The Torque test project

The test project tests all aspects of the Torque main distribution and checks whether the different parts of Torque (runtime, generator, templates, maven-plugin) work together. The test project is almost a normal Torque project, with the following differences:

  • Instead of directly using the schema files from the src/main/schema directory, the schema files are copied to the directory target/torque/test/schema, and some tokens are replaced during copying. For the tests, the schema files from target/torque/test/schema with the replaced tokens are used.
  • The test project checks whether the book table exists in the database by executing the command
    select count(*) from book
    . If it fails, it is assumed that we work on an empty database and no drop commands are generated. If it succeeds, we assume that all tables have been dropped and generate all drop commands. Should the database be in an inconsitent state, you can add -DonSqlError=continue to execute all sql statements nonetheless.

Running the test project

In order to run the test project using maven, use the following procedure:

  • Check out the trunk containing the Torque modules from the svn repository.
  • Run the command
    mvn install
    in the directory you just checked out.
  • Change into the directory torque-test, and change one of the profiles in the file pom.xml to match the database which you want to test against.
  • Also change the file in the directory torque-test/src/test/profile/${profile} (where ${profile} is the name of the profile you have chosen) to match the database settings. Currently provided profiles for databases are:
    • derby
    • derbyEmbedded
    • hsqldb
    • mssql
    • mysql
    • oracle
    • postgresql
  • In the directory torque-test, run the command
    mvn -P${profile} clean test
    to run the test, replacing the variable ${profile} with the name of your chosen database profile.
    For example, if you want to test against mysql, run
    mvn -Pmysql,managers,beans clean test
    . N.B. You have always to include profiles managers,beans.
  • If you do not want or have a database installed locally, you may use the docker-testcontainer profile. Run the command
    mvn -P${profile},docker-testcontainer,managers,beans clean test
    to run some tests*, replacing the variable ${profile} with the name of your chosen database profile. Currently only mysql and postgresql type is supported.
    For example, if you want to test against mysql, run
    mvn -Pmysql,docker-testcontainer,managers,beans clean test
    . * JUnit 5 not yet supports test suites, only some selected tests are triggered (see package org.apache.torque.testcontainer). Hint (e.g. if adding new database profile): To test local Dockerfile run it locally to shortcut / exclude other failures e.g. in docker-test/target directory with
    docker build -t build -f Dockerfile  ./ 
    and inspecting the image with on the fly container:
    docker run --rm -it build bash

The standard database profiles do not generate managers and beans, nor do they execute the corresponding tests. For generating beans, activate the beans profile. This will generate the bean classes and run the corresponding test. For using manager classes, activate the managers profile. This will generate the manager classes and run the corresponding test.
For example, if you want to run the test against mysql and use beans and managers, run

mvn -Pmysql,beans,managers clean test

Running mvn eclipse:eclipse on the test project

Because dependency information is pulled from the profiles, you need to enable a profile from the profiles.xml for generating the eclipse files. Running

mvn eclipse:eclipse
without a profile will result in the following error:
        Failed to validate POM for project org.apache.torque:torque-test

The profile you choose will also pull the database driver from the profile into your eclipse project. E.G. if you want to use the mysql driver dependency in your eclipse project, run

mvn -Pmysql eclipse:eclipse