See: Description
Interface | Description |
BucketMatcher | |
FetchFormatter<T> |
internal-use only
Used in ListSinkOperator for formatting final output
FileSinkOperator.RecordWriter |
HashTableLoader |
HashTableLoader is an interface used by MapJoinOperator used to load the hashtables
needed to process the join.
NodeUtils.Function<T> | |
ObjectCache |
Operator.OperatorFunc |
PTFPartition.PTFPartitionIterator<T> | |
RecordReader |
RecordWriter |
TopNHash.BinaryCollector |
For interaction between operator and top-n hash.
UDAFEvaluator |
Interface that encapsulates the evaluation logic of a UDAF.
UDAFEvaluatorResolver |
The UDF Method resolver interface.
UDFMethodResolver |
The UDF Method resolver interface.
Class | Description |
AbstractFileMergeOperator<T extends FileMergeDesc> |
Fast file merge operator for ORC and RCfile.
AbstractMapJoinOperator<T extends MapJoinDesc> | |
AppMasterEventOperator |
AppMasterEventOperator sends any rows it receives to the Tez AM.
ArchiveUtils |
ArchiveUtils.HarPathHelper |
HarPathHelper helps to create har:/ URIs for locations inside of archive.
ArchiveUtils.PartSpecInfo |
PartSpecInfo keeps fields and values extracted from partial partition info
which is prefix of the full info.
AutoProgressor |
AutoProgressor periodically sends updates to the job tracker so that it
doesn't consider this task attempt dead if there is a long period of
BinaryRecordReader |
Read from a binary stream and treat each 1000 bytes (configurable via
hive.binary.record.max.length) as a record.
ByteWritable | Deprecated |
ByteWritable.Comparator |
A Comparator optimized for BytesWritable.
CollectOperator |
Buffers rows emitted by other operators.
ColumnInfo |
Implementation for ColumnInfo which contains the internal name for the column
(the one that is used by the operator to access the column) and the type
(identified by a java class).
ColumnStatsTask |
ColumnStatsTask implementation.
ColumnStatsUpdateTask |
ColumnStatsUpdateTask implementation.
CommonJoinOperator<T extends JoinDesc> |
Join operator implementation.
CommonMergeJoinOperator | |
ComparisonOpMethodResolver |
The class implements the method resolution for operators like (> < <= >= =
ConditionalTask |
Conditional Task implementation.
CopyTask |
CopyTask implementation.
DDLTask |
DDLTask implementation.
DefaultBucketMatcher | |
DefaultFetchFormatter<T> |
serialize row by user specified serde and call toString() to make string type result
DefaultUDAFEvaluatorResolver |
The default UDAF Method resolver.
DefaultUDFMethodResolver |
The default UDF Method resolver.
DemuxOperator |
DemuxOperator is an operator used by MapReduce Jobs optimized by
DependencyCollectionTask |
DummyStoreOperator |
For SortMerge joins, this is a dummy operator, which stores the row for the
small table before it reaches the sort merge join operator.
ExplainSQRewriteTask | |
ExplainTask |
ExplainTask implementation.
ExprNodeColumnEvaluator |
This evaluator gets the column from the row object.
ExprNodeConstantEvaluator |
ExprNodeEvaluator<T extends ExprNodeDesc> |
ExprNodeEvaluatorFactory |
ExprNodeEvaluatorHead |
Increases version number of each evaluations for correct caching
ExprNodeEvaluatorRef |
Returns evaluation result of other evaluator
ExprNodeFieldEvaluator |
This Evaluator can evaluate s.f for s as both struct and list of struct.
ExprNodeGenericFuncEvaluator |
FetchFormatter.ThriftFormatter | |
FetchOperator |
FetchTask implementation.
FetchTask |
FetchTask implementation.
FileSinkOperator |
File Sink operator implementation.
FilterOperator |
Filter operator implementation.
FooterBuffer | |
ForwardOperator |
Forward Operator Just forwards.
FunctionInfo |
FunctionInfo.FunctionResource | |
FunctionRegistry |
FunctionTask |
FunctionUtils | |
GroupByOperator |
GroupBy operator implementation.
HashTableDummyOperator | |
HashTableSinkOperator | |
Heartbeater |
Class to handle heartbeats for MR and Tez tasks.
HiveTotalOrderPartitioner | |
JoinOperator |
Join operator implementation.
JoinUtil | |
KeyWrapper | |
KeyWrapperFactory | |
LateralViewForwardOperator |
LateralViewJoinOperator |
The lateral view join operator is used for FROM src LATERAL VIEW udtf()...
LimitOperator |
Limit operator implementation Limits the number of rows to be passed on.
ListSinkOperator |
For fetch task with operator tree, row read from FetchOperator is processed via operator tree
and finally arrives to this operator.
MapJoinOperator |
Map side Join operator implementation.
MapOperator |
Map operator.
MapOperator.MapOpCtx | |
MapredContext |
Runtime context of MapredTask providing additional information to GenericUDF
MoveTask |
MoveTask implementation.
MuxOperator |
MuxOperator is used in the Reduce side of MapReduce jobs optimized by Correlation Optimizer.
MuxOperator.Handler |
Handler is used to construct the key-value structure.
NodeUtils |
Simple node iterating utils
NumericOpMethodResolver |
The class implements the method resolution for operators like (+, -, *, %).
NumericUDAF |
Base class of numeric UDAFs like sum and avg which need a
NumericUDAFEvaluatorResolver |
Resolver for Numeric UDAFs like sum and avg.
ObjectCacheFactory |
ObjectCacheFactory returns the appropriate cache depending on settings in
the hive conf.
Operator<T extends OperatorDesc> |
Base operator implementation.
OperatorFactory |
OperatorUtils | |
OrcFileMergeOperator |
Fast file merge operator for ORC files.
PartitionKeySampler | |
PTFOperator | |
PTFPartition | |
PTFRollingPartition | |
PTFTopNHash | |
PTFUtils | |
PTFUtils.Predicate<T> | |
PTFUtils.ReverseIterator<T> | |
RCFileMergeOperator |
Fast file merge operator for RC files.
ReduceSinkOperator |
Reduce Sink Operator sends output to the reduce stage.
Registry | |
RowSchema |
RowSchema Implementation.
ScriptOperator |
SecureCmdDoAs |
SecureCmdDoAs - Helper class for setting parameters and env necessary for
being able to run child jvm as intended user.
SelectOperator |
Select operator implementation.
SkewJoinHandler |
At runtime in Join, we output big keys in one table into one corresponding
directories, and all same keys in other tables into different dirs(one for
each table).
SMBMapJoinOperator |
Sorted Merge Map Join Operator.
SparkHashTableSinkOperator | |
Stat | |
StatsNoJobTask |
StatsNoJobTask is used in cases where stats collection is the only task for the given query (no
parent MR or Tez job).
StatsTask |
StatsTask implementation.
TableScanOperator |
Table Scan Operator If the data is coming from the map-reduce framework, just
forward it.
Task<T extends Serializable> |
Task implementation.
TaskFactory |
TaskFactory implementation.
TaskFactory.TaskTuple<T extends Serializable> |
TaskHandle |
TaskResult |
TaskResult implementation.
TaskRunner |
TaskRunner implementation.
TemporaryHashSinkOperator | |
TerminalOperator<T extends OperatorDesc> |
Terminal Operator Base Class.
TextRecordReader |
TextRecordWriter |
TezDummyStoreOperator |
A dummy store operator same as the dummy store operator but for tez.
TopNHash |
Stores binary key/value in sorted manner to get top-n key/value
TODO: rename to TopNHeap?
UDAF | Deprecated
Either implement
GenericUDAFResolver2 or extend
AbstractGenericUDAFResolver instead. |
A User-defined function (UDF) for use with Hive.
UDTFOperator |
UnionOperator |
Union Operator Just forwards.
Utilities |
Utilities.CollectionPersistenceDelegate | |
Utilities.CommonTokenDelegate |
Need to serialize org.antlr.runtime.CommonToken
Utilities.DatePersistenceDelegate |
Utilities.EnumDelegate |
Java 1.5 workaround.
Utilities.ListDelegate | |
Utilities.MapDelegate | |
Utilities.PathDelegate | |
Utilities.SetDelegate | |
Utilities.SQLCommand<T> | |
Utilities.TimestampPersistenceDelegate |
WindowFunctionInfo |
Enum | Description |
FileSinkOperator.Counter |
FunctionInfo.FunctionType | |
FunctionUtils.FunctionType |
Function type, for permanent functions.
FunctionUtils.UDFClassType |
Enum type to describe what kind of UDF implementation class
JoinOperator.SkewkeyTableCounter |
JoinUtil.JoinResult |
Represents the join result between two tables
MapOperator.Counter |
Operator.State |
ReduceSinkOperator.Counter |
ScriptOperator.Counter |
Task.FeedType | |
Utilities.ReduceField |
KEY: record key
VALUE: record value
Utilities.StreamStatus |
Exception | Description |
AmbiguousMethodException |
Exception thrown by the UDF and UDAF method resolvers in case a unique method
is not found.
NoMatchingMethodException |
Exception thrown by the UDF and UDAF method resolvers in case no matching method
is found.
TaskExecutionException |
Exception thrown by any task processor to signal a problem with task
UDFArgumentException |
exception class, thrown when udf argument have something wrong.
UDFArgumentLengthException |
exception class, thrown when udf arguments have wrong length.
UDFArgumentTypeException |
exception class, thrown when udf arguments have wrong types.
Annotation Type | Description |
Description |
PartitionTableFunctionDescription | |
WindowFunctionDescription |
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