4 - Identity Backend

A standalone KDC server that can integrate various identity back ends including:

  • MemoryIdentityBackend.

    • It is default Identity Backend, and no cofiguration is needed. This backend is for no permanent storage requirements.
  • JsonIdentityBackend.

    • It implemented by Gson which is used to convert Java Objects into their JSON representation and convert a JSON string to an equivalent Java object. A json file will be created in "backend.json.file". This backend is for small, easy, development and test environment.
  • ZookeeperIdentityBackend.

    • Currently it uses an embedded Zookeeper. In follow up it will be enhanced to support standalone Zookeeper cluster for replication and reliability. Zookeeper backend would be a good choice for high reliability, high performance and high scalability requirement and scenarios.
  • LdapIdentityBackend.

    • The Ldap server can be standalone or embedded using ApacheDS server as the backend. It is used when there is exist ldap server.
  • MavibotBackend.

    • A backend based on Apache Mavibot(an MVCC BTree library).