Uses of Class

Uses of Category in org.apache.log4j

Subclasses of Category in org.apache.log4j
 class Logger
          This is the central class in the log4j package.

Fields in org.apache.log4j declared as Category
protected  Category Category.parent
          The parent of this category.

Methods in org.apache.log4j that return Category
static Category Category.getInstance(java.lang.Class clazz)
          Deprecated. Please make sure to use Logger.getLogger(Class) instead.
static Category Category.getInstance(java.lang.String name)
          Deprecated. Make sure to use Logger.getLogger(String) instead.
 Category Category.getParent()
          Returns the parent of this category.
static Category Category.getRoot()
          Deprecated. Please use Logger.getRootLogger() instead.

Methods in org.apache.log4j with parameters of type Category
 void Hierarchy.emitNoAppenderWarning(Category cat)
 void Hierarchy.fireAddAppenderEvent(Category logger, Appender appender)

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