Uses of Interface

Packages that use PersistenceCapable
javax.jdo.spi This package contains the interfaces and classes used by JDO implementations. 

Uses of PersistenceCapable in javax.jdo.spi

Methods in javax.jdo.spi that return PersistenceCapable
 PersistenceCapable PersistenceCapable.jdoNewInstance(StateManager sm)
          Return a new instance of this class, with the jdoStateManager set to the parameter, and jdoFlags set to LOAD_REQUIRED.
 PersistenceCapable PersistenceCapable.jdoNewInstance(StateManager sm, java.lang.Object oid)
          Return a new instance of this class, with the jdoStateManager set to the parameter, key fields initialized to the values in the oid, and jdoFlags set to LOAD_REQUIRED.
 PersistenceCapable JDOImplHelper.newInstance(java.lang.Class pcClass, StateManager sm)
          Create a new instance of the class and assign its jdoStateManager.
 PersistenceCapable JDOImplHelper.newInstance(java.lang.Class pcClass, StateManager sm, java.lang.Object oid)
          Create a new instance of the class and assign its jdoStateManager and key values from the ObjectId.

Methods in javax.jdo.spi with parameters of type PersistenceCapable
 boolean StateManager.getBooleanField(PersistenceCapable pc, int field, boolean currentValue)
          Return the value for the field.
 byte StateManager.getByteField(PersistenceCapable pc, int field, byte currentValue)
          Return the value for the field.
 char StateManager.getCharField(PersistenceCapable pc, int field, char currentValue)
          Return the value for the field.
 double StateManager.getDoubleField(PersistenceCapable pc, int field, double currentValue)
          Return the value for the field.
 float StateManager.getFloatField(PersistenceCapable pc, int field, float currentValue)
          Return the value for the field.
 int StateManager.getIntField(PersistenceCapable pc, int field, int currentValue)
          Return the value for the field.
 long StateManager.getLongField(PersistenceCapable pc, int field, long currentValue)
          Return the value for the field.
 java.lang.Object StateManager.getObjectField(PersistenceCapable pc, int field, java.lang.Object currentValue)
          Return the value for the field.
 java.lang.Object StateManager.getObjectId(PersistenceCapable pc)
          Return the object representing the JDO identity of the calling instance.
 PersistenceManager StateManager.getPersistenceManager(PersistenceCapable pc)
          Return the PersistenceManager that owns this instance.
 short StateManager.getShortField(PersistenceCapable pc, int field, short currentValue)
          Return the value for the field.
 java.lang.String StateManager.getStringField(PersistenceCapable pc, int field, java.lang.String currentValue)
          Return the value for the field.
 java.lang.Object StateManager.getTransactionalObjectId(PersistenceCapable pc)
          Return the object representing the JDO identity of the calling instance.
 java.lang.Object StateManager.getVersion(PersistenceCapable pc)
          Return the object representing the version of the calling instance.
 boolean StateManager.isDeleted(PersistenceCapable pc)
          Tests whether this object has been deleted.
 boolean StateManager.isDirty(PersistenceCapable pc)
          Tests whether this object is dirty.
 boolean StateManager.isLoaded(PersistenceCapable pc, int field)
          Return true if the field is cached in the calling instance.
 boolean StateManager.isNew(PersistenceCapable pc)
          Tests whether this object has been newly made persistent.
 boolean StateManager.isPersistent(PersistenceCapable pc)
          Tests whether this object is persistent.
 boolean StateManager.isTransactional(PersistenceCapable pc)
          Tests whether this object is transactional.
 void StateManager.makeDirty(PersistenceCapable pc, java.lang.String fieldName)
          Mark the associated PersistenceCapable field dirty.
 void StateManager.preSerialize(PersistenceCapable pc)
          Guarantee that the serializable transactional and persistent fields are loaded into the instance.
 void StateManager.providedBooleanField(PersistenceCapable pc, int field, boolean currentValue)
          The value of the field requested to be provided to the StateManager.
 void StateManager.providedByteField(PersistenceCapable pc, int field, byte currentValue)
          The value of the field requested to be provided to the StateManager.
 void StateManager.providedCharField(PersistenceCapable pc, int field, char currentValue)
          The value of the field requested to be provided to the StateManager.
 void StateManager.providedDoubleField(PersistenceCapable pc, int field, double currentValue)
          The value of the field requested to be provided to the StateManager.
 void StateManager.providedFloatField(PersistenceCapable pc, int field, float currentValue)
          The value of the field requested to be provided to the StateManager.
 void StateManager.providedIntField(PersistenceCapable pc, int field, int currentValue)
          The value of the field requested to be provided to the StateManager.
 void StateManager.providedLongField(PersistenceCapable pc, int field, long currentValue)
          The value of the field requested to be provided to the StateManager.
 void StateManager.providedObjectField(PersistenceCapable pc, int field, java.lang.Object currentValue)
          The value of the field requested to be provided to the StateManager.
 void StateManager.providedShortField(PersistenceCapable pc, int field, short currentValue)
          The value of the field requested to be provided to the StateManager.
 void StateManager.providedStringField(PersistenceCapable pc, int field, java.lang.String currentValue)
          The value of the field requested to be provided to the StateManager.
static void JDOImplHelper.registerClass(java.lang.Class pcClass, java.lang.String[] fieldNames, java.lang.Class[] fieldTypes, byte[] fieldFlags, java.lang.Class persistenceCapableSuperclass, PersistenceCapable pc)
          Register metadata by class.
 boolean StateManager.replacingBooleanField(PersistenceCapable pc, int field)
          The replacement value of the field in the calling instance.
 byte StateManager.replacingByteField(PersistenceCapable pc, int field)
          The replacement value of the field in the calling instance.
 char StateManager.replacingCharField(PersistenceCapable pc, int field)
          The replacement value of the field in the calling instance.
 double StateManager.replacingDoubleField(PersistenceCapable pc, int field)
          The replacement value of the field in the calling instance.
 byte StateManager.replacingFlags(PersistenceCapable pc)
          The owning StateManager uses this method to supply the value of the flags to the PersistenceCapable instance.
 float StateManager.replacingFloatField(PersistenceCapable pc, int field)
          The replacement value of the field in the calling instance.
 int StateManager.replacingIntField(PersistenceCapable pc, int field)
          The replacement value of the field in the calling instance.
 long StateManager.replacingLongField(PersistenceCapable pc, int field)
          The replacement value of the field in the calling instance.
 java.lang.Object StateManager.replacingObjectField(PersistenceCapable pc, int field)
          The replacement value of the field in the calling instance.
 short StateManager.replacingShortField(PersistenceCapable pc, int field)
          The replacement value of the field in the calling instance.
 StateManager StateManager.replacingStateManager(PersistenceCapable pc, StateManager sm)
          Replace the current value of jdoStateManager.
 java.lang.String StateManager.replacingStringField(PersistenceCapable pc, int field)
          The replacement value of the field in the calling instance.
 void StateManager.setBooleanField(PersistenceCapable pc, int field, boolean currentValue, boolean newValue)
          Mark the field as modified by the user.
 void StateManager.setByteField(PersistenceCapable pc, int field, byte currentValue, byte newValue)
          Mark the field as modified by the user.
 void StateManager.setCharField(PersistenceCapable pc, int field, char currentValue, char newValue)
          Mark the field as modified by the user.
 void StateManager.setDoubleField(PersistenceCapable pc, int field, double currentValue, double newValue)
          Mark the field as modified by the user.
 void StateManager.setFloatField(PersistenceCapable pc, int field, float currentValue, float newValue)
          Mark the field as modified by the user.
 void StateManager.setIntField(PersistenceCapable pc, int field, int currentValue, int newValue)
          Mark the field as modified by the user.
 void StateManager.setLongField(PersistenceCapable pc, int field, long currentValue, long newValue)
          Mark the field as modified by the user.
 void StateManager.setObjectField(PersistenceCapable pc, int field, java.lang.Object currentValue, java.lang.Object newValue)
          Mark the field as modified by the user.
 void StateManager.setShortField(PersistenceCapable pc, int field, short currentValue, short newValue)
          Mark the field as modified by the user.
 void StateManager.setStringField(PersistenceCapable pc, int field, java.lang.String currentValue, java.lang.String newValue)
          Mark the field as modified by the user.

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