
This package contains classes that provide compatibility to a range of RDBM platforms.


Interface Summary
Platform This interface provides callbacks that allow to perform RDBMS Platform specific operations wherever neccessary.

Class Summary
BlobWrapper Wraps the Oracle BLOB type and makes it accessible via reflection without having to import the Oracle Classes.
ClobWrapper Wraps the Oracle CLOB type and makes it accessible via reflection without having to import the Oracle Classes.
Oracle9iLobHandler Handles the Oracle LOB problems for 9i.
PlatformDb2Impl This class extends PlatformDefaultImpl and defines specific behavior for the DB2 platform.
PlatformDefaultImpl This class is a concrete implementation of Platform.
PlatformDerbyImpl This class defines specific behavior for the Derby platform.
PlatformFactory this factory class is responsible to create Platform objects that define RDBMS platform specific behaviour.
PlatformFirebirdImpl This class extends PlatformDefaultImpl and defines specific behavior for the Firebird platform.
PlatformHsqldbImpl This class extends PlatformDefaultImpl and defines specific behavior for the Hsqldb platform.
PlatformInformixImpl This class extends PlatformDefaultImpl and defines specific behavior for the Informix platform.
PlatformMsSQLServerImpl This class extends PlatformDefaultImpl and defines specific behavior for the Microsoft SQL Server platform.
PlatformOracle9iImpl This class is a concrete implementation of Platform.
PlatformOracleImpl This class is a concrete implementation of Platform.
PlatformPostgreSQLImpl This class extends PlatformDefaultImpl and defines specific behavior for the PostgreSQL platform.
PlatformSapdbImpl SapDB specific Platform implementation.
PlatformSybaseASAImpl This class is a concrete implementation of Platform.
PlatformSybaseASEImpl This class extends PlatformSybaseImpl and defines specific behavior for the Sybase ASE platform.
PlatformSybaseImpl This class is a concrete implementation of Platform.
PlatformWLOracle9iImpl Deprecated. since OJB 1.0.2 the default PlatformOracle9iImpl should be usable in WebLogic

Exception Summary

Package Description

This package contains classes that provide compatibility to a range of RDBM platforms.

The Platform interface provides callbacks that allow to perform RDBMS Platform specific operations whereever neccessary.

The class PlatformDefaultImpl implements Platform and provides default implementations of all methods.

For each supported Platform Xxx there is a class PlatformXxxImpl which extends PlatformDefaultImpl and may override the methods of the baseclass.

The factory class PlatformFactory can be used to create Platform instances. It uses information from a JdbcConnectionDescriptor to select the appropriate PlatformXxxImpl class.

Patterns applied: Configurable Factory, Strategy, Bridge

Todo: Provide more Platform-Implementations

(C) 2002 - 2006 Apache Software Foundation
All rights reserved. Published under the Apache License 2.0.
Version: 1.0.4, 2005-12-30