Interface JMSManager

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public interface JMSManager
extends NetworkManager

Main entry point for managing a particular JMS implementation. The manager has features to access JMS brokers (aka servers or containers) as well as JMS connectors (aka network listeners). Each manager should handle all the brokers and connectors for a single JMS implementation; if the Geronimo server has multiple JMS implementations available then there should be one JMSManager instance for each.

Method Summary
 JMSConnector addConnector(JMSBroker broker, String uniqueName, String protocol, String host, int port)
          Creates a new connector, and returns the ObjectName for it.
Methods inherited from interface
getConnectors, getConnectors, getConnectorsForContainer, getConnectorsForContainer, getContainers, getProductName, getSupportedProtocols, removeConnector

Method Detail


JMSConnector addConnector(JMSBroker broker,
                          String uniqueName,
                          String protocol,
                          String host,
                          int port)
Creates a new connector, and returns the ObjectName for it. Note that the connector may well require further customization before being fully functional (e.g. SSL settings for a secure connector).

broker - The broker to add the connector for
uniqueName - A name fragment that's unique to this connector
protocol - The protocol the connector should be configured for
host - The listen host/IP for the connector
port - The listen port for the connector
The newly added connector. It will be valid (loaded) but not started.

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