Kerby ASN1

ASN1 hierarcy

A ASN1 parser with easy and simple API

// encoding
Asn1Integer aValue = new Asn1Integer(8899);
byte[] encoded = aValue.encode();

// decoding
byte[] contentToDecode = ...
Asn1Integer decodedValue = new Asn1Integer();
Integer value = decodedValue.getValue();

Data-driven ASN1 encoding/decoding framework and parser

With the following definition from Kerberos protocol

AuthorizationData ::= SEQUENCE OF SEQUENCE {
     ad-type         [0] Int32,
     ad-data         [1] OCTET STRING

You can model AuthzDataEntry as follows

public class AuthorizationDataEntry extends KrbSequenceType {
 * The possible fields
protected enum AuthorizationDataEntryField implements EnumType {

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public int getValue() {
        return ordinal();

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public String getName() {
        return name();

/** The AuthorizationDataEntry's fields */
private static Asn1FieldInfo[] fieldInfos = new Asn1FieldInfo[] {
        new ExplicitField(AuthorizationDataEntryField.AD_TYPE, Asn1Integer.class),
        new ExplicitField(AuthorizationDataEntryField.AD_DATA, Asn1OctetString.class)

 * Creates an AuthorizationDataEntry instance
public AuthorizationDataEntry() {

 * @return The AuthorizationType (AD_TYPE) field
public AuthorizationType getAuthzType() {
    Integer value = getFieldAsInteger(AuthorizationDataEntryField.AD_TYPE);
    return AuthorizationType.fromValue(value);

 * Sets the AuthorizationType (AD_TYPE) field
 * @param authzType The AuthorizationType to set
public void setAuthzType(AuthorizationType authzType) {
    setFieldAsInt(AuthorizationDataEntryField.AD_TYPE, authzType.getValue());

 * @return The AuthorizationType (AD_DATA) field
public byte[] getAuthzData() {
    return getFieldAsOctets(AuthorizationDataEntryField.AD_DATA);

 * Sets the AuthorizationData (AD_DATA) field
 * @param authzData The AuthorizationData to set
public void setAuthzData(byte[] authzData) {
    setFieldAsOctets(AuthorizationDataEntryField.AD_DATA, authzData);

And then define AuthorizationData simply

public class AuthorizationData extends KrbSequenceOfType<AuthorizationDataEntry> {


Then you can process with above definitions, encode and decode, without caring about the details.

Think about how to implement the following more complex and pratical sample from ITU-T Rec. X.680 ISO/IEC 8824-1:

A.1 ASN.1 description of the record structure
The structure of the hypothetical personnel record is formally described below using ASN.1 specified in
ITU-T Rec. X.680 | ISO/IEC 8824-1 for defining types.

PersonnelRecord ::= [APPLICATION 0] IMPLICIT SET {
    Name Name,
    title [0] VisibleString,
    number EmployeeNumber,
    dateOfHire [1] Date,
    nameOfSpouse [2] Name,
    children [3] IMPLICIT
    SEQUENCE OF ChildInformation DEFAULT {}

ChildInformation ::= SET {
    name Name,
    dateOfBirth [0] Date

    givenName VisibleString,
    initial VisibleString,
    familyName VisibleString

EmployeeNumber ::= [APPLICATION 2] IMPLICIT INTEGER Date ::= [APPLICATION 3] IMPLICIT VisibleString -- YYYYMMDD ``` Similarly as above, we can have (from the unit test codes):

public class PersonnelRecord extends Asn1TaggingSet {
protected enum PersonnelRecordField implements EnumType {

    public int getValue() {
        return ordinal();

    public String getName() {
        return name();

static Asn1FieldInfo[] fieldInfos = new Asn1FieldInfo[] {
        new ExplicitField(PersonnelRecordField.NAME, -1, Name.class),
        new ExplicitField(PersonnelRecordField.TITLE, 0, Asn1VisibleString.class),
        new ExplicitField(PersonnelRecordField.NUMBER, -1, EmployeeNumber.class),
        new ExplicitField(PersonnelRecordField.DATE_OF_HIRE, 1, Date.class),
        new ExplicitField(PersonnelRecordField.NAME_OF_SPOUSE, 2, Name.class),
        new ImplicitField(PersonnelRecordField.CHILDREN, 3, Children.class)

public PersonnelRecord() {
    super(0, fieldInfos, true, true);

public void setName(Name name) {
    setFieldAs(PersonnelRecordField.NAME, name);

public Name getName() {
    return getFieldAs(PersonnelRecordField.NAME, Name.class);

public void setTitle(String title) {
    setFieldAs(PersonnelRecordField.TITLE, new Asn1VisibleString(title));

public String getTitle() {
    return getFieldAsString(PersonnelRecordField.TITLE);

public void setEmployeeNumber(EmployeeNumber employeeNumber) {
    setFieldAs(PersonnelRecordField.NUMBER, employeeNumber);

public EmployeeNumber getEmployeeNumber() {
    return getFieldAs(PersonnelRecordField.NUMBER, EmployeeNumber.class);

public void setDateOfHire(Date dateOfHire) {
    setFieldAs(PersonnelRecordField.DATE_OF_HIRE, dateOfHire);

public Date getDateOfHire() {
    return getFieldAs(PersonnelRecordField.DATE_OF_HIRE, Date.class);

public void setNameOfSpouse(Name spouse) {
    setFieldAs(PersonnelRecordField.NAME_OF_SPOUSE, spouse);

public Name getNameOfSpouse() {
    return getFieldAs(PersonnelRecordField.NAME_OF_SPOUSE, Name.class);

public void setChildren(Children children) {
    setFieldAs(PersonnelRecordField.CHILDREN, children);

public Children getChildren() {
    return getFieldAs(PersonnelRecordField.CHILDREN, Children.class);

public static class Children extends Asn1SequenceOf<ChildInformation> {
    public Children(ChildInformation ... children) {
        for (ChildInformation child : children) {

    public Children() {

public static class ChildInformation extends Asn1SetType {
    protected enum ChildInformationField implements EnumType {

        public int getValue() {
            return ordinal();

        public String getName() {
            return name();

    static Asn1FieldInfo[] tags = new Asn1FieldInfo[] {
            new ExplicitField(ChildInformationField.CHILD_NAME, -1, Name.class),
            new ExplicitField(ChildInformationField.DATE_OF_BIRTH, 0, Date.class)

    public ChildInformation() {

    public void setName(Name name) {
        setFieldAs(ChildInformationField.CHILD_NAME, name);

    public Name getName() {
        return getFieldAs(ChildInformationField.CHILD_NAME, Name.class);

    public void setDateOfBirth(Date date) {
        setFieldAs(ChildInformationField.DATE_OF_BIRTH, date);

    public Date getDateOfBirth() {
        return getFieldAs(ChildInformationField.DATE_OF_BIRTH, Date.class);

public static class Name extends Asn1TaggingSequence {

    protected enum NameField implements EnumType {

        public int getValue() {
            return ordinal();

        public String getName() {
            return name();

    static Asn1FieldInfo[] tags = new Asn1FieldInfo[] {
            new ExplicitField(NameField.GIVENNAME, -1, Asn1VisibleString.class),
            new ExplicitField(NameField.INITIAL, -1, Asn1VisibleString.class),
            new ExplicitField(NameField.FAMILYNAME, -1, Asn1VisibleString.class)

    public Name() {
        super(1, tags, true, true);

    public Name(String givenName, String initial, String familyName) {

    public void setGivenName(String givenName) {
        setFieldAs(NameField.GIVENNAME, new Asn1VisibleString(givenName));

    public String getGivenName() {
        return getFieldAsString(NameField.GIVENNAME);

    public void setInitial(String initial) {
        setFieldAs(NameField.INITIAL, new Asn1VisibleString(initial));

    public String getInitial() {
        return getFieldAsString(NameField.INITIAL);

    public void setFamilyName(String familyName) {
        setFieldAs(NameField.FAMILYNAME, new Asn1VisibleString(familyName));

    public String getFamilyName() {
        return getFieldAsString(NameField.FAMILYNAME);

public static class EmployeeNumber extends Asn1Tagging<Asn1Integer> {
    public EmployeeNumber(Integer value) {
        super(2, new Asn1Integer(value), true, true);

    public EmployeeNumber() {
        super(2, new Asn1Integer(), true, true);

public static class Date extends Asn1Tagging<Asn1VisibleString> {
    public Date(String value) {
        super(3, new Asn1VisibleString(value), true, true);
    public Date() {

Asn1 API and parsing/dumping facilities

  • ASN1 dumping tool to help analyze ASN1 encoding stream or packet. It can be used to exercise the framework with all kinds of testing binary inputs.
  • The shortcut API for ASN1 parser, encoding, decoding.


  • Extensive tests coverage for BER & DER encoding and decoding
  • Fully self-contained, no extra dependency


Apache V2 License