Uses of Interface

Packages that use PersistenceCapable.ObjectIdFieldSupplier
javax.jdo.spi This package contains the interfaces and classes used by JDO implementations. 

Uses of PersistenceCapable.ObjectIdFieldSupplier in javax.jdo.spi

Subinterfaces of PersistenceCapable.ObjectIdFieldSupplier in javax.jdo.spi
static interface PersistenceCapable.ObjectIdFieldManager
          This interface is a convenience interface that allows an instance to implement both ObjectIdFieldSupplier and ObjectIdFieldConsumer.

Methods in javax.jdo.spi with parameters of type PersistenceCapable.ObjectIdFieldSupplier
 void JDOImplHelper.copyKeyFieldsToObjectId(java.lang.Class pcClass, PersistenceCapable.ObjectIdFieldSupplier fm, java.lang.Object oid)
          Copy fields from an outside source to the key fields in the ObjectId.
 void PersistenceCapable.jdoCopyKeyFieldsToObjectId(PersistenceCapable.ObjectIdFieldSupplier fm, java.lang.Object oid)
          Copy fields from an outside source to the key fields in the ObjectId.

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