Class GerModuleTypeImpl

  extended by org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.XmlObjectBase
      extended by org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.XmlComplexContentImpl
          extended by org.apache.geronimo.xbeans.geronimo.j2ee.impl.GerModuleTypeImpl
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, GerModuleType, org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.TypeStoreUser, org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue, org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlObject, org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlTokenSource

public class GerModuleTypeImpl
extends org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.XmlComplexContentImpl
implements GerModuleType

An XML moduleType(@ This is a complex type.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface org.apache.geronimo.xbeans.geronimo.j2ee.GerModuleType
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.XmlObjectBase
Fields inherited from interface org.apache.geronimo.xbeans.geronimo.j2ee.GerModuleType
Fields inherited from interface org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlObject
Constructor Summary
GerModuleTypeImpl(org.apache.xmlbeans.SchemaType sType)
Method Summary
 GerPathType addNewAltDd()
          Appends and returns a new empty "alt-dd" element
 GerPathType addNewConnector()
          Appends and returns a new empty "connector" element
 GerPathType addNewEjb()
          Appends and returns a new empty "ejb" element
 GerPathType addNewJava()
          Appends and returns a new empty "java" element
 GerPathType addNewWeb()
          Appends and returns a new empty "web" element
 GerPathType getAltDd()
          Gets the "alt-dd" element
 GerPathType getConnector()
          Gets the "connector" element
 GerPathType getEjb()
          Gets the "ejb" element
 GerPathType getJava()
          Gets the "java" element
 GerPathType getWeb()
          Gets the "web" element
 boolean isSetAltDd()
          True if has "alt-dd" element
 boolean isSetConnector()
          True if has "connector" element
 boolean isSetEjb()
          True if has "ejb" element
 boolean isSetJava()
          True if has "java" element
 boolean isSetWeb()
          True if has "web" element
 void setAltDd(GerPathType altDd)
          Sets the "alt-dd" element
 void setConnector(GerPathType connector)
          Sets the "connector" element
 void setEjb(GerPathType ejb)
          Sets the "ejb" element
 void setJava(GerPathType java)
          Sets the "java" element
 void setWeb(GerPathType web)
          Sets the "web" element
 void unsetAltDd()
          Unsets the "alt-dd" element
 void unsetConnector()
          Unsets the "connector" element
 void unsetEjb()
          Unsets the "ejb" element
 void unsetJava()
          Unsets the "java" element
 void unsetWeb()
          Unsets the "web" element
Methods inherited from class org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.XmlComplexContentImpl
arraySetterHelper, arraySetterHelper, arraySetterHelper, arraySetterHelper, arraySetterHelper, arraySetterHelper, arraySetterHelper, arraySetterHelper, arraySetterHelper, arraySetterHelper, arraySetterHelper, arraySetterHelper, arraySetterHelper, arraySetterHelper, arraySetterHelper, arraySetterHelper, arraySetterHelper, arraySetterHelper, arraySetterHelper, arraySetterHelper, arraySetterHelper, arraySetterHelper, arraySetterHelper, arraySetterHelper, arraySetterHelper, arraySetterHelper, arraySetterHelper, arraySetterHelper, arraySetterHelper, arraySetterHelper, arraySetterHelper, arraySetterHelper, arraySetterHelper, arraySetterHelper, arraySetterHelper, arraySetterHelper, arraySetterHelper, arraySetterHelper, compute_text, equal_to, get_default_attribute_text, get_default_element_text, get_elementflags, is_child_element_order_sensitive, new_visitor, schemaType, set_nil, set_String, set_text, unionArraySetterHelper, unionArraySetterHelper, update_from_complex_content, value_hash_code
Methods inherited from class org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.XmlObjectBase
_isComplexContent, _isComplexType, _validateOnSet, attach_store, bigDecimalValue, bigIntegerValue, booleanValue, build_nil, build_text, byteArrayValue, byteValue, calendarValue, changeType, check_dated, check_orphaned, compare_to, compareTo, compareValue, copy, create_attribute_user, create_element_user, dateValue, disconnect_store, documentProperties, doubleValue, dump, elementFlags, enumValue, equals, execQuery, execQuery, floatValue, gDateValue, gDurationValue, get_attribute_field, get_attribute_type, get_attributeflags, get_default_attribute_value, get_element_ending_delimiters, get_element_type, get_schema_type, get_store, get_wscanon_rule, get_wscanon_text, getBigDecimalValue, getBigIntegerValue, getBooleanValue, getByteArrayValue, getByteValue, getCalendarValue, getDateValue, getDomNode, getDoubleValue, getEnumValue, getFloatValue, getGDateValue, getGDurationValue, getIntValue, getListValue, getLongValue, getObjectValue, getQNameValue, getShortValue, getStringValue, getXmlLocale, has_store, hashCode, init_flags, initComplexType, instanceType, intValue, invalidate_element_order, invalidate_nilvalue, invalidate_value, is_defaultable_ws, is_orphaned, isDefault, isDefaultable, isFixed, isImmutable, isInstanceOf, isNil, isNillable, java_value, listValue, longValue, monitor, newCursor, newCursorForce, newDomNode, newDomNode, newInputStream, newInputStream, newReader, newReader, newXMLInputStream, newXMLInputStream, newXMLStreamReader, newXMLStreamReader, objectSet, objectValue, qNameValue, save, save, save, save, save, save, save, save, selectAttribute, selectAttribute, selectAttributes, selectChildren, selectChildren, selectChildren, selectPath, selectPath, set_b64, set_BigDecimal, set_BigInteger, set_boolean, set_byte, set_ByteArray, set_Calendar, set_char, set_ComplexXml, set_Date, set_double, set_enum, set_float, set_GDate, set_GDuration, set_hex, set_int, set_list, set_long, set_newValue, set_notation, set_QName, set_short, set_xmlanysimple, set, set, set, set, set, set, set, set, set, set, set, set, set, set, set, set, set, set, set, setBigDecimalValue, setBigIntegerValue, setBooleanValue, setByteArrayValue, setByteValue, setCalendarValue, setDateValue, setDoubleValue, setEnumValue, setFloatValue, setGDateValue, setGDurationValue, setImmutable, setIntValue, setListValue, setLongValue, setNil, setObjectValue, setQNameValue, setShortValue, setStringValue, setValidateOnSet, shortValue, stringValue, substitute, toString, uses_invalidate_value, validate_now, validate_simpleval, validate, validate, valueEquals, valueHashCode, writeReplace, xgetListValue, xlistValue, xmlText, xmlText
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlObject
changeType, compareTo, compareValue, copy, execQuery, execQuery, isImmutable, isNil, schemaType, selectAttribute, selectAttribute, selectAttributes, selectChildren, selectChildren, selectChildren, selectPath, selectPath, set, setNil, substitute, toString, validate, validate, valueEquals, valueHashCode
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlTokenSource
documentProperties, dump, getDomNode, monitor, newCursor, newDomNode, newDomNode, newInputStream, newInputStream, newReader, newReader, newXMLInputStream, newXMLInputStream, newXMLStreamReader, newXMLStreamReader, save, save, save, save, save, save, save, save, xmlText, xmlText

Constructor Detail


public GerModuleTypeImpl(org.apache.xmlbeans.SchemaType sType)
Method Detail


public GerPathType getConnector()
Gets the "connector" element

Specified by:
getConnector in interface GerModuleType


public boolean isSetConnector()
True if has "connector" element

Specified by:
isSetConnector in interface GerModuleType


public void setConnector(GerPathType connector)
Sets the "connector" element

Specified by:
setConnector in interface GerModuleType


public GerPathType addNewConnector()
Appends and returns a new empty "connector" element

Specified by:
addNewConnector in interface GerModuleType


public void unsetConnector()
Unsets the "connector" element

Specified by:
unsetConnector in interface GerModuleType


public GerPathType getEjb()
Gets the "ejb" element

Specified by:
getEjb in interface GerModuleType


public boolean isSetEjb()
True if has "ejb" element

Specified by:
isSetEjb in interface GerModuleType


public void setEjb(GerPathType ejb)
Sets the "ejb" element

Specified by:
setEjb in interface GerModuleType


public GerPathType addNewEjb()
Appends and returns a new empty "ejb" element

Specified by:
addNewEjb in interface GerModuleType


public void unsetEjb()
Unsets the "ejb" element

Specified by:
unsetEjb in interface GerModuleType


public GerPathType getJava()
Gets the "java" element

Specified by:
getJava in interface GerModuleType


public boolean isSetJava()
True if has "java" element

Specified by:
isSetJava in interface GerModuleType


public void setJava(GerPathType java)
Sets the "java" element

Specified by:
setJava in interface GerModuleType


public GerPathType addNewJava()
Appends and returns a new empty "java" element

Specified by:
addNewJava in interface GerModuleType


public void unsetJava()
Unsets the "java" element

Specified by:
unsetJava in interface GerModuleType


public GerPathType getWeb()
Gets the "web" element

Specified by:
getWeb in interface GerModuleType


public boolean isSetWeb()
True if has "web" element

Specified by:
isSetWeb in interface GerModuleType


public void setWeb(GerPathType web)
Sets the "web" element

Specified by:
setWeb in interface GerModuleType


public GerPathType addNewWeb()
Appends and returns a new empty "web" element

Specified by:
addNewWeb in interface GerModuleType


public void unsetWeb()
Unsets the "web" element

Specified by:
unsetWeb in interface GerModuleType


public GerPathType getAltDd()
Gets the "alt-dd" element

Specified by:
getAltDd in interface GerModuleType


public boolean isSetAltDd()
True if has "alt-dd" element

Specified by:
isSetAltDd in interface GerModuleType


public void setAltDd(GerPathType altDd)
Sets the "alt-dd" element

Specified by:
setAltDd in interface GerModuleType


public GerPathType addNewAltDd()
Appends and returns a new empty "alt-dd" element

Specified by:
addNewAltDd in interface GerModuleType


public void unsetAltDd()
Unsets the "alt-dd" element

Specified by:
unsetAltDd in interface GerModuleType

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