,
String dbName,
String tableName,
List<String> partValues,
String columnName) |
GetOpenTxnsInfoResponse |
showTransactions() |
boolean |
updatePartitionColumnStatistics(ColumnStatistics statsObj) |
boolean |
updateTableColumnStatistics(ColumnStatistics statsObj) |
void |
validatePartitionNameCharacters(List<String> partVals) |
public static void reloadFunctions() throws HiveException
public static Hive get(org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration c, Class<?> clazz) throws HiveException
public static Hive get(HiveConf c) throws HiveException
- new Hive ConfigurationHiveException
public static Hive get(HiveConf c, boolean needsRefresh) throws HiveException
- new confneedsRefresh
- if true then creates a new oneHiveException
public static Hive get() throws HiveException
public static void set(Hive hive)
public static void closeCurrent()
public void createDatabase(Database db, boolean ifNotExist) throws AlreadyExistsException, HiveException
- ifNotExist
- if true, will ignore AlreadyExistsException exceptionAlreadyExistsException
public void createDatabase(Database db) throws AlreadyExistsException, HiveException
- AlreadyExistsException
public void dropDatabase(String name) throws HiveException, NoSuchObjectException
- NoSuchObjectException
public void dropDatabase(String name, boolean deleteData, boolean ignoreUnknownDb) throws HiveException, NoSuchObjectException
- deleteData
- ignoreUnknownDb
- if true, will ignore NoSuchObjectExceptionHiveException
public void dropDatabase(String name, boolean deleteData, boolean ignoreUnknownDb, boolean cascade) throws HiveException, NoSuchObjectException
- deleteData
- ignoreUnknownDb
- if true, will ignore NoSuchObjectExceptioncascade
- if true, delete all tables on the DB if exists. Otherwise, the query
will fail if table still exists.HiveException
public void createTable(String tableName, List<String> columns, List<String> partCols, Class<? extends org.apache.hadoop.mapred.InputFormat> fileInputFormat, Class<?> fileOutputFormat) throws HiveException
- name of the tablecolumns
- list of fields of the tablepartCols
- partition keys of the tablefileInputFormat
- Class of the input format of the table data filefileOutputFormat
- Class of the output format of the table data fileHiveException
- thrown if the args are invalid or if the metadata or the data
directory couldn't be createdpublic void createTable(String tableName, List<String> columns, List<String> partCols, Class<? extends org.apache.hadoop.mapred.InputFormat> fileInputFormat, Class<?> fileOutputFormat, int bucketCount, List<String> bucketCols) throws HiveException
- name of the tablecolumns
- list of fields of the tablepartCols
- partition keys of the tablefileInputFormat
- Class of the input format of the table data filefileOutputFormat
- Class of the output format of the table data filebucketCount
- number of buckets that each partition (or the table itself) should
be divided intoHiveException
- thrown if the args are invalid or if the metadata or the data
directory couldn't be createdpublic void createTable(String tableName, List<String> columns, List<String> partCols, Class<? extends org.apache.hadoop.mapred.InputFormat> fileInputFormat, Class<?> fileOutputFormat, int bucketCount, List<String> bucketCols, Map<String,String> parameters) throws HiveException
- table namecolumns
- list of fields of the tablepartCols
- partition keys of the tablefileInputFormat
- Class of the input format of the table data filefileOutputFormat
- Class of the output format of the table data filebucketCount
- number of buckets that each partition (or the table itself) should be
divided intobucketCols
- Bucket columnsparameters
- Parameters for the tableHiveException
public void alterTable(String tblName, Table newTbl) throws InvalidOperationException, HiveException
- name of the existing tablenewTbl
- new name of the table. could be the old nameInvalidOperationException
- if the changes in metadata is not acceptableorg.apache.thrift.TException
public void alterTable(String tblName, Table newTbl, boolean cascade) throws InvalidOperationException, HiveException
public void alterIndex(String baseTableName, String indexName, Index newIdx) throws InvalidOperationException, HiveException
public void alterIndex(String dbName, String baseTblName, String idxName, Index newIdx) throws InvalidOperationException, HiveException
- name of the existing indexnewIdx
- new name of the index. could be the old nameInvalidOperationException
- if the changes in metadata is not acceptableorg.apache.thrift.TException
public void alterPartition(String tblName, Partition newPart) throws InvalidOperationException, HiveException
- name of the existing tablenewPart
- new partitionInvalidOperationException
- if the changes in metadata is not acceptableorg.apache.thrift.TException
public void alterPartition(String dbName, String tblName, Partition newPart) throws InvalidOperationException, HiveException
- name of the exiting table's databasetblName
- name of the existing tablenewPart
- new partitionInvalidOperationException
- if the changes in metadata is not acceptableorg.apache.thrift.TException
public void alterPartitions(String tblName, List<Partition> newParts) throws InvalidOperationException, HiveException
- name of the existing tablenewParts
- new partitionsInvalidOperationException
- if the changes in metadata is not acceptableorg.apache.thrift.TException
public void renamePartition(Table tbl, Map<String,String> oldPartSpec, Partition newPart) throws HiveException
- existing tableoldPartSpec
- spec of old partitionnewPart
- new partitionInvalidOperationException
- if the changes in metadata is not acceptableorg.apache.thrift.TException
public void alterDatabase(String dbName, Database db) throws HiveException
public void createTable(Table tbl) throws HiveException
- a table objectHiveException
public void createTable(Table tbl, boolean ifNotExists) throws HiveException
- a table objectifNotExists
- if true, ignore AlreadyExistsExceptionHiveException
public void createIndex(String tableName, String indexName, String indexHandlerClass, List<String> indexedCols, String indexTblName, boolean deferredRebuild, String inputFormat, String outputFormat, String serde, String storageHandler, String location, Map<String,String> idxProps, Map<String,String> tblProps, Map<String,String> serdeProps, String collItemDelim, String fieldDelim, String fieldEscape, String lineDelim, String mapKeyDelim, String indexComment) throws HiveException
- table nameindexName
- index nameindexHandlerClass
- index handler classindexedCols
- index columnsindexTblName
- index table's namedeferredRebuild
- referred build index table's datainputFormat
- input formatoutputFormat
- output formatserde
- storageHandler
- index table's storage handlerlocation
- locationidxProps
- idxserdeProps
- serde propertiescollItemDelim
- fieldDelim
- fieldEscape
- lineDelim
- mapKeyDelim
- HiveException
public Index getIndex(String baseTableName, String indexName) throws HiveException
public Index getIndex(String dbName, String baseTableName, String indexName) throws HiveException
public boolean dropIndex(String baseTableName, String index_name, boolean throwException, boolean deleteData) throws HiveException
public boolean dropIndex(String db_name, String tbl_name, String index_name, boolean throwException, boolean deleteData) throws HiveException
public void dropTable(String tableName, boolean ifPurge) throws HiveException
- table to dropifPurge
- completely purge the table (skipping trash) while removing data from warehouseHiveException
- thrown if the drop failspublic void dropTable(String tableName) throws HiveException
- table to dropHiveException
- thrown if the drop failspublic void dropTable(String dbName, String tableName) throws HiveException
- database where the table livestableName
- table to dropHiveException
- thrown if the drop failspublic void dropTable(String dbName, String tableName, boolean deleteData, boolean ignoreUnknownTab) throws HiveException
- tableName
- deleteData
- deletes the underlying data along with metadataignoreUnknownTab
- an exception is thrown if this is false and the table doesn't existHiveException
public void dropTable(String dbName, String tableName, boolean deleteData, boolean ignoreUnknownTab, boolean ifPurge) throws HiveException
- tableName
- deleteData
- deletes the underlying data along with metadataignoreUnknownTab
- an exception is thrown if this is false and the table doesn't existifPurge
- completely purge the table skipping trash while removing data from warehouseHiveException
public HiveConf getConf()
public Table getTable(String tableName) throws HiveException
- the name of the tableHiveException
- if there's an internal error or if the
table doesn't existpublic Table getTable(String tableName, boolean throwException) throws HiveException
- the name of the tablethrowException
- controls whether an exception is thrown or a returns a nullHiveException
- if there's an internal error or if the
table doesn't existpublic Table getTable(String dbName, String tableName) throws HiveException
- the name of the databasetableName
- the name of the tableHiveException
- if there's an internal error or if the table doesn't existpublic Table getTable(String dbName, String tableName, boolean throwException) throws HiveException
- the name of the databasetableName
- the name of the tablethrowException
- controls whether an exception is thrown or a returns a nullHiveException
public List<String> getAllTables() throws HiveException
public List<String> getAllTables(String dbName) throws HiveException
- HiveException
public List<String> getTablesByPattern(String tablePattern) throws HiveException
- java re patternHiveException
public List<String> getTablesByPattern(String dbName, String tablePattern) throws HiveException
- tablePattern
- HiveException
public List<String> getTablesForDb(String database, String tablePattern) throws HiveException
- the database nametablePattern
- java re patternHiveException
public List<String> getAllDatabases() throws HiveException
public List<String> getDatabasesByPattern(String databasePattern) throws HiveException
- java re patternHiveException
public boolean grantPrivileges(PrivilegeBag privileges) throws HiveException
public boolean revokePrivileges(PrivilegeBag privileges, boolean grantOption) throws HiveException
- a bag of privilegesHiveException
public boolean databaseExists(String dbName) throws HiveException
- HiveException
public Database getDatabase(String dbName) throws HiveException
- the name of the database.HiveException
public Database getDatabaseCurrent() throws HiveException
public void loadPartition(org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path loadPath, String tableName, Map<String,String> partSpec, boolean replace, boolean holdDDLTime, boolean inheritTableSpecs, boolean isSkewedStoreAsSubdir, boolean isSrcLocal, boolean isAcid) throws HiveException
public Partition loadPartition(org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path loadPath, Table tbl, Map<String,String> partSpec, boolean replace, boolean holdDDLTime, boolean inheritTableSpecs, boolean isSkewedStoreAsSubdir, boolean isSrcLocal, boolean isAcid) throws HiveException
- Directory containing files to load into Tabletbl
- name of table to be loaded.partSpec
- defines which partition needs to be loadedreplace
- if true - replace files in the partition, otherwise add files to
the partitionholdDDLTime
- if true, force [re]create the partitioninheritTableSpecs
- if true, on [re]creating the partition, take the
location/inputformat/outputformat/serde details from table specisSrcLocal
- If the source directory is LOCALisAcid
- true if this is an ACID operationHiveException
public Map<Map<String,String>,Partition> loadDynamicPartitions(org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path loadPath, String tableName, Map<String,String> partSpec, boolean replace, int numDP, boolean holdDDLTime, boolean listBucketingEnabled, boolean isAcid, long txnId) throws HiveException
- tableName
- partSpec
- replace
- numDP
- number of dynamic partitionsholdDDLTime
- listBucketingEnabled
- isAcid
- true if this is an ACID operationtxnId
- txnId, can be 0 unless isAcid == trueHiveException
public void loadTable(org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path loadPath, String tableName, boolean replace, boolean holdDDLTime, boolean isSrcLocal, boolean isSkewedStoreAsSubdir, boolean isAcid) throws HiveException
- Directory containing files to load into TabletableName
- name of table to be loaded.replace
- if true - replace files in the table, otherwise add files to tableholdDDLTime
- isSrcLocal
- If the source directory is LOCALisSkewedStoreAsSubdir
- if list bucketing enabledisAcid
- true if this is an ACID based writeHiveException
public Partition createPartition(Table tbl, Map<String,String> partSpec) throws HiveException
- table for which partition needs to be createdpartSpec
- partition keys and their valuesHiveException
- if table doesn't exist or partition already existspublic List<Partition> createPartitions(AddPartitionDesc addPartitionDesc) throws HiveException
public Partition getPartition(Table tbl, Map<String,String> partSpec, boolean forceCreate) throws HiveException
public Partition getPartition(Table tbl, Map<String,String> partSpec, boolean forceCreate, String partPath, boolean inheritTableSpecs) throws HiveException
- the partition's tablepartSpec
- partition keys and valuesforceCreate
- if this is true and partition doesn't exist then a partition is
- the path where the partition data is locatedinheritTableSpecs
- whether to copy over the table specs for if/of/serdeHiveException
public Partition getPartition(Table tbl, Map<String,String> partSpec, boolean forceCreate, String partPath, boolean inheritTableSpecs, List<org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path> newFiles) throws HiveException
- the partition's tablepartSpec
- partition keys and valuesforceCreate
- if this is true and partition doesn't exist then a partition is
- the path where the partition data is locatedinheritTableSpecs
- whether to copy over the table specs for if/of/serdenewFiles
- An optional list of new files that were moved into this partition. If
non-null these will be included in the DML event sent to the metastore.HiveException
public boolean dropPartition(String tblName, List<String> part_vals, boolean deleteData) throws HiveException
public boolean dropPartition(String db_name, String tbl_name, List<String> part_vals, boolean deleteData) throws HiveException
public boolean dropPartition(String dbName, String tableName, List<String> partVals, PartitionDropOptions options) throws HiveException
public List<Partition> dropPartitions(String tblName, List<DropTableDesc.PartSpec> partSpecs, boolean deleteData, boolean ignoreProtection, boolean ifExists) throws HiveException
public List<Partition> dropPartitions(String dbName, String tblName, List<DropTableDesc.PartSpec> partSpecs, boolean deleteData, boolean ignoreProtection, boolean ifExists) throws HiveException
public List<Partition> dropPartitions(String tblName, List<DropTableDesc.PartSpec> partSpecs, PartitionDropOptions dropOptions) throws HiveException
public List<Partition> dropPartitions(String dbName, String tblName, List<DropTableDesc.PartSpec> partSpecs, PartitionDropOptions dropOptions) throws HiveException
public List<String> getPartitionNames(String tblName, short max) throws HiveException
public List<String> getPartitionNames(String dbName, String tblName, short max) throws HiveException
public List<String> getPartitionNames(String dbName, String tblName, Map<String,String> partSpec, short max) throws HiveException
public List<Partition> getPartitions(Table tbl) throws HiveException
- object for which partition is neededHiveException
public Set<Partition> getAllPartitionsOf(Table tbl) throws HiveException
, does not include auth.tbl
- table for which partitions are neededHiveException
public List<Partition> getPartitions(Table tbl, Map<String,String> partialPartSpec, short limit) throws HiveException
- object for which partition is needed. Must be partitioned.limit
- number of partitions to returnHiveException
public List<Partition> getPartitions(Table tbl, Map<String,String> partialPartSpec) throws HiveException
- object for which partition is needed. Must be partitioned.HiveException
public List<Partition> getPartitionsByNames(Table tbl, Map<String,String> partialPartSpec) throws HiveException
- object for which partition is needed. Must be partitioned.partialPartSpec
- partial partition specification (some subpartitions can be empty).HiveException
public List<Partition> getPartitionsByNames(Table tbl, List<String> partNames) throws HiveException
- object for which partition is needed. Must be partitioned.partNames
- list of partition namesHiveException
public List<Partition> getPartitionsByFilter(Table tbl, String filter) throws HiveException, MetaException, NoSuchObjectException, org.apache.thrift.TException
- The table containing the partitions.filter
- A string represent partition predicates.HiveException
public boolean getPartitionsByExpr(Table tbl, ExprNodeGenericFuncDesc expr, HiveConf conf, List<Partition> result) throws HiveException, org.apache.thrift.TException
- The table containing the partitions.expr
- A serialized expression for partition predicates.conf
- Hive config.result
- the resulting list of partitionsHiveException
public void validatePartitionNameCharacters(List<String> partVals) throws HiveException
public void createRole(String roleName, String ownerName) throws HiveException
public void dropRole(String roleName) throws HiveException
public List<String> getAllRoleNames() throws HiveException
public List<RolePrincipalGrant> getRoleGrantInfoForPrincipal(String principalName, PrincipalType principalType) throws HiveException
public boolean grantRole(String roleName, String userName, PrincipalType principalType, String grantor, PrincipalType grantorType, boolean grantOption) throws HiveException
public boolean revokeRole(String roleName, String userName, PrincipalType principalType, boolean grantOption) throws HiveException
public List<Role> listRoles(String userName, PrincipalType principalType) throws HiveException
public PrincipalPrivilegeSet get_privilege_set(HiveObjectType objectType, String db_name, String table_name, List<String> part_values, String column_name, String user_name, List<String> group_names) throws HiveException
- hive object typedb_name
- database nametable_name
- table namepart_values
- partition valuescolumn_name
- column nameuser_name
- user namegroup_names
- group namesHiveException
public List<HiveObjectPrivilege> showPrivilegeGrant(HiveObjectType objectType, String principalName, PrincipalType principalType, String dbName, String tableName, List<String> partValues, String columnName) throws HiveException
- hive object typeprincipalName
- principalType
- dbName
- tableName
- partValues
- columnName
- HiveException
public static boolean moveFile(HiveConf conf, org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path srcf, org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path destf, org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem fs, boolean replace, boolean isSrcLocal) throws HiveException
protected static void copyFiles(HiveConf conf, org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path srcf, org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path destf, org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem fs, boolean isSrcLocal, boolean isAcid, List<org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path> newFiles) throws HiveException
- Configuration objectsrcf
- source directory, if bucketed should contain bucket filesdestf
- directory to move files intofs
- FilesystemisSrcLocal
- true if source is on local file systemisAcid
- true if this is an ACID based writenewFiles
- if this is non-null, a list of files that were created as a result of this
move will be returned.HiveException
protected static void replaceFiles(org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path tablePath, org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path srcf, org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path destf, org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path oldPath, HiveConf conf, boolean isSrcLocal) throws HiveException
- path of the table. Used to identify permission inheritance.srcf
- Source directory to be renamed to tmppath. It should be a
leaf directory where the final data files reside. However it
could potentially contain subdirectories as well.destf
- The directory where the final data needs to gooldPath
- The directory where the old data location, need to be cleaned up. Most of time, will be the same
as destf, unless its across FileSystem boundaries.isSrcLocal
- If the source directory is LOCALHiveException
public static boolean isHadoop1()
public void exchangeTablePartitions(Map<String,String> partitionSpecs, String sourceDb, String sourceTable, String destDb, String destinationTableName) throws HiveException
@InterfaceAudience.LimitedPrivate(value="Hive") @InterfaceStability.Unstable public IMetaStoreClient getMSC() throws MetaException
public static List<FieldSchema> getFieldsFromDeserializer(String name, Deserializer serde) throws HiveException
public List<Index> getIndexes(String dbName, String tblName, short max) throws HiveException
public boolean updateTableColumnStatistics(ColumnStatistics statsObj) throws HiveException
public boolean updatePartitionColumnStatistics(ColumnStatistics statsObj) throws HiveException
public boolean setPartitionColumnStatistics(SetPartitionsStatsRequest request) throws HiveException
public List<ColumnStatisticsObj> getTableColumnStatistics(String dbName, String tableName, List<String> colNames) throws HiveException
public Map<String,List<ColumnStatisticsObj>> getPartitionColumnStatistics(String dbName, String tableName, List<String> partNames, List<String> colNames) throws HiveException
public AggrStats getAggrColStatsFor(String dbName, String tblName, List<String> colNames, List<String> partName)
public boolean deleteTableColumnStatistics(String dbName, String tableName, String colName) throws HiveException
public boolean deletePartitionColumnStatistics(String dbName, String tableName, String partName, String colName) throws HiveException
public Table newTable(String tableName) throws HiveException
public String getDelegationToken(String owner, String renewer) throws HiveException
public void cancelDelegationToken(String tokenStrForm) throws HiveException
public void compact(String dbname, String tableName, String partName, String compactType) throws HiveException
- name of the database, if null default will be used.tableName
- name of the table, cannot be nullpartName
- name of the partition, if null table will be compacted (valid only for
non-partitioned tables).compactType
- major or minorHiveException
public ShowCompactResponse showCompactions() throws HiveException
public GetOpenTxnsInfoResponse showTransactions() throws HiveException
public void createFunction(Function func) throws HiveException
public void alterFunction(String dbName, String funcName, Function newFunction) throws HiveException
public void dropFunction(String dbName, String funcName) throws HiveException
public Function getFunction(String dbName, String funcName) throws HiveException
public List<String> getFunctions(String dbName, String pattern) throws HiveException
public void setMetaConf(String propName, String propValue) throws HiveException
public String getMetaConf(String propName) throws HiveException
public void clearMetaCallTiming()
public void dumpAndClearMetaCallTiming(String phase)
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