Uses of Class

Uses of Priority in org.apache.log4j

Subclasses of Priority in org.apache.log4j
 class Level
          Defines the minimum set of levels recognized by the system, that is OFF, FATAL, ERROR, WARN, INFODEBUG and ALL.

Fields in org.apache.log4j declared as Priority
static Priority Priority.DEBUG
          Deprecated. Use Level.DEBUG instead.
static Priority Priority.ERROR
          Deprecated. Use Level.ERROR instead.
static Priority Priority.FATAL
          Deprecated. Use Level.FATAL instead.
static Priority Priority.INFO
          Deprecated. Use Level.INFO instead.
protected  Priority AppenderSkeleton.threshold
          There is no level threshold filtering by default.
static Priority Priority.WARN
          Deprecated. Use Level.WARN instead.

Methods in org.apache.log4j that return Priority
static Priority[] Priority.getAllPossiblePriorities()
          Deprecated. This method will be removed with no replacement.
 Priority Category.getChainedPriority()
          Deprecated. Please use the the Category.getEffectiveLevel() method instead.
 Priority AppenderSkeleton.getThreshold()
          Returns this appenders threshold level.
static Priority Priority.toPriority(int val)
          Deprecated. Please use the Level.toLevel(int) method instead.
static Priority Priority.toPriority(int val, Priority defaultPriority)
          Deprecated. Please use the Level.toLevel(int, Level) method instead.
static Priority Priority.toPriority(java.lang.String sArg)
          Deprecated. Please use the Level.toLevel(String) method instead.
static Priority Priority.toPriority(java.lang.String sArg, Priority defaultPriority)
          Deprecated. Please use the Level.toLevel(String, Level) method instead.

Methods in org.apache.log4j with parameters of type Priority
protected  void Category.forcedLog(java.lang.String fqcn, Priority level, java.lang.Object message, java.lang.Throwable t)
          This method creates a new logging event and logs the event without further checks.
 boolean AppenderSkeleton.isAsSevereAsThreshold(Priority priority)
          Check whether the message level is below the appender's threshold.
 boolean Category.isEnabledFor(Priority level)
          Check whether this category is enabled for a given Level passed as parameter.
 boolean Priority.isGreaterOrEqual(Priority r)
          Returns true if this level has a higher or equal level than the level passed as argument, false otherwise.
 void Category.l7dlog(Priority priority, java.lang.String key, java.lang.Object[] params, java.lang.Throwable t)
          Log a localized and parameterized message.
 void Category.l7dlog(Priority priority, java.lang.String key, java.lang.Throwable t)
          Log a localized message.
 void Category.log(Priority priority, java.lang.Object message)
          This generic form is intended to be used by wrappers.
 void Category.log(Priority priority, java.lang.Object message, java.lang.Throwable t)
          This generic form is intended to be used by wrappers.
 void Category.log(java.lang.String callerFQCN, Priority level, java.lang.Object message, java.lang.Throwable t)
          This is the most generic printing method.
 void Category.setPriority(Priority priority)
          Deprecated. Please use Category.setLevel(org.apache.log4j.Level) instead.
 void AppenderSkeleton.setThreshold(Priority threshold)
          Set the threshold level.
static Priority Priority.toPriority(int val, Priority defaultPriority)
          Deprecated. Please use the Level.toLevel(int, Level) method instead.
static Priority Priority.toPriority(java.lang.String sArg, Priority defaultPriority)
          Deprecated. Please use the Level.toLevel(String, Level) method instead.

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