Interface WebServiceBuilder

All Known Implementing Classes:
Axis2Builder, Axis2EJBBuilder, AxisBuilder, CXFBuilder, CXFEJBBuilder, JAXWSServiceBuilder, UnavailableWebServiceBuilder

public interface WebServiceBuilder

Method Summary
 boolean configureEJB(GBeanData targetGBean, String ejbName, Module module, Map sharedContext, ClassLoader classLoader)
          configure the supplied EJBContainer gbeandata to implement the ejb web service described in the deployment descriptor N.B. this method is a complete guess and should be replaced by something useable right away!
 boolean configurePOJO(GBeanData targetGBean, String servletName, Module module, String seiClassName, DeploymentContext context)
          configure the supplied GBeanData to implement the POJO web service described in the deployment descriptor.
 void findWebServices(Module module, boolean isEJB, Map correctedPortLocations, Environment environment, Map sharedContext)
          Introspects on the module file to locate web service for deployment.

Method Detail


void findWebServices(Module module,
                     boolean isEJB,
                     Map correctedPortLocations,
                     Environment environment,
                     Map sharedContext)
                     throws DeploymentException
Introspects on the module file to locate web service for deployment.

moduleFile - J2EE module
isEJB - is this an EJB archive?
correctedPortLocations - mapping between port locations and paths.
environment -
sharedContext - map of builder-specific key to map of servlet names to port information, or an empty map if no web services found. Port information is opaque to all except the WebServiceBuilder itself.
DeploymentException - if error encountered while introspecting the module.


boolean configurePOJO(GBeanData targetGBean,
                      String servletName,
                      Module module,
                      String seiClassName,
                      DeploymentContext context)
                      throws DeploymentException
configure the supplied GBeanData to implement the POJO web service described in the deployment descriptor. The GBeanData will be for a ServletHolder like gbean that is adapted to holding a ws stack that talks to a POJO web service. The web deployer is responsible for filling in the standard servlet info such as init params.

targetGBean -
servletName -
module -
seiClassName -
context -
true if this builder configured this pojo


boolean configureEJB(GBeanData targetGBean,
                     String ejbName,
                     Module module,
                     Map sharedContext,
                     ClassLoader classLoader)
                     throws DeploymentException
configure the supplied EJBContainer gbeandata to implement the ejb web service described in the deployment descriptor N.B. this method is a complete guess and should be replaced by something useable right away!

targetGBean -
ejbName -
moduleFile -
sharedContext -
classLoader -

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