Uses of Class

Uses of Level in org.apache.log4j

Fields in org.apache.log4j declared as Level
static Level Level.ALL
          The ALL has the lowest possible rank and is intended to turn on all logging.
static Level Level.DEBUG
          The DEBUG Level designates fine-grained informational events that are most useful to debug an application.
static Level Level.ERROR
          The ERROR level designates error events that might still allow the application to continue running.
static Level Level.FATAL
          The FATAL level designates very severe error events that will presumably lead the application to abort.
static Level Level.INFO
          The INFO level designates informational messages that highlight the progress of the application at coarse-grained level.
protected  Level Category.level
          The assigned level of this category.
static Level Level.OFF
          The OFF has the highest possible rank and is intended to turn off logging.
static Level Level.TRACE
          The TRACE Level designates finer-grained informational events than the DEBUG
static Level Level.WARN
          The WARN level designates potentially harmful situations.

Methods in org.apache.log4j that return Level
 Level Category.getEffectiveLevel()
          Starting from this category, search the category hierarchy for a non-null level and return it.
 Level Category.getLevel()
          Returns the assigned Level, if any, for this Category.
 Level Category.getPriority()
          Deprecated. Please use Category.getLevel() instead.
 Level Hierarchy.getThreshold()
          Returns a Level representation of the enable state.
static Level Level.toLevel(int val)
          Convert an integer passed as argument to a level.
static Level Level.toLevel(int val, Level defaultLevel)
          Convert an integer passed as argument to a level.
static Level Level.toLevel(java.lang.String sArg)
          Convert the string passed as argument to a level.
static Level Level.toLevel(java.lang.String sArg, Level defaultLevel)
          Convert the string passed as argument to a level.

Methods in org.apache.log4j with parameters of type Level
 void Category.setLevel(Level level)
          Set the level of this Category.
 void Hierarchy.setThreshold(Level l)
          Enable logging for logging requests with level l or higher.
static Level Level.toLevel(int val, Level defaultLevel)
          Convert an integer passed as argument to a level.
static Level Level.toLevel(java.lang.String sArg, Level defaultLevel)
          Convert the string passed as argument to a level.

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