2011/01/16 - Apache ObJectRelationalBridge has been retired.

For more information, please explore the Attic.


OJB - API Status

Status reports for the different APIs in Apache OJB.

Any known issues, including for the parts of OJB that are stable, can be found in release-notes.txt.

  • PB API

    The PB (Persistence Broker) API implementation is stable.

  • ODMG

    The ODMG API implementation is stable.


    OQL is currently not fully implemented (Aggregations and Method Invocations). Workaround is to use the PB-API within the ODMG implementation.
  • JDO

    By providing a plugin to the SUN JDO Reference Implementation we provide a complete JDO 1.0.1 prototype O/R mapping tool.

    Integration in managed environments (in particular JTA integration) is not supported for the JDO 1.0 prototype.

    A complete Apache licensed JDO 2.0 implementation is scheduled for OJB 2.0.

  • OTM

    The OTM (Object Transaction Manager) API implementation is in early beta.


    The active development on the OTM API implementation is currently stopped due to lack of developer resources in that area. The future of the OTM layer will be discussed on the OJB developer mailing list.
  • SODA

    The legacy S.O.D.A. (Simple Object Database Access) API should be considered deprecated and might be removed in a future release.

    For more information about S.O.D.A. Query API, see the project's SourceForge Website.